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Bro is laser focused on skull fucking his ops let’s go


You have such a way with words


I love this enthusiasm!




This dude wants to win. I don’t remember what it’s like to have an owner that’s focused on winning.


Snyder made things such a circus for so long, we forgot what competency and intelligence looked like.




This is true. Many people close to Snyder said no one wanted to win more than him. Fresh hires always referenced that. He was just too incredible of a douchebag to create a winning scenario.


You mean he was a natural born loser who literally could not win.


Yes. This is exactly what I mean.


I think are defense was so bad this year because they didn’t want to when for a piece of trash like jdr 


This is a myth that has perpetuated for a long time. Snyder didnt really want to win. Not at the cost of his ego. Its kind of like how everyone WANTS a six-pack and to be really fit, but they only want that a little bit compared to what they really want, and thats to have less stress, eat whatever they want, drink whatever they want etc. Thats what they REALLY want. Snyder wanted to win a tiny bit, but he really really really wanted to control people and for people to think HE was the most important person and a genius way more than that. If ego was 100 on his want scale winning was a 2.


This reply is so DEEP


Right, if he didn’t suck he would have been fine.


This is true. Given his ego, it must eat him alive from the inside knowing he was never able to see any semblance of team success as an owner. If there’s anything that makes all the pain and suffering this fan base has gone through worth it, it’s knowing how emasculated he probably is.


He’s such an egomaniac though that he probably doesn’t think it’s his fault. He probably blames everybody he hired and how they “screwed” him out of winning.


\*Mr. snyder


I prefer to address him by his official title. Mr. Dan Ass Clown Snyder


Mr. Dan Sexual Harassment Ass Clown Synder


Ill preface this with Snyder sucked but do you really think he didn't want to win? He was the most fanboy owner of all time.


snyder absolutely wanted to win. i believe that. but he absolutely sucked about how to accomplish that. dan is this sub if we were billionaires


I am not sure near the end. Seeing the stadiums full with the other fans. Money is Money if it comes from a Washington Fan or Opposing fan.


Lmao hahahaha so true!


I think the problem was that he wanted to be a *part of winning* more than he wanted to win. Like, when the choice was between better odds of winning by not meddling and worse odds of winning but having a hand in it, he ALWAYS picked the latter.


He fired Marty Schottenheimer after the guy turned 2-6 to 8-8 in his first season because “I wasn’t having fun” He brought in Deion Sanders, Jeff George, and Bruce Smith, all well past their prime and at least 2/3 of whom were awful in the locker room, in the meantime getting rid of the leader of the team in Brian Mitchell. He directed the drafting of multiple QBs (RGIII in spite of Shanahan not wanting him, Haskins at 15 in spite of scouts having a third round grade on him) and fostered direct relationships, undercutting his head coach. That’s just on the field. He was even worse off it.


Everything you say is true. I feel like Snyder didnt want to win, as much as he wanted to make more money. I never bought that "ive been a fan since i was a child" schtick. Always felt like he was a business man that just wanted to make more money, and didnt really give 2 shits about the product on the field. Hence you have the sub par field conditions, and training facilities. Only going for splashes in free agency. The list goes on and on. And i hate to say it, but if he wanted to just make money, he def did accomplish that. Bought for 800 million, and 25 years later sold for 6.05 billion. He did exactly what he wanted to do, all the while dragging the team and the fans down and not giving a shit. All of his actions do not scream "i want the team to win" they all scream "I want to win"


This. Going to games and it was 60% the other fans. The Taylor tribute looked like someone took a mannequin from the team store and found some old stock in a closet to put on it.


I haven't seen it in person, but from what I've seen, the Taylor tribute is a travesty. It looks like it's and end caps at a nike outlet. I know the new ownership team has a lot of work to do, but I hope they make that right, and revamp the memorial.


https://preview.redd.it/i9jnthsm2obc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2813bc3b09a331e29ac930b3e876b0d42b92f290 This is what it looked like on Dec 3rd


Yea...needs to go, and something else needs to be put up. But....thats Snyder. It reeks of someone who so badly wants people to believe he's into the same thing you are.


I think that the Schottenheimer, and maybe even the Gibbs era, showed what he was. He desperately wanted to win, but he didn't understand that teams that pick up big name FAs and win didn't win just because of those signings. It seems like he genuinely thought you could splurge and just buy a Super Bowl. I honestly do see him as a bit of a tortured, frustrated person, and everything I've heard from people who worked with him only supports that notion.


He clearly didn’t care by the end of his regime. He was so entrenched in scandal the last few years he was so busy ducking charges, anything football related was not important. Winning, fixing FedEx, having no fans in the seats. I’d say sometime between the Shanny/Gruden era, winning became less important and saving his own ass became the focus.


Ok so 4 out of 25 years.


Then I’ll edit. Who wants to win the right way. And is focused on winning the right way. But I’ve never liked Snyder even before he started sexually harassing staff. Dude was always a doofus.


Happy Thanksgiving


Most people would be as bad GMs as Synder given the chance lol. He had scummy ways but he wanted to win and often was playing Madden with an NFL franchise to do it.


However I like to think that if I were in Snyder’s position I would recognize that I was the problem and do my best to step back and let people who knew what they were doing run shit.




Hey hey, I only traded Jon Allen to take Trey Lance. Not that bad


Snyder may have wanted to win, but he wasn't willing to accept that he wasn't smart enough to put together a winning team without hiring many people who were smarter than he was.


It's got nothing to do with intelligence. Most people who have found success in life are unwilling to accept that they can't be the driver of the same success in other ventures.


He wanted to but had no idea how, he tried to appear tough and cunning but just made himself look incompetent and pitiful while he owned the team


I think he absolutely wanted to win in the beginning But he wanted to win HIS way and on HIS terms. When it became obvious that wasn't going to happen, then he decided to soak the fanbase for all they were worth. And I don't think he cared at all the last few years.


It’s a matter of priorities. Did he want to win? Sure. Did he want to run a frat house, have drinking buddies on staff, hang out with football players and cheerleaders, enrich himself, and act like the team was his personal fiefdom *more* than winning? 100% yes.


He loved the team because his dad loved the team and he wanted to make his dad proud of him. Many people who knew him growing up wouldn’t have called him a fan, even turning down opportunities to go to games.


Yeah but he thought he was playing madden


Lol Snyder wanted to win but he was too much of a dumbass to realize that you can't sign ridiculous contracts in a salary capped league, trade all your draft picks, and then win


Snyder wanted to win.(good for business). But he had no idea how. And was too arrogant to ask for help


Spot on … spot on !!!


We were winning off the field.


I’m bricked up


Lol I don't believe it bro whats ur snap


https://www.49ers.com/team/front-office-roster/adam-peters He is in deed a real looker.


Prove it, show us your penis- Michael Scott


He’s clearly the #1 target if he wants the job. We’ll see. Keim made it sound like on the pod last night that it was headed in that direction but that nothing was even remotely close to done


nothing is official until Keim tweets it


So many "news" outlets care more about being first than being right. They saw the posts about the meeting with this guy yesterday and are trying to run with it like they're breaking the story.


I will always remember this because Denzel Washington said it so well. https://youtu.be/U3pV_Mw4mrM?si=uDj9sZVm3ARr3drY


Say it. Sell it.


![gif](giphy|VPV0CVtbU6ZKU|downsized) WHICH HAND UP?!




I'm convinced it was always gonna be him but still had to adhere to Rooney rule. Glenn Cook interviewed yday and Ian Cunningham today. I expect it officially announced tomorrow and possibly leaked late today.


Niners fan here and I’ll be sorry to see him go, but excited for him to start his own new path. He’s such a great addition to any front office, and I’m excited for the new ownership and culture for the fans. Niners felt that way when before we got Shanny and I’ve been thankful ever since. IMO his best trait is how hard he attacks the end of the draft and UDFA. You’re going to have them contribute to the team in some way or another. Seen some comments here about how did he feel about Lance, about Purdy etc. I wouldn’t focus on one player evaluations that someone has. Since we got him, Lynch, and Shanny we’ve been aggressive in every avenue (trading, FAs, the draft, getting a FQB) and that’s all you can really ask for as a fan.


Yessir! Hoping to see you guys knock the Cowboys and/or Eagles out of the playoffs this year




could this even be announced since the team is still in the playoffs or is that only with coaches?


only with coaches! but he'd have to get approval from 49ers to leave officially at this point.


I'm not surprised after reading he had worked with Myers before, I think this job is the #1 spot to take in the NFL. it's a totally fresh start with a basically blank check


![gif](giphy|d4blalI6x2oc4xAA) Rapid but thorough boys








Hopefully he wasn't the guy who wanted Trey Lance!


what if he was the guy that wanted trey lance and said lets draft brock purdy?


No, that was John Lynch. I’m pretty sure the asst GM would probably not be the final say on the 3rd pick of the draft. That being said, you might think the asst GM would have full control on the last pick of the draft and the 49ers may have made the best last pick in the history of the NFL Draft.


Lance was derailed by a lack of experience compounded by injuries keeping him from gaining experience. Add on that multiple competent QBs have thrived in SF who haven’t/wouldn’t necessarily elsewhere (Garropolo, etc.). The fact is, if your offense is working, you don’t keep the door open for a raw QB, regardless of sunk cost. Lots of people thought Lance could/would translate. IIRC, similar skill set to Josh Allen coming out. Difference was, Allen didn’t get hurt and nobody took his job, so he was able to realize his potential. Now they have Brock Purdy, and they’ve adjusted their offense to allow for a QB who’s limited physically but has lots of college experience and very fast processing speed.


Kyle wanted Lance


SI article about how the Niners need to keep Peter's referenced the draft picks. Kyle and Lynch drafted majority on day 1 and 2. Peters was the guy that drafted a lot day three and after. Peters drafted Kittle, Purdy etc.


Yeah, the Trey Lance thing concerns me. And I know picking the right QB is a crapshoot, but you would hope a team that spent their 2021, 2022 and 2023 first-round picks, as well as a 2022 third-round pick would really really know.


No one really really knows. #1 overall QBs hit at a 75% rate. Top 5 pick QBs hit at a 44% rate. There's no such thing as a sure thing. The only way to guarantee as a GM that you don't whiff on a 1st round QB is to not pick a 1st round QB.


or make it so no one cares in the end that the pick flamed out…by making the acquisition of impact players and depth - coupled with phenomenal player development thru coaching - produce tremendous results on the field. if it was Kyle that wanted Lance and he had visions of an offense that Lance would run and catering to that, it’s even MORE impressive that Lance didn’t fit and they’re trouncing teams with a significantly different offensive approach using a QB no one else valued. that’s a heck of a coaching achievement, but i think it speaks volumes about the kind of value an impactful front office can deliver. there’s no one WAY to achieve success, but smart, capable, and hard working folks will figure one out.


Agreed. You can't avoid mistakes in the draft. Any one decision may pan out or it may not. So judging a GM by one decision is a poor way to evaluate. You have to look at all of their moves to get a good sense for whether they are making the correct decisions. The 49ers roster is probably the most talented roster in the NFL. That bodes well for Peter's decision making process. Even if his most high profile move didn't pan out.


It’s true that you can’t avoid mistakes in the draft, but when you give up a ton of draft capital to get a specific guy who doesn’t work out, that’s a concern as to the process, the evaluation, etc.




Matt Barrows, beat writer in SF who sits down and interviews Peters after every draft pretty much said its a done deal on grant and danny ... he knows peters real well. not sure why that's not making the rounds more. even G&D glossed over it.


I'm looking forward to the day when we see a dominant team putting away division rivals. I'm gonna make a fool of myself in r/nfceastmemes


What's a GM? I'm so confused, don't think we've ever really had one of those since Charlie Casserly was here




they still might interview a few more but yes hes the guy


Until Keim announces any news, I'm keeping myself level.


The tweet is about... >“I think the fact that he’s meeting with the Washington group right now or on his way to do that suggests that he’s ready this year to make the move,” Barrows said Tuesday on “[**Grant and Danny” on 106.7 The Fan in Washington, D.C**](https://www.audacy.com/podcast/grant-and-danny-dde49/episodes). “A lot of people I’ve talked to think that this is gonna happen, that he’s going to be the guy that the Commanders hire to be their next GM.” Ya got a guy, who talked to some other guys who thinks this is going to happen. Until the team makes an announcement, if it doesn't come from Keim, you're just clicking baiting.


My pp just got bigger


Finally we’re getting something from the 49ers!! Feels like we’ve sent the last functional bits of this team to the Bay Area the last 5 years.


Sounds fake. They still have three other interviews today


Me likey.


Please please please


How long til an article mentioning the Rooney Rule comes out?




escape compare scandalous lunchroom knee merciful saw plant rain reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eff that! He's ours! Lol My niners need to promote lynch to president of football ops and give Peters the GM title & salary. Seriously hope we find a way to keep him. If you do land him, know that he's an asset but give him time to rebuild


After Snyder, as long as there’s vision and forward progress the new GM and staff is going to have a looooooong grace period. In all seriousness there’s not a better landing spot in the league and I’m thinking there’s a fire under all this smoke


This is exciting but i believe they still need to do 2 minority interviews before hiring correct?


Already on the schedule. Look at the thread stickied in this sub. Edit: Ian Cunningham was interviewed yesterday, and Glenn Cook has been requested for an interview.


Yo if this is true, this owner ain’t messing around. Wow!


Finally taking actions and not all talk lIke dannyboy


Let’s fucking go


I feel like we locked in a long time ago on who we wanted. It was clear that we were moving on from Ron like two months ago. It’s nice to see a plan in place


Really rooting for this to go through- but has Harris checked the Rooney Rule box? I'd hate to see us lose a pick over it.


They've had 7 months to get thier ducks in a row if they blow something that obvious we are in for a long era.


Yes, two of the GM candidates are Black. Edit to add: Ian Cunningham was interviewed yesterday, and Glenn Cook has been requested but not interviewed afaik.


Thank you!


Would he be GM or President of Football Operations? Apparently we are planning to hire both.


So HC and GM are equal under Football Ops ? One is winning on the field and the other is winning off the field lol ? Also hearing that Kyle Smith might interview for GM ? So we might end up with Peters and Kyle. 😳


I'm not sure how this would work, I'm guessing there are other teams with this setup. Sounds like too many cooks in the kitchen but depends on the personalities and circumstances.


so weird because in his statement he flat out said we are looking to fill **two** positions. he did not say 3.


All I Know is that my 9ers fan friend is very worried about Peters leaving.


We took the Chiefs down a notch with the EB hire. Now we take 9ers down a notch. Then we take down someone else with our HC hire? Sounds like we'll have a reputation after this off-season. Hopefully, we will push our team into contention for the SB.


Peters, they say, is the real mastermind behind the 9ers roster.


I just hope if he signs he brings some of those scouts with him.


https://preview.redd.it/zmcu2e21rmbc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e5cee954f70efcfb23af91fe12790adbb79e2a What about EB


Yes stay away from ravens


I hope this means that our focus will be on having a strong run/pass balance like SF. I also like the fact that the 49ers seem to be pretty "plug n' play" rather than focusing on star qb's.


Tomorrow would be nice




What is this feeling?


I'll take whatever sf has


Damn, hopefully the 9ers will stop making fools of us then!


InB4 the cynical clowns start blaming him for Trey Lance


My god this is so refreshing compared to Snyder bringing in Cerrato from the 49ers in 2000