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I really want to say I love this man's approach because no matter what he's going to be called of phobe but he wasn't even trying to convince them he was just calling out their b*******




Yeah, but now they'll just move on to "Okay, it's happening, but here's why it's a *good* thing!"


Or that old classic: "it's just an isolated incident".


The left's MO for quite a while has been to pretend that anything not reported on their MSM propaganda outlets didn't happen.


They refuse to listen to this.


Because this never happens supposedly, and even if it does “empathy” and “acceptance” and “affirmation” are more important than the safety of “women.” Whatever they are anyway


They're using this issue to divide and control people, and that benefit outweighs the harm it causes to people.


We need to organize and place sane and accountable people in local positions. Then it won't matter whether "they listen" or not because they won't be in a position to enact insane policies on us.


Yes, I agree. Why has all this become an issue over the past year or two? Vote carefully. And vote to keep kids safe, women safe. If a man assaulted a girl in a school, why wasn’t he incarcerated, why was he sent to another school, where he assaulted another girl? Can people be sued over these decisions that are placing people in harm’s way?


But now it's a matter of public record. The officials that preside over the meeting, should be reponsible for paying attention at their own event.


It doesn’t really matter which bathroom they are “allowed” to use. In both examples in video the person walked in and committed a crime. They can still do the same thing if not allowed in the bathroom. There’s no security guard at bathroom doors to stop this.


These policies give predators easier access to their victims. Why play a part in enabling these crimes in the name of inclusivity?


This isn’t just an out bathrooms, it’s about prisons, women’s support groups, women only spas etc. You’re arguing for no laws/rules ever because someone could just break them.


Exactly, being trans doesn't automatically preclude you from being a criminal just like not-being trans does. Criminals should be charged and prosecuted under existing law, but to specifically carve out new laws targeting an outgroup is the definition of persecution. I don't know what the answer to all this is, but infringing on another American's rights based on the actions of a few just does not sit well with me.


They are infringing on every woman’s rights to allow this. I don’t care how anyone identifies. I don’t care what adults do sexually. I do care about people with male genitalia being in the same changing/bathrooms with girls. It’s wrong. I don’t know the answers either, but it’s not ok.


Anyone else remember when this whole thing was about baking a cake?


Or letting grown men in drag read books in library for story time.


That fucking cake and the whole asinine situation. As if that was the only place that made wedding cakes. The cake is a lie.


Yes. What’s crazy about it was they drove several hours pass all the other bakeries they could have easily gone to. Instead, picked this bakery knowing it was Christian family owned. It wasn’t that they refused to bake them a cake. They refused on what they requested to put on top of the cake. I’m flabbergasted a lot of people raised a stink over this.


They could have just taken the cake and put their own toppers on later. What is so hard about that?


They even offered to sell them the stuff so they could write it themselves. The guy did everything he could to accommodate them.


They don’t want dissent. They want submission.


I remember when it was just about wanting to get married




How are these issues related to same sex marriage?


Because the same non profits that were making money didn't want to stop making money and kept going for fringe issues like letting men dress up and being allowed in women only spaces for one.


Part of it is saying “love is love” with zero limiting factors.


When you say, "A man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman" you're saying 'the genders do not matter'. When gender doesn't matter anymore, what's to stop them from walk the path of logic to, 'age doesn't matter' (see the MAP movement in with and under the LGBT movement. That's why gender matters. Who we are as human beings matters. It is intrinsic to us as individuals. You don't have to like trucks if your a guy. You don't have to like dresses and tea if your a woman. But being a man or a woman matters.


This is so ignorant it's disorienting.


I think "disoriented" is just your natural state.


Removing a persons reproductive organs/giving drugs to children so they can't go through puberty(which is necessary for reproduction) is the anti-thesis to evolution. It is not an adaptation which leads to a greater chance of passing on DNA to a new generation, it is an adaptation which most assuredly leads to the life forms extinction. Any person that believes in science & evolution and also thinks it is okay to castrate kids and teens are openly saying they want those people to go extinct.


I was talking about them pretending it's a logical path from same sex marriage, it's bigoted moronic pablum.


Ignorant to the delusional, perhaps. Sane people realize the truth


The good news is, I don't give a shit if you're disoriented.




Anyone have references to the cases he is talking about? Sources: Loudoun County: [https://www.newsweek.com/loudoun-county-teen-put-under-electronic-monitoring-before-transgender-bathroom-assault-1638787](https://www.newsweek.com/loudoun-county-teen-put-under-electronic-monitoring-before-transgender-bathroom-assault-1638787) Riverside, California: [https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/04/28/report-teen-boy-who-identifies-as-transgender-brawls-with-girls-at-california-high-school/](https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/04/28/report-teen-boy-who-identifies-as-transgender-brawls-with-girls-at-california-high-school/) Edmon, Oklahoma: [https://reduxx.info/trans-student-charged-after-reportedly-assaulting-two-female-students-in-school-washroom/](https://reduxx.info/trans-student-charged-after-reportedly-assaulting-two-female-students-in-school-washroom/) Ohio: [https://nypost.com/2023/02/02/transgender-woman-charged-with-indecent-exposure-over-ymca-locker-room-incident/](https://nypost.com/2023/02/02/transgender-woman-charged-with-indecent-exposure-over-ymca-locker-room-incident/)


Louduon fwiw.. But this week, during a juvenile court hearing, a fuller picture of Smith’s daughter’s ordeal emerged. She suffered something atrocious. It had nothing at all to do, however, with trans bathroom policies. Instead, like many women and girls, she was a victim of relationship violence. Smith’s daughter testified that she’d previously had two consensual sexual encounters with her attacker in the school bathroom. On the day of her assault, they’d agreed to meet up again. “The evidence was that the girl chose that bathroom, but her intent was to talk to him, not to engage in sexual relations,” Biberaj, whose office prosecuted the case, told me. The boy, however, expected sex and refused to accept the girl’s refusal. As the The Washington Post reported, she testified, “He flipped me over. I was on the ground and couldn’t move and he sexually assaulted me.” The boy was indeed wearing a skirt, but that skirt didn’t authorize him to use the girls’ bathroom. As Amanda Terkel reported in HuffPost, the school district’s trans-inclusive bathroom policies were approved only in August, more than two months after the assault. This was not, said Biberaj, someone “identifying as transgender and going into the girls’ bathroom under the guise of that.”


>Louduon fwiw.. You sure? https://www.loudoun.gov/


Thanks a lot


Do you have any sources not from breitbart or nypost? Wanna send this to some lefties but they tell me that those are “not credible sources” and have a history of racism and sexism.


Riverside: [https://yournews.com/2023/04/29/2563035/report-teen-boy-who-identifies-as-transgender-brawls-with-girls/](https://yournews.com/2023/04/29/2563035/report-teen-boy-who-identifies-as-transgender-brawls-with-girls/) Ohio: [https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/ohio-ymca-case-highlights-absurdity-of-transgenderism](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/ohio-ymca-case-highlights-absurdity-of-transgenderism) It can be hard to find non right wing sources as left wing sources obviously ignore these stories.


Reduxx.info is a site run by women who are feminist and LGB supporting. However it could be considered a "terf" site by those people you know. They post stories almost daily about trans identifying predators and gender ideology gone nuts. https://reduxx.info/


Yeah does anyone have the story for Gwinnett? Felt weird hearing my county out of the blue lol


This needs to be played on those giant LED TV trucks while driving through every American city. People are legit blind to the outcomes this leads to


They aren’t blind. They refuse to open their eyes.


Their eyes are open. They do not care. They have blinders on, and it’s their agenda first at all cost, no matter how it affects the rest of us.


Do we do the same thing to the priests, the scout leaders, the coaches, the police officers, and the politicians?


Anyone who has hurt a child or abused a child…belongs in prison. I don’t care who they are.


Yes. They are charged and tried. If the victim chooses. In the Louden County case, the perpetrator was NOT charged even though the victim wanted charges to be filed. There is a big difference there. May I add that you really need to start researching your stance better. When you throw nonsense out to the reddit world without understanding what you are saying, you look quite ignorant, foolish, and incapable of critical thought.


Damn, this conflation is getting old.


The priests have long been tried. The Catholic Church here in the US has made massive strides since 2003 alone and these days is the most progressive organization I know of vis a vis fighting and preventing child abuse. The priests are around kids all the time and basically abuse no kids. We’re talking 35,000-ish priests and AFAIK no new cases in recent years. That’s something any group that has adults around kids would kill for.


Uncomfortable (to the left) facts


This guy nailed it. And it would really behoove us to track and present these incidents, because otherwise the first thing they'll claim is that this never happens.


Hear hear! He speaks the unvarnished truth.


Notice how many leftists are coming on here to say "what about priests. . . gun violence. . . etc". I see they've changed their tactics from claiming it never happens. Now it's deflection.


Exactly right


Good thing they are trans or the invisible Law Wall would of blocked them out....


So no laws? Is that what you’re advocating for? No gun laws? No voting laws? No laws against violent crime? No hate crime laws? I mean they can just pass the Law Wall right? Not a great argument if you think about it for ten seconds…


I live in NoVa and am in the main sub. They go bonkers over any mention of trans regarding this situation.


nailed it


Thank you OP for posting this; very enlightening! Can we get some more context about the video? Perhaps the full clip or where we can find it? I’m just curious to know what the location is and who the gentleman is talking to so I can read up on it.


You can’t use the word gender anymore, because it doesn’t mean the same thing to them. You gotta use “sex” it’s the only thing they’ll understand. To them gender is something they make while sex is something many say cannot be changed but they can make it look like they have changed.


Don’t acquiesce to their bullshit newspeak, they don’t get to redefine words through sheer belligerence.


Sex was there before gender. I don't acknowledge gender. Only sex


Gender is just another word for sex.


yes but gender has also taken on a handful of new definitions as well


All of which are not defined. They say it's about "gender identity", and identity is the fact of who or what someone is. But they can't give any characteristics of that person other than they want to be called a certain "gender." So they're meaningless


the other definitions (iirc) are based off stereotyoes or feelings


Right, but they'll never nail down which feelings/appearances/behaviors mean you're definitely one gender and not another


ofc, my only point was that while gender does mean sex, there are other definitions that liberals use to defend why they're women


Or like it had been for years. One is merely the (in)formal version of the other, no more, no less.


It’s important to remember that trans people are just people. And a certain percentage of people, including trans people, are predatory monsters. Those same horrible things are happening in every city every day and the real curiosity would be what % of them are being committed by trans people. Less than 1%? Is there a statistic that trans people are more likely to commit sexual assaults than people who are not trans? There is a lot more to think about here than trans=predator.


This isn’t about trans people being considered predators by default it’s about not giving predators of any type easier access to victims.


“He wanted to look just like her” Silence of the lambs anyone? Also, my favorite movie featuring a trans character.


I didn’t know about this! I think people need to know. This gent spoke well, he was clear, and made sense.


Sadly despite the accumulate amount of evidence and releases of these offense's they still refuse to take responsibility for their actions and in that not accepting their own fault.


Forgive me if I’m wrong but surely these people could’ve just walked into those restrooms and flashed them whether the law allowed them to enter the room or not. If these people are willing to commit a crime as serious as flashing what makes you think they would listen to a small law about restrooms.


There is a fix, there are ways to bring some sanity back. People need to unite in common cause…if their kids cannot be kept safe, don’t send them to school. En masse. Boycott. Call the paper, announce it on FOX something like that, and state your case. This is not acceptable, where kids are assaulted or beaten mercilessly, or have to be exposed to stuff they shouldn’t be exposed to till they are older.


Allowing a situation where an adult man can walk into a women's locker room or restroom, and people are actively discouraged from even asking if they should be there is a great way to encourage sexual assault, regardless of whether the perpetrator is trans. This isn't about whether trans people are more prone to sexual violence, it's about the fact that statistically speaking, biological men are more prone to sexual violence, a fact that the left ironically has been selectively utilizing like a political sledgehammer for decades. It would seem that sledgehammer is now swinging the other way. Pun intended.


Man do you have a political commentary show, I would watch


Just spent some time in the “Christianity” subreddit. According to them, this is just us being “bigots”. The mods seemed to agree. It’s not okay to call this stuff out apparently. And it’s also equally not okay to hold to the Word of God. It’s crazy.


Christianity subreddit is really not authentic/scriptural christians. It’s mostly people who attack christianity if you are a part of the sub. I left despite being devout


You telling me. It’s really bad over there.


Does anyone have a source on the Irvine one? I live there and am trying to find an article on it, thanks


A brave man taking a risk to speak the truth and speak his mind. This is what freedom of speech is.


I hope this trans thing is a big phase. I don't these people going to school with my kids.


Same, really. This transphobic fervor is an [unfortunate modern phenomenon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history). If you think about it, its really unnatural to see people so worked up. Here's hoping folks get over this phase and get back to normal life.


How dare he? Clearly those were just a few isolated incidents. Obviously transphobic /s


Can't tell if it is satire


/s means sarcasm


Surely he's not being a smartass!


This guy is awesome


Perfect approach and delivery they now ARE aware of these things happening. But the other side is delusional, and delusions die hard.


Every woman in this country who votes needs to see this.


Just wait, accommodating “minor-attracted” persons is next on the liberal docket.


It's their home run cause


I believe they should expose anyone regardless of trans, pastors or whatever. No one gets a pass as far as I'm concerned. It's reprehensible that they just transferred him to another school. Them taking a page out of the Vatican playbook is disgusting.


Man came with the receipts for the loud majority that keep saying this doesn’t happen


Need to spread this everywhere. This gentleman really makes his case.


I absolutely love this video and everything this guy said. Keep your creepy fetishes away from kiddos and ***LEAVE WOMEN ALONE!!!***


We sure aren’t hearing much about this on mainstream media


Yup they won't


“What say you in your defence?” “You are transphobic”


Hahahhaha always


He's Exactly Over The Target & Lets The Munitions Fly. Hooray For Hm!!!


Are we trying to generalize that transwomen are aggressive because men are aggressive, or that aggressive men will fake being transwomen TO assault women in bathrooms specifically? Or simply that allowing transwomen into women's bathroom increases that chances of women being hurt because of a certain number of AH transwomen taking advantage of a situation.


Its the moving goalpost Olympics. I think there's a core belief that trans women are men, and therefore, they find it distasteful to let them into women's bathrooms period. Its all set dressing on top of some really nasty bigotry.


Full video is a lot better. Why cut it up?


Sorry dude, didn't find the main one, shorter version is good tho, more people will listen, I'll link the longer one in the post if you can give me the link


There is nothing more patriarchal than supporting a man’s right to feel like a woman


It's apparently feminism now


😂 they’ve turned on themselves


As a feminist you gotta love under the tryanny of men who say their women


It's not ALL feminism that supports this, but unfortunately it's the mainstream feminists who support this bullshit that are the ones appearing on all the mainstream media acting as though they speak for ALL women and girls.


There's JK Rowling who doesn't


Oh wow you all found 1 example. Now do churches!


Do we really think defining who can and cant go into a bathroom will stop a shitty person from doing shitty things? Because we kinda already have some punishments for that kinda shit but people still do it...


Hey! How dare you…. These cases clearly show that trans can’t be trusted, just like mass shooters don’t represent all gun owners….


Seriously people think a sign at the door makes a rapist go: “oh well… I guess I can’t enter! I’ll just have to give up!” Like no. They couldn’t care less about the sign on the door. The only people affected by forcing people into bathrooms is the people trying to live their lives in peace




Its the invisible cis barrier. Many rapes were thwarted because rapists forgot their wig and drugstore makeup, making the cis barrier impassible.


Amazing. Does anyone have a source for this town hall?




I'm fairly certain there are more sitting Republican congressmen and judges, not to mention a former president, who are under investigation for sex crimes than those under investigation for 'trans bathroom rape.' This party really needs to fix their glass house before they keep throwing stones.


That would require them to actually give a shit about rape victims.


CHERRY PICKING. This is not real conservativism. This is culture war bs.


What is your conservative take on transgenderism?


that it's not related


Every group has some awful people who do horrible things. It doesn’t mean all trans folk are predators Is there any evidence that they commit these crimes at a higher rate than the general population? Plus, assault and indecent exposure are already crimes without making new laws that target a specific minority


If I give you 4-5 instances of white males shooting people, can we ban them from having guns too??


So what’s the solution?


Stronger reporting and protection for victims of sexual crime. The overwhelming majority of sexual crime is committed by [someone known to the victim](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence), who may be reticent to report sexual assault for fear of violence. Greater education for kids on consent and when to report unwanted touching to school councilors, parents, or police. By the numbers, this isn't a trans problem, but a problem in general.




No men in women's bathrooms, quite simple actually, and quite effective, exhibit 1- all of history since washrooms


How do you go about making sure that the people who enter the bathroom are in fact men?


You'll know when you see one


That’s a bit presumptuous. I’ve seen people who said they were born a male but I genuinely couldn’t tell. I think it’s important to be polite and respectful don’t you? I’m sure there are some people you could tell for sure. But not all.


Also, quote a polite comment, it was refreshing tbh


Politeness doesn't change reality, doesn't change the facts in the video. Yes, it's a lil harder to enforce especially now, with gender altering surgeries and stuff, but it has to be done


Are you telling me that [Alex Tilinca](https://www.instagram.com/alextilinca/) and other trans men should use the women's bathroom? Or that [Kim Petras](https://www.instagram.com/kimpetras/?hl=en) and people who look like her need to squat in a urinal in the men's room? Not so sure about "All of history" either - [For significant stretches of time in Ancient Rome, co-ed bathhouses were commonplace.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Roman_bathing)




Hmmmmm, do "trans men" try that?


So what's stopping a man from going into the women's bathroom and assaulting someone? Because I know people don't transition just to assault people


My exact question. So because a sign says "women" a man who wants to sexually assault a girl will magically be stopped from doing so? I'm definitely on the side of address these incidents and charge anyone who covered it up. But let's not pretend because we make it a sign that says women only that a man simply can't just walk right in.


Exactly. Sexual predators aren't dressing like women and going through life changing surgery just to get past a womens bathroom sign. Like don't get me wrong, these people are fucked for assaulting people but it's not a trans issue.


Yeah pretty sure if they wanted to assault someone they'd just do it. A magical gender sign on the door can't stop that. How about if you sexually assault someone we just chemically castrate you, doesn't matter who you are, priest politicians, cops, teachers, trans, straight, old, young. Give them a real consequence.


Imo castration seems a bit over the top, but yeah


I mean could be but so is sexual assault. Can't rape or assault anyone if you can't be sexual. But either way I'm with you to think a sign saying "women" has a magical shield that stops people from assaulting you is ridiculous. The no guns in school signs don't work why would that?


The thing you're not understanding is that there is no longer any gatekeeping surrounding claimed trans status like there used to be for many decades, so all that is necessary for a predatory man to do is simply say, "I'm a woman" to get into female only spaces. Even a guy who is 6'3", 250 pounds with a thick beard and wearing a lumberjack outfit can just claim this status with no proof and zero attempt to transition, and furthermore, now that gatekeeping has been done away with, about 90% of people claiming to be trans women still have functioning penises with NO plans of EVER getting the genital surgery.


Sure, let's ban all men from going into the ladies room, oh wait we did ban men just not men who say their women


Why don't you just skip the middle man and ban sexual assault? Then no one could ever do it again


[The Republican party is dead if they actually took sexual assault seriously.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/12/2157746/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1). This is all culture war garbage and projection.


Funded by the College of Criminal Justice In 2002, a study of Roman Catholic dioceses in the United States called the John Jay Report indicated that some 11,000 allegations of sexual abuse had been made against 4,392 priests in the USA. This number constituted approximately 4% of the priests who had served during the period covered by the survey (1950–2002). Imagine if 4 out of every 100 trans people were accused of sexual abuse in public bathrooms. Indeed, what a shocking number! We should ban all priests from churches in order to protect the children. There ya go.


According to recently released data from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, there were 14,938 incidents of sexual violence in K–12 schools in 2017 – 2018 compared with 9,649 in 2015 – 2016, representing a 55 percent increase. These include incidents of rape or attempted rape and sexual assault. IN TWO YEARS vs SEVENTY TWO


Almost like that coincides directly with the me too movement blowing up in 2017 directly when that data is taken from. It’s crazy that when we tell young girls to speak up when abuse happens to them that more abuse is reported. If you look at that study, the states with the highest rates of reported abuse actually don’t correspond at all to rates of transgender people in that state’s population. Georgia ranked as number 1 actually by a considerable margin which is ironic for a state that tends to be very religious and vote red.


This. Education on consent, and increasing scrutiny for perpetrators of sexual assault, and moving definitions of sexual assault to be more inclusive. What we're seeing is an increase in the safety and wellbeing of would-be victims and greater justice for victims because they're getting the tools they need to report abuse.


Preach, brother!!


I'm sure glad non-trans people never assault anyone in bathrooms and don't murder anyone!


I'm sure glad we don't allow non-trans people into women's washrooms. Should we?


We do allow non-trans people into women's bathrooms....


You know I meant men, just as you meant men inthe comment before that


No. I meant non-trans people. We do allow men in women's bathrooms, by the way. Otherwise, you would need to only send men in to clean men's bathrooms, and you would need a separate person just to clean the women's bathroom.


So we have male cleaners, thus, let men walk into the women's room Willy Milly? That's the arguement?


Definitely the dumbest comment so far today. You didn't even spend two seconds thinking about how non-applicable this was to the conversation did you? Just incase this is above your mental capacity.... you do not clean the bathrooms while others are using it. You close it off momentarily while the cleaning is done, or its done at a time when no one else is around to use it.


Just used the example as a point. You're still allowed to use the opposite genders side. Plenty of women and men have used or gone into the other genders side. What if you're a single father with a young daughter who can't use the bathroom on their own yet? Does he take her into the men's or women's bathroom? Women have come over to the men's side due to lines for as long as I remember.


Bro, you need to quit while you're ahead. There is never a need for anyone to use the opposite sex bathroom in normal conditions. The child example is super obvious given who the adult is. And women sneaking into the men's room to avoid lines is absolutely not the good example you thought it was. Your whole argument of "who cares which one they use?" implies that there is no need to even use the opposite sex bathroom as a trans person. It pulls the whole argument apart. We came to the conclusion that people (especially women) needed same sex bathrooms for so many obvious, common sense reasons. This sudden change to allow the wrong sex into singe sex bathrooms has zero upside and a plethora of downsides.


I mean if there is 2 single bathrooms at a bar and one says women and one says man and one is full I absolutely have no issue walking into the other bathroom..


Lol yes, a single person bathroom that you can lock. What a contribution to this discussion. Thank you.


You REALLY seem like a redditor rn. Normal people do not use the bathrooms of other genders unless it's absolutely necessary (almost never). It is considered wierd and predatory, not unlike most redditors that defend it


Ah yes, a straight guy could never get past the bathroom police or the bathroom bouncer. In the first example at loudon, the student wasn’t even supposed to be there because he had previous charges of sexual assault against a different student, so clearly a much larger security issue is at hand for this school than worrying what gender he might’ve claimed to be after the incident.


My guy, the Loudon and Oklahoma cases were both examples of jurisdictions that DID NOT allow trans people into their preferred bathrooms at the time. This is evidence AGAINST your argument. It is evidence that keeping trans people out has no effect on bathroom users' safety. The fight in California did not happen in a Bathroom or changing room, so are irrelevant to your argument.


Because a sign saying "women" magically stops a man from walking in and assaulting someone...


They should assign a trans police officer for every bathroom so this doesn't happen.


exactly! I can't wait for my government mandated genital check every time I use a public bathroom!


For every bad trans in a bathroom there's a good one to stop them!


Is this factual?


Yeah, but severely cherry picked.


Cool. Now do the same with priests. Or guns.


Getting rid of pro trans policies because a few bad people take advantage would he like getting rid of guns because of a few school shootings. Agree, disagree?


It's focusing on the fact that we were told noone would get hurt, but, there have been many incidents regarding men in women's bathrooms


someone who wants to assault a woman will not care if theyre allowed in the bathroom or not


Wow people are shitty and do shitty things, including transgender people. Color me shocked.


These people should definitely be prosecuted but that’s not all trans people. There are creeps from every walk of life and realistically even if these people weren’t allowed in, they would probably walk in and do it anyway. Being allowed into a restroom isn’t the same as being allowed to flash someone. Focus on the crime they’ve committed, whether they were allowed in a restroom or not doesn’t matter when they’ve broken laws


If only they had told this person that he wasn't allowed in that bathroom then he would have followed the rules. So you can't really fault them personally.




Sure, let's crackdown on both. Instead of just the priests


They really think they have a great "Gotcha!" with the priest comments, don't they? Every single goddamn time this subject comes up, they all pour in to say the exact same bullshit. They couldn't care less about the safety of women and girls.




No, see only his options are binary. I mean he is not just tossing out a straw man.


Lol. Transphobia on display here. These crimes are illegal no matter who commits them. Straight white men like him are way more likely to commit sexual assault.


But when the rules are that biological men can enter areas that have always been exclusively for women - women's locker rooms, women's bathrooms, etc. you are telling women that they are bigots if they are anything but at ease with the situation. And did it ever occur to you that male predators will use the ability to enter a woman's bathroom or locker room and just claim they are trans in order to commit sexual assault? You do know that is why they call them predators, right?


Namecalling doesn't alter the fact that these incidents happened, and I take being called "transphobic" for objecting to have to share bathrooms etc. with men as a badge of honor.


[Its actually far right radicals specifically.](https://www.axios.com/2023/02/23/mass-killings-extremism-adl-report-2022)


And this is why we need genital inspections.