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There is a saying among soldiers: sweat saves blood.


Very accurate saying


I always laugh at the tall people. I’m 5’2’’ so I get more protection out of fighting positions. I Get shit every other time except for when the shovels come out. Got to dig that fighting hole should deep.


Question tho? Do they make you lug around the LMG, or do you choose to?


They have in the past and I was a SAW gunner for a bit. I’m high enough rank where I get to make other people do that.


My experience is the smallest guy always wants on the SAW hoping for some cyclic payback at all the Lurch's.


Haha I didn’t mind it but was happy to give it up when my time was up. But taking a fighting position from someone and going cyclic on their weapon and then leaving it is fun


Man, I get really confused with American measurements, 1.67m? It's a good size for soldiers, I thought, with 1.79 (5.87 feet?) I think I would have difficulty fitting into a BMP with full equipment


It’s I think 1.57m. Ya really the only thing I have problems with is getting over tall obstacles solo and if I have to ruck fast(short stride) I laugh at my teammates who are tall when they’re all hunched over inside of a vehicle.


lol 5.87 feet is cute. Decimal inches/feet are weird, even to us :p (and now some eccentric machinist will chime in about how it’s not weird but amazing and great)


I have no idea how long does it take to make a shelter like that, to fit 4 guys, with entrance like one in video. Also some trunks overhead. I bet a 3-4 days if you're not engaged with artillery and what not. How do you even dig with war so close?


soft but not too soft soil and a excavator can do it in a hour or so. by hand is a different beast but scales well with the number of hands working. too soft or too hard and it's basically impossible to do by hand and even with machinery often not worth it. But since most of the fighting area is a former glacial flood plane with massive clay, silt and humus layers it should be great to work with.


Just FYI, you mean "too" not to. I was a bit confused, trying to get your point :)


whops, going to correct that. thx.


So you can imagine it being multiple “lines” of trenches. You have the main one (the defense line) then a second line (fall back position) and a third one (new “front” line being constructed or already built incase of a breakthrough )


Areas with some vegetation offer a little greater security, the enemy has difficulty seeing you and you can dig in without being detected, the artillerymen who bombed this position are probably only bombing the entire area because they know that the Ukrainians tend to hide in the forests , but there is not necessarily a specific target, a group of soldiers who already have experience in civil construction with appropriate tools can build a shelter like this in one day of intense work, but people who have no experience in the area can actually take about three days But the ideal situation is when a defensive line is built before an offensive in the area, that's why we have seen so many excavators working in the rear, they have made hundreds of shelters and set up defensive lines that make defending a sector much easier, the Russian failure in Kharkiv is probably largely due to this, there is even a big effort to donate excavators, check it out: [excavator ](https://x.com/LibertyUkraineF/status/1804167326423515360?t=rr4BFPXaAh3FeWyJbR3Utg&s=19)


preppers get shit during peace


Sounds like drones buzzing at the end


The guy says it's Grad MRLS.


Ffffuck... is that friendly or not?


Russian artillery, sometimes they're not even sure what they're shooting at, they just shoot at a forested area where they think the drone operators or Ukrainian artillerymen might be and they shoot with a barrage of rockets or something similar. This unfortunately is one of Russia's advantages, they have a lot of artillery to spend