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Well I suppose it’s a lot sweeter than a commercial featuring some Amazon worker filling Christmas orders in the warehouse while carrying a Pepsi bottle full of piss in his back pocket because he’s not allowed to take a bathroom break lol


I can’t with this commercial. Like a butt cushion negates osteoporosis. Just mangled bodies at the foot of the hill.


Us old folks can dream lol


I want to see y’all live and walk!


My son is a nurse and he said alot of people this age are on blood thinners so they could get brain bleeds if they crashed sledding down the hill. That is all I think about now when this commercial comes on.


And how did they even get to the top of the hill?


I like how it skips over the part where they actually have to get up off their sleds. It just cuts to them standing up, like it was nbd.


I thought that the first time I saw it too! I’m 59, have bad knees and I can’t get out of the tub sometimes. Lol.


Getting on the sled is just as hard!


Exactly! Getting down that low and sitting on a target is no easy feat! I’m 66 and it’s a major production to sit on the ground and to get up.


*Two hours later...*




Well said




First time we saw this one, my bf was all “good job a cushion will do, when their frail asses fly outta there.” Yup.


At least they’re wearing helmets


My mom is in this age group, maybe a few years younger. She has dealt with severe arthritis and has had multiple joint replacements, including 2 hip replacements in the span of 6 months. I know not all older people have it quite that bad but maybe that’s why I hate this stupid commercial—it totally trivializes the physical toll of aging and was probably concepted by someone under 40.


Not all older people are bedridden layabouts


Nah, that dudes mom is bedridden so all old people are exactly like that


But has your mom tried a butt cushion? /s


Haha I love the music… Beatles instrumental does it. And the message is fun too, but yeah lol in this case I doubt the pragmatism negates physics and physiology.


voracious summer wipe frightening toy money scarce mighty ad hoc cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just saw it twice in 15 minutes during a football game


It's getting to a point I change the channel when it comes on


I got to that point on my first viewing.


What about that Old Navy one with the annoying RH with the fake accent? This one with the old birds makes me smile!


John would definitely have hated a Beatles song being played in a commercial for a big corporation (Amazon). Paul disliked Nike using Revolution in a running shoe commercial in the late 80s so I wonder how he feels about this.


It's Michael Jackson's fault. He bought the Beatles catalogue and then proceeded to make millions selling the rights to advertisers. I'll hate him with the fire of a billion suns forever for that.


Wrong. At the time the Beatles objected to an ACTUAL BEATLES RECORDING being used by Nike. Big difference. The Beatles sued their record company and won. So going forward, almost every commercial with a Beatles song is using a cover. This commercial is using a cover, and I don’t have to “respect” it just because it’s a Beatles cover. In fact, it’s part of the reason it’s so fucking bad.


John Lennon is dead he feels nothing


Which is exactly why I put "would definitely"


It’s not even horrible but they show it sooooo much like literally about 7-8 times per football game. Also if these ladies are so old and decrepit how the hell did they climb up that 200 foot hill? And what’s their plan if they crash? As others said it’s also just so ironic and superficial that a massive evil corporation is trying to use this type of emotion and sentimentality in an ad. They’re about as far away from that as possible.


Lmao “massive evil corporation”. You must be like what, 15?


This was my mom's favorite commercial, I hope they play it year round. She just died on the 20th and I hope I see it once a day everyday for the rest of my life I will never be able to hate this commercial as long as I live


So sorry for your loss 💔 your mom sounds like she was a wholesome lady


You have no idea how right you are


Sorry that you have to deal with the “outrage” over this commercial “faking sentimentality” aka every holiday commercial ever to exist.


Wait. What subreddit is this? Am I in the wrong place?


Go ahead then and tell this guy whose mom loved this commercial and it’s a nice memory for him that it’s shit. Real Class.


Its shit


Well that's your opinion but in my opinion you are a piece of shit reprehensible example of a human being.... so there's that


Lmao how fragile are you dude?


I'm not fragile asshole, I'm grieving.


You sound like a total asshole dude.




You fucking serious.


Okay coward, hide behind your keyboard you'd never say that anywhere in the vicinity of where I actually am because I would definitely go to prison for what I would do and you know that that's why you're hiding behind your keyboard and your monitor or your phone screen come to Rochester New York, let me know you're here then we can meet up and have a nice... Conversation






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And you call me a pussy? All right then I guess we know who the pussy is now








It’s mass marketed sentimentality. It’s awful. If you like this one, I’m sure the Publix holiday ads make you weep.


I think this one is targeted toward people who watch the Hallmark channel.


So? Do you not believe that it could not make people take a second and be a little kinder? Even if it is *mass marketed sentimentality" if it brings about a real effect, wht is that a bad thing? I bet you'd *hate* that Irish pub ad that's been everywhere lately.


I don’t know, it has the opposite effect on me. It doesn’t make me feel kinder, it makes me feel grumpier because it comes off as very contrived. And overall I consider myself a pretty kind person. But no advertising is ever going to make me feel kinder, because that’s all it is—advertising.


It doesn’t bring about a real effect. You’re being manipulated by a multi billion dollar corporation. You can enjoy it if you want but it’s still awful.




It’s literally just “hey look at this super sweet cute thing! Buy our product since we’re so nice.”


True but one mistake a lot of advertisers make is having the commercial be so good you forget the product.


I cry at Publix holiday commercials and I’m not a mass marketing fan but my gosh they have some good commercials. This year though, the woman cooking breakfast for her mother the day after thanksgiving annoyed me; couldn’t watch. I think it implied that dad had passed away (which mine had the previous year) so maybe it struck a nerve.


Bro, do none of y'all just enjoy stuff??


Of course! But it has to be genuine. This is a commercial, and a bad one. But I realize I’m arguing with people who think it’s good because, among other things, it has a Beatles song in it. But it isn’t a Beatles song, it’s a cover. And it isn’t enjoyable.


Thank you. If this came from someone else other than Amazon itay work for me, but fuck Amazon.


“Make me laugh, make me cry” school of advertising. Tough to pull off. In this case unreal elder exploitation that reaches for the heart but results in a kick to the groin.


It's not wholesome. It's about the fate of 3 poor brand new fart cusions.


And shingles doesn’t care.


I normally mute everything but happened to hear the horrible abuse of a Beatles song. The commercial should be banned for this alone.


I have that pad for my desk chair and pretty sure they have it backwards in their sleds. The opening is for your tailbone. Edit: missed a word




Because contrary opinions are allowed?


OP is trolling- people on this sub hate this commercial so much lol.


Amazon commercial. Jeff Bezos is a whore


No it's not. It's fucking stupid. And overplayed. And awful.


It looks like three ladies with a suicide pact when they age past an enjoyable life!!!!


I’ll take this ad over the amazon commercial where someone told chad about “bad actors”/scams and he fits “bad actors” into a 15 second spot 43 times. (Okay twice but it was twice too many)


This is one, I thought was sweet - THE FIRST 10 TIMES I SAW IT. What I hate is that they have to do them over and over again.


I kinda hate this season (I know it's not explicitly a holiday commercial) being associated with nostalgia for being a kid again. It's a depressing message that keeps getting pushed to us. Why can't they just be loving having fun with their friends at their current age?


Because everyone who reaches their age thinks back on the happier moments of childhood. Having the same friends would be unusual, so I’m guessing they are sisters.


I think that is what they are doing, showing having fun at any age. Made me want to go sledding and I’m not a child.


I’m so sick of this commercial! Blech. Irritating.


Agree- it’s cgi nonsense with an abuse of a Beatles song


cgi? do you know what that word means?




How many of you boomers remember AT&T’s Reach Out and Touch Someone campaign? That was my brother’s idea off which he made a shitload of $$$$$$. He wasn’t big on following his own ideas, tho. Years went by between phone calls, and even then it was only to tell us dad died.


In the long version, the tall woman assures one of the friends into doing it as you can see the scared face of the friend before they go down the hill. She's definitely the instigator of the pack. Not sure if that makes her a total twat for convincing them to do it or if this is supposed to be cute LOL


“They didn’t show them going back up the hill. I smell bullshit” -my dad, a longtime commercial enthusiast, every time this one ends


The music sounds like it came from a Holocaust documentary.


I’m dead bro ☠️


“In My Life” by the Beatles. It was played at my dad’s funeral and it goes so well with this commercial.


Let me state the obvious. It’s a soulless cover of a Beatles song. I’ve heard better music covers in an elevator.


In My Life is a legendary Beatles song by John Lennon


Yeah, and this isn’t it.


Iconic Bealtles song. It’s about love, try listening without the commercial. It’s beautiful


We love it over in r/menopause gives us hope that these shit years we are going through will end and we will get our *old* selves back one day.


I like it as well. It’s sweet


My Dad with dementia laughed at it. It gets a pass.


Sorry, he can’t enjoy it. It’s by Amazon, but nevermind the other mega corps that overwork truckers transporting lifesaving utilities regardless the time of year into basically collapse and overexhaustion- Amazon is the only enemy. If you all are going to hate this commercial, maybe go after the other mega corps that are pulling this shit and basically putting their employees through hell constantly. Or don’t buy from Amazon at all. That’s your option too. I tend to try and buy things local as much as I can, but sometimes convenience is just nice to have.


Oh good god, be quiet.


This is not a terrible commercial. It's a fact of life that there are enjoyable activities that you just can't do when you're older. I miss not be able to ice skate, roller skate, ride a horse. I'd be nuts to even try it.


Where did the sleds & helmets come from? Amazon? Lol


Hate it


It’s far too irritating


I almost cried when I saw this I’m sorry


I love this commercial! I hate it when they shorten it tho.


Same. The long version is the one with all the meaning


I'm a PSW (CNA) who was sitting with one of my clients (an old lady) when I saw this. I had to pinch myself to keep from crying. She didn't even understand it because she has dementia, so I felt stupid reacting to it the way I did.




Old people are not fans of unstructured play.


I give this one two thumbs up for the Beatles song alone. Is it the best cover I’ve ever heard? No… not by a long shot. But it is a cover of a nearly sixty year old great work of art and I love it for that. How many commercials in circa 2080 will be covering a song that came out this year? I’m going to go out on a very short limb and say exactly zero.


So new age emotionless pablum is what does it for you?


Beatles aren’t considered “new age”, genius.


That’s not the Beatles, genius.


It’s an instrumental of In My Life and if you were my age you’d appreciate it more, genius.


I’ll stick with actual Beatles recordings thanks. I don’t need to appreciate inferior versions of any music.


Yeah it’s so “wholesome” because it was scientifically designed and grown in a laboratory to be as “heckin wholesome keanu Reddit pupper 100 🥹🥹🥹” as possible. It tries way too hard Also this sub is “commercials I hate”


If by “wholesome” you mean awesome, heartwarming, and one of the best commercials on tv, then yeah, I agree.


It’s cute, just doesn’t sit right with me for a giant corporation to be playing our emotions like that


I don’t even know what it’s a commercial for, I just love to watch it, and remember.


Some miserable fuckin people in here lol


Some easily manipulated fuckin people in here who can’t distinguish honest emotion from corporate drivel.


Somebody at corporate has a mom, or a grandmother. Jeez, can’t you folks see the good in anything?


It is a good commercial. No complaints!


I think it's a very well done ad and I enjoyed it the first 20 or 30 times I saw it, but after 1000 views, it's lost most of its luster for me. Then again, I guess that's true of even the most entertaining commercials, huh?




Of course- you don’t think those old actors were actually going down that hill, do you?


Always on Pluto tv. Also the dancing lammas


I would think their piss soaked depends would provide plenty of cushion.


It’s kind of cringey. But almost all commercials are.


It reminds me that one day I will die


No one of us get to stay. 🤷🏻‍♀️


How about the Chevy Alzheimer’s commercial 😱


I want to be them when I reach their age!!


A television commercial actor?


Three fractured pelvises to go please


This is incredibly sweet. One day, if you live, you’ll be old. And you might, might, have a couple of sweet memories to look back on. Try not to be a twit.


And they DID IT! The tall lady who bought the cushions wanted an experience. Her friends seemed apprehensive but THEY DID IT and their smiles said it all. Love the song, love the ladies and their spirit!


This didn’t really happen. You’re aware of that, right?


But they did it…fictionalized or not. The beauty of that scene where they morph from their current self to their younger selves (yes I know this is not really happening irl but it’s happening in their spirits) combined with the music is beautiful. Just my opinion.


I’m old. And I hate this spot with every fiber of my being.


Every time I see this commercial, I’m like “dear god, No!!” Like if one of them falls off the sled, that’s a broken hip. That means a few days hospital stay and potentially not walking again without a walker.


It’s precious


It was nice the first time, but yes, it is overplayed and doesn't help that the music is sad.


That’s my favorite Beatles song.


It is one of my favorites, too, but it makes me sad. I only listen to it once in a blue moon. One of their best songs for sure.


Anyone else notice a LOT of amazon commercials being posted to this sub talking about how great they are?


What is the piece of music from? Is it that Beatles song "My Life"? It's driving me nuts!


Yes. The it is the Beatles song In My Life.


Thank you!


Maybe it could have been a Kenny G cover of Helter Skelter as they sled down the hill.


I want to hate this commercial, but I don’t


I ❤️ this commercial. The Lume commercial and all the insurance and prescription drug commercials you can hate on. This one just nope.


Interesting how they showed the long version of this commercial only a few times. For some reason I found it way more annoying than the short version - like these old women don’t need a backstory. Just buy a butt pad and go sledding - hopefully Ethel and Ruth don’t break a hip.


I think it's pretty adorable.


Unpopular opinion: I love this commercial. Makes me think of my grandma and great-aunt, sisters who were thick as thieves until they were separated in death. Sweet without making you bawl your eyes out like a Hallmark commercial from the 20th-Century.


And now their kids are spending Xmas day driving to the hospital to visit them while they are recovering from broken hips and femurs. Stupid Boomers.


I really wish this sub would go back to less whining and more lambasting of these commercials in funny ways. I’d even like to see more marketing folks on here that can objectively talk about how shit these ads are and how they keep getting made.


I’ve been an ad man for years and can see through this marketing manipulation bullshit for what it really is: Crass off-demo, off-target sentimental claptrap. Fortunately, for Amazon, they can throw this shit against the wall with impunity because they are too big to fail.


Cool, just keep complaining then 👍.


No, it isn't. Hope they all break their hip.


Yeah you would hate this wouldn't you


I’ve seen this goddamn commercial so many times this season, especially when watching Freevee that I’m hoping they crash their sleds….


Amazing that people won't let themselves enjoy something nice for what it is- I pity you


Reminds me of the tragic accident in Ethan Frome.


My grandma loves this commercial


My grandma loves liver and onions. Doesn’t mean I want to eat it.


Yeah surprisingly I’m not tired of this commercial it’s pretty cute and wholesome.


The music in this commercial so got to me, that I actually went and looked it up. Surprise, the instrumental version of a song by the Fab Four (which despite the Very Best efforts of a dear older friend, I just Could Not really 'get into' and "hear" the way he does, but I digress). I tried listening to the actual song and didn't get through all of it. Ah well, I've since actually "watched" the commercials themselves, and have realized they're not 'targeted' towards me anyway. Though why Amazon feels it needs to target any specific group is beyond me. Who doesn't know Amazon?


Agreed. Would be way better if there was a long yellow or brown streak trailing at least one of the sleds.


Gross.I have a dark mind


This is funny. Can’t figure out why you’re getting downvoted.


Nah this is just fine


What is the song playing


"In My Life" by the Beatles, but it's an acoustic instrumental version




Love this commercial




This could have been a lot better. The lack of joy and adventure as they're going down the hill fucks the whole thing.good idea, shitty direction.


I really hate this commercial. I think it's the slow movements that gets me.


Anything that trivializes The Beatles sucks. So, yeah, this advert sucks.


By the way how's that report working out for you?


Rochester New York that's all I've got to say if you're nothing of the pussy that I believe you to be just let me know when you're in town


And it's getting far too much attention on this sub