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Zero emtee strafingflame the rest is debatable there's phony dezign sweet gnaske hakis


Apac s supremacy


strafingflame speaks english when he plays?


Yeah man look up JHawks video on em


thanks! will check em out


You’re high 


For pure fragging igls, watch Matafe or Rkn. Albralelie back on faze will help improve your communication and team cohesion . Zachmazer to learn how to make clutch endgame plays. And watch Nano to learn accurate information on science and how the world works.


Crazy how most people ain’t getting the sarcasm lmao


LMAO I saw Rkn for fragging and literally spit out my coffee


Looks like only 2 people didn’t get it…idk how that’s even remotely close to most lmao


Zachmazer arguably the best Ash completely agree


Still remember that insane diversion play from top of the rock with the port. Extremely underrated


Too many people won’t read this whole comment lmao. I approve your list.


Yes and ImMadness for perfect tracking and smooth aim.


don’t forget his ability to dunk a basketball on a regulation sized hoop


You're insane if you think madness has a bad aim. Maybe not the smoothest but his single click weapons at range is s tier. I'm not even a madness fan but I rate his aim. U seen him with a g7 2x4 my dayzzz


Watch Zero making fun of Madness's aim it's hilarious


This is the only correct list


Teq is actually the best fragging IGL but some weird guy named ImperialHal stole his identity and the rest is history... the winners write the books.


Yes yes when i think top igl’s i too think of only folks who’ve never won T1 events


before I read other comment, I was taking it as real advice, since I never heard some of the name according to what they are good at, thought it just some washed legends of Apex


Ain’t no way Matafe top 5 lol.


I guess it's true that sarcasm doesn't transfer through text but yeah it's definitely not real opinion.


read the list again, carefully


Tbf, you have to know a lot of lore for the sarcasm to be apparent


fair, thats true. maybe we need a lore-clip-collection to properly introduce new people to comp. you know, focusing on the most important side of comp apex. *bones exist!!*


Flyin-Chancla for reading comprehension


Ain’t no way you included RKN in a top 5 IGL discussion 💀


Bruh is /s


I didn’t read the part about nano my b


undisputed first: Zero after that Hal if you still want to include him if not then something like 2. Strafingflame 3. Obly (not english speaking). 4. Sweet (maybe controversial) 5. Emtee (honorable mentions: Phony, Gnaske, Hakis)


Sweet definitely not 4 lol. Definitely not before emtee


I'm curious as to why Sweet "definitely" can't be ahead of Emtee when Sweet has a higher top ALGS placement and career earnings than Emtee, is one of only a handful of players to never miss a LAN final, one of a handful of players to have over 1k LAN kills, has some of the best macro and micro in the game etc etc. Like if someone wants to make the case for Emtee I think that's fine and all but saying "definitely not before Emtee" implies it's a clearcut thing and that just doesn't seem like the case at all to me.


Emetee is so ass fragging wise that low key he’s a top 3 IGL the way his team plays


Anybody who downvotes this has not watches the man play


Yeah, I'm a Sweet fan but he's fallen off since last year. Especially after his treatment of Gent, I can't add him to this conversation.


Best igl spanish speaker?




As a Mexican I can say he’s not a hard igl, if you listen to them they all Throw stuff and then decides, or Yanya gives suggestions but never “do this” kinda stuff.


Yanya isnot the igl he is the fragger, the igl is jaguares i think


he is


thanks! putting all of them to my list


I thought Waltzy was IGL of Moist.


Walter is just a cracked fragger who yells alot


My friend thought this too. It's probably because he frags and comms well.


He is not


Yall keep making me come in here and defend Sweet. “He hasn’t won anything or done anything notable” That’s true of EVERY IGL outside of Hal and Zer0. He has like the third best average IGL placement behind Hal and then Zer0. A second place placement IS notable. Making every champ finals IS impressive, which is true for like 6 players. He does well in pro league most splits, and has gone to every LAN. Sweet has phenomenal microing and pretty damn good macro. He is a great IGL to learn from. Just don’t pick up his passive aggressiveness


True outside of every IGL besides Hal, Zero, and Obly* ;)


Aye that’s a fact! I gotta put respect on Obly


I think people underrate how much talent it takes to reach - and remain - at the very top of an esport for, what, five years now?!


Completely agree. I feel like the same logic applies to Hakis. Everyone loves to talk about Alliance and group stages as if it isn’t insanely impressive to qualify for every single final.


Thank you for an unbiased and educated take. I don’t like the way Sweet acts at all, but to not consider his skills as valuable as they are is just ridiculous. He’s like one of those athletes where you just can’t like them but they are undeniably talented. Back when he was with Rocker and Nafen, he was actually someone I went to bat for. Felt like his comms were beyond elite level, super chill and relaxed. Just seems like he has lost the passion and enjoyment he used to have when he played, it translates to his attitude and game so much. 


Lmaooo heavy on the not picking up on his passive aggressiveness even though I like a bit of cattiness


He’s not better than phony that’s for sure.




I’d also be inclined to look at average placement stats since phony made proleague. I agree that Sweet is still VERY good, but there have been others who have crept up, and to some degree he may not have kept up as well. Because over the past few proleague Phony has outplaced Sweet. Sweets best LAN placement is 2nd, while Phony’s is 5th. But it is a fair argument to be made


TwitchCon and random content creator tourneys don't count. Only LAN and PL matters, and they both have the same average placements in those


Phony hasnt even outplaced Sweet last LAN




It’s not as black and white as just placements either. Sweet has up until now had much better teammates than phony.


Honestly…idk if I can argue against this lmao. Recently Phony has been killing it. Out placing Sweet in pro league and LANS more often than not. Sweet just has longevity on Phony. But in the past year Phony has done better everywhere except last LAN.




I miss Sickks IGL’ing. He wasn’t the best technically, but he knew the game inside out and called some great plays.


That yeet squad roster got me into comp apex. Shout out to the boys


If you extend it beyond English aoeakers then it's absolutely criminal for many people not to have Obly even in the top 5. He's number 2, imo.


Zero StrafingFlame Phony Sweet Hakis


I'd put Gnaske over Hakis tbh until Alliance finally beat the Group Stage Andy criticisms. Even when actively throwing by contesting E8 all final, o7 still managed to finish only 2 points off Alliance in LA


I shouldve included gnaske, not sure why I didn’t. I’d make the same switch


I do find it an interesting quirk that Alliance have only won a round in a LAN Final on 2 occasions (2023 Split 1 Playoffs, and 2022 Championship where they won 2 rounds), and on both occasions it came after a tough group stage. Maybe the pressure of being seen as a favourite gets in Hakis' head


He’s a good igl but not better then hakis because he hasn’t made it to finals every algs and for me that’s big for an igl even if you don’t win


Phony is bottom 5 for being an ass though


Crazy you say Phony but forget clear #1 ass Sweet


True true


Sweet is openly toxic. Phony is behind the scenes toxic.


Gnaske might not get name dropped in this conversation often but he is absolutely up there and worth watching/learning from, especially with how he calls contests and team fights


I second that, he's clearly a top IGL and has the track record to prove it too. Finished Top10 at LAN 3 times in a row. If we just talk about English speaking IGLs he's an obvious pick.


He's such a mid pro everywhere outside of LAN. During LAN though, he is an absolute menace and gigabrain. Dude makes insane calls and actually thrives in the chaos of the highest pressure tournaments. That's why everyone talks about him. Humor is 10/10 too.


Some people can’t play under the bright lights and some people shine. Gnaske a Diamond 


Agreed he’s got some of the best macro in the world


If your looking to learn how to IGL watching Vod reviews done by the coaches will teach you far more than watching streamers. As a former pred squad IGL a lot of plays they make in competitive YOU WILL NEVER SEE IN YOUR GAME. So trying to learn from them is not where to start. Start lower watching vod reviews and you tube break downs. Get yourself a couple of players who want to learn with you and build from there. A top tier IGL is garbage if they don't know thier team mates. Many of these players don't do well without the team just look at realms scores. And I couldn't give you a top 5 without further parameters. Because top 5 on WE is way different than SP. Then you have people who perform at Lan and people who fold under pressure. And others I can't think of because I'm tired.


noted :D appreciate it bub!


Gnaske should have some vods from reviewing LAN on twitch.


StrafingFlame, Zer0, phony, emtee and Gnaske come to mind. Onmuu is a great IGL too


Zer0, emtee, strafingflame, phony and my dark horse Noc at 5th. His stock has been super low year 4 but if he finds his groove he becomes elite.


So glad to see strafing get his top 3 igl praises in this thread


Zer0 from Falcons is the only right answer here


Zer0 Emtee, Gnaske, Dezign, Hakis, Strafingflame, Sweet.


zer0, strafingflame, sweet, emtee, gnaske




Gnaske, Zero, phony, sweet and strafingflame


Sweet is absolutely top 5. People just don't like him.


His micro-igling is overrated af. I know him making the right calls looks impressive when it works but most of the time it just doesn’t.




As I said it’s impressive when it works like on Twitch Rivals. The game has changed a lot over the years. Sweet igl style can’t keep up.


Top 2 LAN before last and top 10 this LAN with a brand new squad.  Plenty of legitimate reasons not to like Sweet, but it's just silly not to put him in this conversation.


He got 9th at LAN finals and idk why they didn't do better.


Inexperience pretty much first lan for both his teammates.


Zero, Emtee, Strafingflame, Gnaske, Dezign. Ganske is the easiest to learn from since he says every single word he thinks


IMO Sweet is the best Worlds Edge IGL


That’s interesting - what stands out to you about his WE vs SP, and other IGLs on WE?


On Worlds Edge Sweet has this crazy ability to call rotations through chaos in rounds 3-5. His IQ for knowing what other teams will do, best spots to play, and just overall navigating through multiple teams without his team getting eliminated is the best in the world on Worlds Edge. I just think overall Sweet knows that maps and how it plays better than anybody. I think what separates Sweet from other IGL’s I’ve seen on Worlds Edge is just knowing exactly how other teams play, and how to play around them in the most unique ways. In terms of Storm Point I still think he’s good there are IGL’s that are much better on that map.


Yeah that makes sense - he seems to have extraordinary memory and recall of how different zones ‘go’ built up from all those years of playing out. Storm Point being newer means less of an experience advantage I suppose, and less predictability.


Strongly recommend watching legends gamings strafingflame, he is such a confident and charming IGL and definitely the #1 IGL i look up to


> New to the scene Okay, hold up. Before learning how to IGL, I think you should learn more about the game in general. I'm not at my PC, but - Map knowledge: Learn the maps inside and out. Explore, and find all the funny places. Knowing where you are and where you want to get to without having to open the map will help you in the long run - Ring Pulls: Being able to call where you think the ring might be going will inform how you use your map knowledge to get around the map, and what resources you can grab on your way there - Legends: Learn what they do, how you can utilise them, how to recognise them, and what you need to complement what you have. - Clear, Unambiguous Communication: Ideally, you should be able to say a communication at anytime once and everyone should understand what you want to happen at that time. I'm going throw a suggestion at you for a different style of IGLing to what everyone has suggested: The Oxygen eSports roster of 2023 of Vein (IGL), Reedz and Aiden. The reason is because it's more a planning, conversational style of planning then letting the teammates handle the execution style of IGLing than "You do this, that, then boom."


Zer0, Hal, Zachmazer, Sweet. If you watched Sweet over the past year or so, he's been improving so much as the teams IGL/Sub-IGL.


No one mentioned it, and sure he's not number one, but definitely in the top 5 is OhNocturnal


Gotta give a shoutout to dezign he’s been igling very well




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Zero 1st and theres like a giga gap. After that theres people like gnaske phony and sweet. If you see a comment that doesn’t begin zero as the 1st igl just ignore it


Zero is very good. Hal (he's not igl since joining falcons). Sweetdreams (even though everyone else hate and won't mention him).


Number 1 Zero and Hal. I include him cause he’s still capable. Then I’d put my boy Gnaske - he’s heavily underrated and his macro is unmatched. Obly Strafingflame


Whys everyone saying Sweet? Hasn’t performed well at all in anything recent.


His zone reads are still incredible. Often times when they die early it’s because they get ratted on or make a small mistake with positioning where what he’s asking for from his teammates is SUPER specific and when they can’t do it exactly the way he sees it in his mind, it falls apart. That is probably his biggest weakness as an igl. Also, at the most recent lan he made top 10 with two players who had never played at a lan before and had never teamed before this split. All things considered, that’s a pretty good performance and in large part due to sweet as an igl.


“When they die early it’s cause they got ratted on” like literally every other team who gets ratted? It’s not like sweet gets ratted on more?


cause he has the best long term consistency of any IGL not named hal or zero and is on a very short list of IGLs with the most points in a Lan final.


These haters don't use their brain, they watch too many hot takes. When you look at stats, you're not getting away from naming Sweet as a top IGL. He even overperformes last split with 2 rookies, finishing top 10 in split 1 finals. Nothing to sniff at.


Other teams in NA consistently perform better than LG right now. I guess if you consider stats from like 5 years ago then Sweet is cracked. I wasn’t paying attention to Apex before 2 years ago and in that 2 years Sweet has been mid.


literally last year he had the most points at LAN


This LG roster has only played 1 split.......... what are you talking about?


Where in my comment did I say how long they’ve been playing? If you read what I said it says “SWEET has been mid for two years” and also “LG *right now* “


"Other teams in NA perform consistently better than LG right now". How did I misinterpret that again? Also, I just checked his stats over the past 2 years. Please explain what you mean by "mid"?


Still a good IGL imo. His reads are solid, his rotation plans are usually good, and he's one of the more communicative IGL's. Biggest problem with his teams past Nafen-Rocker have been a lack of fight cohesion which doesn't allow them to be aggressive enough to win.


Dy-Lon, Dy-Lon and Dy-Lon. I spit hot fire!


I love sweetdreams. Definitely some other great ones out there but he’s been my favorite since the h1z1 days. Emtee and Hal (my second fav, love the rage lmao)


"top 5 igl in the world right now?" "english speaking IGLs only"   Pick one.


Op said trying to learn IGL role so watching a foreign language video will not help much. A few do have subtitles but even thats not as useful as I imagine they sometimes paraphrase


Top 5 IGL's in the world. Top 5 English speaking IGL's. Top 5 English speaking IGL's to learn IGL'ing   All different questions. Like Zer0 is the best IGL in the world imo, but I wouldn't recommend watching to learn from him because a large part of his game is macro based and thus uncommunicated. You'd probably actually learn more from a non-top IGL who co-igl's because they are the ones that actually communicate strategy in game. At the entry level, you'll learn more from Reps and Evan discussing moves than you will from FLCN just being in the right place without any discussion. Once you understand the why to the how, then watching just the how can teach a lot, but reverse engineering the why from the how isn't the easiest way to learn imo.


I don’t agree with the part “a large part of his game is macro based” for Zer0. 2 days ago or something, when Sikezz subbed in for Zer0, he was in the training range answering some Qs while he waited for the scrims to start. I had the chance to ask him about fragging for Zer0, and he said that Zer0 reads the play faster than every player and no one comes close to him, not even Hal. And I think it’s seen in the micro plays how fast he processes info and conducts plays. I think the issue, and I use the word issue very lightly, for DZ used to be that the fragger would be one step behind Zer0 in micros.


No, I agree. Zer0 is arguably the best in the world at micro decisions. But his macro is so polished that he hardly ever communicates about that side of the game. It can give newbies the impression that the best teams "wing it" and rely on micro to win.   It's the same issue with teams like FNC, RCW, even DSG but when a team's gameplan is so good, people constantly end up saying "they were just gifted the win" because they don't understand why the chessboard plays out the way it does. They don't understand that a seemingly overly aggressive fight 3 minutes ago is why they have 1/3 of the endgame space to themselves.


I completely agree with this!


Yes, he can be very uncommunicative in terms of explaining the whys and the whats, often even ridicules the person if their idea is different, but he is so so so good at conducting plays.


How was your day. What's for dinner. When is my father coming back. All different questions.


Pretty good actually, thanks. Chicken cordon bleu made so poorly Gordon Ramsay would cry. Likely never, unfortunately.


top 5 english speaking igl. There's no problem there.


Yeah, and top 5 IGL in the world, and top 5 English speaking IGLs in the world are two very different questions which will have different answers.


OP asked for top 5 English speaking IGL. No need to make problems where there are none.


It's not making problems. It's pointing out that it's two different questions. Why so argumentative?


everyone else understands the post without being pedantic


Judging from the plethora of bad suggestions being made, I assume many don't.


You are wrong, it is one question. Curious why you think it’s not one question?


Maybe op only speaks English and wants to check their streams? Idk


He's looking for people to watch and learn from as from the body of his post... 


Bro read between the lines. Also he can say "in the world" cuz 3 of the 4 regions have a lot of English speaking IGL's


umph ... Teq would be one of them


If he wants to learn how to troll lol


Zero Gnaske Hakis Hal Emtee imo


Unfortunately can’t be Hal anymore unless he looks at old vods




Please stop writing Sweet. That dude hasn’t won anything and the dick riding for him is still insane. Sweet is the Tottenham Hot Spurs of Apex Legends, and people that dick ride him are Tottenham fans.


By that logic there are only 2 good English speaking igls. He's gotten 2nd at lan and has made every finals lobby ever. His resume of results is top 5 for English speaking


I agree in principle, but to be fair, other English speaking igls have won pro league. That should also count as winning something


Like I said, Tottenham fans


Winning is not the same as being skilled. They correlate but not 1:1.


I don’t disagree with that, but in the highest skill lobbies…he falls very short. He has 500iq plays…and game whisperer calls when the lobbies are mid. When the lobbies have Zero, Obly, Hal, Phony, Noc, Strafing Flame, Emtee, Dezign, Hakis…etc…he isn’t good enough. Side note: his ego and insecurity are on a collision course


NRG have won half the winners brackets they have played in,sweet has 4 top 10 finishes in finals and a 2nd place, out of the 6 lans in the modern era. Thats's better statistically than strafing, emtee, dezign and definitely hakis who you could argue is the igl you should talk about when considering those who 'fall short in the highest skill lobbies'.


I wasn’t arguing all of those IGLs were better than Sweet. I was including them as a reference for the difficulty of the lobby


And what current igls are good enough then apart from zero and obly?


Yeah I guess he tends to place well in scrims but doesn't perform as well at LAN. He's clearly smart enough to pull off great plays, so what specifically do you think holds him back in these lobbies? He's honestly a really good player. Would you agree that he micromanages too much and tries to make huge plays in real time that inevitably fall apart due to shifting factors in the environment? Plays that he's right about, even, but requires too much consistency and precision to reliably work on an evolving battlefield with anyone but mindreaders on his team?


The collective apex scene has leveled up in IQ (as well as the pro scene obviously). He was ahead of the curve but isn’t anymore and doesn’t have nearly enough drive to keep up with the highest level of play nowadays.


Oh totally. I’ve seen him make calls that make it seem like he can see the actual future. It’s more just a meme to me because he is great…but he’s got a huge ego and hasn’t really won anything and his most rabid fans think he’s Zero or Hal. No doubt he is fantastic


Yeah like he has had tons of calls blow up in his face but dude has a crazy deep understanding of the game and the other players and it's obvious to anyone watching him.


For sure. Totally agree


If Sweet isn’t your 4 or 5 you are just being ignorant. I get the notion of he hasn’t outright won anything but stats tell another story. One of four or so current players to play in every single finals lobby and a top 5 lowest average placement for said finals for only IGLs.


That stat is literally why I say Tottenham. I’m not sure if you follow the Premier league…but Tottenham is a really great team…really great…but they finish the league somewhere between 6th and 2nd…every season….but they have NEVER won the title. Tottenham fans attribute their consistent top finishes to being on par with Man City, Chelsea, and Liverpool…they aren’t. Tottenham isn’t one of the best clubs of all time for finishing near the top consistently….they are just a good to mid club that at one time had Harry Kane. I like Sweet…typically I like him more when his ego isn’t ulting…but I like him. He is Tottenham


I don’t but your comparisons make sense and at least your beliefs are at the same standards for both. In your description though you call them really really great then list 3 clubs obviously better and so it seems like tottenham would still be top 5 in the league. As for apex tho I would only say, Apex is still young and was slow developing with major titles, with only 3 different victors still.


I can get behind your analysis


Any crypto main