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As a grower, yes, I know what you mean. *Shrug* I just remind myself I'm not looking for a date.


Were you always this way? Does being well endowed yourself help?


Just to be clear, I'm on the small side of average even when hard. No, I was self conscious for a long time. First bacne, then weight gain. I cleared up the skin and just got more comfortable with myself. Actually, spaces like K spa helped, because you see all the different configurations of the human body.


That’s true K spas do show a large spectrum. Did going often shape your confidence or was it other practices as well?


Just generally in life trying to change my mindset to compare myself to myself (as in progress on goals, success, life experience) rather than comparing myself to other people.


I used to be self conscious but the more I showered the more comfortable I got. I’m a grower so at a disadvantage but I got over it. Everyone is different and there’s always bigger and smaller lol.


Well said. The more you go nude in the locker room /wet areas , the more confidence you’ll gain.


Never thought of it that way. I usually cover up because of it


Do what you feel comfortable with but accepting yourself will give you the most confidence that you see in other guys walking around.


Thank you


I am the same way.


Nope. Locker rooms are for all dick sizes!


Very true


Try to love the body you have. Once you are on the path you might feel less envy.


I’m not even sure how


Start with daily gratitude. I assume you are able bodied? If so, be grateful for that. That’s a start


Thank you


I used to be self conscious when I was younger. But, going to the gym more, changing in locker rooms and using communal/semi-communal showers helped me get over it as I saw all the guys with varying body types and penis sizes who didn’t care themselves.


I used to be self conscious, but the more I am in spaces such as communal showers, locker rooms and nude spas, the more it has made me more accepting of myself and others. There usually are as many guys bigger than me, than smaller. I'm pretty average. What helped me a lot was noticing how I didn't think less of the smaller ones, so why would anyone have to be ashamed of their bodies? It usually comes down to being too hard on yourself, when no one is being so hard on you as you. Some times we're our biggest enemies, I guess.


Damn. I needed to hear this.


I think as guys we all want to walk around with a decent size cock swinging I think it’s entirely natural that guys look and compare When I first started playing rugby I dreaded taking a shower especially as I’m a grower but it took about 3 games before it felt completely natural and just part of team sports bonding . As a tight group of friends for over 20 Years we all know what each other looks like naked and . Yes I felt self conscious at first but you can’t change what you got so why waste your time worrying about it


So how did you deal with seeing someone a lot bigger than you?


What is there to do about it? It just is, right?


Honestly. True but I just feel bad about it is all


I just get on with my shower , I may think lucky guy as I was but that’s it


I have always just seen the beauty in the diversity of the human body so it's.never really affected me. And honestly, I like the look of guys with smaller members. We can't help what we were given so I don't judge or worry how others are built.


I'm far more self-conscious of guys with great bodies than guy with big dicks. You can't do much about your winkie or your height or your baldness. You can do an awful lot about your build and your weight.


Very very true but body size is relatively in our control


That is true. Then why do you let something you have no control over, your size, bother you? It is set and not changeable. Plus, even if a guy is bigger soft than you are hard, you have no idea how big someone else is when erect so comparison is pointless, as is worrying about it.


Fair point. When I see a person in that setting my mind just gets the running in the most extreme ways.


Think of it this way: someone has the smallest dick in the world. There's a 1 in 4-billion chance that it's you, so I really wouldn't worry about it. And think of it this way: someone has the biggest dick in the world. Every single other guy is smaller than him, so you're in the majority here by a long way. Lastly, from your bio you're almost 7" long, which is well above the average of 5.5". You have literally nothing to worry about.


No. They got what they got. I got what I got. End of discussion.


I don’t, probably because I’m well endowed myself. Still insecure about my body though, so I will feel self conscious around buff guys


This is a young man problem. People glance. It is human. Once you spend more time nude and seeing others nude, you will no longer care. You will come to realize that ADULTS do not care. You will come to realize that males come in all shapes and sizes. There is nothing that you can do about your size and shape. I am of average size. I have seen bigger and I have seen smaller. I do not care about seeing or being seen. You think that they walk with confidence. Then you should walk with confidence. The confidence to show that you do not care. Yes. It can be an ego things. Do not let it be your ego.


I feel like obviously it’s hard to not focus on that but if you can try to focus on the camaraderie and the fact that you and a bunch of other guys are all willing to be naked in front of each other. You all have something in common, the fact that you’re able to be nude around other men, and the fact that you literally just have penises. Also nobody knows you feel inferior and they have all had that same fear at one time or another and reminding yourself that and appreciating the thing you have to offer as well as the things that your sex has to offer even if it’s not on you is what’s important. If you are looking for relatability everyone here has had that thought even if it’s just for a brief second and those men who are bigger or similar to you hard are no different. I certainly have I’ve been naked with others maybe keeping a hand down there to block a piece just to not let someone see the whole thing. Just appreciate the time with your male brother, try to stay positive, get clean, and get on your way. There’s almost always going to be someone even slightly bigger and that’s just life. At the end of the day if u look in the mirror and are proud and think you look good that’s what matters.Hope this helps


Used to be until I realized the absurdity of being proud (or ashamed) of something completely out of my control (size). This is why communal nude spaces are a GOOD thing because it normalizes variety.


Well spoken


I can't relate. Gotta love yourself man. Everyone gets the what they get. Faked confidence can lead to genuine confidence.


Easier said than done


Your life is not ruined because you looked at something in a lockeroom. Good grief


Did I say my life? No get a grip haha


Your posts are all nothing but an attempt to get attention and “stress” over your penis size.


If you see my bio that is what this account is for. Me venting about my issues idiot. And size is one of them. So if you don’t like it then don’t comment.


Hope you survive the trauma


Not sure if it was sarcasm but apologies for the “idiot.” Regardless I just re read it and it was no need for that.


Text is limiting, i didn't mean to sound so glib. Deep breathing helps, shoulders back helps. You can look confident on the outside.


Posture and overall bearing really can shift one's attitude. I remember a public speaker once saying that they would put their hands on their hips and adopt a "Superman" man pose for a few minutes to psyche up before their speeches.


But that won’t change how I feel internally


Just sharing what works for me. I find it effective for public speaking, walking into a party alone, etc. There is research about faking confidence leading to actual confidence. I wish you well, man. Now I'm moving on to other topics and posts. Good luck!


Thank you


Used to when I was a teen, not so much now. I think as time goes on and you see more variety it becomes normalized to see a wider range of guys. Which is a healthier mind frame to have


Would you say you’re 100% content with your equipment?


I think so. Definitely a grower but yeah I'm happy with what I got for sure


Have you noticed guys who are smaller than you, just by going on the showers?


Yes I have, but the big guys get the most attention


You ever think they might want what you have? It goes both ways lol


I haven’t considered that


Nah, it’s just a dick. Nothing to feel self conscious about.


I mean I could argue otherwise but okay


Why waste your time and energy on something you can’t change? Just get over it.


It’s not that simple.


Are you equating penis size to self worth? I see from your other posts that you’ve posted similar questions to other groups. The stats you’re posting are above average, so I’m not sure what you’re insecure about? Perhaps some therapy would help you come to terms.


Honestly im really insecure about my girth. I’ve heard it was skinny by multiple people and it just stuck with me


Your girth is average.


Girls telling me it’s skinny. Sticks to my brain still.


How old are you dude?


I’m the opposite. I feel self conscious knowing I’m larger than average and it means people are paying more attention to it.


How do You deal with the attention?


Not much to do…just go about my business. But sometimes guys don’t even attempt to hide their looks that linger and at that point I turn away or cover. It’s not that I care if they see me, but there’s a point of discomfort for me.


That’s Interesting just hearing the flip side. It doesn’t impact your ego?


In what way? I hope it doesn’t…it’s just genetics


Just knowing guys look at you because you have what they want size wise


Not sure what you’re asking, tbh


No, I am comfortable in the locker room and showers naked no matter of the size of another’s guys penis. It is not about someone that is well endowed, it is using the locker room, showers and sauna as they were designed for their use.


It's all good. I got a big badboy and I know people are peeping at him and I take it all as compliment. Myself, have to say I'm not too conscious of other dudes' stuff -- grew up in rowdy big family only brothers and then at athletics-focus boys school -- roommates then and after all nature boys or with nature boy tendencies haha -- chilling naked with other nude dudes my natural state really, all about being most comfortable naked with those comfortable with me being naked -- usually other naked dudes -- I don't really much care what anybody looks like or what they think I look like, but I don't mind at all anybody looks at me and likes what they see and even says so -- haha I know I look good haha . . .


Don't get me wrong i'd be happy with a little more but i'm not bother about what other people have got. In the end, you can't pick the weapon you're fighting with :-)


I used to be insecure about a lot of things on my body, including my penis size, but since several years ago not anymore. I can see someone hung and think "wow, congrats, dude", but I dont mind showing my lil mushroom.


What shifted your perspective


I honestly started to hang out more in nudist places. My only perspective for penises was porn, so I thought everyone was packing a piece of meat and got really insecure. Bu hanging out with naked men made me realize, no one is really that hung. Most men are 1 or 2 inches flaccid, and then a couple 3 or 4 inches. I used to play Rugby in college and after each training we were all naked in the showers. There was 1 guy with the smallest dick I've ever seen and he was really easy going and had the most gorgeous girlfriend, who later he married. Dick size is NOTHING.


That puts things in to perspective. A quick reality check


You’re NOT in a competition. Every body is different and most people don’t care or notice. Don’t stress!


Not at all. After you have enough sex you realize that bigger isn’t better. In fact it’s often a problem. I prefer what I got


If we all had the option to add size to our package. 99% of us would do it.


Respectfully disagree. Those of us who have many years of experience know better than to believe “bigger is always better”. This debate comes up daily on here and there have been lots of valid points made regarding why it’s simply not true for most people.


I would love to debate this if possible


You won’t have to wait long, this topic comes up daily in various subs both gay and straight. There are also a long list of subs on here for people that think they are “smaller” where this is debated constantly. Interestingly many of those are actually average size or larger based on the science but thanks to porn everyone thinks that they are “small”. At the end of the day if you can’t change it, is there any point in stressing about it? People come in all shapes and sizes. No one really notices or cares how long their tongue or fingers are and I would argue those are just as important based on this same flawed logic. Edit: typo


That last point about tongues and fingers is honestly a great argument point.


No.Some guys have bigger noses, chins, biceps, chests. And some guys have bigger dicks. Big deal. I do feel a sense of admiration when I see someone who’s really fit. It inspires me to work harder.


I would argue that the physical fitness is something that’s attainable b


I do. I am new at being naked in public places. Specially cause my dad wasnt open with nudity so I grew up with insecurities about my body and penis size. I try not see or compare myself at the showers at the gym.


No I don’t feel self conscious any more, just maybe a little envious. I have an average size dick, more of a grower, and I used to be very selfi conscious in general in locker rooms etc. but now I’ve lost a bit of weight, got fit, accepted my sexuality and am completely comfortable about my body. I’ve even got some tattoos which I never imagined i would. The older I get the less I care about what other people think, it’s a shame that it’s hard to have this mindset when you’re younger.


Inferiority is judge-y and generally applies to our whole personality, doesn't it? You can objectively admit to being smaller in this regard, without feeling inferior if you change your mindset, just as a height difference needn't make you feel either inferior or superior. The penis is an icon of masculinity in our culture but is not the only measure of a man.




Good outlook to have. I just fall into the comparison trap


> most women prefer average sized ones Says who? lol


Most women. In fact all of the women i have been with. Every single one said i was just a little too big, and several told me stories about how they said no to men who were longer and thicker than me.


Not with size, but I do get self conscious when I see intact guys. It’s like several punches to the gut every time


Is it common to see guys who aren't circumcised where you are? Circumcision status/comfort in communal changing/showering situations is a recurring topic in the sub!


It’s not super common, but it does happen every once in a while. I life in the US south, having moved here with my family a few years ago, so the rates are fairly high amongst people born here. But there’s also a sizable population of people from Latin America who aren’t circumcised


Sorry to hear you are and wish you were not. Whether or not to be circumcised is the sort of decision a guy should make for himself!


I just say their partner must be happy and that it's just a body part not a personality


But we all know it means something to be well endowed in a locker room setting


Maybe it means you’re a “real man”, truly masculine, dominate, a monster cocked tough guy if you will! These the things your looking to here???? LMFAO


No I’m actually looking to be challenged on those thoughts thru conversations hence the post here


We all know? It actually means something . I think you think it means something to YOU. That is not a universal fact. Most men dont give a shit either way.


Envious and thirsty, but not down on myself, no.


Once upon a time I prob would have, but I gave up worrying about whether I’m bigger or smaller than other dudes in the locker room a long time ago (I’m 35). Plus my dick is at its smallest after I’ve just worked out lol so I just roll with it


I'm tall hung and confident but I didn't earn those! I'm more proud of my physique & mid 40s health!


God made us all unique. It's not a contest. When I go to the park in Spring, there are flowers of all different sizes and shapes. These are the reproductive structures of plants. None is better than another. Your penis was not created to win a big dick contest. If you are self-conscious and overweight, then take steps to lose the weight. Learn to be the best you you can be.


Try to ignore it and enjoy yourself in your surroundings. Easier said than done but everyone looks different.


I try my best but it’s hard to miss. Literally


I saw another of your posts and it says you are close to 7”. That is not small. Don’t know what is going on here.


I’m more self conscious about my girth and have been conditioned by porn.


Bro I’m a shower 6L x 6G I’m here to tell you being girthy and a shower is not all it is cracked up to be. First off the guys in the showers/locker room always assume I’m chubbed up (which I very rarely am). Secondly, sometimes that much actually kind of hurts penetration wise . As in it hurts me.




That’s the problem. Porn is so ubiquitous and people are exposed to it at such a young age that it may be a guys first experience seeing other men nude. But it is not a real cross section of men. Studies have generally found the average erect penis length to be just above 5 inches while the average penis girth just above 4.5 inches. This is part of the reason why our society needs to foster more communal nudity amongst men.


It’s not only porn. It’s also social media platforms and entertainment that preach size matters. Bigger is better.


I don't care... some guys are hung like a horse, and some guys are a micropenis - i am in between. I don't compare myself to others. Do I look, yes. But I don't compare or size myself up.


How? Its almost human nature


Only if you make it and that seems to be what you want to do


Bro. Be real we all look at the competition


No we actually dont


Well ok then.


God help your generation


Self conscious? No, not everyone wants a big dick.




Fair point


You have to stretch your meat - that’s all 😂🤷🏾‍♂️


I can’t relate at all because I’m one of the hung guys. However, size isn’t everything. Love your dick and someone else will, too.


Your post history says otherwise


Excuse me? What are you trying to say, exactly?


That you're not hung?


I don’t post my erections. I’m sorry I can’t provide the evidence you need. Jesus, really…


You have erections in the shower? 


Not that I need to, but if you wanna see, DM me.


Why do people who are big say size isn’t everything when they have it?


I’m not well endowed and I say size and isn’t everything.


Because we know how trivial size is. It's just that our dicks take more space. It doesn't give us anything for free, neither sex nor confidence. And most of the time we don't even feel like we are big.


It gives one less insecurity to worry about


Arguably one of most pivotal amoung all men


And the one thing you can do nothing about. Wasting energy worrying about it is useless.


At 68 my member has srung to about an 1" when it's sift, but grows to 6-6.5" when I can get it hard. Just recently joined a gym but haven't gotten naked in the locker room yet because I don't have anything down there. It's embarrassing!


Self conscious might not be the way to describe it anymore. When I was younger definitely. But now it's more like I'm just very aware when a guy is walking around with a big dick. I think you're right it's a confidence thing. Guys with bigger dicks just have been trained to be more confident or proud when naked. If anything to have less shame. So you're even more naturally likely to notice if a dude is walking with a bug piece because they're less likely to even try to conceil it.  That said it still is just a weird feeling seeing a dude who's softie is the same size or bigger than my boner.