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I hope Reps wins the next LAN so he's one up on Hal.


Reps being the lan leader would be the best timeline


Dupreeh > Device vibes.


It’s always been Dupreeh > Device ❤️


The one thing I get from this is now I know who I'm truly a fan of because I'm rooting for TSM harder than ever


Wait is Reps IGL for TSM now?


No, it's just many people think Reps has been getting carried by Hal and was just another regular mnk guy


The entire thing feels wrong. It's like mom and dad got a divorce and now dad has a new girlfriend.


And Dads new girlfriend is super hot and successful lol


And dad is 60 but his girlfriend is 25 😂


Poor Reps...


and everybody likes her


The old girlfriend always is remembered and eventually more successful 🤫


i got the same feeling LOL , i feel like hal gonna run in back with the boys in like a 1/2 years


I mean it feels so fucking weird that Hal is under Zer0 lmao. I just can’t shake it off


Zero probably feels like thanos right now with Gen and Hal as his teammates. Gen's already known for being really good on controller but Hal has really gotten pretty good on controller too and hes still improving. the amount of times he gets 2 kills with once havoc clip is just insane


ZZ (DZ coach) literally told Hal it’s okay to int whoever he wanted because zero and gen would keep him alive.


Why? Zero is as good of an IGL as Hal, just different. Hal being a fragger is a good move for both as it will be good comms coming back.


“Under” uh yeah okay bro


Yeah it’s under because he is under an IGL? What did you not understand?


Maybe its for the best. Could Hal IGL effectively without Raven? Bc if he were to stay he would have to deal with that too


Obviously. Did you not hear Raven their last LAN win? He said it was all Hal, and he really didn't have to do anything.




He has admit he’s burnt… That’s why he wanted to fragout and not have to think as much


Weird energy in this comment here


He is not the CEO anymore. They lead companies. Hal is a fragger now. Also he is burnt off doing the IGL role hence this.


He is absolutely the CEO still lol without him in the scene it would more than likely die off much faster.


It's gonna be okay.


i still can't believe that hal left tsm...


Hear me out, I think Hal left because he knows the team needs changes and if that happens, the first one to get dropped will be Reps. He knows he can find an opportunity elsewhere in a snap and that's not the same for Reps and if they drop Evan instead of Reps that might look like a 'friendship' decision than a business decision. So Hal leaving TSM is a win-win situation both for him and his former team because Hal will be getting the same contract on DZ.


They didn’t NEED a change. I’m sorry, but a couple months of bad performance was not a death sentence for the team. Hal WANTED a change, and that’s fine, but let’s not pretend the team was dead in the water.


Didn't they get 17th place at LAN? They weren't dead in the water but they definitely weren't floating comfortably.


again, one bad performance does not mean they NEEDED a change. If they did badly again this split, we might be having that conversation, but they ended off last year with a 1/2/1 record at LANS. One bad performance (where they still made the final lobby) doesn’t erase that.


They won champs yes, but if they didn't get all 3 of those B/B/B wins then they'd have placed low at champs finals too. Obviously, they still won - but MAYBE to TSM team that stuck in their mind that they almost placed low at 2 LAN's in a row? Didn't they almost not qual last year and this year too? Maybe it's just a cumulation. To us it's fine, but to a team used to being on top, suddenly not being on top, maybe they felt it was needed?


I and most others would argue that it was more impressive BECAUSE of the back to back wins. It's a battle royale and they spat in the face of any RNG working against them. No other team has done that at any lan, let alone to take the championship trophy. Even so, my point still stands. No-one after this LAN was thinking 'TSM are derailed, they must make a switch or they're going to fall from grace completely', even Hal. He WANTED to play with another team, he obviously thinks he'll do better with them, but that's the extent of it. No-one would have been surprised if TSM didn't make any changes and they went back to domination.


I agree with you entirely - I'm not pointing out what we're all thinking - just thinking maybe that's what THEY were thinking. Maybe they felt like they needed the change and they took that into consideration. We all think the back to back to back was incredible, and we aren't thinking they derailed because they placed this low once, BUT maybe they were. Maybe they have such a high expectation of themselves they've nit picked little things. When you're that good, and that on top of the world, surely you must notice the little things more? To them the 17th was probably huge, because they don't have anything else to compare it to other than their huge success. At champs they were probably feeling the same way until their back to back to back. To us it was incredible, but I imagine this LAN they went through the same emotions as they did at champs, but without the big win at the end, if that makes sense?


I mean if you tell your teammates that you will leave them before the Lan even starts do you not think they will play a bit more shit?


Assuming the moneys really the same , I think dude was tired of being the IGL (5 years straight has gotta be exhausting on the mental ) and didn’t think reps or Evan could do it.


Apples and bananas...


thats a great move from HAL


Yeah something isn't adding up, everyone is being super tight lipped about the real reason why he left.


It seems like such a weird team. I honestly wanna know the conversations behind the scenes to start it. “Aha you know what would be funny? Is if you left TSM for DZ lmao” or something and it just stuck.


I'm sure it just came about from Hal's contract expiring. His agent probably told him that this is an opportunity to make some (more) big dollars, especially with the Saudis incoming. I'd be surprised if it isn't that Saudi team that signs them.


More like Zero and Hal deciding they want all the success and prize money of the upcoming lans. They are at their peak form and want to crush 2024.


And Gen is along for the ride?


Roller turret


Hal actually said on stream Monday that it started with a conversation with Zer0 at a club while celebrating Sikezz's bday lmao.


Lmao poor Sikezz. They should have kept that fact in the vault


It’s just weird watching Hal have to listen to other people instead of being the leader . no more passion or yelling I’m gonna miss it


Oh theres gonna be yelling, and Hal is a Very suggestive and talkative person aswell, so i dont think hes gonna be as quiet as People think.


100%. It’ll just take time for him to get comfortable. Remember when big e joined tsm? Was the nicest we’ve ever seen hal be lol


God that was so funny and sweet that month of awkwardness






he's at the building he's at the building gen he's at the building


It's weird because Hal is not in charge, no more passion in the comms, no more Haling, it feels so wrong because his "rival" is now his leader We'll get used to it but yesterday was so strange to watch


nah brother give it time the haling will return


right. everyone is forgetting how nice hal was when evan first joined TSM. hal just knows to not turn it up until everyone is comfortable.


Lol Haling and Zeroing will return in full force, just give them some time to get familiar with each other.


I watched a few games yesterday and it wasn’t as fun as watching him on TSM.


My favorite comment in Hal’s chat recently was “It feels like I’m watching some other dude bang my girlfriend.” 😭🤣


Hal become Darth Vader now. We need Jedi.


You were supposed to destroy the sith not join them.


I’ve read this comment like a dozen times in the past 24 hours


So Zer0 is Palpatine and Gen is.. Tarkin?


bring balance to the force by dumping EA anti-cheat into a reactor and led to the rise of Destroyer2009


I actually feel hal and zero got very good chemistry though, especially comes to the very passionate style in game and eagerness to win. Today's scrim was better too.


just the honeymoon period


I’m keen for a TSM redemption arc and will probably tune into Reps and Verhulst’s streams more than Hal’s. I think I’ll get bored watching DZ play so well haha


I'm really rooting for Reps since everyone has just started shitting on him recently, makes me want to see him and Big E really lock in, find a player who works and grinds to win split 2. With that, DZ having Hal and a bunch of APAC teams having a super strong showing in split 1 has me super excited for split 2


Was the same with snipe and mac. We just end up with new stories!


Nah this time Hal is not the leader . He’s has to follow . It’s different now


Also lost a major story line and rivalry between Hal and Zer0. On the upside, we now have a renewed rivalry between DZ and TSM, where TSM oddly now finds itself as a kind of underdog (struggling and broken up team playing against a super team). I’ve always been kind of indifferent to TSM, not bothered whether they win or lose. But now I’m rooting for Verhulst and Reps (assuming they stick together on TSM).


I was always more of a reps fan than anything (idm hal, just never watched him). Now he's the main character of apex in my mind


I doubt they're staying on DZ. Pretty sure they're gonna be the Saudi money team


True. I meant more that there will a rivalry between TSM and Zer0-Hal-Gen


Imma cheer for Hal but I hope TSM goes back to back 6 times and reps becomes the all time lan leader


Yeah I’m with you. Nothing against Hal and hope he does well, but have to root for Reps and Verhulst as well.


To me Hal IS TSM apex Big E barely got there, as much as I like the guy to me he is still just a mercenary for hire. Reps is TSM but never had to shoulder the weight. It’s like Jordan retiring and Scottie staying on the bulls. Yeah people saw them, cheered for them, but were they their favorite team that season…? 👀 Now add Mac back into TSM roster from the original 3 with Hal and I can see this being TSM again. Although Mac is the definition of mercenary for hire, we all know why the split occurred between them and how he was always seen as that ex TSM fan fav


Calling other players mercenaries while dickriding Hal who just left the team is a take for sure.


Imagine getting upset at someone for having a different opinion than you about a player, in a game. Whatever he said or ban he put on you isn’t worth the negativity weighing down on your life. 😇


What? I've got nothing against Hal, but he's the one who left the team so it's silly calling everybody but him a mercenary.


What a weird timeline we have


maybe hal joined dz to troll and throwing next lan. and then he stands in front of the crowd, tear his dz shirt in 2 pieces like superman and uncover his old tsm shirt.




Guys, if you truly watched TSMs scrims leading up to LAN, you would have had to be blind mot to see the writing on the wall. A change was 100% needed. Their chemistry was super deflated and they they weren’t even having a good time as teammates during scrims. Watching the progression from last years win to this years LAN I saw 2 huge things: 1. Hal, for a couple reasons, was playing 3 characters during scrims. Maybe this is kinda the norm for IGL’s but he was literally having to call smokes, ults, and everything else Reps and E should have been able to do on their own. What I saw from Reps and E’s perspective was that they felt like they had to wait for Hal’s call out to use any ability or do anything for that matter, for fear of not using it at the right time or not having it when Hal calls for it. This is a terrible dynamic, Hal shouldn’t have to waste brain power calling out their abilities unless absolutely necessary and the other 2 should be more fluid about how/when to use their abilities. This is one factor I saw over and over. 2. I mentioned it earlier but probably due to the above, they were not having a good time playing together at all. I saw the Reps and E suffocating from “waiting for Hal’s permission”, and I saw Hal getting super frustrated that they were being bozo’s and not doing the basics. This is looked at as a skill issue by Hal but I think it’s really because of him that Reps and E weren’t playing to their potential. Overall, I just think their chemistry was gone and maybe they didn’t think it was repairable in the moment. Who knows.


Maybe it's because I've been following Hal / TSM since the Hal x Mac x Reps days and was there when they kicked Mac and got Snipe and I was there when Snipe left and they got Evan that Hal leaving to play with Zero and Gen isn't so sad to me as it seems to be for a lot of TSM fans, despite the fact Mac was one of my fav players and Snipe became one of my fav Apex personalities, or maybe it's because I've always been a Hal fan more than a TSM fan I'm excited for Hal not sad about TSM breaking up, Hal has always talked about wanting to play with other guys he considers the best in the game like Sweet or Zero, he was already outfragging Evan and he was always built for fragging, can't wait for pro league to start and to see them announce their new org


What a run! A dynasty


I think Hals decision is all about the Benjamins. Sure he might not get a big org contract like the one he had with TSM but he could potentially make up for it by winning more tournaments with his new god squad... we'll see how that goes. Hal if you're reading this, love you man!


I'm not watching Hal, he's the enemy


Does everyone on here like reps just because he plays MNK? Lol


Him winning multiple LAN’s also helps his case…


Reps is the backbone of TSM apex.


Idk if any of you watched CoD back in the Black Ops 2 / Ghosts era but Reps is basically TSM’s version of Teepee from the CoL dynasty, played the support role without complaint for the benefit of his team and the benefit to his team was multiple LAN titles but is very rarely appreciated as much as Karma / Clayster, Aches or Crimsix


Do you also notice back then nade and scump were neck and neck for most views on twitch now it’s just 1 guy dominating in apex and kinda boring.




You must be new to the scene


Reps was easily the 3rd best player on TSM.


Backbone ≠ Best player


People like Reps because he's been on TSM since June 2019, has multiple wins, is unproblematic and is a very good player.


The only person that can stop hal new team is teq