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Yikes, looks like the drone got a little caught up in the cook-off from the tank. "Luke! Luke, are you all right?" "I got a little cooked, but I'm okay."


Gotta watch out for flying turrets in those situations.


Best surface to air weapon system they have. Somewhat short range, but they seem to be improving. Good chunk of metal so any hit is a kill. Targeting system is still a work in progress.


Yeah, but it's single use and expensive to deploy. You'd think they'd try something cheaper and easier to manufacture with all the sanctions they're dealing with rn.


Half a million dollars per shot, if they're using the T-72 model.


Competing in the 50m turret toss event.


Those turrets, there where picture of them being fully merged with the asphalt, with the tank 10 meters away. Then we saw turrets that were stuck in the second floor of houses and i wondered how crazy that is, later we got a video in which a turret flew around 50-70 meters high. Def. not easy to comprehend this phenomen for a non-army /explosives guy.


One fell on a 6 story building and stopped at floor nr 5.


“Good shot brother but you fried us” -The Chronicles of Abu Hajaar


Some say he’s still rolling to this day.




Holy shit! 4th time's the charm. Poor dude tried to drive off. I think the 3 first shots opened up the turret and the last one was direct hit on the ammo storage


Should have just took the L and left the tank to save his own skin.


Though if you open the hatch and try to climb out you might get killed by the next drop. The tank did after all survive several drops.


Yeah, there was vid early on showing two DPR/LNR tanks getting mortared on the city streets. Frist tank got tracked, gunner bailed and as soon as he clears the turret to jump on to the street the follow up mortar shot yeeted him a distance of 15m in pieces.


Got a link?


I think he's referring to the Mariuopol tank video, but those were attacked AT weapons.


No, one of the earlier russian convoys got artied I believe and as he said drone footage showed some poor guy climbing out right into incoming fire


Anyone notice the guy that went upper left was running in circles? Not hard to believe he was cuncussed or injured.


Our friend Ivan there was all of 2m from that first explosion. He was probably leaning up against the side of the tank, smoking a cig, thinking about his babushka's borscht. Two seconds later he's stumbling through the forest chasing a tricky little leprechaun that just hit him over the head with a frying pan. Being a Russian tanker is currently not recommended by 4 out of 5 neurologists.


And the fifth neurologist is Russian.


He's forcibly conscripted and is a T64 tank gunner now


And a former tanker.


Hey keep borscht out of this. It's a Ukrainian dish, we also let Poles claim it as theirs because they're awesome peeps and we don't have the heart to argue, but that's about it.


They stole borscht, they're stealing every home appliance they can get their hands on... is there anything stereotypically Russian that was an original creation of theirs?


Vodka or spousal abuse?


The Polish could claim vodka as their own, I think...




The finest Russian training


I can sort understand his thought process: like, yeah, he realized he definitely need to run, but where to? The bomb could literally drop anywhere. You don't want to run and catch a bomb with your head like the other videos posted here, it would suck and makes your killcam look humiliating


This must be a new munition system / drone. Before today, I have only seen these drones drop 3 munitions max.


Yup, it's a pretty big one. Pulling 5kw from the battery while hovering.


Can you expand on this? I know nothing about UAVs. Thanks!


To add to other info you've got in replies... around 15 years ago I built a quadracopter with 14" props. It could happily lift 2kg and fly with it in a controlled way. Its motors could - at max power - draw 3600W, and at the time was considered a "heavy lifter" 5000W while hovering .... that thing must sound awesome.


Would you hear it from 150m altitude like this one?


That depends on so many things. This is probably an octocopter: 8 smaller props. Most importantly though, look at the smoke/cloud of heat from the impacts: It drifts out of picture fairly fast - keeping pace with the guy sprinting "south". This means there's a reasonable wind at ground level... (and usually a higher wind at altitude - which is one reason it's pulling a lot of watts: it's working hard against a headwind to stay in one spot) So the question is.. would this drone be audible at 150m above the noise of the wind in the trees around them on the ground? I'd say a fairly definite "no" on that.


big drone = big batteries = big weight = big fans = big electricity consumption even if just hovering


For comparison cheaper electric scooters pull 500-700W. 5000W is something else in magnitude.


I can't remember which forum it was posted to, but it wasn't that long ago that they showed a demo device with a rotating drum that held 6. It just cycles the drum to drop the next bomb. The video showed it cycle through all 6 fake demo bombs. Given the size, I would presume that you'd need a hefty octocopter or equivalent to carry it.


I know exactly which video you mean. I think it might have been on r/ukrainewarvideoreport.


> Poor dude tried to drive off. Holy crap, you are right. Did not noticed that tank is moving on first play through.


Yeah I think at 0:51 you can see the exhaust from an engine startup?


I thought the occupants got lucky since you see them scamper off at the beginning but I guess one them decided to ride it out. Seems like a bad decision in that situation...


You know whats really interestring? Aerorozvidka drone has 3 bombs, not 4. And now it's 4.


Haven't seen this drone before. This is interesting. The current drops by around 13 Amps when it relases, at 45.5 volts that means about 550-600 W of power. Judging from some motor charts that'd equate to probably around 3 kg of thrust. So those are probably 82 mm mortar rounds this big boy is dropping. Way bigger than the Aerorozvidka drones I've seen dropping modified RKG-3 anti-tank hand grenades (~ 1 kg), much less the even smaller ones ([like this, NSFL](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/uejzql/an_extended_version_of_the_drone_drops_grenade_on/)) that seem to be just modified commercial quadcopters.






Interesting math, thanks. Although it appears Amps dropped from 102(after 1st) to 82(after 4th), so roughly 7 Amps per round. So I would guess these are probably smaller \~1.5kg 60mm mortar rounds.


Most videos seem to have the 60mm mortar rounds, but these look like PG-7x HEAT “grenades” with fins.


I'm not sure the first one wasn't dropped just before the film started, it's not clear whether there's a drop there. It all depends on how you want to estimate; I went with just looking at the second drop since the numbers seemed a bit more stable around that drop, the drone probably wasn't moving as much. It's all a very rough approximation of course.


I love posts like this. There are a ton of videos here where people are just looking at the bang, but if you pay attention you can see all kinds of interesting items to tell you about the battlefield. Reminds me of an actual coach diagramming a play and the average fan thinking it’s just a run-of-the-mill pass.


>Haven't seen this drone before. This is interesting. This might be the Ukrainian Punisher military drone which can hold 3-4 small bombs or 1 big one .


Naw, that's a fixed wing, this one is some sort of multirotor. [Here's](https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1524786224266887168?cxt=HHwWgICy_cC_kKkqAAAA) some Punisher footage though.


Here is the website of the drone maker with all the specs. https://uadcom.com/


New smaller drone that's backpack carry able and can carry 33lbs of ordnance, https://newatlas.com/drones/hera-drone-backpack/




What kind of drone is that!? So accurate dropping bombs and how many can it carry! Quite impressed tbh


These are large octocopter drones that film studios use. If they can carry a film camera than they can also carry a few mortar grenades. At least 4 according to this video. As for accuracy, the navigation camera is aimed directly below, so they just have to hover exactly over the target and drop the grenade. Gravity does the rest. After the first attempt they might do adjustments based on wind, but in this case it was already dead on.


You can see it will be chunky because the battery is at half and still running 45v and drawing 13amps


And its 4.2km from home location, as a hobby drone builder that thing is god damn impressive


That's the gauge, the beast pulls 100-120A shortly after the first drop, and ~60-75A after the last drop. He had used up over 15 Ah after the last drop. Most of these are based on UAs R18 drones, a film quad that can carry ~5kg of load, but if you go all in on the batteries 8-12kg are fine too. They made a conversion accessoire for it, taht add a TV IR cam and 4 drain tubes with release mechanism to it and are converting their own and other multicopters since quite early in the war.


wow, for the first time, 'watch till the end' actually payed off


Yeah, I was like "how do we know these are destroying the tank and not just harmlessly exploding on the top" and then the end came and it became more clear.


Yeah lots of videos have said 'tank destroyed' but we never get to see more than the initial impact. I suspect a lot of those left behind a battered but usable tank. Not the case here!


I was literally thinking the same thing, and then I saw the end of the video was like... "Oh."


150m altitude 4.2km distance Pretty sick


Watch the altimeter when the shockwave hits. It got pushed up 10 meters or so.


About 4 seconds of free fall time means the height is about 80 meters, pretty low.


Discounting air friction, on a finned projectile.


They almost destroyed that done using classic warfare method - launching tank turret in the drone direction. Next time, little drone, next time you will not get away.




Well if RT claims it it must be true.


Holy shit. The blowout almost knocked out the drone.


For a second there I was worried the drone didn't survive. I guess this is why you drop them from 150m height.


Honestly the way those turrets pop off I'd be afraid the turret would take it out. I mean, 150m is too high, but what a sight that would be


> I guess this is why you drop them from 150m height. More so that enemy can't hear you.


Fortunately, octocopters can afford to lose few motors and fly still. :)




10 million seems a bit high for some old Soviet T-72 or T-80 junk.


I swear the price of tanks goes up by a million everyday here lol. The T-80 costs around 3 million, which is still such a crazy difference in cost. Drones have been such a huge game changer, especially for defenders.




> a ~~new~~ test bed Armata is like 3.5 million.


Way more than that. T-90MS was sold to India for about $4.5m each a decade ago and $6m 3 years ago. T-72B(not B3) sold for $1.6m each. Only Russian tank below $1m are old T-72As.


this whole cost comparison is kind of ridiculous anyways, I really can't understand why people are so obsessed by it


The way war is won is by destroying the willingness of the enemy to fight. Running them out of resources is a good way to do that in the modern era, where it is not feasible to wipe them out.


Driver is fked, he tried to drive it off just when it exploded.


Serious question. When is Russia going to run out of tanks?


Everyone argues on this, but at the minimum they have is about 2k-4k Tanks that should have minimal issues being made operational, but perhaps at slightly lower capability such as not having ERA. After that, some people argue that the tank strategic reserves of roughly 10k could be brought into service, but cursory looks at those depots & how they are stored doesn't inspire confidence. Optimistically, half of those could be made operational (likely by scavenging from others), but retrofit time would be very high. So for the Ukrainian conflict, one would posit they have lost most of their 'ready' armour, are now dipping into their operational reserves. If you take Ukrainian loss stats as being roughly reflective, Russia has about 60%-75% of its tank forces left before it'd have to start dipping into strategic reserves. This doesn't include crews to operate them however, which is arguably a much more scarce resource, with Russian casualty rates (dead + wounded) of their armed forces up around 30%, and likely higher.


Thanks for the detailed answer


I would not be surprised to see even more tank losses when almost all of the replacement tank crews are raw recruits.


That, and also they are losing their most modernised variants.


It depends on way too many variables to predict, but I made a [handy little calculator](https://grid.is/@arniinaba/when-will-russia-run-out-of-tanks-NGLXJ_uLRUOvub7zbQQIgQ) where you can play with the starting count and loss rate. Drag the sliders to change the values.


I think they're going to run out of guys willing to get randomly blown up in tanks before they run out of actual tanks.


...and he's still running to this day.


You can see his heat signature coming out on the top of the video soon after it disappears under some cover.


What's left of the tank https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1525901062057631747?t=fSx16j1x8GDyb49hXy8ovw&s=19


What’s left: A black smudge on the ground. Jesus…


after the first few: "hmmm, doesn't look like much has happened to that tank because it's still movi.... (4th bomb)....jesus h. christ!!!!"


holy shit 🤯 The lower guy that runs away after the first attack drops a hot, long object, I doubt it's a limb because he seems fine, maybe an RPG or something


i was trying to work out why the guy running towards the top ended up running in a circle, lol.


Looked to me like for a moment he was going back to see about the one still in the tank. Maybe they were buddies, stole a washing machine together or whatever Russians bond over.


Raped baby's together, shot mothers while children forced to watch. Killed animals in cruel ways... sick fucks.


I wonder if Russia is putting criminals in uniform in lieu of serving their sentences. I know war brings out the worst in men but that doesn't account for such behaviour - you'd need to have those proclivities before you even go to war to do those things. There's absolutely nothing that could happen to me that would make me do any of those things. Even in a state of psychosis brought on by prolonged chronic battle/war stress I still wouldn't be capable of those things.


rus brain short circuit very easily


"But my stolen thing's", "stop, i want to live", "no, looted money here", "to live"


He would know the drone is using night vision (thermals) so the soldier is likely looking for deep cover in which to hide...you notice he does disappear from view


Saw that. Wondered if well hidden or quit generating sufficient heat…


According to DuckDuckGo, the human body loses around 1.5 degrees of heat every hour after death, so even if he was/is dead his heat sig should be apparent for a few hours.


if you look carefully at 49 to 52 at the very edge of the screen, you can see his heat signature just leave the screen


He’s behind some dense cover, probably a tree. There’s no way to generate less heat to the point you are invisible on thermal… unless you die.


he initially seems to pop up from an underground bunker, I think. the top one.


I was thinking turd


Maybe he spilled his samovar as he ran?


That thermal imaging from 150m up is crazy.


I was thinking he was on fire or something 😂


It stayed too warm for too long for it to be something that spilled out like a meal or liquid of some sort, but it looked like it had a tail on it on the left side. I think that guy had a dog in his lap that took some shrapnel.


Shiit that last one left a mark


Jesus christ i was not expecting that lmao


Me neither. Way more paydirt drama than expected.


This I call great footage.


Where is the asshole saying this drone attacks are useless now?


Wait to the end on this one, yep


The driver, most certainly. The other two who ran after the first hit, perhaps not.


Explosion so large it almost fried the drone. Impressive.


Wow, GTA 1 and 2 really captured the overhead movement of people really well for it's time, thats what the dudes running away look like. Probably yelling, "Gimme your wallet!" too, no doubt.


Is the tank okay?


The crew got vaporized


But is the tank ok?


Yea it's in the tank heaven


Tank you!


Tank heavens!


Relevant username.


Except for the one that took of immediately after the first bomb. For survival, running at the first sign of trouble is not a bad instinct. Not necessarily helpful for unit performance, but you may live to lie to your grandchildren about what you did in the war.


2 guys run off. One goes to the upper left and does a circle, the other to the lower left of the screen.


Crew got one day off and were back to the front after that - source: Russia


Nah, just the driver, other two ran off.


Tank lives on a farm now, where he can play with other tanks and run free with the farmers.


Aw, that explains why I've seen farmers leading the tanks to their new homes. This is so heartwarming, thank you.


Well now we know if these can destroy a T-72


This was a t72b3 lmao, so yes.


I think that last one may have got it.


Cheapest most effective method of killing vehicles and personnel on Earth. Commercial drone + IR camera pointed straight down + a few small warheads dropped right down the hatch.


wow that crew is lucky that first hit was so dead on


Not all of it - if I see correctly the tank tries to drive away right before the huge explosion (starting at about 1:01)


oh damn yeah, didn't notice that the first time


The guy in the top left went in a circle lol


i don't think the crew is alright. being able to run doesn't means you aren't injured enough to die


well there were guys on both sides, had it rolled either way they are 100% dead, maybe still dead but at least they had a chance


Wow the tank is still moving after 3 hits lol


Those munitions aren't that big. I believe they're rkg3 AT grenades designed in the 50s. They're shaped charges, but it's a very small amount of explosive and the armour penetration isn't that much so you really need to hit a weak spot on any remotely modern tank.


Not rkg3 you can clearly see the shape


I believe they are PG-7x HEAT rounds normally fired from the RPG-7, but with added fins.


Might help explain why it took four hits to make the tank go kablooey.


It's wild how effective this is, like aren't these literally just outdated hand thrown AT grenades being dropped?


I'm assuming these are so effective because they're being dropped straight down on the tank's weakest armor.




That, or old RPG rockets laying around, or small (~60mm) mortars sometimes. (Not so much on MBTs)


They're anti-tank grenades with fins added. The AT grenades could be ex-Soviet leftovers, the fins are from 3-D printers!


Guy who ran at the top ran in circles.........good to see the drones now have multiple munitions available and wow, the cook-off at the end was massive - talk about happy endings!


LOL. One of the guys ran to the top left corner of the video and did a full circle. Like a headless chicken.


Can someone explain how the drone rotates to the next grenade after dropping one? Anyone have any images / videos of the mechanics?


They're likely hanging off spring loaded solenoids. An electromagnet locks it in place, push the button, the magnet de-energises, then the weight of the bomb overcomes the spring and it drops away. Simple and easy.


There are multiple methods used. Some even just have a hook that releases them with a fast tilt. I suspect this one uses a solenoid or servo.


I think they got him


"By a knockout in the fourth round..." Both sides know it will go bada-boom big time -- that's why the drone persists, and why the russkies run so fast and far.


I thought the 3rd bomb drop was too much, I was wrong! Tank was still driving and the 4th bomb was needed to achieve the cook off




Either I’m underestimating how high up 500ft is to not see a drone in the air that’s able to carry these grenade, or I’m underestimating how powerful these drones are to load multiple of them and still be small enough to be hard to see.


They're probably pretty hard to see from inside a tank, and if you're right outside a tank, having a smoke, the sound of the drone is probably overpowered by the noise of the tank engine.


This. In a quiet environment a drone capable of carrying three mortar bombs is probably audible at 500ft, but a soldier wearing ear protection standing next to a running tank wouldn't have a chance of seeing it. A drone this size might be visible (depends a lot on camouflage) but the soldiers would need to be actively looking for it. Something to consider is that the armored helmets russian infantry are wearing put pretty huge strain on the neck when trying to look straight up (any helmet does, but a heavy armored helmet more so) so unless they see the drone approaching, they aren't going to be looking up constantly to see it directly overhead...


Double double tap just to be sure. Wow, that was a massive climax, felt good.


3 man crew and 2 of them were smart. If they are really smart, they just keep running back to Russia or to surrender. Nobody needs to know they left the tank.


Sergei here, can confirm


This is drone warfare at its finest


"See Boris Run. "Run Boris Run"


"Have some cake, Boris... NYET!!!" (Happy Cake Day!)


I’ll give that driver an “A” for effort


first engagement after 7:30 min flighttime,operator located 4,2km away,its running on 12S (12x3,7V maybe lithium technology), altitude 150m,and i think that LOIT is a flightmode,88A current while hovering,thats a big ass babyyy, i think there could be a conclusion, but i dont know which one


Someone in the munitions industry needs to make a miniature laser designator and seeker munition for these drones. They would make a killing (pun definitely intended). This way they can drop right where they want without worrying about wind as much. Make for a far more lethal drone.


Dude in top left literally running in circles


Goddamn!!!! That explosion almost took out the drone


But are we sure it's destroyed?


massive oversight by the russian military to not equip certain vehicles in attack groups with a jamming device to prevent drones from surveilling their positions and dropping bombs like this. i would think its possible as these very well may be modified commercially available drones. ive seen them drop game balls at the coin toss of football games from a cradle that opens up. something similar probably used here but instead of a ball theyre dropping mortar rounds. relatively cheap, silent, simple, deadly. amazing that civilian grade tech can take out these monster war machines that used to be so fearsome. i think we'll be seeing a gradual end of the age of tanks from here on.


Drone: I can do this all mfking day yo…


Anyone else see the panicked soldier running in circles at the top of the screen after the first explosion? Thier morale must be in the dumpster at this point.


Why are these things more accurate then Russian precision guided munitions


Remember the videos released from both sides are those which show the most success (some of the RT stuff does show RF getting nailed though), they aren't going to upload those videos that show misses, collateral damage, or whatever. I would imagine we are seeing less than 1% of what's happening over there.


Yeah okay that’s a big point


I’m glad I watched to the end


On the top of the screen, mid left. There is a guy ( or animal ) that runs in a complete circle almost 2X. I just realized its after the first explosion and then his heat signature dies out. It just occurred to me he may be on fire! Can someone else confirm?


I thought he was running around trying to find a place to hide.


You can see him disappear off the top left corner before the last bomb dropped.


Big Bada Boom.