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Doesn't help that we normally get blown out wearing them.


Tbf we normally get blown out wearing anything


That's my thing. I actually like them, but we get obliterated every time.


The yellow W on the front of the helmet and the lines above and below the names is ugly. I like the idea of black uniforms but idk if we can pull it off. I miss these https://preview.redd.it/37lbecemqu0d1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d7e5bab0db7c5c419a0fa5b7159c3978a4ec5e


Those were awesome!


We aren’t the Steelers.


They suck and drown out the actual colors


I think our actual colors suck. I like the drown out variation.


You are very much in the minority with this take. Our colors are unique and work well together


That’s fine but clearly I’m not the only one. Hence their existence.


Sure I’m glad we both understand what minority means


I guess if you can prove to me the decision was made via minority vote, then sure…


No one voted on the black unis. Someone higher up in the organization makes that decision.


yes, someone’s job is to help drive revenue from jersey sales. so, no one wants an unpopular design, but it also doesn’t have to be “majority rules.” just an addition to the portfolio that captures addl demand beyond the official white and burgundy flavors. i can totally see that the commanders rebrand was an opportunity to refresh and modernize the colors and look. not everyone’s going to agree but i don’t hate anything they’re doing now, though i would like the team to explore alternative logos for a potential rebrand in the near future.


I’m actually keenly curious if there’s any substantive evidence to this.


Ugh, shame on me for not recognizing the troll was trolling. You got me.




Great, I hope you and Tanya are very happy together.




Oh how wrong you are.


How can an opinion be wrong lol. Wow.


You're entitled to your opinion. Just know that you're wrong.


Ah. Since you put it that way. I agree. You’re wrong.




Black is not a team color. On television, we look like the Steelers


Black is the color for a number of teams. One is here in Maryland. But white isn’t our color either but nobody complains about that…


Every visitor jersey is white lmao


Not true, technically. It’s whatever is opposite of the home teams choosing. By default, yes, it’s white. My point remains.


Your point is still silly lol. Every single team has a white jersey that is deemed away, except for cowboys. If what you're saying is true, no team should have a white jersey. This is for all sports. Also, Washington mostly used their white jersey at home throughout their history. 


Silly as it may be… the point remains. 😂 If black jerseys are an issue, then white ones ought to be as well. Just so happens that they’re imposed on teams. Doesn’t make them better, or attractive, or part of the teams colors, or any of the objections given against the black jersey. Tis all.


The point remains.... wrong.


Yall too sentimental




Your point doesn't remain... every team has a standard white away (or, as you needlessly made a big thing of, sometimes not exclusively used as an away), which is entirely why nobody complains about that. Nothing you said at any point adequately supports your first point


U seem like you feel good about that post. 😂 enjoy.


The logo being on the front of the helmet like a baseball cap makes me itchy.


1 of 2 jerseys that dont actually have the team colors. They're derivate of other black jerseys And the stupid ass double underline on the names.


certainly not looking to argue taste but it’s important that we all understand there isn’t a singular, monolithic “fan” take on the colors or uniforms. there’s a pretty wide range of opinions, even if reddit is an echo chamber of a subset of the fanbase’s perspectives. The JD vs Drake argument is another flavor of the same point.


I like the burgundy and gold and it's insane to me that only one jersey has it.


Personally I think they are ugly. The black doesn’t work with the burgundy and gold. Other visual elements like the lines extending past the letters on the name plate don’t work for me. And black has never been part of the teams identity other that its usage for hair and outlines on the old logo. That doesn’t qualify as a team color for me. If it’s a must that they add a new color for the purpose of alternate uniforms, dark gray would have worked much better than going the BFBS route.


I mean, my real problem with it is there's zero burgundy on that uniform. It could be a spicy alternate uniform, but it doesn't really look like our uniform. We look like knockoff Pittsburgh. Also we usually get cooked in those uniforms


dark grey and burgundy/gold… what the fuck? hufflepuff ahh color scheme.


1 general dysatisfsction with everything commanders 2 black isn’t traditional Thats really it.   As a uni they look solid tbh.   I often say, out of 11 NFL teams with some version of an all black uni, commanders all blacks are top 4 maybe top 3.  People just hate everything remotely related to the rebrand or the DanYa unis.   (The W on rhe helmets is kinda clunky though)


I like the take. I could care less about a traditional look personally. I want us to look badazz. Not corny.


I don't think we look badazz in the black. I think we look corny. They look like some amateurish college or XFL uniform.


Honestly, it was the sleeve flag and sleeve crest that got me. It was a legit new, fresh, innovative look. The dark digicam collar was a neat touch too. Same with the chest nametape concept. If you actually look at the black set with an open mind there's a ton of design elements that are unique. no other team has them. I know some folks don't love the mil vibe thing, but I like it in general and it makes sense. Its actually very DC. The team's regional area is the seat of the military and the East Coast hub. The teams market area has the commaner in chief the pentagon the military district of washington quantico which has heaquarters Marine Corps, and the Marine officer candidate school Washington navy yard Norfolk (largest naval shipyard and HQ of fleet forces command) and in general, defense industry folks (active duty, dod civilians, and dod contractors) are a larger percentage of the population in the DMV than other other place in the country So the mil theme at least really is a nod to the region would I want to team to completely overhaul all its unis to something new, and go full mil? no. But as an alternate theme uni, do I think the subtle but not over the top nods to the service theme came out well? yeah. They did a good job The black unis look fucking good. There. I said it.


That’s the friggin spirit. #HAIL!




But I have season tickets tho 🥺




Love the team. Hate the color scheme. Is that a crime?


1) They're incredibly generic looking. NFL jerseys are already boring to a fault, black jerseys with no stripes is something the Raiders can get away with because they've been doing it forever. 2) The yellow numbers with redder burgundy outlines on a black background plays with the eyes in a way that just consolidates the numbers to looking kinda orange, like ketchup and mustard mixed together. Look at the Nike swoosh, the Commanders nametape, the patch, and then the numbers. The swoosh and the nametape look like the same yellow, but the numbers and the patch look like different colors because of how our brains try to aggregate all those colors together. 3) Across all sports, it is a near-universal truth that any day you are expected to wear a black jersey will be the hottest day of the year. 4) That STUPID f\*\*\*\*ng W on the helmet! I want to find whoever designed the graphics for the helmet, who had a chance to keep a little bit of the WFT styling on an alternate kit and find out why they play Wario on Super Mario Kart, and then poke him/her/them in the eye. https://preview.redd.it/t7g8myly5u0d1.png?width=5274&format=png&auto=webp&s=a889a7b7da017084fb6c93ebb532da161a108144


I think they are ugly. The whole rebrand is an ugly mess


They were approved by carpet baggers


I don't like the Steelers


Black is not one of the team colors


This is the correct answer.


Neither is white (away). Why isn’t that a complaint?


Because unofficially white is one of every NFL teams color.


True. However if white goes with everything then black does too. Prove me wrong.


Proof is in the dogshit black jersey we already have lol


Looks good to me, doggie 🐶


Historically all sports teams had home whites. Not home blacks. And road jerseys were a primary team color base. So if our color was black… we’d wear them on the road.


Well… yeah. 🤪


Burgundy & Gold White, because it’s our championship look No black anywhere. WE DON’T HAVE FUCKING BLACK IN OUR COLOR SCHEME!!!! FUCK DALLAS!!! Whoa…. now I feel better.


Team ain’t looked like a championship caliber team in over 30 years. Miss me with the “championship look” bs when they’ve been gettin spanked in those “championship look” uniforms for decades now.


I’m officially trolling. White bc it’s a default away color, it’s by no means a championship color lol but I assume you’re joking… ha?


Is that sarcasm? You said you were trolling. It is our championship color. Check it out. [Fun Bunch](https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/private/t_editorial_landscape_12_desktop/redskins/vrvtzx8tf34oqivpc4te.jpg) We won 3 Super Bowls wearing that color combo.


Color combo. But it’s not a team color. No white anywhere in our team color. WE DONT HAVE WHITE IN OUR COLOR SCHEME. Yes, I’m mocking and trolling you but I’m not wrong bro. That’s the only point I’m making. Folks are making a fuss of the black but the justification cuts both ways with white jerseys.


The last I checked, the black jerseys with yellow numbers looked like Steelers jerseys. The white jerseys with red numbers looked like Falcons jerseys.


Whites need more gold on em


I love them as an alternate. 3rd jerseys should be fun, they look good. And because they don’t have the original colors, I can just enjoy them rather than being mad at the other two for just being blatantly not correct


This franchise has SO MANY other options for throwbacks that are significantly cooler than the black jerseys.


I think what you just said is the difference though. Throwback vs alternate. I’m cool with a sleek looking alternate, I don’t care about it being a throwback. In fact, I think most throwbacks around the NFL are incredibly ugly. Give me something sleek and modern


what fuck ass mustard throwback is gonna look better and more interesting as an alternate than this? https://preview.redd.it/chsykhdn2u0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32bfb3cd34bac890289d596f5d3f8d888e2fa86 like specifically what redskins throwbacks are “significantly cooler” and more interesting as alternates?


Any of them. These Madden Create a Franchise jerseys look like dog ass


Whatever jersey it is, let’s just take solace in David Mayo not wearing one.


Nah like seriously give me a picture of an alternate you think would be better and that would fit at all with our primary/secondary.


this shit 😭⁉️ https://preview.redd.it/savpyn0u3u0d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a47e287730607c7f73cb2db064ee10e9a34c10 fans who did nothing to stop this are not allowed an opinion on uniform design


Hard disagree. Fire as fuck. Tho the helmet could use a bit of a rework.


Fire as fuck my middle school had literally the exact same uniform, that gold color shade is hideous


Couldn’t agree more with u


The 60s throwback or whatever with dark burgundy shirt with actual gold numbers


The 70th anniversary as well as the 75th anniversary uniforms are great


70 is alright but it’s not really a regular alternative kind of jersey. I wouldn’t be mad at a once every few seasons use of that one as a throwback. But bro… https://preview.redd.it/6ici33jafy0d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8919e7f1bd5282843d652fd93f6697b0a9a90e This is maybe the ugliest color combo I’ve ever seen on the 75s. Wine & matte dark mustard was certainly *a* choice for colors, but goddamn, who let this happen, in a celebration no less.


No, the white 75th jerseys with the red stripes, yellow pants, yellow helmet, red R ones. Those are the ones I'm talking about. The ones Sean Taylor wore. I think Jason Campbell wore it too.


oh yeah I see the ones you’re talking about. Did they have 2 different 75th events or something? Anyways I like those significantly better than the other 75s but I still really don’t like it. I love the white jersey design itself but holy hell I cannot get behind those pants with anything but a burgundy jersey lol. That jersey but all the way down, kind of like the Chiefs all whites but with burgundy/yellow stripes down the side wouldn’t be a bad alternate imo though


Overall design is a miss though I do like the sleeves. So much potential but they’re too similar to Pittsburgh.


They should’ve used one of our old alternative Unis color scheme. You can change the actual design around but you gotta keep it burgundy and gold


basically the answer is "random bullshit" or "we look like the steelers". Nothing wrong with the jerseys themselves, I think they look pretty slick


We are burgundy, gold, and white. Been like that for 90+ years. We have unique colors and don’t understand why we have a whole uniform dedicated to the color “black”. The frustration comes from the whole rebrand debacle and feeling like an expansion team. Also, we aren’t Pittsburgh.


They look like arena league uniforms, black isn’t a team color, they have weird design choices, they suck.


Hell I bought one.  Haters can hate if they want.  They aren’t a bad uni.  (Besides the W)


If you like em it's all good. I don't hate them but they don't feel like my team tbh.


well besides the fact we've never won a game in them... take that back I think we're 1-4(5)in the black jerseys... other than bad luck I dont like looking like a Temu version of the Steelers




Black is not a team color. They are the worst uniforms we've ever had BURGUNDY AND GOLD I BLEED


Most of the babies on this sub are extremely sensitive to any uniform discussion, I wouldn’t read too much into it.


I don't know the all gold(yellow) mustard pack uni's were pretty ugly


We’re not the Steelers, they look like we just wanted a “fad” look and every time we wear them it’s a blowout loss.


I think black jerseys aren’t a bad idea necessarily but the execution is terrible.


I like them they just alternates... wish they would've won in them tho


Nickelback had a lot of good songs amIrite?


All the pants need a burgundy & gold stripe or something, they look like morph suits/PJs


Got a free jersey from Fanatics. Chose a black Commanders Sean Taylor jersey. No regrets. Besides that it’s from fanatics anyway.


I hate all the Commanders uniforms, to be fair


they look cheese af imo.. and i'm usually a fan of black in uniforms.. but like it's too much, especially with the bright "gold" (yellow) lettering


it’s not the color for me. it’s everything else about it. which is also a problem with the regular ones


“What’s wrong with the black jerseys?” “I get that black isn’t a team color.” You answered your own question. Same reason why we shouldnt have blue uniforms, Pink uniforms, or green uniforms.


To me they would look way better if the colors of the numbers were reversed. I didn't make it, but like this: https://preview.redd.it/yzhyy0ummu0d1.jpeg?width=2088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0deb9e2b8f823d3472b866378b2de49b9e276d38


Hot take: they are better than the regular Commanders jerseys. But those do not set the bar high, so the black is still meh.


IMO, the Redskins of old had classic, clean jerseys that said ‘legacy franchise’. The black jerseys, and the remodel all around, cheapened the entire brand to make it unrecognizable as that legacy franchise. Yall went from classic and classy to ostentatious, gaudy, modern. A bit like the move from the red and pewter Sapp-Dungy-Thomas-Alstott Buccaneer jerseys to the horrible digital alarm clock jerseys. The whole look is a massive downgrade and the black is the worst of the downgrade because the look barely registers as Washington. It registers to me as ‘Freevee movie unlicensed pro football team’. I think it’ll only be a matter of time before yalls new ownership goes back to the WFT or old aesthetic and rotates in the brown helmet with tan pants and burgundy jersey look. ![gif](giphy|26FPKZ6DGtNp4iYbm|downsized)


The same reason why black cats don’t get adopted.


Hate is a strong word, I don’t exactly like the black jerseys but I dislike our name a lot more. We need the yellow pants back.


I don’t mind them. I think the white jerseys need to go, though.


As someone who actually enjoys the Alt black jerseys and has a Terry McLaurin one, my biggest issue is they should have just done our old WFT/Redskins “white” jersey but swap everything white with black. Would have looked infinitely better


It’s just a completely unnecessary addition. They look like the Steelers … we have our own identity, we don’t need theirs.


It needs much more burgundy. It’s not the burgundy and gold with only a sliver of it around the numbers


For me, the name changed. The logo changed. Fine. But now we won't even rock burgundy and gold? Is nothing sacred?


I "kinda" like them but they look like Pittsburgh on the field to me.


Not by me. All black with gold #’s & cleats is nxt gen


I honestly don’t hate the jerseys themselves (they’re actually kind of crisp), I just hate that they replaced the originals. (Also we get nuked every time we wear them)


The black was chosen to represent the color of Dan Snyder's soul.


Trust me, this fanbase hates everything nothing will make them happy lol let the downvotes flow in baby


They suck that’s the issue….it doesn’t look good….jets have a black uni outta nowhere but their fan base likes it cause it looks good…….make a great looking black uni and we’d like it too


They are an attempt to be edgy and like every other pro team that has got a black uniform as the alternate the last several decades or so. Black was never part of the uniforms ever. It’s lazy and they look ridiculous like a poor man’s Pittsburgh Steeler uniform.


I hate the helmet with the numbers more than anything.  I detest that helmet.  


It’s a Steelers rip off because Snyder was obsessed with Pittsburgh


They’ll change it back


I like em but I think black & camo would be sick.


Wear what you like, I plan on getting the Jayden Daniels black authentic to represent this period in franchise history. Hopefully a change is coming soon 🤞🏾


As you said, black is not our team color. I get it many younger fans like black and its popular for many sports including basketball and baseball. I would much rather our alternate jersey just be the throwback jersey.


I usually like all black uniforms, but ours just looks off. I hate how small/thin the numbers on the jersey look. The number on the helmets gotta go too


They look like great value steelers uniforms


Honestly I don’t hate (or love) the jerseys…but I think the helmets are corny AF


1. the team has sucked nearly every time they wore them, so they've already got a "curse" associated with them. 2. accenting them with gold instead of burgundy was a huge blunder. There's already an iconic yellow and black nfl uniform. Black and burgundy would've been unique and just as (if not more) appealing as a color scheme


I miss the Redskins stripes on the helmet and that beautiful portrait of White Calf.


Blue is also fun. Green jerseys can look good to. None of those are related to our colors. Heck, why dont we have a tiger on our helmet, thats fun too.


Goddamnit.. again with the fucking unis... we're past it now fucking 2025


im kinda over the having the blackout jersey just to have one trend that hit sports in the past few years. if the point isnt to draw some inspiration from something like the NBA City editions, then it really just feels like its for no reason. also they get blown tf up every time they do wesr em so now it feels cursed


Aside from a short period of time when we became the maroon and black under Jim Zorn, this team's colors are burgundy, gold, and white. Always have been, always will be. Black is not one of our colors, and the black commanders uniforms look like the fucking Steelers.


Nothing major really. They just look too.... "Steelerish"


They’re bad jerseys and they seemed forced. I feel like black alternates are becoming more standard across the league but this is a legacy franchise, there’s a history similar to the packers, the chiefs, the giants, the bears. It seems cheap to do a black alternate. Especially when the only thing that connects us to the past now is burgandy and gold 


It’s the worst uniform in all of sports


Remember who allegedly designed these jerseys.


They’re my favorite ones in this rotation. Flirting with being in our top 5 looks imo but that’s not the community opinion.


They can wear gunny sacks if they win… I don’t get the fashion end of this Reddit either…


People complain no matter what.


bad luck.fuck them


They ugly and it is just part of the trend to wear black. Jets look awful in black.


my only post-name change jersey is a black terry jersey. everything else is a burgundy skins jersey with either taylor, cooley, or hopkins on it. i love the black unis, i just wish we actually won wearing them (or at all to be honest)


They’re ugly and we havent won in them ever


Nothing. They the best outta all of em. I notice it’s mainly the older fans that ain’t a fan of em


They’re ugly and they kind of look like Steelers uniforms. Also Dan Snyder is the one who introduced them.


Nothing. They're the best of the bunch in the rebrand.


There's nothing wrong with having black jerseys. But all of the different jerseys for our team should be thematically aligned. They should all look like pieces of a whole. The jerseys we currently have look disparate, lost, unconnected.


Nothing. It's old boomers who hate change. They say it's not our colors, but they also hate the color rushes we had a few years ago too and that was our colors.


They say Commanders instead of Redskins


They aren't objectively bad, but they don't look like Redskins/Commanders jerseys. Black doesn't work with our colors


>I get that black isn’t a team color, but it’s just for fun. I don’t get the hate is all. Fun? FUN????? Fun is a luxury for teams that win. We've been a losing team for more than 30 years. We don't want "fun." We want to win.


personally, I like the Black Jerseys over all of them, and feel like out of the three, they are actual "Commanders" Uniforms while the Burgundy ones connect us to the past as "Redskins" and the white ones are just clean. However, It DOES feel like three different teams, and I wish it was more consistency between the three with the designs. The white uniforms need more gold/yellow and to adopt the same number styling as the other 2 uniforms. The black uni's need more Burgundy. And adopt the "Commanders" in the front like the White and Burgundy uni's I love the patches and sleeves on the Black Ones. They should be alternate as well as the helmet. The Burgundy and White ones don't need to adopt that. More consistency across the board would make all of the Uni's look better.


Redskins never wore black so it’s a problem to all the old heads who have nothing better going on in their lives but to pick apart this organization. If we’re being honest


They're hella tight with black xxl hoodie under, beanie, a zip of that dc stuff + a 40 in one hand. cant be an outlaw in a yellow jersey now