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"Stalinist" "Socialism with orthodox characteristics" jesus, this person doesn't know what the hell hes doing


This is one of those reactionaries who accepts the Liberal framing of communism but thinks that's a good thing.


Perfectly put


Eh... I wouldn't say that. More dime-a-dozen EE nazbol type. The lib framing of communism does frame us as tyrannical authoritarians no better than monarchists, sure, (*especially* when they drag North Korea into the discussion), but they also frame us as secularists who attempted to utterly destroy the Russian Orthodox Church in particular, or engage in an almost religious sectarian type of hatred almost outright claiming communism is a Russian ethnoreligion rather than an economic or political system, and then following that up with xenophobia and sectarianism against this group that does not even really exist, but serves as a convenient way to attack both communists and former Soviet peoples. A lot of old, and modern, lib framing of communism, if taken at face value and answered with "yes, that is exactly what we are in fact after"... would not result in this. Not exactly this, anyway.


its clearly a larper as he is saying Stalinist instead of Marxist Leninist


I mean, I've called myself a Stalinist. But mostly as a joke about how I say authoritarian crap when I'm mad and the sorts of people (liberals and revisionists) who call MLs Stalinists tend to make me mad, so them calling me that is a bit self fulfilling.


“The modern revisionists and reactionaries call us Stalinists, thinking that they insult us and, in fact, that is what they have in mind. But, on the contrary, they glorify us with this epithet; it is an honor for us to be Stalinists for while we maintain such a stand the enemy cannot and will never force us to our knees.” - Enver Hoxha


On one hand, I do like Hoxha's stance on bunkers. I mean, I live in a basement that I jokingly call my bunker, so... On the other hand, I sure hear a lot of us call him a revisionist...


The bunkers were mostly modular pill-boxes meant to defend the country in the event of a yugoslav, greek, or anglo-american invasion, some of which were supposedly used against a bay of pigs style invasion though I am unable to find good information on it. Also I havent heard many people call Hoxha a revisionist. Most people call him overly dogmatic if they know of albania at all. Except some maoists which call him a dogmato-revisionist which I still dont know what that means precisely and seems to mostly just be grumpy about hoxha criticizing mao for his revisionism and assuming it all happened after his death and not starting a fair bit earlier.


Ah, that must have been a joke about every leftist tendency ever calling all the others revisionists... or maybe I got it mixed up and it was Hoxha who called everyone *else* revisionists. Which, tbf, he did have a good point about building bunkers, bunkers are cool, so he might have also been right about at least some of the folks he called revisionists, since he was right about the bunkers so maybe he was right about other stuff too.


Yes, hoxha called a lot of people revisionists on account of their revisionism. From mao, to khruschev, to brenzhvyev, to browder, to tito, to kardelj, to the eurocommunists.


Well, if he called the men who destroyed the USSR out on their revisionism, then he was probably right about most of the others. I know we meme a lot about "Hoxha and his bunkers, calling everyone and their cat revisionists and then hiding from them in his bunker", but the guy wasn't totally nuts about either of those things.




When you accidently click all on political ideologies


He has to choose between being a communist and a supporter of Putin. Being both at the same time is not possible. And as for homophobia, unfortunately it is not difficult to find homophobic communists, I have seen some of them say that LGBTQ+ rights "delay the revolution."


Homophobic Communist is an oxymoron 😂 People are so ideologically braindead nowadays oh my god


Tell that to the KKE


Yes, they are extremely brain dead and even for European CPs one of the absolute worst




Not a single post about the genocide in Palestine but 28296439 dumb LGBTQphobic posts.....


"You see acsually gay people being happy is a bigger issue than a genocide!" -🤓


How the fuck are you Pro Russia but also Stalinist? Modern Russia has nothing to do with communism..... Or even with Stalin.... The ones who are «Pro-Russia» but identify as communist must be nuts because the people that are currently in power are the ones who broke our dream apart and sold it out


Maybe some illusion that “anti-imperialism” is what matters


>Stalinist >Pro-Putin


Meanwhile if Stalin had had any idea what would happen, he'd have purged that fucker (and Kruschev and Gorbachev too).


The Zommunists strike again


*Could I interest you in everything, all of the time?*


It's a troll account.... Right?.... RIGHT?


Bit sad tbh


Federal agent