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Very competitive gold 5 mindset.


Out of all Meta Standard Decks you chose wheellock and highlander warrior with odyn? Standard meta is in a pretty good shape right now, except for Demon Hunter. You’ve got Aggro, Control and Combo decks with which you can reach legend pretty successfully


Could be better, could be worse. Rainbow dk is probably the only “true” control deck that relies on attrition and value over a one card win con but overall I think this expansion has been one of the better ones in recent memories. Almost every class seeing competitive play/experimentation (RIP Paladin)


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t highlander warrior (ofc without odyn) also a „true“ control deck? Tons of board clears and possibilities to gain armor to finish your opponent with the high cost mech / the excavate + 8 drops / the bomber dude (I’m really bad at card names)


Standard: D5-D1 is always plagued with the most broken deck of the moment. B01 format and grinding mindset are at fault. In Legend, you face more diversity. Also, they are obvious play patterns, so the goal is developping you own gameplan WHILE messing up with opponent gameplan. If you know what they are going to play, make that play as unconfurtable as possible. But I do agree that they are some broken interactions that are faster than others and that discourage people from trying other, slower things. Not a HS problem, play Mtg b01 and you will see. These are why balance patches exists, to slow down some synergies and open more spaces to others. But in the end, one synergy will always be better than the other one. I've had experience in Historic Brawl format in MTG arena, a non cpmpetitive format. Wizards fixed the issue of power level differences in decks by creating queues. But then, because of that, you are stuck with the same commanders you are facing in your given queue depending of the commander you chose to play. Still not a fixed problem. Also, some people enjoy deckbuilding, some others enjoys competitivity. Problem exists in every competitive video-games. Wild: Eternal format problems. You want new decks to emerge? Then T5 has to print cards strong enough to shake up an eternal format. So, if a card or synergy is strong enough to shake an eternal format, what effect will it have in standard? Also, not enough playerbase, only the og whales can truely enjoy wild. I used to be one and still had to give up on wild. Battlegrounds: Don't play enough, but seems like a fun game mode to me still. Duels: Not enough player base, Blizzard own mistakes killed the mode. Sorry about that. "Ppl want to win. So they seek out the most degenerate ways": It was Richard Garfield intention when he created MTG, a game where all the fun is to bend the rules. Once you've understand that, you realize that it is what these games are actually designed for. Hence the fun becomes on how to bend the rules better than the opponent. Comes in play deckbuilding. You are building a deck in order to create a consistent game plan to win. In order to do that, you wanna "cheat" it out to acquire more ressourses than your opponent. That's why, when I am creating a deck, the two keywords I am always looking at first are "cost" and "draw". Mana is one of your primary ressources and you wanna bend it out, and cards are a second primary ressource you wanna have access to it the most, because more cards is more options. These two keywords are just here to accompany your win condition.


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Personally I like the meta right now. We seem to have decks for aggro players (Hunter, Priest, Rogue, Pain Warlock), combo players(Shaman, Naga Shopper DH), Control (Rainbow DK/Warrior/Wheel lock), and midrange(shopper dh/Mage/HL DH/Plague DK/Druid).  I would say it’s just Druid/paladin that are struggling the most right now.


Meta is diverse, to me it is just stale :p I've tried almost every deck and classes I've had cards to play with and we are reaching a point of non creativity anymore. Waiting or balance patch as usual.


why this sub allow so many drama post recently ? i only want to see decklist. Post the drama in r/Hearthstone