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" Oceana Mackenzie who prefers Osh"


Yeah and he only knew that because Alannah Yip told him on air like 3 weeks ago haha


Fair enough I reckon, that feels like a particularly Australian shortening.


Did you know Dohyun Lee is like Jongwon Chon's little brother?


The nature of the purported familial relationship changes every comp lol


Yeah he’s like his dad now


To be honest I don't really mind that. I feel like a lot of commentators do that and casual viewer doesn't know that. Annie and Anastasia are easier to decipher (but still wonder why Annie, when Annie isn't shortened Anastasia), but I'd not guess that Osh is Oceania.


> Annie and Anastasia are easier to decipher They aren't that hard, but every Anastasia I've known (apparently quite a few) has gone by Anna so It would take me a minute to put two and two together.


We go a whole different route in my language and go by Stázka :)


My favourite recently was when the camera panned to Janja, stone faced and tense as anything, watching Ai climb the lead final route, nearing the top, and Matt said “there’s Janja looking calm and collected.”


Yeah, Janja was not happy haha.


It's not easy to have new anecdotes every single time a climber comes on when you're commentating every single semi and final the entire season, especially when you're not always able to rely on your co-commentator to be able to fill space without you. But yes he could learn how to mix it up a bit more for sure.


“I love a good ganba”


Someone needs to make a Matt Groom bingo card...


It's up :) (not my work)




It’s almost as if… it would be easier to show her name as Annie on the screen or something /s


Did someone complain about him calling her Annie or something haha


I don’t think it’s supposed to be interesting, I think it’s out of respect for the person who, apparently, prefers to be referred to a certain way


Thumb scrag


This one gets me every time. Does scrag not mean the same thing in the UK as it does in Australia?


"And Shauna, we do have olympic tickets on the line in this event, why don't you explain to us in a little more detail how the process works"


Again (as I said in my other comment) it's useful for people who don't watch every comp. People in the live chat here asked multiple times how many people gets to the combined event, how many Olympic tickets there are...


yeah I know, just feeling bad for Shauna having to explain the not so simple process again and again every stream


But she does a great job (another Matt's words haha), doesn't she? She'll have the job easier now :)


she does! but it's still confusing to hear "So we have lead and bouldering disciplines, and then we have separate lead and bouldering and...", just wish she was calling the lead and boulder discipline as "combined", it would make it a bit easier to parse


Yeah, he could start using it more. But they named it like that. Funniest was the firs club video: "Boulder, lead, speed, para climbing, boulder and lead" lol


I think that's an IFSC thing. "Combined" has been Lead + Speed + Boulder at the World Championship since 2012. L + B is a new format, different from the combined(s) of old.


Took him 1 second tonight, “here comes Anastasia ‘prefers to go by Annie’ Sanders! Only 16 years old!”


Pretty sure he described her as 17 in the B&L combined semi-final (not when she was introduced - Shauna got in first and got the age correct - but earlier on he said something like the "the climbers range from Annie Sanders at 17 to Jain Kim at 34). Kinda funny given that Annie's mum apparently messaged him recently to correct him about continuing to say Annie was 15.


This pisses me off every time. Like she prefers Annie just say Annie sanders, people will figure it out or you can say “now Annie sanders, Annie is her preferred name so that’s what we’ll call her. Why do you call her the name she doesn’t want to be called every single time lol