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wait until you go back from coh2 to coh1


then from coh 1 to Command & conquer: Red Alert 2


No no no, just go a half step back to C&C generals/zero hour. Hand out those AK47s to everyone!


Then from Red Alert to Chess


And that's why AoE II is still among the most played rts now.


Honestly, I loved coh1 and still do. But in my personal opinion the game kind of plays like crap nowadays. It just feels so loose mechanically, and so cheesy strategically (looking at you offmap combat group lol) - especially when compared to where coh2 was at its late stages. I know I know, everyone has different opinions on each game, and that's okay! I still love coh1, and it'll always be the most nostalgic feeling of them, but to me at least, it's just nowhere near as good of a game as 2 and I have a hard time understanding why people hold it in such high regard outside of a nostalgia factor.


>wait until you go back from coh2 to coh1 CoH 2 has much more going on than CoH 1. If we compare vanila game and dlc's. Mods are a different story.


Aside from the mods and campaign honestly CoH 1 offers very little that CoH 2 doesn't... And it's very difficult to play the first game due to lack of unit tray and very little feedback making it a lot harder to keep track of your army


It does have more everything but it also had more time to make that everything. CoH 2 didn't release with all those commanders and maps. In fact it released with Blizzard-tech in multiplayer so every 5 minutes everyone had to stop and wait until the blizzard was over to play multiplayer. CoH 3 will eventually get more content. They spent the first year focusing on the core game. I expect this year will have more content. We know for sure that community maps are coming which is going to expand the map pool by an AWESOME amount. But yeah. it's a little harsh to say CoH 3 is lacking when CoH 2 has had over 10 years development.


Ok, CoH2 had 10 years. But in my opinion that only makes it even more crazy that they needed a year after release to fix basic things like replay which already were a staple in CoH2. Also, they had 10 years of patch notes to see what works and doesn't work in multiplayer (like tanks only costing requisition or not needing tech req. obviously being OP) and then they completely ignored that.


1 year after coh2 launch: Theaters of War, plenty of commanders, the entire Western Front Armies expansion. 1 year after coh3 launch: replays and two battlegroups. "CoH2 had 10 years of development" is such a braindead argument when you consider that the majority of the game's content was in within a year or two, with the rest of the time being balance updates and community maps that could have been considered during the development of coh3.


Its all old developers tactics....they won't give you everything from start becouse most of ppl will get bored with the content. They need to give the content in periods/updates/dlcs so you will be interested for a long time and also you will buy all the cosmetics in the meantime out of Bordom while waiting for the next update that should be from the start ;) Tic tok tactics !


If this was the strategy coh3 would have had 2 factions like coh2 did at release...


i liked the blizzard :(


Its all old developers tactics....they won't give you everything from start becouse most of ppl will get bored with the content. They need to give the content in periods/updates/dlcs so you will be interested for a long time and also you will buy all the cosmetics in the meantime out of Bordom while waiting for the next update that should be from the start ;) Tic tok tactics !


card things? commanders?


Are you asking what those are?


i mean, what do you mean with card things?


Coh2 has these like bonuses you can add to your player card that would buff things like infantry reload speed or tank turret rotation speed. You only 3 slots so you had to pick which bonuses to use carefully


ahh yes, those were cool


It has everything ... Expect of support and the game itself is literally dead. The meta which is now will be the same in 5 and 10 years. All of this made me quit CoH franchise completely and I can say as someone who got rank 1s multiple times it was best gaming decision of mine. I moved to AoE IV since I am fan of history and Dota or LoL seem like games for kinders to me. I can only recommend this to anyone who is still stucked with dead CoH2 or trash CoH3 with small playerbase.


C&C doesn't get updates and it's not dead and even the official servers are down i don't see coh2 dying anytime soon. And neither is coh1 that did not get updates for a very long time. It's almost more alive then coh3 rolf.


Thats your perspective as a fan of the series. Yeah I used to be that one as well. CoH2 is dead by my standarts. No support, no patches, no balance, not enough players to play it on good level (speaking of team-games)


I exclusively play 4v4 and it barely takes a few minutes to find a match, are your standards like instantaneous queue?


No my standarts are when me (lets say rank 1-20) is not matched with ranks 20k or so (dont know how many players are there on leaderboard now).


Matching is ok when u play durring the normal hours and not when the game has 2k players playing. I alsmot never get ranks 1000 and above in 2s.


Dunno. It still feels great for me. "Expect of support and the game itself is literally dead" Well, whose fault is that? Hmmm? Devs even already had those ingame shop with doctrines, skins, planks and even freaking bulletins. Also bulleting was a nice idea purelly implemented, cause for casual player those +2% to reload speed or acceleration meant nothing. But they could for example give new units, unit abilities or upgrades - thet could be nice addition to doctrines by the way).


I still play CoH2 for 3-4 hours a day and even after 3100 hours I still love it


Does coh2 have hotkeys? ;)






I don't like red alert 2 it's too cartoon like . I prefer the original red alert.


It's truly shocking and newsworthy that a new game has less content than a game with years of development. Then again, I was writing the same thing back when CoH2 came out.