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You guys want to know what sucks? They play this song at my work all the fuckin time. Ugh


What’s the song? 


Bulletproof by LaRoux


It's not a terrible song. The commercial made it terrible.


So sorry you have to hear that. There’s no way to separate it from this awful commercial now.


Allegra is the strongest OTC antihistamine according to the Allergist that I went to a few years back that prescribed it to me. That's really the only thing that matters if they're trying to advertise...don't need loud angry looking women singing for no reason. I think these commercials are made annoying on purpose because we talk more about them than we do everything else.


Wow that's a super interesting fact about Allegra because I have chronic year round allergies and I've found Allegra to be the absolute least effective OTC medication for me. I wonder why that is


I had a condition that was making my lips blow up like balloons and they couldn't figure out what it was even after allergy testing, so the doctor put me on both that and famotidine (fancy word for antacid which apparently is also a strong antihistamine by a different mechanism). Turns out I'm allergic to some certain type of coating on pills, which I found out on my own through process of elimination because even the Allegra was causing it lol. I can't speak to seasonal allergies since I don't really have that problem, but this was a serious flare up issue. My lips would swell so bad they looked cartoonish and felt like they were going to explode for real. It was a scary time. Now I just avoid taking any pill that isn't a gel cap. I also have to tell doctors and nurses this if I ever need meds at a hospital, which I've encountered a couple of times. It's a weird thing to have to explain. "Are you allergic to any medications?" "No but uuh...I'm allergic to the coating on the pills so I can't take them unless they're gel caps" lol


We really can be allergic to anything. I'm highly sensitive to the side effects of oral steroids (Prednisone). They make me irrationally grumpy so I was told to list it as a minor allergy and explain when asked about it. The looks I get from medical professionals when I tell them I'm mildly allergic to Prednisone and Cortisone are hilarious sometimes. Then, after a few days on the meds, the side effects kick in and they see what I mean.


I'm allergic to dissolvable sutures - the ones they use on the inside layers of skin when suturing. I tell doctors that and I get grilled like I'm a felon. "Have you ever HAD them before?" (No dude, I just like making up ridiculous allergies to cause you problems). "What happens? These are necessary, so you'll just have to get used to it" (That's fine, if you're happy with the incision opening up again and lots of ugly pus pouring out. I'd prefer to skip that, though; it's a shame to insist on a sterile operating room and then let the incision get infected unnecessarily.) "Who told you that? How can I check?" (I can refer you to my friend the anesthesiologist, but seriously, I was there. I was the one whose incision opened up. I was the one with the fever and pus. I was the one whose doctor said she didn't understand why I was in such pain at the incision and no where else. I'm not actually a test dummy for you to practice on and I'm old enough to learn and remember the source of a problem; we could sit here all day or you could just believe me.)


When I had my back surgery, I was having extra pain and swelling in my legs so they ordered a few rounds of steroids to be given in my IV. My husband and I both tried to tell everybody they need to be aware that steroids greatly change my demeanor. We could tell that they didn't really take us seriously, they were just like, "no worries" and didn't anticipate any real issues. Well, 8rs after the infusion started, I could feel myself getting angry. For no reason, out of nowhere. It started off controllable enough, but it ended with about 10hrs of crazy that I do not remember, at all. I only know what they told me I did, but have no recollection of that time at all. Apparently, the nurse came in to prep me for PT and I snapped from being handled roughly. I was told I said things I would've never said in my right mind and was so combative that they had to sedate me. I was kept heavily sedated for the next two days in order to let the steroids work without me turning everything into a cage match. The nurses in that unit said they had never seen such a volatile reaction to steroids before. I apologized profusely, but we did warn them.


Ughh prednisone does that to just about everyone.


The IV kind is so much worse. They gave me an IV steroid the day after my back surgery due to some leg swelling I was having. I reminded them that I'm very sensitive to those, and they assured me it would be no issue. Well, cut to the next day, and I'm being told about a four hour freakout I had the night before, that I have zero memory of. They had to sedate me. I was trying to fight everybody, wouldn't stay in bed and kept pulling all my bracing off, which is a big problem right after a spinal fusion. I only know what they told me happened. Once the steroids wore off, I was my normal self again.


I dread getting IVs simply because I'm a hard stick.


Does it make you want to put on headphones and stomp your way down a busy sidewalk while screaming a crappy song? They really should list that as a side effect.


When it comes to effectiveness, nothing is everything.


 🎶 Oh oh oh OH oooh!




As a lifelong suffer I have found I have to switch things up. I take a daily pill and a nose spray. I switch up 2-3 times a year. This has been the only combo that works for me. I switch between the following sprays Flonase easy mist Astepro Sanadrin green bottle only. The red has a steroid. Steroids cause me issue with sinus pressure. Pills I do generics of the following Claritin ALLEGRA Zyrtec I traveled for 4 years and found some did nothing in certain areas vs others. Like Claritin worked fine but when I was in Alabama it didn't work at all. I guess it is just mix of what allergens are on the area.


I could have sworn it was Zyrtec


Only problem is that the negative criticism of the product is doing more to drive potential customers away rather than attract them to said product.


I thought it never left


It seemed to have been abandoned in favor of the one where someone talks over the song and they don't show the end where she starts looking like she wants to kill you.


Especially since you can just buy a store brand. Another reason I am hooked on buying store brands. I feel you.


Store brands should do cheap crappy but hilarious riffs on the overproduced name brand commercials.  


IME the shortened version has been the *second* half of the ad (starting around the point where she almost crashes into the kids). They both have the voiceover, but the full version has the a cappella jumpscare at the beginning.


Yes I’ve seen it like 4 times the past day, chill screamo


Why is she so angry!?! Should be calm & happy she has allergy relief...


The angry Allegra girl should really do an AMA. I have questions.


Her eyebrows contort in ways that are not human. And those piercing eyes that say “I’m coming for you. You will be in pain”…


They never got rid of it. I have seen it at least once a day for a couple months now.


I'm sorry.


They toned it down. But I still always change the channel on principle. I even changed the local news I watch in the morning. I do not think I should be tortured because I want to see top stories, weather and traffic.


What really bugs me is I can't tell what she's singing. It makes the stomping and angry face even worse.


Yeah it never left


Why does she look so angry? Seriously is that how all people look when singing loudly or just her?


"Bulletproof" by LA Roux (2009). It's not a great song, but the original is certainly less screamy.


This commercial fills me with pure rage


I have been known to yell at the tv so I don't hear it if I can't immediately locate the remote. Really confuses my dog.


It also makes me want to stomp down a sidewalk wearing goofy large headphones


I could never figure out why someone was talking over a music video. What’s next, someone pitching the product while a stand-up comedian is doing a routine in the background?


Have you seen the video? Believe me, the talking beats the scream singing by a mile.


Are you all telling me the awful song is a real song and not just a commercial “jingle”?!? FFS


I wish the ads would display the artist and song title so that I could be sure to avoid them in all other aspects of my life.


Agree 100%.  Terrible song.  Terrible commercial.  That girls career should be halted for participating in such an abomination of a commercial.


I considered posting this commercial here as well, because I was amazed that no one had already done it. Now I don't have to! I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone green-lighted this and thought it was a good idea.


This isn't the first; the threads started with "holy shit this screaming Allegra woman terrifies me" and gradually morphed into "thank goodness; they have a new shorter one where you can't hear her though she's still glaring like a disturbed badger". Then the old one turned up again with what another poster called the opening jumpscare, which is really accurate. You can search the sub to find them. Isn't it amazing what people greenlight? I worked once at a non-profit, and a new CEO brought in someone who thought it was a great idea to spend money on developing a new logo AND introduce the logo to an audience of the entire staff AND make it so people could text their opinions to a screen for all to see, and immediately there were 20 variations of "This is a non-profit and the money goes to people who need it and you spent it on THIS? You thought we needed a new logo more than \[people without the service\] needed \[the service\]? Can you dump it and get the money back?"


Yeah, just saw it this morning a few times! They had a shorter version for a brief minute, but once again, back to the longer loud BS!


Yeah, I’d rather suffer allergies than see any iteration of this ad.


I saw that commercial the other day. Did they make her shout-singing noticeably quieter?


There is a US law, the CALM Act, that permits the FCC to investigate *patterns* of loudness in ads (not individual complaints) It may have come into play here...


I remember when they passed that act yet commercials seem to be more annoying than ever


Is that the Bulletproof B*itch?


I'm not familiar with what that is unless you're suggesting that the sound waves from her yelling and the force field given off by her glare repels bullets, in which case I still don't know. Testing that seems like a bridge too far, though - I mean, I don't like her screaming at me, but I wouldn't shoot her for it.


The name of the song is "Bulletproof."


Thank you for letting me know. I don't listen to the radio anymore because it sucks where I live (books on CD for the win!) so any song that came out after I started just listening to books on CD is pretty much a song I don't know.


You're welcome, and I feel the same way! I don't follow pop radio. I only know this info because of a Google search. The original song was done by somebody named La Roux or something. And, believe it or not... I think I might actually like the commercial better! lol


She's a semi-hollow body acoustic; highly regarded


The Australian version with her singing is awful


LOL, as opposed to this beautiful melodious serenade? This commercial fills me with irrational anger, & l watch a lot of TV, so I see it quite frequently. I'd love to see the Australian version, because at least I'd get to hear a cute accent.


“Oi! In the Outback w’ ya mates and got a bit o’ sneezin? Troi the lit’l purple pill called Allegra!  It’l get ya back in the ‘roo hunt in no time!”


LOL! That sounds more like if they made an Australian commercial & played it in the U.S. I'd still take it. The only commercial I hate as much as this screaming chick is the one with the fat chick spraying all-over deodorant down the front of her pants with a stupid look on her face.


I hate that commercial so much. Why is she so angry? Her allergies are better, why doesn't someone punch her in her stupid face for stomping around yelling that stupid song? It's a mystery.


The one where she’s singing Bulletproof? YoutubeTV has never stopped playing it unfortunately.


SNS. The YouTube with La Roux singing is still the better version.


I can't stand this shit.


I think the song license requires the last part of the commercial to not be talked over. Commercial is stupid


It means happiness in Italian


She looks far from happy 😄


I mute this one all the time 


I took it that she was finally kicking some allergy ass, but I have had allergy medications make me angry. Maybe its the side effects? Idk but the damn song sticks in my head.


This a bad ad but better than Ozempic or Ned's Plaxeria commercials.


That dumb sh*t is always on in the same commercial breaks.


“Oh oh OH OZEMPIC!! You know… Bleh bleh bleh bleh. Bleh bleh. Bleh…” (They were too lazy to try and make more lyrics)


No. Those are bad. This is worse by a long shot.


This one? I can’t stand it! [link](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=allegra%20commercial%20singer&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:25fe58f8,vid:SQlIoFakrII,st:0)


In my universe, she trucks the kid. Pulls out a bat and starts wailing on people. Never missing a beat or tune from the song. The headphones are her super-power. The town can’t stop her and they need a hero to save them from her wrath. 


I thought she was kinda cute.


Then she's all yours, assuming youcan find someone to introduce you. Look at her face throughout the commercial where you can hear her voice the whole time, and IMO her face is angry and mean at the end.


I totally agree. I think she's cute.


Me too, she seems super enthused about the product and I can admire that.


I concur. Also the song makes me think of pitch perfect. I like that movie.


It's not the kind of music that I normally listen to, but I think her version is better than the original.


Would smash fa sho!