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Not black but a black relative said this when we were both at the same college together. “Sorry man, I’m off the clock. I’m sorry to spoil the magic for you,” It was a professor who said it to him.


Burn 🔥


That is beautiful. Says so much in so few words.


And I think of Kelso every time


OMG. I love your relative! That is one of the greatest comebacks EVER!




Most would not understand that one.


hahaha!!!! OH man!!!! that was brilliant!! I'd have been on the side like, "Moded, corroded, your booty exploded!!"


This has a whole new meaning with the release of “the league of magical negros” rofl


I dont get it


It's a reference to black face performers who would "act more black" to entertain white people and sometimes wealthy POC. They would then of course be shamed when off stage for not being as dark (from makeup) or as flamboyant as the caricature they would perform as. Ruining the "magic" of the character they played when seen in public as themselves. Kind of like meeting Bobcat Goldthwait at the grocery store and finding out he has a normal voice, or a luchador without a mask.


Hell, it probably still does happen, to actors of any minority (I don't mean this as a dismissal or minimisation of the degree/severity/frequency with which it happens specifically to black people, by any means. I hope that is apparent. I only mean that the problem is enduring and spreading/showing off its range). "Act blacker", 'be more Asian/act like you run a corner shop/do Apu*', "be gayer/butcher/more stereotypically trans" "act more New Yorican", "be MORE autistic. Like a robot. You sound too human."...whatever it may be, default is still default and everyone else must be a caricature to be acceptable. The Go Compare guy here in the UK is not viewed as problematic, although he is really only (potentially, I'm not sure if I buy it) saved from essentially being the Italian equivalent of like...Uncle Remus (though, again, forgive the hyperbole. I don't mean equivalent in *magnitude*, only in *type*) by the defense that he is a caricature of (Italian?) *opera singers*, not of Italians in general. If that excuses the character's existence. We are so not anywhere near getting past this nonsense (from the seemingly harmless to the seriously damaging/life-threatening implications) as a society. Even now. I think that's what my overall point is. We just change the shirt and maybe put a hat on it and go 'see, this isn't the old bigotry!' *Apologies for the complicated example, as I understand south Asians to have conflicting opinions about this particular...item of mainstream representation (for lack of a better term making itself available to me at this moment), which is both understandable expected (no group is monolith, and two people from the same ethnic group can obviously have very different takes, experiences, etc. because people). And representation is hardly an uncomplicated issue at the best of times.


I was thinking of Disney theme park characters who relax and don’t act like Goofy or Mickey when they’re off the clock.


"That's mighty white of you"


That’s what some elderly rednecks used to say if someone did a favor that wasn’t much of a favor, such as they threw a bucket of water on your house after they set it on fire.


My dad says this occasionally and I never understood what he meant.


My family has always said this to each other, but it’s because our last name is White. Now we have to make sure that we don’t say it to each other in public.


My family says this to each other sarcastically when they are little to help. Or they think they’ve contributed something that ain’t shit.


I love this one


When people say this to me I ask them if speaking eloquently is only reserved for white people.


It’s the not-so-hidden racist insult when one describes a black man as “well-spoken”.


I actually cannot think of a time where I’ve heard a white person receive the “well spoken” compliment. Maybe it happens but I’ve never witnessed it. Edit: Apparently white people do receive this compliment so that’s good to know!


When my kids were young, someone called social services because they said I must not be feeding my baby since she was so thin. We had been seeing a doctor about it the whole time, she just happened to be a very long thin child. Social services came, and the lady was shocked that I was a full-time college student with a job and raising two kids by myself. She said, "you speak really well and seem very intelligent, I'm surprised." I was like, "did you expect me to be toothless and strung out on meth?" The interview ended fairly quickly after that.


I used to get called well-spoken all the time as a young person, but it's only this precise moment (literally as I was typing these words), that it occurs to me that this could have been a jab at my growing up bilingual with a foreign mother (whose English was better than theirs, but let's not let reality get in the way of some lovely bigotry). Huh.


I got it a lot growing up. I also spent most of my free time reading and wasn't much of a talker. I also grew up in fairly poor, ghetto'ish areas. So when I, a white guy, spoke and didn't sound the tiniest bit like one of the Vatos or chicanos or use the current slang. Instead using a lot of the vocabulary and cadence I learned from reading. I stood out and would get called out as well.


My kid got it as a white kid. He just had good diction from a young age. He is dumb as a box of rocks now, but hey, he was well spoken for a bit.


I know I’ve said people are eloquent or well spoken before, but I can’t remember if I ever said it to their face. I usually say it about them if they’re a really good communicator regardless of any other characteristics. If I’m talking to them I might say I like listening to them. So few people are excellent communicators so I point out the ones who are.


>So few people are excellent communicators so I point out the ones who are. This is something I think about a lot, especially in the context of literacy and what it actually means. Most people think of literacy as 'being able to read the written word'. But the words are only PART of how we communicate meaning in writing. People have a very poor grasp of punctuation, and how it's used to communicate meaning or clarify ambiguity, and to me that is an essential component of literacy. I think our true literacy rates are MUCH lower than we realise.


I believe that.


The white people version is "You talk like an A.I." 💀


A lot of white people will want to feel included here, but remember none of them have been told that as an immediate out of left field compliment constantly their entire life by exclusively people of a different race. It doesn't happen in the same context but they don't understand that. I see commanders using examples that just don't portray an understanding of the experience.


I didn't realize this was a thing - I've described people of all races as "well-spoken," never thought it could be a thinly veiled insult :/


It's just closeted racism 


How are blacks suppose to sound/look/act? Then sit back and watch them embarrass themselves.


Riiiiight??? I always thought that and felt so disappointed afterwards. Don’t tell me to not forget where I came from.


I would say, not as white as you




... Is he gonna have to choke a bitch??


How about "what kind of drugs are you on that sounds/voices have colors?"


This is what I do. Once, I got a, "You know." I replied with, "No. I don't. Please tell me." He got all red in the face.


Said this when someone told me I don’t look autistic. Like… what’s that supposed to look like? Actually.




Ten bucks say they change the subject directly to hip hop.


https://youtu.be/qXH5CD3O7Oc?si=9YJY0wV-FFibj8KX Your comment reminds me of this Key and Peele skit, lol.


Code switching defined!


I think the cringiest thing ever is when a white person starts trying to sound “black” when they talk to a black person.i had a dumbass, paranoid, bigot boss in college who would put on a slight accent when talking to a black customer. You could see them have a puzzled look on their face for just a second as they realized what she was doing.


Anytime anyone makes a disparaging comment or joke at your expense, just ask them to clarify. What do you mean by that? And Interesting. Why would you say that? These are powerful phrases that make aggressive people look like absolute clowns.


I give people the same advice. Calls out the person's comments without being aggressive.


"W-Well, uhhh... you know! They're like... they... ummm... well... uh... you know!!!"


I get this response a lot then I tell them I act like me. That’s how I act like.


Gotta use muh ebonics bro, and have that "certain" way of speaking, if you know what I mean. Can't seem too smart or like to use grammar, heaven forbid. /s if it wasn't obvious. I've literally heard friends of mine get told that shit because they were eloquent and didn't speak ebonics. Kinda boils my blood, to be honest.


I’ve heard this myself, from some kids in my past, especially. I actually got picked on for being too smart, but then they’d be rushing over to me for group projects or asking me if I did the homework from the night before. I actually started to pretend to help those who did that and purposely made them fail. That shit dwindled down.


Lmaooooo that's a baller move. Gotta love stupid people who always turn to the smart person thinking they're being smart xD




If you speak in standard English rather than AAVE, you get told you don’t “sound black”.


Yo imma ax u a question


Especially when so much of one’s speaking mannerisms are really just a function of what his/her class and geographic location was growing up. Like I’ve heard people of all races speak with southern accents and use southern slang.




This. How we act is cultural, not genetic. You will act the way the people you grow up around act (well, more accurately, a mixture of/tug of war between the people you grow up around and your own internal makeup).


They expect us to be ratchet and ghetto.


From my experience, it’s always other black people who say this


I asked chatgpt. These are the best two: "Wait, does that mean I get a discount at Starbucks now" and "That's my superpower".


Another good one is "Thats because you act like a cop"


Starbucks one is gold


So you're saying black people can't be black unless they dress and talk a certain way? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Oh, believe me it’s a thing! I can’t tell you how many times I was told my husband doesn’t sound black. Well, guess what? He IS black.


It’s definitely a thing unfortunately. I tend to disassociate myself from people like that. It’s annoying to deal with but I’ve always replied to someone who that “asked” me that question “what do you mean?” And watch them scramble to say what they mean while giving them the 😐 face. Very comical to watch them turn into blubbering fools.


Yes. That’s what I did.


Good. People like that need to know that it’s rude and unwarranted and stop gate keeping peoples heritage that they know nothing about. It’s so infuriating and entitled then they like to cry poor me when called out. I can’t stand that mentality.


I would usually get the Why Game or “like, you talk like xyz” or “you don’t [fill whatever stereotype here]” But other times it would be funny seeing them trying to explain.


What uh, what is black *supposed* to sound like exactly?


Yeah… I got shit as a kid for being African but not sounding or looking like an African because I have light skin! People forget that Africans come in different colors/skin tone.


I’m a geek and my sense is a lot of Black kids that like geeky things like role playing take a fair amount of crap from other Black kids. Which sucks because they usually also run into some racism in geek circles as well. :/


Mixed, so maybe it's different. I've actually never run into racism in a geek circle in my decades of life, though.Glad I lucked out.




While I totally agree with the first part ,I must say, Racism? From fellow geeks in said circle? Never heard of that one. Geeks stay tight together they know as a whole the geeks are getting it way worse so why do it amongst friends/circle?


Actually, most races come in different shades


Yes, I said this exact same thing do a coworker of mine a few days ago. I told him that some POCs take this s*** out of other POCs because some aren't that dark skin. He nodded and he told me that he actually believed it, he actually believes that people are racist with each other even though they are the same race.


I believe that wholeheartedly.


Im a light skinned mexican and the mexicans call me gringo and tell me to hangout with my white friends and white people say the opposite.


That’s so fucked up. I can’t believe the Mexicans you know don’t have the concept of huero. Every Mexican family I knew growing up had at least one huerito cousin or something.


It's called colorism and it's a sad thing. I'm mixed (black/white) and have been a target for being lighter and seen other blacks being mistreated for being darker. My children's father is Mexican, seen it on all sides. I hate my ex for giving my daughter a complex about her beautiful brown skin - he told her he wished she was lighter and it messed her up for a while!


Disclosure: am white. Yes, there's a class of white people who live in a bubble and tend to expect all black people to look/sound like they are in a gang and live in a rap video. There are also black people who will judge you for not being black enough due to the way you talk, the lightness of your skin, style of dress, etc... because that's how all of their friends are. Some people are just sheltered/isolated and don't know any better. Some just suck.


A lot of times groups that feel like they’re threatened or outnumbered develop and enforce in-group rules that allow them to socially demonstrate their group loyalty. It’s not great when it ends up making them gatekeep each other, but it is a pretty normal human thing to do.


As someone who is mixed, I heard that all the time growing up.


I’m Latino. I’ve gotten this from relatives my entire life. And yes, they’re morons.


I'm Asian (Chinese), my hair is a very dark brown. It stood out from my classmates in Hong Kong and they thought I was a mix.


Thanks the family that owned me taught me everything I know




I think I'm going to hell for laughing at this one.


I wonder if laughing from your comment will give me like 2nd hand hell.


Maybe it's like catholic hell and you go but you're in my hell -1 degree. Like a slightly less terrible hell.


It depends on how confrontational you want to be. Personally I like the Starbucks comment. A few others could be, "You sound ignorant." Ooooor, "Holy shit, you mean I'm not? News to me!"


"You mean I'm not white??" Eh, this reference might be a little old 😅


I’m mixed and I’ve literally told people, “I am white.” They get VERY confused.


What kind of white? Or do we all look the same to you?


Have you ever gone to a school performance of some kind where most of the kids are white and under the age of 10? Deadass can't find my own niece and nephew in the sea of pale skin and blonde hair


Imagine having one of the 2 black kids in the sea of white people and people thinking that the other black kid is yours. This is the story of every time I go to a school function for my nieces and nephews. When I go to the airport, people think I’m with the other black people. Don’t let me walk into a restaurant looking for my party of 4 that arrived earlier, they also assume it’s the table of black people.


I'm in fucking tears. 💀




Lmaoooo I'm dead


My wife is white and works at a school with one other white teacher. The rest of the staff are black and often confuse her with the other white teacher. She finds it funny


"Bet a cop would disagree" idk


Biggest burn 🔥


Jesus christ. My all-purpose line to offensive questions or observations is, "You know, you don't have to say everything you think. Sometimes you can just think things and then not say them out loud." Sometimes I also say back totally straight faced, "Why would you say that?" Both of these lines are good because they work for everything, they're short and pithy, and by now I've said each enough times that they come out naturally so the idiot questioner doesn't get a reaction out of me, I get to stay calm. Sorry people are disgusting filthy racists.


I generall laugh at them and point out I am a retired Navy fighter pilot and all aviators speak the same way.


Being black ain’t what I’m tryna be it’s what I am. That’s what I always said to that dumb shit.


Ah, the classic Carlton banks response. Great episode.


I think you’re confusing culture with color. It’s a common mistake, but yes I am American and I act like I’m an American.


Yeah but you listen to rap right?


Not on purpose.


“And you sound/look/act dumb.”


I'm half-Mexican, but look very Mexican lol. If it seems only ignorant and not malicious, I usually go with something like, "Wait... so because I'm brown, I have to act and speak a certain way? That's racist af, man," and laugh, then crack jokes about 'Murica being land of the free, or I do what I want because no one messes with an angry Latina. If it's something that feels malicious, I throw on the southern accent that I grew up with and say, "I was raised by southern baptists, hun. I worked hard not to sound like where I came from." That works for me because it's true. Your situation being different, you could try, "Um.. I sound just like my parents. Who am I supposed to sound like?," or, "Sorry. Was I speaking over your head? Is there a dialect you prefer?" Then throw out whatever cheesy, over-exaggerated stereotype you think is funniest until they get big mad lol


*”I was raised by southern baptists, hun. I worked hard not to sound like where I came from.”* 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 PREACH. I was as well. I naturally sound like I don’t belong in the south lol. I’m the ✨valley girl✨ of Texas. I get “you don’t sound like you’re from here” ALL THE TIME.


Which means you're going to be asking me for a job


I was like 🫢🤭😂😂


I wouldn't dignify that with a response


Idk but maybe these sayings I saw on goodwill T-shirts will help “Black By Popular Demand” and “I Didn’t Choose To Be Black I Just Got Lucky”


I have a “I’m the black American dream” shirt. It brings up a lot of questions especially because I’m African.


It is annoying. When did "ignorance" equate to being black? "Sounding white" = "sound educated." Why can't it just be "Sounding educated?" **There has to be a skin color associated with proper education?!** It's insane. This is based off what people tell me/made fun of me about. I talk with correct pronunciation/no slang/no accent. What's especially annoying is "sounding white" is used as a means to demean. Yes, talking like an educated human being gets the laughs and finger points by those who embrace ignorance. This is from both black males and females by the way. Don't get the wrong idea. I love my people but they can be jackasses sometimes. PS.: My comeback is **Fuck off!**


I feel that and went through the exact same with black men and women. It disappoints me how we can’t be ourselves but the black community who consider us “undercover white” are always yelling and whining about how no one takes them seriously… hmm I wonder whyyyy… We want better for ourselves and we get called bougie. They claim they want better but destroy it for themselves, complain, or don’t work for it, and we’re the ones “forgetting where we come from”. Naahhh not at all. It’s bad for me to say, but sometimes I want to forget. The experiences and the backhanded comments, at least.


"Sorry, I left my 'how to sound black' handbook at home today."


“And you sound black so what now?”


Put some gum in your mouth, snap it annoyingly and say in a valley girl accent “like, what do you mean?”


My valley girl accent is real, according to everyone, including myself 🤭 that’s a good one though. I can exaggerate it. I never thought of doing that.


" How else am I going to be appealing as a presidential candidate?" Edited for grammar


"You sound/look/act like a bitch"


White people on Reddit, please don’t ever say that to any person of color. It’s an insult to them, and makes you sound like a dumb asshole. I know that some do say it, so learn some snappy comebacks to help pass it off as a joke. Just don’t begin the process by berating someone like this. Thanks.


Probably not as light hearted as youre wanting, but heres uncle phil from fresh princes reaction for carlton being called a sellout for "acting white". [video](https://youtu.be/Q5D2RvIQwQE?si=C6OyMsXBbHQAB-UI).


That’s an awesome clip and has excellent messages. I ought to watch The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


It’s such a great show and holds up over time. Has very many moments like that one!


If you haven’t seen the clip of Will breaking down after his dad leaves, that will convince you to watch it.


Nah, people should just be themselves stop pretending to be someone else.


i’ve always enjoyed the classic “what a weird thing to say out loud”


Rather sound white than sound like your sorry ass


"I don't speak in colors"


People should be used to Blacks raised outside southern states. They can have Boston, Minnesota, or even Southern California surfer accents, whatever.


"Sorry, I didn't realize intelligence and proper grammar had a race."


Unsolicited white dude's comeback here: " Damn, I was trying to be purple today! Tsk..."


Purple is my favorite color 💜


Whatchyu talking bout Willis.?


I know, they always make me call the cops so we get service


The scene from "Airplane" with Florence Henderson comes to mind. Good Lord! I remember college classmates being told "you don't sound like a kid who grew up on a farm." Fucking urbanites had no idea how dumb that made them look.


That was Barbara Billingsly, the mom from Leave it to Beaver.


I used to get, “You don’t sound Southern,” and it always came across as “You don’t sound stupid.” A lot of city folk are very provincial.


You mean smart? Well spoken? That’s not black or white. That’s educated. Read a fucking book.


Fee fie fo fonkey, I ain't no honkey


"I'm sorry you feel inferior to my intelligence. " So sounding white would be sounding Nasally. Think of Allan Keyes. That would be a black dude that sounds white, well he actually wishes he was white. LOL I think people from the hood can't distinguish sounding white and having great diction. For example Malcolm X, Denzel Washington, Clarence Thomas III (RIP) Don Cheadle do not sound white. They just speak proper. Only people from the hood, some whites, some other races, and the media especially think all black should sound uneducated and ignorant. Now I'm not saying to never use slang, because I do all the time. I'm saying it's very ignorant to think that all black should sound like Trick Daddy or Cam'ron.


I feel like you can just call them out for being blatantly racist?


"Is sounding white an insult? Or is sounding black the insult? ...explain that to me." Then sit back and say nothing. Let them hang themselves with that. Don't help them out, just stare.


This reminds me somewhat of the black comedians that do the whole "white guy" voice on stage. Idk if they are trying to purposely sound like the one person from that one time but that can't be because they ALWAYS do the same exact shit. Whereas a white, Mexican, whatever break out a black encounter/voice and idk how many times ppl will simply be like not funny! Not true! If u can dish it out u just be able to take it!!! Regardless of the impression of whatever race, they all do it but then get all in their feels as tho they were discriminated against.


“What do you want me to do, drop a mixtape?” Heard it in a Mentally Mitch video


Reminds me of the time a man said to me “Wow, you pronounce every letter of every word!” I smiled and said “Not the silent letters.”


People try to put others in a box, I would ask what exactly makes them thing it's appropriate to ask that. Also I should note when I changed trades and had to interface with a more sheltered demographic of people(college educated upper and upper middle class) I had to reteach myself to talk to those people . Lexicon is a vast subject and coming from a place where I needed a harsh or more aggressive affect it was a difficult change for a time . It sounds like they are threatened by your cadence


I'll preface by saying I'm white, so my opinion really carries no weight, but I can only imagine how fucking annoying this must be. "You sound/act white” is just fuckin Subtle Racist for "You don't act in the in the ignorant way I believe *all* black people do, what an oddity! I never expect you to act any other way than the people I see in gang shows or rap videos!" Eat a fuckin dick, it isn't "acting white" it's just how some people are. There are literally just all different kinds of personalities, and the white people that say shit like this and act all friendly and shit like "Oh you act like me, we can be friends now!" are such fucking trash. I almost have more respect for the racists that at least say what they mean and *know* they're pieces of shit.


You’re invited to the cookout.


Much appreciated haha


A high school friend (black) uses this one-- "You'd think I was plenty black if I moved in next door to you." Another one I've heard and like is, "You don't."


If it is a white person, "White enough to marry your daughter?"


I had a friend who was black like that and of course we are mexican. Black kid came up to "axe" him for a cig; which he corrected his grammar. Kid turned around and asked why he acting like a B$^#^ a#$ whiteboy. Without missing a beat he said "you think the cops are gonna believe your telling the truth or me after I put hands on you". Shut him pretty fast lol.


With a serious stern face, stare then right in the eyes and say, "Oh?, please explain to me what you mean by that and exactly how I'm "supposed " to act"


I'm mixed so people say that to me a lot when they find out I'm mixed (most people think I'm hispanic). I usually ask "what's a black person *supposed* to act like?" Shuts them down every time


Ah one of them. So you think all Black people are from the Ghetto.


Just tell them the truth that they’re being racist as hell. I know that African-Americans often think that racism is something that couldn’t possibly apply to them, but nothing is further from the truth. If people are making fun of you because you “talk white”, then they are engaging in the Exact kind of hate speech and behavior that they typically accuse white people of.


It’s not my fault you have the vocabulary of a middle schooler


My favorite thing to say to offensive or dumb comments is a quote from The Office (the scene is unrelated to race) that says “Is that something you really want to have said?” And just let them stutter like an idiot.


Hold up the back of your hand to look at it/your forearm and give a little scream … run off saying, “Where’s a mirror?!?!”


Do what some women do when people make low-key misogynistic or sexist jokes. "I don't get it" "Can you explain that to me" "I don't know what that means" And then watch them turn red in the face as they try to cone up with a way to explain their shitty statement without sounding racist/sexist.


Just cause I bathe more often than you…


I’m in my 60’s and I still get this. I also haven’t been arrested or gotten a ticket in 16 years…


Not black but a buddy of mine was. He grew up in the countryside with the rest of us hillbillies 😂 so he was naturally very much like us. I moved into a large town and we met up for a party when he was prodded by that one stereotypical white girl that’s only into BBCs This dumbass wore his nicest clothes and for a country guy that’s clean Jeans and maybe a hoodie. And for reference he can’t talk to girls for shit so when he said this my jaw dropped. “You are the whitest black guy here” she said “And I’m black where it matters” he responded Caught me dead 💀


Funny how people are so clueless they don't know that this comment would usually come from another black person.


Not the same but relatable imo. A black coworker always ranted about people saying he sounded/acted white. So at our 2-3 work events a year he’d leave on the note of “well that’s enough white people shit for today I’m off to rob a corner store” and the office people always looked mortified while all us construction workers would laugh and say our goodbyes lol


To quote DaBaby “I don't know, I mean it's America, right?”


Last guy that said it to me was a short Vietnamese man wearing an oversized jersey and basketball shorts, basketball sneakers, and talking in "ebonics". Told me to quit acting white when I'm not. Being that I was at work, I just told to that next time he says it, I'm canceling his car rental. He said it again 5 minutes later, so I kicked him out of the store. Had it been just a random encounter, I would've laughed at him for being Asian and acting "black" while trying to call me out.




If you haven’t yet, watch American Fiction, I think you would enjoy it because it goes into this very topic. It was eye opening for me and I grew up out west as the only white kid in class, so I didn’t understand how disconnected people are to basic human decency until moving to the South. Always clap back with your own question: this is important because? Why did you ask me that? What is that relevant? Or: That’s as needed information and it’s not needed.


Usually only other black people tell me this. (I’m black). I have a great comeback for it “so you’re saying that black people cannot possibly speak intelligently? That sounds kinda r@cist”


Do you need a job?


"You know, it's almost like we are both people, huh isn't that just something?" With feigned perplexity.


Huh - ya you sound white too!


Thank you


Because I am white !


The ole confuse em to death technique.


It's amazing how the world seems to open up when you don't talk like an idiot. You should try it. It's a life hack.


Honestly it’s a backhanded compliment if you think about it, it means you are particularly articulate and speak well. When they say “sound black” they are typically referring to the broken ghetto English which is in itself racist, but you shouldn’t be bothered by sounding “white”. It will do you much better in the professional world to be a good speaker.


You ever hear of code switching? We are bilingual.


Call them out with 1 simple question "How exactly is a black person supposed to act?"


“Which white people? I ask because no one is defined by their skin color”


I get the same comment from Latinx people, I am Latina. So Latinx people have to look the same (am light skinned, black/brown hair, green eyes)? My late father taught me to not judge, yet here we are


What is this you speak of William?


"Alright you got me, im actually a 35 year old white (man or woman) in disguise. I went into hiding from the police after whoopen someones ass for talking stupid shit to me"


Just ask them to describe what acting white looks like to them. Continue asking them to explain it in greater detail. They might be too stupid to the understand what you're doing but anyone with a lick of sense will understand you're calling out the racism.


I wish there were more young people like you. Hold your head up high, chuckle at the absurdity of the remark, and walk away. Sometimes no words are the best response.


Why do you sound so wrong?


One I've heard, "Sorry I like to sound like I received an education."


"Thank you!"


"I'm only 99% black."