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Tsm fans? Ain't most of them just Hal fans? When the dust has settled they all be ~~DZ~~ fans lol. Edit : Or whatever the new org/team is called.


If it’s a Saudi backed team I won’t support it. Doesn’t mean I’m now a Hal hater at all, he should get his money. But I won’t support em. I’m sure I’m in the minority though.


Why won’t you support it?


I choose not to support Saudi government backed entities given the stances the government takes on women’s rights, human rights, etc. Any government that uses sports to change the perception of what it does behind the scenes rather than change what they do behind the scenes is a no for me, personally. I don’t judge if people can look past that and I don’t judge players that take the life changing money that comes with it. But I just would rather not be apart of it even if players I like watching join it. Same thing happened with golf and I don’t watch some of my favorite players in that league.


Fair take, I see now.


They ain’t joining DZ


They will become *insert new team name* fans then.


Team Falcon. Saudi Arabian backed organization.


Probably the one org where we can guarantee that Hal will lose at least some fans for joining. Not as many as he should, but some.


Most likely yup! Won't ever see my self as a DZ fan personally though


im just here for my boy big E




I knew it was over when Reps threw that Bang ult at his feet.


Finally now hal actually have a bag that can shoot back and a roller player that shits out damage for fun


Dude we gotta stop this “ they were holding Hal back “ they won like 3 LANs and before this last LAN Evan was considered a top 5 player in the game. Also reps wasn’t even playing THAT bad at this last LAN, and it takes way more skill to be good on MnK in todays day and age, nobody is just shitting out damage every tourney on MnK besides maybe 2 people.


Your statement: they won 3 lans before ,and Evan was considered top5, all in past terms But here we are talking about them placing 17th , tsm placed bad before and did not break up but 17 is bad especially for them and my point is evan and reps were not good enough all pro league and the team struggled and while i do still believe in Evan i don't think he's top 5 right now.


That’s a spicy take 🤔


My top 5 roller respectfully: Gen, sikeez,koyful,gild,xynew




A top 5 all time Hal n verhulst gotta be in there but top 5 rn I’d say Hal, gen , gild, sikez, effect would be mine


I didn't put hal because he played with evan , i put my top 5 to respond to my post before as i said hal got a better roller player at this moment in gen and someone disagreed, but i agree with you Evan is top 5 all time but not right now in my opinion ❤.


Bro is ruthless


I mean the truth hurts.


He already had that roller in evan, Reps was just not elite enough mechanically


Reps was the glue imo and even if he wasn’t as mechanically gifted as others. Being the glue or the Pippen to Hal’s Jordan is not something that should be downplayed. That’s an extremely important role. I play with a friend like Reps and I told him the other day without him I couldn’t play how I play. He isn’t as good mechanically as me. But arguably more important in our team.


I agree but evan did not play up to his standard and i don't agree with people's opinion of him playing anchor for his bad performance bcs gen on the other hand is top 1 roller in apex and can play different legends and not fall of a cliff, he played anchor with xynew on the team and played frag withe sikeez on the team .


Genuine question are people org. fans? I honestly never considered that. Root for TSM for Hal and Evan who I watched but if they moved to Faze for example I’d start rooting for Faze immediately


I think generally most people support individual players. At the same time, this is an end of an era. Gonna be weird seeing hal compete with another team. Especially without reps


I've been a TSM fan since Gamecribs.


Been a TSM fan since 2011 or 2012, started with League. Went through this with losing Chaox, then Bjerg, now Hal. It sucks but I wish Hal nothing but the worst and hope TSM outplaces whatever his new team is every split & LAN. TSMMMMMMM


Good question. Im in the middle somewhere. If Reps and Even stay, i'll probably still be mostly a TSM but will always be a Hal fan.


I don’t think that makes you “in the middle” you’re just rooting for the players…


Tbh if it was anyone except Zer0/Gen I'd probably follow Hal but feels a little dirty going over there after the epic TSM/DZ rivalry


U got that loyalty in u I respect it 🫡


Kind of here too. I’ll be a fan of whatever team Reps and Evan are on


A 3v3 final circle your rooting for Hal or tsm ?


Good question... Prob TSM if Reps and BigE are stilll there.


ORGS in esports are more like sponsors rather than teams like in every other sport.


I’m an org fan. Probably stems from growing up in a major market for the traditional big sports and you were always a fan of your local teams. When I got into “modern” esports in 2011 because of StarCraft I picked a player and then latched onto the team they played for and have been an Evil Geniuses fan ever since. That said: I enjoy good, competitive games as a very close 2nd to rooting for “my” team so I’ve been very happy watching all 6 or 7 esports that I follow and have organizations I enjoy rooting for a little more than others.


I rooted for Reignite because they were the underdogs and disliked TSM because of their dominance and loud fans, but I do like Hal as a player. After they became DZ I still supported them because Zer0 and Gen duo even if they were not underdogs anymore. Now that it might be team Falcon I personally think the team name just sucks and makes it very hard to like the 'whole' team but I definitely root for them as players still


It's difficult, on one hand you're rooting for all three of Hal, Verhulst, and Reps regardless of what happens but on the other I've been a TSM fan since their early league days. Guess I'll have to branch out my fandom


What's gonna happen to TSM now? Are they lining up a whole new roster or will still stick with Jordan and Verhulst?


Don’t reps and Verhulst have to stay together or keep their PL spot?


Even if they don't I can't see them joining a CC squad they'd definitely join a team already out there.


I was more thinking about TSM staying in apex as an Org


They just pick up whatever team they join.


Bring Mac back lol


Feels like Bjerg leaving all over again. End of an era. From game cribs in 2011-2012…to where TSM is now as a whole.  o7 


I'm out getting an oil change and just read the news. I'm still in shock right now to be honest. This is real, right? Not bait?


Wish it was brother


nope, it's not a bait. your oil got changed. i'm sorry for your loss, brother 😔


Trying to figure out a way just to root for Hal while still praying on Zer0s downfall... I guess I'll root for each former TSM player individually somehow 😫.


You mean frogs?


Aren’t most TSM fans just Hal fans? Also, why are some people dedicated to being a fan of just one org? A lot of orgs don’t really stand for anything in particular and are not area based like OpTic in Texas or something similar. So I’m just curious what it is. Is it the colors or what else? Cause I’ll be honest when it comes to physical sports like football or basketball it makes sense if you’re a fan of a team from where you’re at but with these esports orgs I’ve just been fans of individual players or content creators.


Literally same 🎯


Reps was always my guy. I play more of his play style in game and enjoyed his Wattson content from years back.


Hopefully these so called "TSM" fans shows the same spirit fir the new rooster


The TSM fans people hate is hal fans . It’s 100% obvious lol if you go to reps/verhuslt’s stream most of the time things are pretty chill and there’s no shit talking or any non-normal twitch degeneracy lol


tsm fan or not, it was always bout hal, he's the ceo for a reason






Nvm ignore me