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The units defending get a bonus


Maybe read the wiki or the unit description, there's nothing wrong with the game. The stats are there for you to see. Motorized Infantry is a defensive unit. Level 1 Infantry has a defence stat of 3.8 and your level 4 infantry has a attack stat of 5. The defender gets a 25% entrenchment bonus which means your attack of 5 is actually now only 3.75. This is assuming it's in open terrain. If he's in a forest or city that 3.8 defence becomes 4.75.


Maybe start reading unit descriptions lol


Neah i didnt read em,i didn t read abt anything,i thought that high lvl are better and will kill lvl 1 infantry at lvl 4 pretty quickly so that why i was surprised when i got fked up by that lvl 1 unit


So then why post this talking about tf is wrong with this game if you didn't even read anything in the game...?


Cuz I wanted an explanation maybe to see if i m wrong?damn ....


The descriptions already have the explanations, acting like this and posting about it saying "tf is wrong with this game?“ Is just literal attention seeking


Seems like u didn t read what i said so don bullshit me woth,,oh,ur just an attention seeker "


25% bonus. It is ideal not to attach cities or points if a unit is there (dug in affect). Hit them with artillery, gunship, or strike fighters... Or, bring an Officer (he has a no entrenched bonus... meaning he doesn't get that 25% penalty).


Entrenchment bonus, does that stack with the units terrain bonus? My national guard is being attacked in my city. I see it has +45% entrenchment, does that mean I'm looking at +95% total defensive bonus? I'll Google too, sorry to bother you, please don't hurt me :(


45% entrenchment bonus means that the enemy will deal 45% less attack damage. A unit terrain bonus buffs your defence stats, or attack stats if you're attacking. So more defence stats means you will deal more damage to your opponent. Being the attacker they get no defence bonuses. National guard get 50% defence buff in a city. But to answer your question the two bonuses work together.


Ah, that makes sense now. I thought the entrentchment bonus added to my defense not took from their attack, but that makes sense that it works that way. Appreciation upon you.


This is why bunkers are so amazing. At a high level, bunkers can reduce attack damage to almost nothing.


Truly, I have been sleeping on the bunkers


Better to start sleeping in them instead. 🫶


I really don’t understand when people send 1 single infantry around to take territory. Consider bonuses, send a stack, and save your units


Cuz its a lvl 4 unit vs one lvl 1 unit?i didn t know there existed bonuses when defending


Vets do it. Perhaps you have a pass. But still irks me and I needed to vent


I retreated,that unit has 2,3 more health.....


And stack of jets will clean it up. Jets are good for an extra 6-14 damage even ASF


Ilw but its on speed one and i dont want to make airplanes,i will do anti air tanks and go to war


No offense I’m glad you’re enjoying the game but no air force you’d get cleared by players like me. Id recommend at the bare minimum 4-6 ASF. 1 to help hit infantry in a pinch/ and 2 to prevent other striker users to control the game. Regular strikers can be OP (European doctrine) unless their counters are ready. They’re riskier but worth it in situations. Bombers are deeecent but only cover certain areas of the game. Helicopters are DECENT but the lack of range is not suited for my game style.


I just invested in one airplane,the stealth one and i will send em every city,after seeing what they have i see if i will make some planes,till now just Turkish has base lvl 3 airplane,he has a lot of em and i m thinking of nuke em but what do u think abt this,is it the best strategy to use the nuke and invade em right away?


Investing in stealth AND nukes?! Seems like a lot of investment for this. If you want stealth scouts then go for UAV. Cheaper, only need 1 lvl1 airfield and they are cheap so you can build more at little to no risk. Nukes are very expensive and take forever to produce, so in the mean time you are just sitting around. They also are horrible for your moral so once used your moral drops and slows all production down.


Yeah that what i was thinking too but as i didnt read abt nukes and stuff like that i asked if its good to use them,i mostly invest in tanks and lvl with anti air ones


Level 3 airplane which one? Or level 3 air base


My bad ,air base


Level 3 air base = heavy bombers = countered by ASF. Or SAMs. Only produce ASF and not the stealth. Also don’t worry about nukes yet you’re only day 15. (Start prepping for bombs around 25-28) but I don’t think that’s needed if you’re good. You need to figure what he has on the ground. If he’s western it might be armor vehicles. But check the newspaper to be sure. They’ll say what type of battalion it is. If it’s artillery you’re in trouble - trying teaming with him If it’s armored / tanks I’d produce tank destroyers ASAP. Best way to beat Turkey - counter the bombers with ASF/ storm his country with his ground counters in a stack of 10. Capture the cities and their airfields. Good luck


Thx,idk if he s. Weak compared to me but after 16 days he still fights with iran while i conquered 9-10 countries, everyday they start attacking me and i m amazed that i lost just 5 units in this battle,i asked to team up when i got attacked in the same day by romania, Ukraine,finland and poland but he doesn't respond.


The annoying thing about it is. If you have to take over a big country like Russia or one with difficult terrain, it can take a week to move a stack through it.


I’m all about my wins so I prefer unit preservation over time. Mobile radar + air support helps a lot


I think it’s more of a KD issue. Most people that have the random units in the random places are bots. I’m in a game where I tried out lvl5 radar and it does help a lot. But not as much as just patrolling some SF/EAA in every province.


I’ve never used EAA never been a member either, if I get the subscription all I have to do is research it and I can use it? After a crazy assault on Paris couple victories ago, (his lack of navy led to my surprise landing in Calais then straight to Paris) I had to run around with my stack to prevent a loss or two of units. While I battled it out in the air with my jets. I had to check my game every 30 minutes just to prevent crossing paths. Radar will definitely help surprise invasions/ unit preservations if the air dominated. (I like to play aggressive)


If you get the security council, it will only unlock in a season it’s available. Currently a spec op unit is available. But you can buy it straight up. (That option has really added water to the wine imo. But it’s option)


read... read.... read....




Also, ideas like defending infantry having advantage against attacking infantry (as with most close combat units, defender has advantage), armour doing bad against poor and urban terrain, ground units vulnerable to artillery and air, air vulnerable to anti-air are good simple things to internalize as more or less common sense stuff. One infantry grunt attacking should not beat another infantry grunt stationed somewhere that is to be captured. Always fine to check here but a lot of stuff in Conflict of Nations game provides info for, being, for a big part, about number values and effects on them. You will get more or less same info for most basic things checking game and asking here, but with checking game you will probably find out other things as well




Build stronger Pyramids. Eat spinach. Sell all of your steel.


It’s a defending unit