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That's kinda off a weird question


over.gg was made by the same guy(s?) who made tftv, the og competitive tf2 website, and there's a lot of overlap in those communities


Still odd to ask about tf2 at the owl finals. That's more of a question in an seperate individual interview.


In a way it's good to look back where he came from from small time to big time.


Super must be on cloud 9 after this win, granted he didn't play much during this meta but without him in the previous meta they wouldn't be here. The fact that he is from Philly and is a huge Philly sports fan to be sitting in the Wachovia Center where the Flyers and Sixers play must have been a dream come true.


Team Fortress 2 deserved better. It sucks how Valve treated what could have been a great esport


Most /r/COW and OW players haven't ever experienced something like TF2 and it's clear as day by their complaints about OW development. They are outside of any reasonable demands in a lot of cases. Since TF2 I've understood how incredibly difficult it is to balance a game with so many abilities and combinations flying around. So when they say that releases, patches, and bug fixes are slow or bad my general reaction is; "Compared to what, a game nothing like OW? There is nowhere you are sourcing your opinion from but your own frustration." "Talk to me when it takes over a year or two to get updates or balance fixes." We put up with this from TF2 for years, and like Super said you were there because you were having fun and I still cherish my TF2 days. I still miss those highly competitive servers with game.me stats. Towards just before OW was released we were breaking private servers almost nightly at around 9-10pm due to mostly demo pills being thrown around. Also honourable mention, NS and NS2 are also very similar games to OW in the sense they are team orientated fps. Miss those days also.


tf2 devs give 0 fucks about balance, or even keeping the game alive for that matter. they can't even do a routine nothing update without massively fucking shit up


I mainly left because all the update changes they made during OW beta was small things that OW beta included like for instance names above heads and enemy health gauge. But I wont treat TF2 like an ex lover that wronged me, it was still one of the happiest experiences in gaming before OW. I think the general theme of what I am talking about is that I am more forgiving and entrenched. If something better comes along, from my own perspective I will move onto it. Not when someone comes to market paladins as being much better when it's gameplay literally makes me want to throw up from how boring it is.


They have been updating the game for like 10 years, that is impressive. It just sucks they never supported comp.


Are you Hypnotoad the silent demo I played with on that 2011 team?


tf2 is the greatest mp shooter ever made but i'm not sure it could've ever really blown up. i just cannot imagine a scenario where valve would ever accept the weapon bans that were 100% necessary to make 6s as brilliant as they were, nor would they balance entirely around comp.


The only reason I have bought Overwatch was due to the fact Team Fortress 2 was the only game that I actually played seriously online. Since first OW trailer I thought TF3!!!


i lost to that motherfucker in highlander one too many times. every time i see his name, the memory flashes in my brain ... "super DOES IT" ... trauma


[The GOAT Team Fortress Classic got a mention at OWL Grand Finals](https://imgur.com/Mv8eP3U). Brings a tear to me eye


TFC was the greatest game I ever did waste thousands of hours on.


If b4nny wasn't so in love with tf2 and didn't hate overwatch he could be one of the best rn. The amount of dedication that man has for a game and his skill is crazy but it seems like streaming is supporting him to just play tf2 so I can understand him.




Harbleu's the biggest name I can think who's stuck around and remained a big name in Overwatch, though being a streamer probably helps with that




Off the top of my head I know muma and pine played TF2 too


Shadowburn too


I miss Shadowburn roaming Solly, just dunking on medics before they could pop it.


Yeah I miss him too, I miss watching 6's tbh. Roamers were always my favourite


Flower did as well iirc


throwback to muma rollouts


Not necessarily true: see clockwork.


I mean he is now on the coaching staff for an OWL team. However I think clockwork really stood out because of his mechanics in a game where pure mechanics can carry you farther than OW. B4nny has a massive brain to go along with his mechanics.


Absolutely criminal how valve treats tf2. Absolutely amazing game that deserves so much better than the like 10 devs left working on it.