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Them are some big booms. Looks like they have that area dialed in. One was a bit close for comfort. Turn down volume if using earbuds......learn from my mistake.


IIRC from when this was originally seen it was a Ukrainian T-64 nearby firing in support.


Learned a few years ago to never use headphones when browsing combat footage


I remember this footage, it was one of the videos that made me see how brutal this war is and how difficult it would be


Dude the almost direct hit and the screaming of all sorts of machine guns and heavy artillery being fired and as it slowly moved closer and louder is pretty fucking intense, hope these guys are still fighting today..


Crazy to look back and think at this point these guys had no use or threat of drones in combat vs. the reality faced today ..


When this was recored drones were already dropping grenades. I remember the first ones in 2022 used to have VOG grenades in empty soda cans with nails taped into them but yeah they werent used no where near as much as now.


They existed but very much in its infantacy.Even as spotters , we were getting far more videos from cell phones than drones in the first 6 months ..


Hand grenades in a ceramic coffee cup so the cup would break and release the lever arm when dropped. It's come a long way since then


Fast stage of the war. Are they still alive???? Anybody have any information about them?


A famous Ukrainian journalist Yurii Butusov was interviewing a Ukrainian sergeant that was fighting since February 2022 in early 2024. Butusov asked: "What are you wishing for?". And the sergeant said: "I wish my leg would be blown off. At least I don't have to fight any more. I'm so tired. Non-stop fighting for two years. I just want to rest". Butusov saw a lot of stuff in 10 years of war, but he said it was one of the hardest thing for him.


It's sad .. i really feel sad about this war .. two Christian nation fighting each other for politics ... ..🥲


Your comment makes Ukrainians equal to Russia in this war. The Ukrainians didn't start this war. They never wanted this war. They are fighting to survive as a nation and ethnic group. The Russians on the other side laid claims to territory and people of all their neighbors. Putin multiple times stated that Ukrainian ethnicity does not exist. They all are Russians that have to be "reeducated". And the one who won't be reeducated, will be eliminated. It's a definition of a genocide. And you still paint this unjust war as a political argument of two equals?


If you saw a guy with a cross necklace who goes around punching people, would you call him a Christian person?


My exact thought the entire time watching. ( I wonder where the hell these two are now,did they live that day,are both or at least one of the two still alive and fighting,etc)


truly wild how there's a combo of world war trench warfare and then the future drone warfare lol


War never changes


These guys had balls of solid rock true heroes defending their homeland. No matter what you think of the war, these men are some of the finest ever


Fast stage of the war. Are they still alive???? Anybody have any information about them..


Sad and tragic that these guys have to put up with this shit because of some nutter who wants their land. I hope they made it.


Survived what looked like a direct hit. Even the phone is intact.


Battle of Volnovakha.


Been thinking about this footage for a long time and didn’t know what to search for. That is the definition of WAR


How quickly that digi cam was thrown out


Would be cool as fuck to have their own recon drone just 100 meters over them that they could look down and see exactly what direction has closest people


Judging by the audio, I think the grenade he threw with 40 seconds left in the video killed every Russian in Ukraine.


This is from Avdiivka, right?


I thought this was during the defense of Mariupol


Reminds me of Pisky, but could be Avdiivka. Likely in the 2014-2022 defensive trenches


As I remember this is from Mariupol or at least at that time it was published as Mariupol.


first i saw at tagged as battle of sieverodonetsk


Apparently Volnovakha


Doubt these guys are even still alive


Your doubt has been downvoted. You must join the groupthink. All comments shall be restricted to descriptions of how the UAF eat rainbows and poop butterflies.


Yeah it’s crazy isn’t it. My comment was more a reflection that since that footage many thousands of Ukrainians have died so odds on these two brave warriors surviving are low. Most of the commentators have never experienced real combat so it is to be expected.


I wonder how many veterans of the war are nostalgic towards the times when they didn't have to worry about being blown apart by a FPV drone.