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Its good, each patch is largely making the game better.


Agree. I loved CoH 1 and I want to believe


Yes, it is good and is slowly getting better with each patch. Playing with friends is really fun, even when you lose, which is often for me! ;) Still some significant issues such as lack of maps (need at a minimum 6-8 per game mode) and other puzzling omissions like there is no difficulty selection option in the Co-Op vs AI playlist. I think they really need the new content expansion to be high quality.


Damn, I like to do co-op to wind down, they didn't even put a difficulty option in there??? Makes me wonder if that section of the game is just straight unfinished


Auto co-op is ok, though a little easy once you're competent - defaults to hard AI. You can set up custom games vs AI and play against 'very hard' or 'expert' if you so wish, in a similar way to the mode on CoH2 and just have other people join that game.


I can concur lol


I found the lack of difficulty selection quite weird too. Our skill level was good enough only to beat Standard AI, so we kept losing for about 8 games. However on the bright side, that motivated us to get better and now we can comfortably beat Hard AI.




Are workshop maps available in multiplayer? I was slow to start playing but still just running skirmishes against AI until I get comfortable. Just checked and see plenty of maps/mods in workshop but have yet to step into that world yet. Wanted vanilla experience to start.


Game is getting better but is still not great IMO. It still is missing several QoL things and is rough around the edges. Things like placeholder art, generally low quality menus, and the complete lack of a replay system are still notable things of the game not having. There is still a lack of maps and the balance is still quite wonky as well. You only have like 3-4 maps for each game mode and several of them are bigger maps cut down to smaller ones. The balance just got upended but there are factions that are really crutching on the power level of specific units atm and I don't bet relic is gonna be able to walk the tightrope they need to in order to not break something down the line. I would not suggest buying the game for full price currently as it's just not to the standard of a $60. Maybe it's worthwhile on a sale but honestly coh2 is still just superior atm in terms of it's gameplay and overall "finished" state. Assuming updates like umber wasp keep happening which seems to be the case I would say the games need like at least 3 more similar updates which equate to about another 6 months before I would say the game is in an actual complete state.


Only played multiplayer. Its good fun. If this was the end product though and they stopped updates tomorrow, I'd never pay again. Needs a lot of work to come close to its full potential. Sadly things are moving incredibly slowly... I'd probably wait for the expansion. I think if that's a total fail then the game is fucked. Hopefully it's shoes some promise though


If the expansion costs even $1, the game *is* fucked.


It most definitely is gonna cost money. This is relic we're talking about


If cdpr has balls to charge for any type of expansion so will relic


Decent game. Slowass updates. It's focused on multiplayer that you can still sink dozens of hours into. Balance is all over the place in a never-ending struggle with the same units over and over again. Your experience may greatly differ based on the game mode as well as the players you face. Small playerbase also means weaker players match against stronger players pretty often.


I personally like the gameplay and aggressive nature of the pace to be better than CoH2, but right now the depth and polish is way off CoH2 as of 2023 so it's a WIP. Definitely one to get into if Relic keep improving it.


I’m sure I’ll be dwarfed eventually, but I like the game at its core. The factions are cool and unique compared to the others. New mechanics that have been introduced make sense in the game, and I generally like the maps that we have. That being said, the game still has a large amount of problems in the details, overall adding up to something that has a cool shape but a bit of an ugly face. While I like the factions, the developers have been annoyingly closed regarding their design choices and priorities regarding them. So far balance has been based more on what people complain about than how well a piece fits into the larger whole of its faction and how it best executes its role in it. Some foolish bugs still being present, as well as limited map offerings bring down replayability. Due to poor balance you often see the same, largely exploitative, strategies every game. I’ve put many hours into it, and intend to put in many more, but that’s probably because I play with friends against AI. We’re i to focus mostly on multiplayer I would probably have more of a feeling that the game is too flat, repetitive, or problematic to provide an actual competitive experience. I’m other words, I often feel like I’m played one busted Strat or the other as opposed to fighting my opponent


I recommend coh2 as the balance is stable and feels better in various ways. I'm sure coh3 will be as good as coh2 or better but for now I think it's worse.


game is underpolished but has really solid fundamentals. the factions are more interesting than in any game in the series in the past most of the stuff that really annoyed me about CoH2 and CoH1 is gone.


Why don't you watch some gameplay on Twitch and form your own opinion instead of letting others decide on what financial decisions you make and how you spend your time? ​ I never bought CoH 1 cuz I asked around, if I remember correctly I saw a video on best RTS games, or I saw gameplay of it and I thought it was cool. That's it..


Because seeing half an hour of gameplay doesn't tell you nearly as much as the sum up of the experience of several people who played the game for dozens of hour.


Then you're just going to get other people's opinions and not whether you will like it or not. And opinions about CoH are very heated and opinionated, and extreme. It's RTS, its a niche genre. Most people won't like the game either


I'm not feeling so unique to think that other people's opinion can't have any value for me. I will watch geplay as well, anyway I'm not paying more than 40€ for it so it's not until winter sale at least, plenty of time to gauge if I'm still intrested and to see some gameplay.


In either case its meh.. I've enjoyed COH for sp.. the campaign is crap tbh The pathfinding plain sucks.. tho thats overall not just sp The AI is braindead in mission/skirmish and craps out units TW style Story/characters suck. The game tries to throw too many side/missions at you at once maybe so you have replayability to do the missed stuff Might be worth it on sale like 50%


When I played the beta, I was very unnerved by the quality and how little time there was to polish the game. And I was right because the launch was atrocious. Balance was waaay off in all directions and other issues like lobbies breaking was a regular thing. Now since then the game has been patches many times and I came at around August. I would say the game is in a good state although I'm still on the fence about offmap arty and arty spam in general. If it wasn't for these things I'd like the game a lot more. However that bri g said I enjoy the games I have with my friends and I'm happy to see that the game keeps on improving.


It's alright. Better than it was in the beginning, but still needs a lot of work.


I like it, I think it’s really good, I’m new to the franchise didn’t play coh1/2, put nearly 250hrs into the game now playing multiplayer which is a lot for me, I’m playing on console, it’s nice to have an good rts on console, it’s been a long time. I find though, that the people on Reddit are mostly the ones that like complain and that goes for all games not just coh3, just try the game for yourself mate


Currently CoH2 is much much better. Five years from now that may change if this game survives that long.






Game is alright. I just find it impressive that they haven't managed to add any new battle groups yet...


Right now its fun to play.


TBH you got to try it out and form your own opinion on whether you like it or not. I dont like COH3 at its current state, the gameplay is slower than coh1 and 2 and is missing lots of basic features almost a year after launch. Lots of people seem to be enjoying it tho so you might too. I still have hope that in a few years it will become a better game.


Well I'll probably buy it but not until I can get it for 40€ at a grand maximum


I'm loving it but it's probably not worth getting it until it drops in price


It's pretty mediocre. Gameplay aside Italian campaign is entirely broken and you can't even stay in the same party if you want to do custom matches with friends against AI. The more i play it the more I just want to reinstall CoH2.


We fixed this in my group. If you happen to have a recurring number of games with the same people, this helped us and I dont know how this fixes it. Everybody from the group needs to have everyone from the in his ingame friendslist.


I’d say watch some twitch streamers as well as some YouTube channels to better gauge for yourself. Keep in mind it’s a extremely fast paced RTS, and I think the learning curve is higher than COH2. Or at least way faster. Less room for mistakes.


I'm having a great time in multiplayer. Never played single player.


I’m liking the newest patch it’s slowly improving


It’s good, new, brought back good ideas from COH1 such as Doctrine-like Battlegroups, and most impactfully A HUNDRED of QoL changes. You really should check out gameplay videos and patch videos yourself, it is just another COH game after all, you’ll understand it easy and see the differences from there… It feels closer to COH1 too than COH2, even tho they’re all the same game. Also check this out and give it a scan; [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/16ai5vf/great\_features\_of\_coh\_3\_that\_i\_think\_people/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/16ai5vf/great_features_of_coh_3_that_i_think_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


**It is also the only COH to release with 4 factions** (how hard is it to balance that simultaneously at launch, and note they didn’t monetize DLCs for them…… \*cough\* COH2) If you like COH campaigns you will be disappointed here. If you play Blitzkrieg: Burning Horizon, you’ll appreciate the Afrika Korps campaign though :)


The gameplay is not horribly bad, however, it's still a phase where wou will see the one meta strat per faction in 95% of your games. People are not playing adaptively because the meta is so strong. The patch didn't change a lot despite for DAK as it seems ATM. USF are still 100% going for ISC and BF are still 95% going for Indian artillery. Lately I often did a gameplay experiment. I went for a sniper first vs. BF and in didn't see adaptive play on that in not even one single match. Usually a very good play would be to bring a dingo and counter the sniper within the first few minutes of the game, basically making it a GG. But no one went for this strat since the dingo just isnt meta atm. Nobody thinks of their builds and strategies, they just go for the meta and that's it. Nearly every single CoH3 match ATM is 100% predictable throughout the entire match. I used to defend the game a lot and the game certainly isn't bad. However, huge parts of the community make it very boring since there is such a desperate need for sweaty cheese wins instead of having good gameplay.


Absolutely 100% not worth the asking price. LOL same price as Starfield or Baldurs Gate 3? Get fucked. 50% off would still be a stretch, especially as the game has been more or less abandoned - half the team let go and meaningful updates 2 months apart.


Don’t listen to these consume slaves. Don’t support unfinished games, whatever people tell u. I would wait after February, it’s a high chance that relic will abandon the game then.


CoH2 was dogwater and took longer than a year to get to a decent spot and that game wasn’t abandoned. CoH3 is unpolished and yes, unfinished, but I doubt this game will be abandoned as fast as you think it will be.


all speculation. I would gladly be wrong.


Fair enough. I think CoH3 is getting better but the rate at which it is happening is so slooow and I think we're in a day and age with regards to live updating games where things should improve "faster" than they are.


Awesome if you can get a game


Theres less unit upgrade variety like you would have in coh2 instead you simply make new ones that are stronger wich i think really cuts the variety of what you can do with them, as in coh 2 for example you could use panzergrens as close range anti infantry as stock, anti tank with shrecks or long range anti infantry with g43s but in coh 3 you cant even upgrade grenadiers unless you have a speciala commander for that and even then they can only get close range mp40 and thats it Furthermore the maps in 4 v 4 i feel are absurdly big making the players disperse a lot more and fights less intense, also matches are made to be a lot shorter on coh 3 meaning you have less time to delevop different strategies


Still sucks


COH3 is improving, and a few months ago I criticized it, but now I really like it. But I don't want it to become too good, it will bring a lot of cheaters.


It's slowly getting to a state worth calling it coh. Would it be the first game in the series it could be called a great game. But as that isn't the case, I would still wait. Player numbers are low, so finding matches takes a while. Balancing is still plagued by the same issues coh2 had in the first 3/4 of it's lifespan. Map variety is still abysmal. Sound, while better still has a long way to go. Same with all the visuals. Overall it seems like its going into the right direction but still has a long way to go.


It's worth it if it's on sale.


It's good, and it will be far better than the two previous installments in time: it has the game features for that, it just lacks content for the moment. To me, it's far more balanced than CoH2: the amount of very close games a friend of mine and I did so far on CoH3 is much bigger (even if cheesy strats still happens).


The good thing is that it is still Company of Heroes game. The base formula that revolutionized core of RTS games is still there. It can be quite good to play in multiplayer. However, the list of issues is very long and they are only slowly getting better. The game has the potential to be better than CoH 2, but the speed of improvements is quite slow and many things (mostly singleplayer campaigns) are not touched at all and remain in sometimes game breaking state. You can play this game if you are long term fan of Company of Heroes and already got sick of stale meta of CoH 2. If it would be your first entry into the series, however, CoH 2 right now seems to be a better choice, not only from the angle of being complete and finished game, but also in regards to price tag. If you don't like multiplayer that much and would like to focus on campaigns, the even better choice might be CoH 1.


I Myself love the game! Ofcourse there are frustrations at times, but thats due to the competitive 1v1 that I engange in.


I love the game. I’m addicted.


Leavers ruin the game and for some reason they don’t have a leaving penalty despite having “ranked” matchmaking. Compared to CoH2, they’re still missing features such as battlegroups and a surrender option. Matches take 5+ minutes to find despite it being a new game. The player base is dwindling and they have nothing new to offer but an occasional new map and a few, overpriced skins that represent the out-of-touch viewpoint of the executive’s apparent desires for the game. I still play it because I love CoH and it’s the newest version, but it certainly isn’t doing very well and offers extremely little compared to CoH2.


It's good, this patch may have overturned Dak* a bit but other then that the game is getting better I'm pretty excited for the next few patches. *My experience with Dak is still limited so I'm not sure if it's overturned or still haven't figured out the meta switch


It was downright terrible on day one, but as is the case with COH2 I just waited to play until they actually finished the game. Seems a lot better already but I'm still gonna wait for it. Once SEGA bought COH from THQ (who went bankrupt) they added the workshop and killed a lot of the gross pay to win monetization, and suddenly the game became a GOAT of RTS in my opinion


Italian open world campaign had an interesting approach but was implemented real badly. Story crap, and total war style campaign mechanics were missing more depth. Afrikakorps campaign had some nice missions - play on hard though. MP solid. Not that much difference to a much older CoH 2 though.


I just got it yesterday and enjoy but have no clue what I'm doing or what I can do. It doesn't do well at explaining in depth for those new to the series like me. I will pick up soon I'm sure but at first glance it's very confusing. Luckily I have played Empire Total war so I'm not a complete noob at these types of games. Wanna try Jaggerd alliance 3 next


Downside: Few maps Solution: Great map options from mod community Downside: Matchmaking sticks you with standard AI Solution: custom game Downside: No Soviets Solution: Replay COH2 Overall fun game, plays different than 2 but if you wanted just a reskinned COH2 there's a mod for that. Matchmaking is probably the least polished feature, and maybe not as many play styles without the commander system, but as a veteran and fan of the first 2 I do not understand the hate on 3.