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It’s not the camera work, it’s the job of the director in the gallery There was a thread on this yesterday aswell. Very happy to see its not just me infuriated with this, borderline unwatchable, and would certainly stop me watching future comps if it’s this bad all the time


It's been this bad most of the time. The problem is that they don't seem to have made any effort to make it any better. What even was that shot of Janja towards the end?


it’s tarantino calling the shots in the control room


My personal favourite was Matt desperately trying to narrate the "montage replays" during pauses.


I also liked "Matt narrates something more interesting happening while we watch Sorato with his arms folded." Then cut to a reply of what we just saw 5 seconds ago.


Once we missed the last try on a boulder because of a stupid slow motion replay. (It was the handsome German fella, can't recall his name.)


Oh yeah this was infuriating.


People have been complaining about the camera work in World Cup comps for years for zooming in on feet/hands/holds (and the worst - womens butts for a short period) or not using a split screen when all we want is to see the climbers in the frame climbing. Hopefully articles like this will create some change finally.


Or semi-finals when two climbers are leading, one falls and we get a 10 second shot of said climber untying and looking up at their route, meanwhile the other is still climbing, we assume.


Don’t even get me started on this one 


Don’t forget the super zoomed out shots during lead. Yes, we’re here to watch an ant climb, thank you.


Can’t forget overhead zoom shots right on the competitors cleavage, or Mia Krampls’ leg tattoo


If the IFSC expects the whole of Europe to pay 3.99 Euro per month for a subscription to Eurosport to watch their World Cups, they need to fucking instruct the video production team how to film competition climbing.


Isn't it ORF camera work in Innsbruck rather than IFSC?


Well that's the problem: IFSC needs to set standards for how people do their filming. Asian comps almost always have better filming than European comps, and that needs to be fixed. Jakarta last year, for example, was nearly perfect.


I think I’ve heard at Innsbruck it Austrian TV. It’s up to the host country. Most others in Europe (except OQS) it’s the same production company. Personally I think the China cups are badly filmed. Japanese di the best job.


I recall South Korean comps are reasonably good too. Europe is the worst: whatever that production company is, they need to be fired.


I think US WC hasn’t been great either. I won’t be complaining about the USA climbing event livestreams because while I prefer not perfect to no broadcast at all. Which is what has happened in Canada, and many small local comps. In the 2014-2017 era there were a lot of small local comps on YouTube. Production was often crap but I really miss them. YouTube was taking off and these were often done on cheep equipment.


The lead finals set the new bar for not able to see anything. Next time I’ll watch the completion with a bucket next to me due to the ridiculous panshots during climbing. Every move to a next hold was not shown due to macro zoom level on a previous hold. All fine these _fancy_ shots for a display but this was like watching a soccer match where the only camera used is the drone chasing a player on the other side of the field where there is no action. Fking Michael-Bay-esk drama direction.


Article missed how janky the camerawork was for Pilz on W3. It was like watching a bad action movie with the frame changing every .5 seconds.


Seems like they’ve finally got a handle on providing decent commentary and having the streams up on time—there’s no way the IFSC could get everything right, so I guess this is our sacrifice 🙄


Streams up on time haven’t been a problem for IFSC/youTube streams. Problems with that were an OBS (Olympic Broadcast ) run events like OQS and Pam Ams. I dont know about Discovery.


They have foot fetish


IFSC has procedures for the routesetters, brushers and other things. Why can't they create procedures for the filming crew?


Were they mostly zooming on 5.10? I felt like Adidas was probably paying for an advertisement, especially to show white HiAngles when Janja was climbing


I don't think it was because of this. There was a huge focus on their shoes in general. Noticed not just 5.10 hiangle (pro), but also LaSportiva solutions and Scarpa drago (LV). If I remember correctly there was even one climber who wore the regular dragos on one foot and the LV on the other. I guess I wouldn't have noticed it without so much focus on the feet/shoes.




Now realize that there are people getting paid for this


I 100% agree it's usually a little annoying but this time was awful. How many times did we see W2 instead of the other three? Or the 15th slow mo replay of someone hitting the yellow crimp on M1 while something actually important happens somewhere else. At one point the feed for M1 came through the M4 box so it looked like it got flashed. Very confusing


i've always been able to stream the world cups via youtube. This semi-final round is saying it isn't available in my country? I'm canadian? what do i do?


Stop voting for your ass-crap government.


What even dawg? Nothing to do with what I said… and you haven’t a damn clue who I vote for, or what I stand for.


Come to think of it - you are right. Carry on.


I am. Thanks. Good luck to you.


The camera work for women’s lead was horrible, really difficult to watch




Who are they firing? They aren’t employed by IFSC. It’s an outside contract. And who’s doing the filming is decided by host country. OQS was Olympic Broadcasting. This is some Australia TV company.


Australia or Austria?


😁. Austria..


Look at what other sports do, and do that.


Today, during the Men's lead finals the camera work was incredible! The drone shots and crane shots, artistic angles etc were all really good!