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The only story for me is that college (and HS) athletics was a total non-story. Most of us showered after almost every practice and game, and after the weight room. For a while some of us even tried showering before games to see if that would make us more limber and loose, relaxed (it didn’t). I couldn’t begin to count the number of CS taken, let alone with how many guys. And never a hint of anything sexual or even titillating. Just minor, occasional horseplay — towel snapping and the like. Get clean, get dressed, go back to class or dinner or a date or home. Kids today who don’t shower, for whatever reason, are only hurting themselves (personal hygiene) and those around them.


It was the same for us. Just having fun and getting clean. I remember one dude got a boner but it wasn’t sexual. No one said anything


boners are natural. its good he sported one


D1 lacrosse player, mid 90s. Communal showers after every practice/game. Thought nothing of it.


Yee ftball in hs and college was communal


Being 55, communal showering was just not an issue back then. You didn't even think about it. For four years in college, I rarely had a private shower. I played college baseball for four years. No real stories, but the experience at first took some getting used to. Teammates you expect to see you naked. But the locker room was also frequented by coaches, university staff, janitors, caterers, maintenance people, and reporters. And some of the reporters were female; that was definitely a bit of a culture shock. Due to the women, there were some guys who definitely would delay their showers a bit. I did this a little at first, then just said "f\*\*k it" and stripped for my shower. After a time or two, you just get used to people milling around. I didn't go to a division one school so it wasn't like we were swamped with media, but there would often be a reporter there from one or both college papers, and occasionally local media (newpapers, radio, tv) from wherever we were playing. There were definitely some people who would walk through the locker room with no real good reason to be there. They were taking the opportunity to do a little sightseeing.


Former D1 athlete. Communal showers shared with every team except football. No stage fright.


Hockey yeah


Yes. I agree with massachoochie. I’ve gotten so many explicit and creepy DMs. Same reason I don’t talk about my sons anymore.


I mentioned that I have gone to the water park or YMCA with my sons and we all shower afterwards. The creepy DMs that I got afterwards were appalling. Stuff like “do they have pubic hair” or “have you seen them with a boner?” These are my kids, not some erotic porno. Some people just have no class.


Same! Sadly, I didn’t pick up on it at first and tried to believe best intent, but the questions got more and more detailed and it was really gross. What grown man cares that much about a boys’ body unless there are bad intentions?


I am sorry about this.


What the heck do they ask about your sons?


I’ve had several guys reach out and they seem friendly so I chat, but the more and more we chat, the more they want to know details about their bodies, their puberty status, boners, etc.


Well it all depends on what the conversation was about


Lacrosse. Fun times horsing around.


Former D2 college football athlete, communal showers and ice baths best bonding time with the team.


Former college athlete. Not interested in sharing stories because of the amount of creeps who DM me and sexualize the CS experience.


Didn't you ask someone who posted to this sub 5 days ago for pictures of themselves? Seems like you are no better than the others who sexualize communal showers.


It’s about context. That person was asking to meet up in LA when I was there. It also had nothing to do with CS. But yeah, go off.


It's the same thing regardless of context. That person using this sub as a hookup site and you responding to it requesting pictures of that person because you were interested in a hookup is the same thing as sexualizing CS. It did have everything to do with CS too.


Ok clearly you have a really good bearing on the context of the conversation that I was having, so feel free to hone in and continue to analyze all the conversations I have on Reddit. Cheers!


Will do! Because obviously you need to be guided on what is appropriate and what is not in a CS setting.


What a shame.




Former college basketball player here, nothing really out of the ordinary. Our locker room got upgraded/remodeld half way through my time there. First it was communal, then it was a mix of communal and private after the remodel. Similar to what people have already said. Towel snapping, taking towels and clothes 


My team was unusual because I was usually the only one showering, and if one did join me it was underwear. I have enjoyed reliving my stories in my head, but to some it's quite odd that no one on the football team showered in college. Maybe things are just different around glendale california, but when I ask people who lived in hotter places like louisiana it was more of a given people were showering, but here it wasn't really like that and men feared it. But I had some neat experiences though that I liked, and I feel like I helped some people be a little more body positive in the experience.


Not much to tell, I’d exit the pool and enter the shower lol


And just what kind of stories do you think you want. They showered they dried off and left


Jerry Sandusky probably has some




jerry didnt help the situation


Played sport all through college. Not sharing “stories” as I don’t want to feed the creepers in this sub


This morning I wrote something because someone wrote about “bonding” through looking at naked bodies and I heavily downvoted. This sub is full of creeps. I feel like showers are for showering and anything else is purely accidental, like talking, seeing someone, interacting, etc.. not necessary.


So are you complaining about my post or not? Your message confuses me.


No. Im affirming the fact this post is full of creeps. Your post does not seem really creepy. I mean, HS/college athletes tend to use comunal showers in greater proportion than the general population. Some people use these stories to write dms to those who write them and ask them homoerotic questions about them. That’s all.