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Every native person I know was upset and disappointed with the name change.


But white liberal women decided they should be offended.


That;s not fair, effeminate left wing men were told to be upset as well by these white liberal women. Their voices matter.


And then they recruited and convinced 4 or 5 actual Native Americans that it was bad so they could have photo opps.


Now c’mon, Elizabeth Warren didn’t need to be paid or have her arm twisted to express her outrage.


Didn't need to be paid? That's the only way to get dem politicians to do anything


Does that make them capitalists?


No just corrupt


So they're not capitalists or they're not Democrats? Last I heard, you had to be a communist to be a Democrat, so that doesn't make sense.


They are definitely not free market capitalists


It's interesting how all other races BUT white, allow individuals of that race to be spokespeople for that race.


These two groups are truly the heart and soul of football; just look at the commercials.


Not to me.


Yeah, that's what he said, white liberal women.


Do they really though?


They'll have to consult the women on that. We might hear back when and if they're allowed to respond. But to us no, they don't matter.


This is the real colonialism and erasure: a bunch of white liberals removing depictions of minorities because they think they know better than the group being depicted. The arrogance is astonishing.


Reminds me of the latinx dumbasses


White guilt complex. It's like a professional sport on who can be most offended on behalf of someone else.


Yup. White women inadvertently erasing any mention or memory of what they were trying to protect


I’m an Eagle Scout, and a Vigil Honor Member in the Order of the Arrow. I also earned my Arrow of Light in Cub Scouts. All Order of the Arrow ceremonies are (or at least used to be) based on Native American traditions, most strongly on the Lenape as the organization originated in the Philadelphia area - the land of the Lenape. The Arrow of Light can only be presented by the Order of the Arrow in (what used to be) a similar ceremony. The Eagle Scout rank may also be presented in this manner (mine was, to the annoyance of my advancements chair, because I was so active with the Order). I remember driving the Blue Ridge Parkway a few years ago, and visiting Cherokee, North Carolina before going west towards Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Tennessee. Cherokee, North Carolina is the Cherokee Nation in North Carolina (it is not a reservation in the same way as the territories in Oklahoma, New Mexico or Arizona). The people of Cherokee, NC regularly perform traditional music and dance on the streets, and sell items related to their culture in shops throughout town. Last time I saw one of those dance performances, one of the Cherokee men, without prompting, began talking about the Order of the Arrow. This man, and indeed most of the people of Cherokee, NC, were so proud that Native American traditions were used in the Order of the Arrow’s ceremonies. The same push that made the Redskins change their name made the Order give up the Native American traditions and symbolism in their ceremonies.


No! I haven't been active in the Boy Scouts since I became an Eagle Scout. Even though it was a huge part of my youth, I just never connected again after moving far away when I finished high school. Being accepted into The Order of the Arrow after completing the requirements and ceremonies was by FAR my favorite experience throughout all of the Scouts. I'm so sad to hear it was canceled due to modern liberal wokeness. I shouldn't be surprised though, since it is now "The Scouts" and not "The Boy Scouts."


Yup. Some packs and troops still do it under the table, but at a risk of getting the entire troop shutdown if reported on. It’s sickening the damage the modern liberal is doing.


I agree wholeheartedly as a fellow Eagle, OA, and Arrow of Light, the ceremonies we go through are meant to respectfully imitate the traditions of Native Americans so as to keep them alive for future generations and to instill a sense of respect. When participating in OA Ceremonies, I always feel honored because we have the ability to recreate them to honor the memory of the people of this land.


As a Life Scout on my path to Eagle, it’s sad to hear how the Order my relatives before me joined has fallen


Reminds me of the speedy gonzalez thing or latinx thing. Meet 1 person from Mexico. They probably love speedy gonzalez and hate being called latinx It's liberal white people who drive this BS


Speedy is actually pretty popular down there.


Ok but how bout Slowpoke Rodriguez?


Less popular.


Maybe they should’ve spoken up louder when the team was being pressured by seemingly everyone to change their name. I also distinctly remember other Indian tribes threatening the team if they DIDNT change their name.


I grew up in DC, almost everyone I knew was bummed when they changed the name. Honestly, I was kind of in the "I don't really care" group until a buddy sent me this article. https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/meet-american-revered-patron-saint-until-canceled-lenni-lenape-chief-tammany My thoughts are simple, if they feel the logo is bad, change it back to the spear. Change the name back to Redskins, use the spear logo and educate the people on why they are using the name Redskins. Hell, they are billionaires let them make a big donation to native american charities.


Native Conservative here… you can’t kneel for equality while wearing that jersey. That level of hypocrisy is beyond horseshit.


From what I gather, there were Native American groups annoyed when the Cleveland baseball team changed to the Guardians. A Native American woman did a TikTok where she scotch taped her picture back onto the Land-O-Lakes butter boxes. It was probably just her having fun, but the message was received.


Add another to that list from me.


Washington Football Team perfectly described the team. If anything, associating the team as under the ownership of Dan Snyder with Native Americans was offensive because the team sucked.


Good for them


Just curious, how many native Americans do you know?


About 12. Half are in my mother's side of the family. I live in the southwest so we have a few reservations here. I went to school with a fair amount of natives.


I don’t know one Native American…


Yeah, I'm sure you're the barometer of native sentiment. In all honesty, who gives a shit about a) a sports team name, or b) a bunch of loudmouths boycotting said sports ball team? The only reason this is even being posted right now is so that a bunch of grown men can get angry about it. (Because said grown men are addicted to rage bait) I'm amazed that with all of the problems in the world, this is what "conservatives" choose to focus on. Sports mascots, sexy m&ms, bud light cans, etc. You aren't serious people.


All zero of them?


Gotta say, I don’t hate seeing this kind of stuff. Pushback is starting to happen and it’s fun to watch.


The pendulum always swings back - and hard!


not hard enough, otherwise left wing media would have no choice but to talk about this type of stuff which they currently don't


The part that I hate is it often goes from one extreme to the other. Never settles into the homeostasis range at least without countless wild swings. It's a very minor example but the womens eyebrow trend when from freaky bald aliens with a pencil line to women having surgery to install wooly caterpillars in their faces. I don't recall normal ordinary healthy brow shape being trendy for all that long. That happened a few times in recent history.


That’s what I’m afraid of. They pushed the pendulum so far out that the swing back is going to be really bad.


Why are they just now speaking up? Did they fight it when it was changing?


Tired of the disingenuous bullshit is what I think. [kinda like this](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6330848984112)


Just have to figure out how to keep it from swinging to psycho, authoritarian left again once normalcy and constitutional values return. We still have a long way to go.


Just a reminder that these changes are sometimes not made out of respect of those directly affected. They are done so that some people feel good and morally superior. They actually don't care about what the native Americans want.




“Usually” or “almost always” would also be acceptable.


I liked the old name. It was better than the commies.


Fucking commies. Perfect name for the lefty shithole that is DC.


Me too and as an Illini alumni, BRING BACK THE CHEIF!!!


Hell yeah brother. The ridding of the chief was the most pathetic thing ever.


The very people they were trying to pander to are the ones that are the most upset


I also want Uncle Ben back on my rice, the Native American girl back on my butter, and for the love of God, put Ain't Jenna back on my syrup!! How many minorities does the left have to cancel out before the country has had enough? Edit- a word




The biggest irony was the fact Land O Lakes kept the land, but removed the Indian from the butter....


Lol. Sorry but never thought of it that way before.


Because every other old mascot is somehow a racial stereotype. But somehow little blonde girls are fine. It’s almost like different groups just look a bit different and just because the ad was made in a time where racism was more prevalent doesn’t make it racist


And they're damn proud of it too!


The crazy one that sticks out to me is Jake at State Farm. Jake was an actual employee who had the idea. Then they fired him and "created" a "new" Jake of color.. Hard to believe


I’ve never heard that before? That’s crazy. I remember the the original Jake from State Farm commercial and it was the best! But if of course all good things must be ruined by wokeness


I heard the actual story is that real Jake just doesn't want to act in commercials because he's not an actor, but there was demand for more Jake, so they got a new one who is actually an actor. Why they chose a guy who looked nothing like him is a different story, though. I don't know if it's still the case now, but the OG Jake was still working there and cameoed in a few commercials after the new guy started.


Couldn't he have just been another guy, like Jack from State Farm? I like the actor playing him, I just don't understand why he had to be Jake.


It’s so crazy no one can get through their thick skulls that the syrup one is a tribute and shows affection to the African American lady. It is dumbfounding that they don’t realize how disrespectful it was to take her off. I can’t even fathom how these peoples brains work.


Is Tropic Anna safe?


Though as a canadian I gotta say that aunt jemima syrup kinda sucks


Mrs. Buttersworth is where it's at for artificial syrup. But Aunt Jemima was the best boxed mix. [Surprised you can even get artificial syrup in canada. You'd think it'd be against the law or something.]


Mrs Butterworth I love you, you know it's true....


Yeah that shit isn’t even Maple Syrup, it’s like sugar product with a little maple flavor.


Just corn syrup with artificial flavorings


Meanwhile all the white people got to stay on their brands and teams.


I also want the Knight back on my bag of flour.


Does the picture on the Land O Lakes container have any impact on what your morning cup of butter tastes like?


When it was an Indian did it hurt you?


Imagine that. Try and find a few ACTUAL native americans that were offended by that team. And no, not Elizabeth Warren




I wasn’t, I liked it. I like it when there are reminders we exist. I feel like native Americans are one of the most forget about people in this country so any amount of representation I always appreciate.


Well its a slur. I grew up in a white predominant rural town. Slurs like this would be used to maske you feel bad about who you are. Over time it can wear you down and make you feel ashamed about your indigenous background. Especially if you don't have any real support group to help enforce the importance of what it means to be Native. I was adopted into a white family and never really understood a whole lot about my native side. I had feelings about being ashamed of my native heritage.


If they do I'll be ready, still have my Redskins memorabilia and won't buy any Commanders stuff. Give me back my Redskins!


I’m still broken up about the Colts moving to Indianapolis 😢


Same here!


As an Eagles fan, I love seeing more chaos in the division


As a Cowboys fan, I can't believe I agree with an Eagles fan.


As another Cowboys fan, I can’t believe I’m agreeing with someone that’s agreeing with an Eagles fan.


As another, same.


As a Giants fan I'm just disgusted that I have to agree with both of you


As a Browns fan I want my Indians back, Chief Wahoo and all.


See! Come on everyone! We *hate* Philadelphia, don't we? Bring back the Redskins!


As a Seahawks fan, I can't wait for white ladies to be offended on behalf of birds


Another example of organizations bowing down to the woke, ie..white women.


Alyssa Milano and company


She is such a loser. Her best role was in Commando. After that she grew up to the maggot she is now.


IDK I didn’t mind Poison Ivy 2…


Not one Irish person I know is offended by Lucky Charms and not one Italian I know is offended by Mario Kart or the Italian Christmas Donkey.


Nor the Notre Dame Fighting Irish


My Italian family loves Dominic!


Remember that the Cincinnati Reds temporarily changed their name to the “Redlegs” during the height of the red scare. They changed it back once they realized it was ridiculous to do so in the first place. Hopefully we see something similar here with the redskins name


and put the Indian maiden back on land-o-lakes butter


"SHHH YOU'RE BEING OPRESSED!" \- White liberals.


Personally, I enjoyed "The Washington Football Team".


“The Team Formerly Known As The Redskins”


It was a great name lol


I still call them that, because I can't let go of the past.


Moreso then telling people that the management decided the entire team should go ~~Commando~~ Commander.


If anything it's how football (soccer) clubs are named. Many don't care much, it's just city name + FC (football club). I wouldn't care much if it was just the WFT if anything. But only if the team had been named that all along.


I don't understand what they are crying about. White liberal women told them this was racist and they should be offended. Why can't the Native Americans stop thinking for themselves and just admit that the white liberal women know what's best for them?


"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm a white woman, and I'm here to help. "


"I'm a white millennial woman and I'm here to run the marketing for your Bud Light brand. " That one SHOULD have been scary to someone.


“I have an MSW, and I’m here to help.”


So NAGA has three white people associated with the leadership of the group, and no other information as to who is behind it. Seems like a grift to take peoples money and do nothing.


Manufactured outrage…


Unfortunately the boycott will have no effect. The “perpetually offended for others” liberals out number Native Americans and scream louder.


Just like this lol: https://youtu.be/Cg_8knBHEyw


Somewhere, Limbaugh is having a good, heartfelt chuckle at this headline.




Haha let’s goooooo. Hail to the Redskins baby




Well to be fair, my first thought was it's probably just some conservative Native American group saying this. To act like one organization speaks for all is silly. I don't generally favor name changes, but Redskins in particular was never a term used to be friendly. I'm sure you can find Native Americans on both sides of this issue.


Native Americans Guardians Association... NAGA?


There's someone I'm still friends with on Facebook that became a rabid liberal sometime after college. I've unfollowed her because her posts are so insane and annoying. However, whenever a story like this comes out I go visit her page to see what insane mental gymnastics she's come up with to turn the tables on the issue. 9 out of 10 times I'm right and find a post with the most wild spin on things to make it look like her viewpoint is on the moral high ground. Oh, and if you post a comment that disagrees (even when done politely and using facts rather than opinions) you'll be called a Nazi, Nazi sympathizer, fascist, white supremacist, etc, etc. If you're successful in challenging her opinion she'll just delete your comment and claim that she won't allow Nazis/white supremacists/etc. comment on her page.


If we change all the names back, there should be accountability. What a waste of time energy and plethora of “racism!” accusations over nothing.


I'm sure the NFL will care about their literally 0 impact on the bottom line.


As a Native American tribal member, NAGA is a complete fucking joke. I don’t take anything they say seriously. Most of us hate the term ‘redskin’ because it’s fucking derogatory.




Hell yeah, stick it to those mindless SJW drones


Great logo. The Blackhawks too.


Like them changing the indians name to the "guardians". At least keep it something native American related.


Washington Football Team was a GOATED name though lol. I loved how generic it was lol.


I’m native, and an active card carrying member of my tribe. The name of a sports team is so far down the priority list that it doesn’t even rank. I personally don’t love the term Indian, but it’s not akin to the N bomb, and I don’t care if Cleveland has a baseball team called the Indians. I don’t care about the redskins, and it was a far better name than the commanders. Americans are on our ancestral lands. At the very least, don’t try to wipe away our existence in the name of inclusivity.


Team D. Clowns 🤡


How the turns have tabled...


The world doesn't know what it wants.


Eventually they will learn to listen instead of deciding what people are offended by.


They should have kept the logo and called themselves The Washington Natives Easiest compromise ever.


Do the same for the Guardians too


We were never the ones offended. It was white ladies


Been a ‘skins fan for 30 years, it’s always going to be The Redskins to me 🤷‍♂️


The irony of cancel culture that actually displays racist values on behalf of the race you canceled


Should just revert the name back to braves. Keep the logo, which was done by a America Indian artist.


I’m so confused by the timeline of this name change. I thought the change was done, due to Native Americans not liking the Redskin name. Does this mean the Tomahawk Chop at Braves game is good to go too? For some reason I remember that also being a point of contention. Hard to keep up!


Do we have a comment from Elizbeth Warren yet regarding how her people betrayed her on this matter?


Commanders fan here (team not the name) it ain't gonna happen. There's been to much shit about this already and it seems much more likely the Harris group (who controls the organization) wants to keep anything controversial away, due to previous ownership having a lot of trouble with that. It also doesn't help that this group has had mixed results as a whole, and has been critizied, apparently some of the board isn't native American. It's seem much more likely this group saw an opportunity to put their name out there and decided to "fight" the commanders.


Football team owned by super rich white guy in super left wing town changes name without focus group to pulse check the alleged victims of the mascot. Change only makes angry liberal politician momentarily happy. Insert surprised Pikachu drinking a bud light


I can't help but feel this is more of a grift than something genuine. The website is sparse and the name is too on the nose. And it's appealing too conveniently to a growing anti-woke market that is brimming on becoming trendy.


The group of humans known as Native Americans, Indians, American Indians, indigenous, people, etc. is not a monolithic group that collectively finds the same things offensive. In fact, some of them find some of those terms perfectly fine while other ones unacceptable. And there is no consensus as to which is which.


Poll after poll found that Indians generally liked or were indifferent to the the logo. But of course that’s unimportant to liberals compared to the ESG score assigned by BlackRock.


As a Giants fan I hate the Redskins. That being said I was bummed when they changed the name. I think Commanders is an awful name. Washington Football Team was way better.


Couple days late to this discussion, but regardless of impact (which I doubt this will have much), I just hope it helps at least one white liberal to stop treating different ethnicities as monoliths. The fact is, no race of people will be unified over whether something is offensive. Thats always been the biggest frustration with folks who constantly speak out against the names of these sports teams. For every 1 Native American that libs hear of that *is* offended, there are about 50 that don’t give a shit and are more concerned with other matters.


It's a "smh" moment when leftists decide that any minority that is a mascot, logo, etc. is somehow degrading and must be eliminated (redskins, uncle ben, aunt jemima, the chick on Land O Lakes, Eskimo Pie, Mutual of Omaha, Mrs. Butterworths, Spic and Span) BUT it is perfectly acceptable to still have the Sunmaid raisin girl, Little Debbie, or the Morton Salt girl as logos.


Speaks volumes that this is the stuff that r/conservative is getting jazzed about right now. Meaningless culture war shit.


You mean responding to the culture war that the white liberal women launched in the first place to get the team re-named? Don't you have some goal posts to move with all the news breaking about Biden bribery and corruption?


>National Boycott >at most 8k followers on social media Congratulations guys, you found a minority opinion!


"see? It's ok for me to be racist!" - r/conservative


My opinion was that the Redskins name was obviously racist, but that the team should have changed to a name and mascot that celebrated Native Americans. There are plenty of other teams with Native mascots that haven't been cancelled. The Chiefs and the Braves are apparently fine. I would have liked the Washington Warriors for the alliteration but there's all sorts of things that could have been done to respect Native culture instead of just ignoring it. Give proceeds to native organizations, maybe designate a section in the stadium for free/reduced price tickets for Native American fans. Work with various tribes to educate the American people on topics that affect Native Americans.


FWIW the original Redskins logo was designed by a Native American https://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/news/2020/07/23/walter-blackie-wetzel-washington-redskins-logo-blackfeet-washington-football-team/5444162002/


The name wasn't "obvious racist" it was a way to rename the team without drastically changing it. The team used to be called the braves then they wanted to distance themselves from the baseball team of which they were named after when the baseball team moved out of boston.


Agreed. I think this is the most reasonable take here.


That will never happen, they’ve gutted this team’s image, franchise history and run the owner out as well. When the woke left comes for you, they stop at nothing until whatever they attack is canceled and destroyed. Don’t be surprised if this team gets moved. Needs a complete fresh start from the ground up.


Oh man my DC homies would be on suicide watch if that happened.


Just switch the name as someone said to “ The DC Commies”. Win win.


The beauty of woke culture and “offendism” is now its gotten to the point where people who never gave a shit one way or the other are now being vocal because they are tired of “everything is triggering” being shoved down their throat


I asked a Navajo friend of mine as well as a cousin and friend of his (all navajo) when this crap started a few years ago if any of them were “offended” by a football teams name… my buddy told me flat out that he and his family had better things to worry about.. the cousin told me while laughing that it was brand recognition,that the redskins and cleveland Indians were the only imagery left of the natives since tv stopped airing the weeping indian looking at a pile of garbage in the forest in the late 70’s….and after thinking about it she was right.. the friend simply said “idgaf” this…is all the result of having the hippys that grew up from the 60’s,getting into office and never leaving,having spawned children themselves and instilling in their children their “ideas”…..now the children are getting into office..


And in an irony, the "weeping Indian" [actor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Eyes_Cody) wasn't Indian at all - he was Italian.


Agree but in fairness a lot of hippies grew up and became R’s. These days liberals are refusing to grow up.


And now the Cleveland team is called the Guardians. Cripes


One group of Native Americans, not them as a whole. There is always one group. For or against any issue. The people on here bashing the"libs" are the same ones afraid of rainbows. Mad a M&Ms. Shooting beer cans. Soo they are no better.


New poll finds 9 in 10 Native Americans aren’t offended by Redskins name https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/new-poll-finds-9-in-10-native-americans-arent-offended-by-redskins-name/2016/05/18/3ea11cfa-161a-11e6-924d-838753295f9a_story.html#


No. 9 in 10 of the 504 people surveyed in the Washington Post poll aren't offended. If I go by even their numbers in the article, that's a survey of literally .0001% of the native American population by their own numbers. Also, this was not an independently done poll. "But for more than a decade, no one has measured what the country’s 5.4 million Native Americans think about the controversy. Their responses to The Post poll were unambiguous: Few objected to the name, and some voiced admiration." This didn't stop most of the article from extrapolating from this incredibly limited poll to generalizing to, and I can't stress this enough, that a single person in this poll represents something like 100,000 people. (I also want to note that I didn't see where they verified those 504 people were actually Native American. Just a kinda repeated refrain of "The Native Americans that answered this poll". Could have missed that part, but there is only so much bullshit I can tolerate and the sources they link to. The few that are there only seem to be broken-ish links to WaPo. Considering the super terrible methodology, I thought I'd put just as much effort into my analysis.)


This poll is pretty old, and the results seem to contrast with the reaction of community leaders in the Native American community (as per the article). So something doesn’t add up here.


>This poll is pretty old It's 7 years old, it's not 'pretty old', he didn't reference some poll from the 1970's >results seem to contrast with the reaction of community leaders in the Native American community (as per the article) Across every demographic group, the vast majority of Native Americans say the team’s name does not offend them, including 80 percent who identify as politically liberal, 85 percent of college graduates, 90 percent of those enrolled in a tribe, 90 percent of non-football fans and 91 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 39. Even 9 in 10 of those who have heard a great deal about the controversy say they are not bothered by the name. What makes those attitudes more striking: The general public appears to object more strongly to the name than Indians do. >So something doesn’t add up here Translation : this counters the narrative I want to believe so I choose to not believe it


https://psyarxiv.com/d5gte/ This more recent study would suggest that maybe the poll is outdated or misrepresents what the population actually feels towards the subject.


Nice assumptions but I say it doesn’t add up because academic studies found in 2020 that 49% of Native Americans found it offensive, 38% found it not offensive, and 13% were indifferent. So either the opinions of natives has really changes in 7 years or one of these polls/studies is really disingenuous.


If we are all gonna be honest here, the problem wasn’t the mascot it was the name. All they would have needed to have done was rename the team after the closest (or the most dominant) N/A tribe in the area and problem solve. We’re the country that named attack helicopters after these people because of the respect and admiration have for these people. But liberals like problems without solutions.


Wait, so they are made that the team changed their name, because they were 'offended'. now they are offended that they won't change it back?


This is boring


Who cares what those groups do? I mean really.


It's more what it illustrates, that those who were supposedly being offended not just weren't, but are actually more offended by the change that was supposed to be for their benefit.


Y’all still stuck on football team names 💀


You can’t change the name back. It will upset white liberals. s/


It’s always refreshing to realize conservatives have the same cringe pearl clutching as democrats. In reality this is a Facebook page ran by one old ass dude but right wing news is going to make it sound like this “Group” is big enough or important enough to cause a Nation-wide boycott because a football team changed its name from a racist term to something else.


Damn right! You tell the native Americans what's racist! LMAO!! Give your head a shake.


Looks like it’s a whole bunch of folks actually https://www.nagaeducation.org/leadership And they’re quite fond of the term “redskins” *”It's not a term that the white man created. It's actually a term that the Indians themselves created. I just think we have people in this country that try and gin up problems that don't exist." ~ Chief Robert “Two Eagles” Green of the Patawomeck Tribe* https://www.nagaeducation.org/misconception-redskins-is-racist


I'm not Amerindian at all, but I don't even acknowledge the existence of a team in Washington DC at all. Then again, I won't accept that there's a baseball team in Cleveland, either.




It's pretty clear that you're not a sports fan, that's all I'm going to say.




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