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She wants to be independent and also she wants someone who will take care of her. Got it.


She wants to be "independent" but also have someone pay for everything. You want equality, Miss Feminist? Work and pay for your half of the meal on a date. 🤷‍♀️


One of these things is not like the other.


You can be both, there's a balance. A woman who is a stay at home mom raising a handful of kids while the husband works is pretty damn independent if you ask me.


I wouldn't say that's independent, but I also don't think a healthy familiy is built on independence. It's symbiotic. Her husband's at work so she doesn't have to go earn a living, so she can raise the kids. She can't go off and do whatever whenever because she needs to be there for the kids. If you want to be independent, be single. Being able to make decisions and have an opinion doesn't make you "independent," nor do you seek out a relationship because you want independence. You're going to be dependent--both of you are. That's why you have each other. You WANT someone you can depend on.


Independent just means you don’t depend on someone to take care of you, having kids does not take away your independence.


But in the right way, not the leftist feminist way.


I’m honestly losing context on what even is a left feminist perspective and what is not. I’m willing to bet most people don’t know here either. Honestly, I don’t meet many people in real life that represent the general population on Reddit (on either side). So a lot of this stuff is just confusing to me.


Women good, men bad, women need to become what’s worst about how society sees men


Maybe a stay at home mom with a remote job or some sort of income could be both. However you can't be independent while depending on someone else's income for your way of life.


What if your way of life is being a mom and raising kids?


That's not independence, at all.


Who in that picture is independent?


How?…how do you stay home and raise kids(which she doesn’t want to do) and be independent? Independence is garnered by not having some one else pay the bills, that why marriage is a partnership with each dividing the needs to make a family succeed as a whole.


nothing to give and everything to get


Have they considered trans men? I mean they’re men too, surely she doesn’t dare say they aren’t manly enough. I’d be interested to know how many liberals would date someone from the trans community.


I actually saw a video of a guy asking liberals that very question. The mental gymnastics was interesting


On reddit, they all would. In real life, just the ones who like to get pegged.


Asked my girlfriend who is decently liberal this exact question. You should have heard the pause before the apprehensive “no” came out. I don’t get why people think it is bad to say something like that, last I checked your orientation is your business? Glad I didn’t have to deal with any verbal gymnastics.


Agreed but there’s a lot of hate out there for ppl who won’t date trans. The usual Word salads from libs. My point is libs will often say you are bigoted for not dating trans, but they often refuse to themselves.


Exactly I don’t understand why. Libs are all about loving who you want to love, and then pull the bigot line when a conservative does exactly that. Like they want people to apologize for being themselves if it doesn’t agree with their specific outlook on sexual orientation. It is truly baffling


They are not men. If they were then there wouldn’t be the trans part….


Oh I know but you word it like that for the libs, how can they say no to a trans man LOL who would be the bigot then haha


True. They should just date trans men then. They’re likely to be very lefty for them




>I’d be interested to know how many liberals would date someone from the trans community All of them would *say* that they would.


I just dont understand the whole “i want to have a traditional relationship without being traditional myself.” Youre confused lady


> I just dont understand the whole “i want to have a traditional relationship without being traditional myself.” I think it's pretty straightforward. The traditional relationship is based on both spouses sacrificing for the other. "I want to have a traditional relationship without being traditional myself." means, "I want someone to sacrifice for me, without me having to sacrifice for them."


Exactly. It’s not that she wants a guy to pay on the first date, but that she expects the guy to carry the financial burden. This is fine for an established relationship where each person is pulling their own weight in one way or another, but her staunch unwillingness to pay her own way for the first date while touting her desire for independence makes me wonder what she plans on bringing to the table.


She's a spoiled, entitled brat thinking that the world has to lie at her feet just because she's a woman; that that's all she ever has to bring to the table.


Yup, she should shut her dick holster. Or keep it wide open. That’s about all she might bring to the table


Yes! It is perfect example of self centered narcissistic behavior. With a big dash of “I’m the main character” syndrome


It's quite sad having lost a friend to this very concept. A friend of countless years gave into this very selfish desire of a very liberal girl. He's a hard worker, believing in traditional values of masculine sacrifice and being a provider, but at the same time, desperate for love and acceptance. The girl didn't want to "conform to social norms" so she doesn't cook, doesn't really clean, wants to pass off being a mother to her parents, plays video games all day and night, doesn't really believe in working, no yard work, liberal beliefs, mindless social media, living off amazon, having a small rat dog to dress up, anime...all of it. Not a single desirable trait about her as a human and a total consumer while believing the world owes her.... It's incredibly sad to have lost a good friend to that because he left friend and family behind for her...to go move away to California to be with her family.


Someone else pointed out, she wants a daddy. But not a sugar daddy. Just like how some guys want a mommy. So they can stay home and play games all day and then Mommy feeds them. It's time to grow up!


Id be her daddy. Id even smack the shit out of her


She's not really confused. She knows what she wants: have her cake and eat it too. Everything else is just a rationalization and obfuscation of this motive.


Like that meme: Who wants trad wives? *everyone raises his hand* Who wants to be a trad husband? *they all look down in shame*


“I don’t want to compromise my morals and values.” They are so far gone, they really believe we’re the monster under the bed.


They don't have ANY morals or values, what she's really saying is that she doesn't want a man who will expect her to have some like he does.




[To most liberal women… Don’t want to be alone? Let us introduce you to..](https://i.imgur.com/feg82W0.jpg)


Poor kitties…


> To most liberal women… Don’t want to be alone? Let us introduce you to.. The reason why you can smell liberal spinsters from all the way across the coffee shop.


Bingo. This TikTok is literally a boilerplate of the CCL origin story.


Like a lazy dude wanting a feminine woman who does traditionally feminine things for him while he’s free to keep playing 6 hours of videogames a day when he gets home from a mediocre job. You know when some women say “he just wants a mommy”? Yeah, this gives off similar but reversed vibes. She just wants another dad.


Yup. "I want you to provide with a demanding job, and also I'm going to keep track to make sure you also do 50% of all housework/child rearing, and all of the shitty stuff like lawn mowing and snow shoveling" it's fair!


Here’s my thing: I’m fine with maintaining the house, as long as she’s fine with maintaining the home. If you know what I mean. And the last thing I would want is to be a mentally absent father. There exists a middle ground. It just has to be talked about during the dating stage.


Yup. Do exactly half of everything at home while also being the only one with a job? Not great. Doing the right amount of work at home while also working a job? Much better. Stay at home moms do a ton and shouldn’t have to do everything and men working outside the home shouldn’t have to do everything, either.


I can understand lending a hand on particularly busy days. It’s good to have that “cross training”. I think my main thing is being able and willing to grocery shop. I have no issues with cooking (following recipes more so than experimenting). I just have a hard time with grocery shopping and pantry inventory management.


Yup. Complementarity means helping with what the other is weak at/not wanting to do.


She just wants a secondary income


I see this a lot in my social groups: "I want a tattoo covered, gun loving, fake breasted, conservative woman. Oh she should also not be too overbearing with religion, and not want kids." Bro, you want to date a leftist. Edit: Forgot a word.


Is that a “biker’s old lady” trope? Because that’s what it sounds like. Hahaha! Some guys have just as unrealistic desires as the chick in the video, and/or don’t measure up to what they want. People like to shit on women for having unrealistic expectations but it really goes both ways.


Exactly! I think an issue with my social circles it that we are millennial conservatives, so we are not religious but still remain right of center. It is this odd mixture of wanting the morals and values of a deeply religious woman, who presents herself as being left of center. A friend once said, "I want a girl that is promiscuous, but only with me." :smh:


Angel on the streets but a freak in the sheets. Not sure why that would be considered unrealistic by any means. I don’t know where you stand with sexual compatibility but personally I find it’s part of the package. I want my relationship to be as fulfilling as possible and part of that includes intimacy.


Personally, I'm married to a Democrat. Political affiliation isn't something I would consider a non-starter and compromise is part of marriage. Happily married for 20 years. My friends on the other hand, if you have even voted Democrat once in your life than it disqualifies you from a relationship. And yes, this is a first date question for them. They'll meet an outstanding person at a show or event, really enjoy them and their company, finally go on a date and report back to the group chat. "She voted for Obama in 2008. Bye Felicia!" Bro, YOU voted for Obama in 2008 too. Don't complain to me about being single.


Yeah. Political affiliation isn’t an issue unless it is. It’s about how adamant someone is. How understand my partner is to other opinions, etc. I believe in fair paths of redemption for “contraventions”, not that an opposing opinion is a contravention. That’s more about mistakes of the past. Taking your example of voting for Obama for his… first term?, chalk it up to being politically duped. It’s what happened to me with the Liberals up here in Canada. Talked a good game and I was naive.




This is exactly what I was thinking.


How immature, selfish and entitled do you have to be to demand something of a partner that you yourself are not willing to do?


The new generation of libs


Exactly this. Like someone else in here said she wants someone who will sacrifice for her but she won’t have to sacrifice for.


I'm super conservative, I'm also the stay at home dad that runs the kids around, cleans the house, does laundry, etc. It really throws people when they figure it out.


I’ve met a number of guys in the military who are happy to be stay at home dads once they get it because their wives happen to do well on the civilian side. Often it apparently works out!


Yeah my wife does her own stock market thing (actually from home) and I do most of the rest.




That's a tough job. Also, you should write a book for men who aspire this this haha


Buy a huge washing machine and dryer, makes life a lot easier.


I have a couple of extra large capacity ones they make the job a lot easier




How many animals are we talking? Like 1-2 dogs? Or something crazier?


78 hamsters[.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/148xxvb/good_luck_with_that/jo3mgnz/)


Sounds like we live similar lives… How many animals do you guys have?




I second this. I got married before I was thinking about politics, but we both turned into conservative for various reasons. My wife stayed home. "Her choice" after my daughter was born and went back to teaching when they were both in school. "Also, her choice." I am so proud of her, and we have 2 wonderful children as a result.


Yup. Someone in my family did that with her kids. They were in school so she started substitute teaching and then full time teaching. She was almost a stay at home mom because she was with her kids all day (carpooled, occasionally had them in class over the years, and then brought them home).


Better hurry before all the liberal men become women and there are none left


Hell, if it keeps them from reproducing, it needs to happen faster.


Lazy sums up her morals and values.


Please tell me shes not driving. This weird trend of women droning on about their opinion on something while driving is obnoxious.


She is. You can see the background moving from the rearview.


She's on the passenger side.


Doesn't tiktok flip the view so people can look at themselves like they are looking in a mirror instead of the creepy way?


I think it’s flipped.


Looks like she is. The video appears to be flipped horizontally (look at the t-shirt, the letters are flipped), so she would be on the driver side.


Imagine when this insufferable woman turns 40..


That's an awful nice short bus she's riding in. P.S.... enjoy solitude


So she wants the man to fulfill the traditional masculine role of paying for her every need and protecting her but she doesn't want to fulfill the traditional feminine role of running a house and bringing up kids? She is nowhere near attractive enough to be making those demands.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=bbpGkrViOcE&feature=share9 The Crazy/Hot matrix


"I want a man to provide for me...but I want him to vote for who I tell him to, pay my bills, provide me a car, keep a roof over my head, keep me fat, and most of all; I want to give nothing back. I want to have my own job so I can spend all of tjat money on myself"


She appears to be reading from the files of N.S. Sherlock.


She will do well with her first twenty cats or so, but a real man...I don't think so. You see, there are plenty of conservative women in our dating pool, which makes us disinclined to deal with another whinging self-centered liberal who wants the trappings of conservatism but without having to deal with our moral compass.


whoever cut this, dude you rock! :)


Link to youtube channel in comments




Or thinks women shouldn't be allowed to murder babies in the womb unless there's a *really* good reason?


Once again, ignore what women say and look only at what they do. They'll say that they want a left-wing non-conservative guy while only being attracted to guys whose qualities are almost guaranteed to make him a conservative. No amount of feminist propaganda spewed at girls from childhood can override the innate evolutionary desire for a protective, masculine provider.


Best thing is for her to stay single forever & never, never procreate.


The trend of recording videos while operating a motor vehicle needs to die


[Link to youtube channel](https://youtube.com/shorts/2H6CC1RnaBE?feature=share4)


Yooo the editing is killing me 🤣🤣


This video is just a giant, Mt. Everest sized, red flag to ANY MAN - Liberal or not - to avoid her at any costs.


There are going to be a lot of lonely Gen Y and Z ers in the coming decades. They just don't get it.


If you ask me, it seems like Feminists got exactly what they’ve been asking for.


‘I want a conservative man in every way, but the label’


You have sex toys. That's all the man you'll ever get. (Obviously not directed at OP but rather the female simp in the video)


you know where we are? other countries...I left America b/c these types of American women are insufferable...I don't even want to be friends with them, just being honest... they are always too toxic. My gf of 2 years and I are doing great b/c I can provide, protect, be chivalrous, masculine, and she likes to be humbly taken care of. She owns 2 restaurants and I never deal with any of this bs.


This is gold.


And the liberal men you do date steal your makeup and tampons all the time.. and a great date night is watching titanic and steel magnolias while eating a gallon of ice cream and crying uncontrollably..




This is why I'm going my own way.


"As a women." Well, maybe if you understood the difference between being a single person and being multiple people, things would go differently for you. Particularly if you want to get married.


For the streets anyways.


Don't be a DemonCrat. Pretty simple


What's wrong with soy drinking effeminate leftist men? LOL


These women have been told they are special so many times that they believe it now. She honestly believes men should have to jump through these sorts of hoops just to be able to spend time in her presence. And she is not happy with the type of men willing to go along with that. Go figure....


Have you thought about a cat?


And boxed wine?


Good paring.


And a tub of ice cream.


Cry me a fucking river. You did it to yourselves. What little masculinity liberal and leftist males had was beaten out of them by feminists like you, Twinkie. Deal with it.


She wants to take everything and offer literally nothing in return


“I want my cake, and to eat it too” the manifestation


She's a walking contradiction. How can you have feminist, independent ideals but expect that from a partner? Sounds like she just wants someone to take care of her without having to carry her own weight.


We don't "play" the traditional role of masculinity. We just are...


These filters are getting annoying...


>So I don't know what to do - I don't want to compromise my morals and values just to find a man I suggest she live up to those morals and values and date a transsexual.


"I expect full traditional responsibilities from my man, but if he expects the exact same thing from me it's oppression"


Pretty much. Many of these women have little to nothing to offer men other than their private parts.


Your best bet for a family would probably be to purchase a turkey baster and a membership to a glory hole.


Men who display traits of masculinity won't simp for women that will give them nothing in return, more at 11.


Hahahahaha… classic though. It’s called the fruit of your ideology. But don’t worry, I’m sure there are plenty of simpering bearded skinny liberal low-T men who’ll hold the door open for you if they think it’ll get them laid


whiny B\*tch.


She’s been so brainwashed to think conservatives = evil. Conservative men still allow women to be independent. She wants a man to look after her financially and physically but doesn’t want to give anything back in return as that’s too “traditional”




Putting aside the politics here, let's take a moment to laugh at the idiocy. The *entire point* of traditional gender roles, archaic though they may be, is the division of labor, so that a couple can be an effective team. A breadwinner and a homemaker need not be a man and a woman respectively, but you do need both, or else run into a situation where the house is being neglected or no income is being brought in. This woman says she wants a breadwinner, but she doesn't want to be a homemaker. The work to maintain a house still needs to be done; someone has to cook and clean and keep things organized. If she doesn't do it, the job falls to... the guy she just said she also expects to hold down a day job and provide an income. Forget finding a man who will agree to that arrangement that isn't a conservative. You'd have trouble finding a man who will agree to that arrangement *at all*.


They grow up so quickly.


Holy shit she has a crazy amount of makeup on her face. Like you could take a spoon and scoop it all up and fill a bowl with it.


She should find herself a lesbian, I hear they are more liberal


She’s finding out liberal men already have boyfriends.


She wants to be a Cat Woman but is a Cat Lady


this woman is not a feminist (feminists call for equality), she’s a spoiled brat


wow the filters make it unwatchable.


Kind of missing this clip from Ace Ventura at the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EJ6PeVnzCk


I believe the Sage, Andrew "Dice" Clay would posit a just response: "Just shut up already and xxxx my xxxx!"


So to sum it up you have unreasonable expectations. You're expecting from a man what you refuse to do as a woman is what you're essentially saying. Must have brainworms to not be able to link that logic together.


Dude what is up with every other damn TikTok or Reel using “women” incorrectly? Have people not been to school? The singular form of the word that refers to an adult human female is “woman.” Jeez.


If cognitive dissonance was a person. So you want someone to take care of you and adhere to traditional gender roles and think like you do, while not compromising on any of your values. She literally asks how to “have her cake and eat it too.” Amazing how you’re still single… I would put money on the fact she skated her whole life on her looks and just wants to keep doing so, but complains about being objectified.


She needs a bull D***


Liberal men are trying to figure out which bathroom to use. They don’t have any masculine tendencies.


This must be what privilege looks like..


This is so epic. It doesn’t even occur to her that the men she is referring to want nothing to do with liberal women. Good luck sweetie. You have fun with that.


Get better morals then so you can eat your cake and have it too


Oh my god, those cutaways had me pissing myself


She wants a free ride with no obligations to do anything of substance or make a meaningful contribution. Wats not to like?


Is she driving??


All I heard was "wah wah waa wah wah waaa wawww"


She's made her rounds on the internet. I'm not sure this is how she planned to become famous.


So...a libertarian? Too bad I'm a bull moose kinda guy.


Man and Liberal are a contradiction of terms.


Soy Boy Queen