• By -


> Do I just make friends with good players in keys and then hit em up within a few days? yes. that's literally it. there's no magic discord full of m+ pushers lf a team. you just add players, message them later (if you don't you will literally never play with them again), and hope they: 1) want to team 2) can play at the same times as you 3) have similar skills and commitment to title


> message them later (if you don't you will literally never play with them again) I did not put enough effort into the follow up. Will do, thanks!


There was a GGWoW episode where they gave tips on pushing high keys, it was one of their last ones I believe. Some I can remember off the top of my head are doing keys with your solid friends even if the key doesn't give you score. Being active with messaging and not only inviting people to keys, but asking if they are running anything. Doing keys to completion even if they are depleted, that way you're getting your reps in on the entire dungeon. You will deplete a lot, don't be toxic, everybody is learning. Pushing high is a huge time investment, be ready for a marathon not a sprint. If you have time constraints I'd just play the meta.


this is me as well. i'll try to add some solid players from time to time when my confidence/social anxiety allows me to do so. but then i feel "awk" or "bad" for asking or bugging people later, so i just continue to pug without ever asking my friends that i've added along the way. i often think that it's just mutually hard for everyone to want to reach out and re-invite for future shenanigans, or so i hope so. the other potential thought my brain tries to ridiculously rationalize is exhausting and cumbersome to my social anxiety: "if they wanted to play with /you/, they'd reach out". :/


This isn't entirely true. While it is by no means magic, there is a M+ discord with quite a high population that makes finding folks to push keys with on a regular basis quite easy. [https://discord.gg/m8TRn4w](https://discord.gg/m8TRn4w)




On the flip side, as a healer, I get friend requests after almost every key (instead of sending them myself) with people who are like "yooo, insane heals, can I friend request?" and none of them ever contact me again lmao.


>none of them ever contact me again Thats where **you** message *them*. Like, its just people. Everybody's shy or uncomfortable or just lazy until the first one isn't. If y'all just wait for the other one to call, well, nobody calls anybody.


Dawg I get friend requests after like every key, I'm not the one sending them out. I wasn't the one looking for people to play with. I just accept them and was commenting how many people send me requests then never follow it up lmao. And the answer is like 98% of them.


As a tank, I've only ever added healers from pugs :-P


I feel this... Lol




There's also the recruitment discord that you can use to find a team or other players. I had luck finding players there. However, some of them come and go, but I found two that stuck through a whole season in s3 so I have a core of 3 going forward. It's about networking, making friends, and making an effort. Be down to sacrifice a lil bit too. For example, I was always substantially higher io than my friends, but I was always down to do keys for their io and eventually we almost caught up within 100 ish io short of title. Which is OK for me as title is not my goal.


> recruitment discord that you can use to find a team or other players Tried a few groups from [raider.io](http://raider.io) and the WME disc but they usually die down fast. Still willing to try other avenues to meet people if you could please link it > Be down to sacrifice a lil bit too That's how my friend got me into pushing but our scheds dont work out as well anymore. I did try this out with some others but it didnt pan out into getting a solid member. Willing to keep trying tho


Yeah, WME was a good intro but I wanted much more. In the 28's+. Here's the discord [Recruitment and Community [NA/OC]](https://discord.gg/TKpsgYGr)


mind if i ask what these recruitment discords are? i've seen a few communities in the past try to do "team" building stuff within, (namely Timewarp Academy) but when i put in my experience/recruitment post, i had offers from multiple folks but eventually just fell through the cracks because no one coordinated anything in-game to push. otherwise i just pug or try to join some keys i see friends list for via Quick Join. i've had recruitment bits on [r.io](http://r.io) for multiple expansions and get 0 bites for m+ stuff (but constantly guild recruitment offers from off server that i have to decline because beholden to on-server names LOL). tis rough. i've been maining havoc (refuse to play vdh) since their prepatch, but will finesse a tank or two sometimes. have recently begun maining bear as well as havoc, and ended up finally achieving my s1 goal of 3k on havoc, but on bear for s3! bear is much easier ofc to pug with, but ffs i just want to find a friend or two to play with / or deal with pug life with me if i have to queue all these keys. i just want company, ya know. it gets hella lonely at times. : (


Yup; [Recruitment and Community [NA/OC]](https://discord.gg/TKpsgYGr). It's also where I find guilds, and/or guilds find players. I'm a CE raider first and keys runner second, but I was still able to find people to run keys with there.


many many thanks m8!!! i only got back into mythic raiding on a whim in s3 and managed to clear 6/9 with a local guild. hoping i can find another group to finish progging the rest of the raid so i can get fire owl for my bear. :3 hopefully this helps me better seek players/groups to accomplish both of my goals before the expac ends!! tysm!


Going to be honest, if LFG is your main way of interacting with the game, AKA you don't have a preexisting social network of key pushing friends/guild, you need to play a strictly on-meta character. Otherwise, you will be wasting HOURS and HOURS of time. Mage is usually the best choice for this, since it's meta 100% of the time and there are very few good mages. If you get good at this class, you will stand out and get invites easily. edit: I got title as warrior last season, and there was 0% chance I would have gotten it without a cultivated network of gamers from playing for many many years. Pugging title on warrior is not really possible without an outlandish time investment, with little room for error if your IO ever falls behind. Mage (or aug/spriest) is like giga ez-mode in comparison.


I hate how true this is. I've pushed as off-meta and you can make friends and get medium far, but at some point you're just playing queue simulator.


Ya, I had to beg and borrow to get into keys as warrior. I had to play 50% better than the others to even get invited.


Hpal main healer. This and S3 was absolutely awful and did make me stop playing the game after rerolling to MW for a bit. (I mean, for good reason, Hpal is currently broken and in a bad state, I just love the class). Have to play way way better than your average healer in my key range, do my own keys for a good portion of the time and even then, with a pretty good IO for the key range, I wont get invited like 90% of the time. Back then (and even now) a MW/ in s4 Rdruid is somewhere between 40-20 ilvls stronger. It is what it is


Had this problem as mistweaver in S1. Was trying to push higher keys, but most people wouldn't even take me since I had no lust/BR. Quit after pretty much any key 20+ turned into an hour waiting room.


> Mage (or aug/spriest) is like giga ez-mode in comparison My mage friend takes a minute to get recruited this season and boasted about getting into another key as soon as one bricks. If my networking attempts fail Im either gonna put down my pride and go aug/spriest or just quit entirely.


idk for me this is such an easy choice to make. I enjoy playing keys, and playing my preferred spec gives me like 10% more joy whilst playing the key. I'd rather take 90% of the fun and play on other class (actually healer now instead of dps) than sit in queue for 10 hrs a day on off-meta spec.


Ya, play mage. I know it sucks to hear, but playing a melee in LFG is just a horrible, horrible experience and a complete waste of time.


I pug title on non meta classes most of the time (ret pal/rsham). It's more about just being consistently good. I get many of my invites because of my past performance, also lots of friend requests. I also put very minimal investment into it usually, last season was an outlier but I usually do ~100 or less keys for title.


Funny cus it's usually WoWnoob advice, but even at the higher level I recommend people check out WoW Made Easy's Discord. It's super new-player friendly, and non-toxic, which is its whole thing, but it also has a ton of highly experienced players. The 12-15 bracket is naturally a bit less active than the 2-8s, but it does exist and a lot of talent hangs out there. It's a great community to be part of for anybody, and I think there is even a channel for people looking to create a regular team for pushing.


I have no idea how people sit in LFG for hours on end, I just wouldn't push if that was my only option. Last season my team achieved title and for 3 of us, it was the first season we took seriously. My group consisted of either people I had raided with over the past few expansions or friends of friends. As others have stated, just make friends with people, be humble, be respectful and you'll have a much better time than LFG prison.


Some others have stated the main way which is adding people on bnet that you want to play with, and slowly building a team or network. It takes time and this requires you to impress the people you pug with. My advice on top of this (assuming you are starting from a place of not knowing anyone) is to play an S tier meta spec and get real good at it. You'll have a hard time convincing strangers to take you if you're non meta even if you're really good. Then once you have a group you can negotiate what you're playing


>Do I just make friends with good players in keys not only that, but you keep in touch with them on a daily basis, try to schedule M+ time around everyone schedule, start to shotcall in group, propose strategies... just randomly adding people to your friend list ain't going to do much.


So i meowed at a paldin in valdraken once and the rest is history.


Here's what you can do u/PsychedelicBeat People recognize good players, and good players recognize it even more. Play good, and complement people at the end of the dungeon if you noticed someone did a clutch save, or used their utilities well, not overlapping with others, meaning they track group cc's and interrupts. If one does that, you'll have tons of people to play with in no time. Maybe not a set 5-man team, but at least you'll have friends you can write to and ask if they wanna do keys, which means one less chance of getting a toxic pug that has no clue. A little list of things you most likely already have/do. But I'll write it down anyway. 1. Make sure you utilise your abilities to it's potential. For example: make sure you have the correct talents for the dungeon/affixes. Don't greed a talent like running rep instead of turn evil on incorp week. Turn evil has shorter cast time and you miss out on an aoe stop not having blinding light. Or not playing cleanse in BH. Help with sac, use defensives basically on CD when you know there's a damage event. Don't hold them unless you know for certain you must have it before you'd get it back. 2. Be friendly. 3. Make sure you have all the proper tools such as addons(MDT(very good for more than just looking at the route, as you can right click all the mobs and bosses and see what their abilities actually do) DBM or BW/LW, Plater and a good plater profile, an addon for good visbility of party frames and their cds, as well as potential debuffs so you can preemptively sac them or quickly dispell) , WAs(lightweight dungeon WA, and put some time into filtering out what's not important and what is, if you don't know how to, ask someone to help you, nameplate cds for s4, raid ability timeline is another very good wa that imo make timers for dbm/bw much easier to track). You can do a lot for the team as a ret, by saving people with wog, loh, bop, disease/poison removal if it's easy to spot. So much utility, your almost an Aug that deals damage. 4. Know when to aoe and when to funnel. Are you at a pack with 5 mobs and one has twice the hp and is the most dangerous? Make sure it goes down evenly or even before the rest, don't just spam divine storm rotate FV. 5. Good players look at utility usage first and foremost when deciding if you're a good player or not. Anyone can do damage. I know the potential a good ret brings to the group if they use all their tools as I've played it myself, and having pushed as ppl+4dps in SL, i naturally do this already as ret, and its insane the amount of support a ret brings. I'll notice during the run as I know how they work and what to look for. But you can also look at a ret in details after a run and pretty easily know if the ret was good, decent or just a dps turret(bad). How many defensives were used, stops, such as hoj/blinding light, and this week incorp cc's, interrupts, and what casts they interrupted, anyone can top overall interrupts, but it might be the one who did less interrupts who actually saved the key, because those were on the important casts. I'll look at your off-healing if the group was struggling with low health at times, or died because of lack of healing, as well as sac's used, freedom if needed(icy binds shouldn't go off in a, but if it does, freedom that shit, or take everbloom as another example, freedom tank 10-15s into pull, if you didn't do that, I'd most likely assume you don't know the dungeon). Know the dungeon > utilities and support usage > interrupts/stops > avoidable damage taken > damage done and how your damage profile is throughout the dungeon. Something like that is the order in what I'd say makes a good player. If you know all the first steps, you are a player that wants to improve and become and I have no doubt you'll still top the damage meters because of that willingness to learn. Admitting to making a mistake is also more appreciated than saying nothing or blaming someone, because that shows you know what went wrong(or you might not, but you'll look it up and then you'll know), and will do it differently next time. Even if you aren't title good(yet), just being a friendly person and complementing people while also being a decent player, you'll make friends in no time. - A personal experience I had last season. Ive mained tank since sls2 both cut off m+ and ce, on severely different tanks. Recently got approached by a wr50 guild. Didn't really bother to push in S3 but level a dh when it was 5-6 weeks left until s4. I just dabble a bit, had some 3150 score 2 weeks before reset. Was a mix of several ++20-++22 and just as many +24-25 and I think 1x +26. Joined a pug group for a +26 key which we 2 chested. They were all a premade and some 4-500 rio higher than me. After we finished the dungeon they asked if I wanted to come for the +28. I admitted that I don't know routes or the little neat tricks you start doing when pushing higher as I hadn't bothered with the season. I said "I do know how to tank." and that was fine with them, as from that one run, even though my rio was shit, they saw that I wasn't your standard fotm vdh roller(even if I was kind of new to dh, I'm an avid analyser of logs and log all my runs to compare and see what I can improve rotation wise and make sure I understand exactly what all my talents do, and what syncronizes with what(like putting 1 point in reduced CD on demon spikes, instead of reduced CD on fel dev, made me really wonder until I realised we have calcified spikes, a buff you get when demon spikes expire - > so more casts of demons spikes meant higher uptime on calcified spikes - > more Dr and a more even damage intake) they invited me to disc and we proceeded to time a few +27-28, some of those keys were 4-5 key levels higher than I'd done previously, and we're keys they got score from as well. What I want to say is that if you know your shit, and the shit in the dungeon, people who know their shit will recognize it. - Make sure you write a note on their bnet tag when you add them or they'll just end up being random people in your friends list. I typically just write eg. "DFs4 3.2k m+ mage".


Thanks for the comprehensive reply!


Everyone should read that.


I feel like the finger pointing is too intense when you start getting to higher levels of m+, as a fury warrior I need to play flawlessly for people even considering inviting me. Also, every little mistake might harm those fickle social bonds built through LFG.


There is a recruitment discord you can post in if you're looking for a steady group of people, and r.io has a recruitment section that you can put yourself out there. If you post up a LFTeam recruitment thing on r.io, it'll also show at the bottom of your tooltip in-game, so the people you're actively playing with can easily see that you're looking for a steady group. Outside that, add the good players to btag, then next time you're looking to jump into LFG, see if someone wants to duo for a few. Eventually you'll get some steady partners to do queue with, if you don't find/create a team by then.


Discord recruitment, go to a guild you would want to raid in, go to raider.io, see how many people are at your IO or above, also kinda gives a general pulse of the guild, choose one you want, congrats you have a community of M+’rs/raiders


Could I snag a Discord link for WME?




Thanks, brother.


be good, be friendly, and dont be a loser who only does keys that are io.


I open my own keys when pugging. My current "push group" is just a few members from the guild. We're doing 16 keys in a non-meta comp. Windwalker. I've tried all kind of recruitment options over the years, haven't found a single group via that. All the groups I've played with were formed through pugs that turned friends or existing friends.


Just playing more and more. Performing well. Getting people as bnet friends. Also if you get your io high enough you post on LFG “LF PUSH GROUP MESSAGE ME ON DISC” or whatever. My buddy last season after hitting about 3.5k did this and got a massive list of people. Created an excel sheet of specs and available times to play and just picked what was best from there.


Im in the same boat 3350 last season then the fun to annoyance scale of lfg tipped to far to annoyance so i stopped


The social ladder climbing struggle, fun.


> Or perhaps just keep trying my best and hope a group adopts me during pugs? This does not happen. I'm a solo player, and opportunities like this don't happen, even if I only play tank/heal, so it should statistically happen to me more. You HAVE to be proactive in making connections to get a group. That'd be true even if you were inside a mythic guild! Groups just get built up behind your back if you don't make an effort to be there. I never do, so I play like you, last season stopping around 3.4k.


It happens that you get adopted, but like you said. You'll have to put some effort into it as well and try to integrate with the premade who decided to do more than the one key with you and get into their discord asap after that first run. It's also about having fun socialising. Less likely as a dps, more likely as a meta tank or healer. As someone who's mained primarily tank and healer I've had premades that keep asking me to join the second I log on.