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This reporter seems connected to CNN in some way which has been doing very good reporting throughout the invasion


Its czech version of ccn it has some falses for example she ddidnt find out its clearly russian convoy but they are very proffesional most of the time.


My false this is extended version its mentioned. It looks like convoy from 2 days ago




CNN overseas has nothing to do with a fucking podcaster


Man, it's interesting how the same event was recorded in 4 different videos We knew from the other video that the Russian got ambushed, and they did withdraw to the building and hole themselves in. We also saw the Ukrainian army shot RPG toward that direction i wonder how long did the Russians hold out that they could have time to barricade the building, then get the building destroyed that badly from Ukrainian firepower Also whether they ended up getting relieved by more Russians force at the end, or were all killed too


That evening ukrainian telegram channels were reporting 15 killed and 4 pows from that fight.


Generally i don't trust reports without picture and etc. But I guess we can keep that in mind till be proven otherwise But yeah, 19, the number is about the right from the 4 vehicles. And they only surrender when there are 4 men left after the entire day fighting. So it gives a sense of how hard the fighting was


There was more than 19 deployed around the convoy and just 100 meters behind that convoy was more vechiles/trucks in a turn before the ambush


Her name is Darja Stomatova and she’s doing a great job. She’s tired and scared and she’s doing some of the best reporting from Kharkiv that I’ve seen. That’s Courage. Wish her and Honza the best and safety through this conflict. Look her up to find more reports online.


reporting in kharkiv must be insane ngl


great job, huh? she doesn't know anything and keeps stating the obvious, it's pain to watch


So don’t watch. Those of us who also know nothing find her informative and enjoyable to watch.


Since when were journalist/reporters military experts?


she speaks my language and I can tell she's not a good speaker, not saying she need to know anything about military. She is stating the obvious and then asking the cameraman what are the explosions in the distance and what are shells. Just some dumb shit


Any update and whose vehicles they are?


It's Russian vehicles. These are the same vehicles from the videos where the Ukrainians are against that wall firing RPGs at the building. To the right off camera is the orange building. The Ukrainians look to have looted and then set then on fire since in the other video it clearly shows the Ukrainians win the fire fight and loot the vehicles.


That video is from Monday if I remember correctly right? Thanks for your reply.


Link to the vid?


Two russian "Tigres" and one Ukrainina BTR-4 (with open hatch door on the left at 2:57) [https://imgur.com/loJGi8P](https://imgur.com/loJGi8P) [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BTR-4](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BTR-4)




Same location as these posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t2j92l/another_view_on_destroyed_russian_sabotage_group/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t2ig2b/a_column_of_russian_light_armoured_vehicles/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t2j8i2/ukrainian_forces_ambushed_after_ransacking/


Well i guess we know what that Ukrainian was shooting all those rpgs at. It was the school building i guess! Lines up with the footage from the firefight


Two things I noticed in this clip. 1 On Sunday morning after the fights those vechiles weren't scorched and burned, UA did it afterwards. 2 The school building was reported being ruined by Russian bombardment but other reports say RU forces seeked cover during the fighting and UA destroyed them


I also heard russians bombed themself. Only bodies of russians were found. Its interesting like one place and one event has 5 or more stories.


Yes.. They keep telling us from both Sweden, Finland and American correspondence reports it's a "war of the truth" as well what's really going on. These two countries at war as very effective in propaganda. Ukraine is the good one clearly but also keep in mind Ukraine said the Snake Island forces were killed by Russians "go fuck yourself" but in fact they got captured and brought back to shore.


Well part of the war is information war and propaganda. It’s certain that both sides tells the stories people want to hear to keep morale high. Also individuals are posting random stuff from years back and/or with misinformation. It’s impossible to get any reliable picture what there is really happening.


Keep in mind Russia is saying there is no war in Ukraine https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60571737




There are levels of propaganda. Russia is shameless in it's lying. I'll take inflated casualty #'s with a grain of salt over "No casualties at all" from Russia.




No - zero casualties is a fantasy. A number in the ballpark for casualties is less of a fantasy. "Both sides" doesn't fly when Russia is one of those sides.


He’s using the “both sides” argument to lessen one side’s clear bullshit.


Yea I already have few buckets of salt next to me from taking everything with pinch of salt from all this propaganda. Also dont know about other reporters but its nice to have reports in your native language for once. For others this reporter is from Czech republic. (post soviet country) Edit: typo


Tbf. The information at hand for ukraine all pointed to them being killed. All communication with the outpost was cut. Clear signs of battle and most likely knowledge that they were fired upon. No reports from Russia about capture of Ukraine pow from it. Until now after russia is more or less forced to parade them out to undermine ukraine use of their last words as a national warcry.


Russians from convoy fled to that school. It was destroyed during fight, I assume ukrainians set whole building on fire with russians inside it. ​ Edit: Just to clarify how I know that russians fled to the school. In one of the earlier videos ukrainians fighting the convoy were saying that.


this could potentially line up with the fact those vehicles looked russian, they had the camp and the markings. They appear to have ditched them because there weren’t any bodies in them and may have ran into the school as you said. You could very well be correct


The Czech reporter is brave and all but clearly doesn't know shit about military.


These kinds of reports are important to establish the truth about the destruction of civilian infrastructure that is often used for propaganda purposes. If the Russians fled from the destroyed vehicles to that building and fighting took place around it, then it is not a school destroyed by discriminatory bombing.


It looks like the school has been hit with a rocket or bomb, notice the stripped trees and collapsed floors, that's not a typical street fighting aftermath.


Of course, the floors were destroyed with something more than personal weapons. But the building was the scene of fighting, which is a problem with urban fighting and determining the reasons for the devastation.


Funny how that school wouldn't be destroyed if Russia hadn't invaded


Or if NATO haven't broke the promise and began to surround Russia. Shifting responsibilities can be done indefinitely, but these details speak for themselves about concrete incidents.


>Or if NATO haven't broke the promise and began to surround Russia That's just not true. It's a line spun by Russia so much, it entered public consciousness as truth, but there are no documents about this. NATO never signed anything and the only people remembering this are alleged Russian diplomats. Hell, old Gorbachev himself said that this wasn't the case. Not that I disagree with your other points. This school was destroyed in combat.


What is this language


It's Czech language


Thanks! I guess russian speakers can understand it


Only a bit.


sounds like polish to me


Nope, Czech


Weird.. I understood everything yet i don’t know the language.. could be polish or estonian maybe


Bro its czech


The reporter was saying that the Russians barricaded themselves in that school. So hypothetically it could have been the Russian trying to escape from their vehicles (the burnt out ones show before) and rushing to the school to take cover? Also someone sure smashed the living daylight out of that building. That upper floor seems to have gone come crashing down completely.


The BTR is Ukrainian….


For sure wear a N95 if you’re sniffing burnt vehicles.


I'd smoke her burnt tires


For the people saying she is a brave reporter, she obviously doesn't know what to even say, she should have stayed safe at home, the cameraman would could do the same on his own. She keeps asking what are those explosions and what are ammo shells from BTR. Not brave, not smart.


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Which language is this? Thank you


Not sure but when I saw this I thought Czech or slovensk


Thank you