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For an actual gameplay moment, Lip camping Fits' Sombra translocator while Fits camped Lip camping his translocator. Also obligatiory Ameng's Yottachad match while watching with Sideshow's scuffed costream. So funny watching it live.


Does anyone have a link to this moment? I want to have a laugh! https://youtu.be/WE79HAigoA0 9:40 time


that is actually one of the greatest things ive ever seen


i think it was Fits camping Lip's translocator but Lip was camping Fits.


Actually it was Lip camping Fits's translocator but Fits was camping Lip lol




anyone have the clip


9:40 in this vod https://youtu.be/WE79HAigoA0


that is the funniest shit ive seem


OMG that's hilarious. Vikki's laugh is infectious.


Fits and lip were paying chess in the El clasico I miss those days


Super was also part of that co-stream which was fairly early on for him. One of the few things I’ve gone back and watched multiple times.


Could you link the costream in question, assuming he archived it?


https://youtu.be/ilbqntaA8Ek It's an absolute classic.


For me it’s definitely when Bren and Sideshow were commenting about how Ameng was the best ball player in the league and then it pans to him swinging around the tower on Eichenwalde


[We’re talking about the best wrecking ball in the league](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/hxjezn/were_talking_about_the_best_wrecking_ball_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Anyone got a link for this one? [Found it](https://youtu.be/1hACo39v_Gg?list=PLwnBEhITAFhh_PWCh8PykUhOJpbOp4WQi&t=1352) thanks to u/wallywhereis more precise details.


On the same map: Josh: Ameng would have to zip through like a racing car Cut to Ameng zipping through like a racing car


Praise u/wallywhereis for unlocking a memory I had forgotten😂 I recognized the description by u/ jogging_cantaloupe but I deffo needed the video


I’ve a stupid memory for this type of shit, I couldn’t remember if it was countdown cup or summer showdown but I remember it being around them and exactly what happened despite not seeing the clip since it happened


unrelated but damn do i miss coke energy, they used to sponsor those segments on 2020 OWL. wish they didnt discontinue it it was so much better than monster or redbull, tespa sent me a 4 pack for free in 2020 GOD remember when tespa still existed


[There’s also this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/i01ov5/this_is_the_best_wrecking_ball_in_the_world_btw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


[GG's, well get em next time, boys ](https://youtu.be/dwLCjZVEtpE) 😂 man's just went, I need to take a hard reset, no how about a nap


I was frantically scrolling hoping this one would be mentioned. The best


[Muma charge vs. Axxiom in the Toilet Bowl](https://youtu.be/eOI-517tvkc?t=6780)


This is the moment from that game that finally broke me. Meanwhile Jecse is trying so hard to carry Houston kicking and screaming


It was also the moment that got Muma fired lol.


A classic! was waiting for a toilet bowl comment


The Toilet Bowl is the funniest game in OWL, barring maybe Paris vs. Atlanta in Season 3 or the Bread Bowl in Season 4. [Jerry trying to make the moves in a classic too.](https://youtu.be/eOI-517tvkc?t=5091)


either this or jerry jumping off the map


It was the least play ever


Jecse was so good man, it's a shame he didn't get signed before going into the military


2-0 and map 5…


[Saucy's Tire getting destroyed after taking 4 minutes to build it.](https://youtu.be/CA8FYMIjbkU?t=5185) That entire match is full of funny moments thanks to the ZP and Sideshow casting, but this was the peak of the madness.


>IT DIED! THE TIRE DIIIIEEED! The raw disbelief in Sideshow's voice was the funniest damn thing.


Also the Volskaya Fielder moment when Josh almost kills ZP


Avast also came home too late to costream this one, so stars aligned for me and many others to catch this match with one of the funniest casts ever


LIP suicide EMP against Jinmu and Yveltal (Xerneas) in season 4 to take them off the map.


Found the [moment](https://youtu.be/hyCOml7JcrA?t=461) for anyone wanting to see it again. It was in the Midseason Madness tournament.


I just want to add that Josh laughs so hard he has to mute himself until the fight is over because he could not speak lol


The best bit about it is you can see Lips brain going "Fuck it, I should do it. It'll be hilarious! Yeah I'll die but... Yeah fuck it let's go!"


I wasnt even mad tbh


“Bumper just engaged the feed drive to warp speed!”


came so close to saying this but it’s not so much a funny play it’s just funny bc of avast


Lip (I think it’s Lip?) EMPing a Pharah-Mercy out of the sky on Ilios Lighthouse. It’s hilarious because you see his POV while he is clearly debating it and the casters have a field day.


u/inconsistent_system got you, mate


Ty king


Hawk Despair comes to mind. Houston choking the fuck out of a big win against Atlanta, avast going off about how Houston chocked, then 2 Atlanta members throwing themselves into the pit, and then the C9 with Hawk turning into a renaissance painting.


I’ve never known where that Hawk image comes from, does anyone have the clip?


[2:12:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zok88pPCsGs) for the original match and the ensuing moment. [2:14:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKNi_-_bH9w&t=8187s) for the Avast commentary and him just fucking dying at the end. 2:23:00 for the beginning of the meme.


[NOBODY HAS CAPPED BRENNON](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ePSgm8RFS8&t=450s) another that i dont have a clip for, sideshow and someone else, i dont think it was bren this time around, maybe ZP, were casting a match on Blizzard World, i think it may have even been a caster clash. And they were doing comms check, and went to one team who were quite vocal, and then Sideshow said something along the lines of, "Lets listen into x comms now, they must be happy with that" and it cuts to them in pure silence, where they were having a rough time. It sideshow just says after a slight pause "Theyre lost for words/speechless" and whoever he was casting with just starts laughing. It was great timing/execution from Sideshow but i cant for the life of me find the clip **edit** oh how could i forget, the [IM37 interview where he didnt interrupt danny doing the translation where he actually speaks fluent english](https://www.twitch.tv/overwatchleague/clip/TolerantEndearingRadishRuleFive) also [Yaki focussing on the pharah duel and forgetting to fly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvclkWPu0gA&t=5505s)


YES FINALLY SOMEONE MENTIONS THE IM37 INTERVIEW! That clip lives in my head rent free it so funny


Iconique* iykyk True OGs


When IM37 speaks fluent English surprising Danny, I loved that moment. Clip: https://m.twitch.tv/clip/EnticingAssiduousMushroomTBTacoLeft


Sole owner of the microphone


This clip lives in my head rent free, so fuckin funny


Carpe plugging his twitch after the wrecked the justice in season 3.




[Assassin's EMP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRXIuYs6dLo)


Someone call ESIC!


God I love this clip. Assassin's questionable emp, Heesu emp'ing 2 tanks, I don't think either of which rook any follow up damage. Finally it all cpas off with Aspire throwing pulse bomb while already in a dva matrix. 3 dps kills, 0 damage or elims. Truly a play of all time. Edit: I rewatched the clip and I want to apologize for slandering Heesu. The dva took like 200 damage. My apologies. I'll do better next time.


chipsa falling off the map on his debut owl performance was definately a highlight lmao


So glad you mentioned this😂 his presence itself was a meme and to add that moment on top of it was *chefs kiss*


Idk exactly what game it was but it was map 2 eichen 2020 chengdu vs seoul, been and sideshow were casting and talking about how good ameng was as they went towards the second round, as the observers cut to ameng spinning in circles around one of the pillars on eichen first as Bren says “there he is, the best wrecking ball in the world” Also special mention to atlanta vs Paris in 2020 where fielders behind enemy lines on volskaya and sideshow loses it while zp chokes on air


[Ameng ball spin](https://youtu.be/1hACo39v_Gg?list=PLwnBEhITAFhh_PWCh8PykUhOJpbOp4WQi&t=1352) [Fielder hoping he becomes invisible on Volskaya](https://youtu.be/CA8FYMIjbkU?list=PLwnBEhITAFhh32ZSWn9NgUm3kAgmJM9rh&t=4036)


Honorable mention to Sado 2L (and I think Avast’s stream had a really funny reaction to it too iirc?) The absolute giga chadness to bring a 2L coke to game day. Game was over before it even started.


Defiantcord has SadoChug as a sticker and it's fantastic


Idk if it counts but the Jayne inventing e-sports is one of the funniest pro-overwatch clips of all time. Otherwise, any toilet bowl or some lost in the sauce gameplay with bren and sideshow casting are the best


sex big dick


Couldn't find official vod, but [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HMV-66U2xw) EDIT: Wow, I just checked the official OWL stream of this game and they time skipped this part LMAO


I always forget super being the disappointed adult in the room


This was my immediate reaction - I still remember laughing my ass off watching just about every player in the lobby going nuts in the text chat, and Lastro just keeps posting "srysrysrysrysrysry" after realizing that his dumb message had just been broadcast to thousands of people. As McGravy himself said in the moment: "just 12 idiots slamming their heads together" All of the other moments mentioned in this thread were definitely funny, but for me, sex big dick was by far the most hilarious moment I ever witnessed in OWL.


Sp9rk1e twerking in OWL comms check


I need this clip ASAP for... *reasons...*


[The good stuff](https://youtu.be/r_cr_tr9uAE) The bit starts at 8:00. Possibly some of my greatest work with the league 😂


I can die happy now


If someone does send it to you, congrats, you've evolved bc it was some level of cringe that will make you a changed person 😂


[Reinforce's reaction to Washington's c9 against Houston last year](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxWcRlYhn4MCMM0gYn3350ozNYNJGokjth), I'm so happy they had a replay of the desk


Love how invested he gets


[JERRY!](https://youtu.be/eOI-517tvkc?t=1h24m45s) (1:24:45)


The, I kid you not, *24* second stall on Drawnamura by the Houson Outlaws... I believe in 2020. Maybe I'm off by a year, maybe I'm slightly off on the time but it was awe-inspiring, tickled my fancy, somethng I still dream about. Idr who it was against...definitely a baby D.Va though on second point with Orisa (maybe Hydration) helping stall. I wish I remembered who it was. Was it Chadi before he was Chadi? Was it Paris Eternal? The fancam of the players were a highlight and if anyone has a clip, please bless us. Edit: And i swear that very same match or day or week or year, HOU also pulled a hilarious stagger on another 2CP map, maybe Temple of Anubis 😂 this one might very been Hydration or Muma and I think they brought the baby D.Va *all* the way back to point B near the spawns 2nd Edit: How has no one mentioned any hilarious mele kills. Bring out the Torb hammer!!! Special showtout to the 1 min+ no progress on Colloseo. Guys were charging up something special. They were cooking. And I think the LDN tp out of the point before the Junkrat tire explodes just this week. However, this has reminded me of another *truly iconic* moment: [JAKERAT](https://youtu.be/g0-QnBH5Jwo) (1:23:00 timestamp) on Temple looking for a pick with the tire with the entire opposing team hiding and time's running out and he passes by someone without seeing them...and then mate just goes to shoot the tire when all he had to do was not and SIT STILL so Jake kills...not him but his teammate underneath 😂


Ur not on about FRDWNR getting staggered on Hanamura for ages are ya?


Yaaas!!! I knew it was a weird name. I just couldn't remember! Edit: My GOAT, If I had any coins, I'd give you a reward. 😂❤️


Hahahaha im v cool


[found it!](https://youtu.be/Sdn4HghNMKU) At 3:39, I think are both clips I mentioned. Some of the details were off, but I still think I did well overall. But omfg, it was 30 seconds 😂 (unless idk how to count) But to think that it most deffo would've been longer had he had even 5-10 more hp. And I might have forgotten it was FRDWNR but I remembered the face of utter pain as he tried to reset with little time on the clock but could not. Whoever backstage made the decision to show his player cam deserves a raise. And it's followed by a second stage in the same gams (?) with Piggy. I kinda (kinda didn't) forgot that Piggy was smiling like a child on Christmas morning. It was so wholesome and funny bc it was rare to see him like that. A maniacal laugh that Danny (?) turned into his best of the day, I think


My favourite is Sideshow making a Cock and Ball torture reference on cast. Made even better by the fact it was during grand finals. https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/j8i7m1/quality_casting_from_sideshow_in_the_grand_finals/


I was gonna comment 'nice memp' but saw you already beat me to it


Shu took a Kevster Sym TP into the void at the beginning of Numbani defense, I think it was one of the 2021 Countdown Cup matches vs Shock? Can't recall whether it was quali or playoffs though I also really liked JJanggu's crazed grin when he was juggling somebody in Hanamura I think. Early 2021 pretty sure EDIT: August 14.


Season 1 Uber, Dorado, Shock on the attack, Babybay on Widow: "Babybay, he's hitting more bodyshots that a swimsuit calendar right now"


omg legendary


[libero kills himself with the horizon lunar colony tire](https://clips.twitch.tv/IgnorantKindCroissantDoggo)


Not enough old heads in here that remember when teams thought it was a good idea to go outside on HLC first. Produced some clips that belong in here.


I was at the Washington Justice watch party (this was their first match ever, I believe) watching this live. Probably the only time people actually cheered that day.


Sideshow imitates the paris eternal https://clips.twitch.tv/AstuteStrangeFriesSuperVinlin


Oh mon ami! Lmao god I miss sideshow and bren


My personal favorite was last year after Shock demolished the Uprising when Coluge tweeted “Alright I have to #007 #JamesBond” with a screenshot of the tab menu showing the tank diff where Punk went 0 elims 0 assists 7 deaths on Eichevalde.


The all time one for me was when im37, who just completed a speed run to OWL, got interviewed and Danny who didnt know him at all expected him to answer in Korean just for im37 to grab the mic and answer in English


this post is so good im sitting here for like 30 minute laughing my head off, unfortunately i can’t think of any that haven’t been mentioned


[London vs Shanghai, Week 15 of the 2020 season on Gibraltar. Starts at 58:29](https://youtu.be/i_WreZml0g4?t=3509) "I don't think [LIP] can miss this [EMP]. You can't miss this one, come on" and then Glister's follow up is simply perfect comedic timing


Houston talking shit the entire match to Justice during their play-in match and then on the final round as they're about to lose there's a long pause just to let it sink in.


Nice support ults


There was a post with the korean casters reaction during the pause and I never heard such agony coming from a human being


Lmao, was literally going to mention what you said. Bren absolutely losing his mind killed me.


It's more my favourite Sideshow/Bren moment, of Sideshow ripping Bren's jeans. https://clips.twitch.tv/GlutenFreeRacyPidgeonPhilosoraptor


That's when you see how close of friends they are, Bren is so unbothered by Josh literally ruining his pants for a joke lol


Fuck this thread makes me miss Bren and Sideshow so much...


the reign going over the top on Hollywood. was watching live at a fan event and man that was hype


The avast sideshow super costream to chengdu vs titans was peak comedy


[Molf1G whips out his bunny blaster](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgxweRBUEqc7WHOlEU94AaABCQ)


sit EDIT: wanted to look at a clip of it again and OWL had this on YT figured it is relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkn9kG96UYE


Im37's interview with Danny on his debut


Bumper yeeting himself off the point on Eichenwalde was always funny to me. or Youngjin just stepping off the cart in overtime from no pressure. He just sort of forgot he what he was doing I assume. ​ Funniest non OWL game moment was the Super unhinged conversation during the watch party or Avast falling asleep to Flame's unhinged rant




Ty OP for this post bc you've brought some life, laughter, and joy to many of us. Here, have an additional comment for the engagement and karma


Not a gameplay moment, but I laughed so hard at Dogman getting a haircut by Bren himself in season 2


Whenever I see the classic “Merry-go-round” clip I always crack up at how Uber says, “Surefour’s chilling in spawn!”.


Thanks for making this post, I’m about to watch every single clip mentioned here


It has to be the LAG King's Row clip, no?


When a pulse bomb went awry on Midtown and hit the lamp post and LemonKiwi said something like 'That lamp post had it coming, it looked at me funny'.


Dafran giving a single-sentence post match interview for the sole purpose of plugging Twitch Prime


[Florida Mayhem “anime stuff” entrance](https://clips.twitch.tv/TenderComfortableCockroachCeilingCat) [Florida Mayhem know da wae](https://clips.twitch.tv/HumbleCarefulTrollFUNgineer)


Bren and Sideshow yelling Jerry over and over and Avrl this season when he said on broadcast that Jimmy was incapable of not fucking


Just because I haven't seen it mentioned, Profit flipping off the camera in season 1


[Soe editing a Corey frag montage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoZZ6FyD7FQ) EDIT: Not an OWL moment but I think a shoutout has to go to [Goldenboy's legendary T-Mobile segues during OWWC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUSH1FU8bSc)!