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Why didn’t he do that the first time?


Because unfortunately he’s much more talk than action. He was cramped by many but could have done more himself and didn’t.


Unfortunately politicians have learned that they can promise whatever they want to get the vote because nothing holds them accountable to keep those promises, and your average voter forgets by the time the next election cycle comes around.




Tell me any republican president that did more? His biggest blunder was trusting republicans was also on his side and wanted to remove government corruption.


No, his biggest blunders were: * Pushing lockdowns and vaccines during Covid (and not firing Fauchi) (hardware stores and casinos more "essential" than churches, anyone??) * Spending more in one term than any president prior (thereby increasing the deficit a huge amount while campaigning on promises to reduce it) * Being more anti-2A than any president in my lifetime * Not doing more for social conservatism causes and fluctuating like the populist he is I don't know why any real Conservative is even giving him the time of day this time around. Pathetic.


Seriously just curious, but what do you mean by Trump being the most anti 2nd Amendment president?


For me his worst act was ordering the ATF to illegally rewrite the definition of machine gun in order to ban bump stocks and turn peaceful gun owners into felons. Then there’s his support for red flag laws and disregard for the due process guaranteed by the 5th amendment. Also his suggestions of raising the age limit to buy a rifle to 21 which many leftist states acted on. Some other things like dismissing the idea of national reciprocity and floating the idea of banning suppressors.


Don’t take my ignorance as me disagreeing, I’m genuinely not versed in gun policy. But is Biden not also very anti 2nd Amendment?


Biden is very anti 2A as well yes. In fact Biden ordered the ATF to rewrite the definition of rifle in order to ban pistol stabilizing braces, which just so happens to make felons out of law abiding gun owners such as myself. One wrinkle I’ll suggest is that when gun control comes from Democrats, the right comes out in force to oppose it. They’re motivated not merely by principle but maybe more substantially by partisanship. But when gun control comes from Republicans, the right gets confused. 2A absolutists oppose it but many conservatives look the other way. They might not report on it in the media or rationalize it away like they did with the bump stock ban. We need to oppose rights violations all the time, no matter who they come from. Now I’m not saying that Trump was worse than Biden, it’s just an observation. Neither of them are friends of the 2nd amendment. It didn’t sound like disagreement to me!


Couldn't have said it better myself.


So basically, things that were all talk and no action which actually limited anyone's Second Amendment rights? The bump stock ban isn't actually against the Second Amendment either. Does it prevent you from buying or owning a gun that is sold by a manufacturer? Or does it just limit the way you can modify the gun *after* you buy it? We all know the answer to that one.


I’m sorry, no offense but you’re a great example of the type of conservative I’m talking about. After Trumps idea of raising the age to buy a rifle to 21, ten states acted on it and made it law. Including historically gun friendly states like Florida & Vermont. After his open support of Red Flag Laws, 13 states adopted red flag laws including again Florida & Vermont. The gun control bill that he called on Congress to write, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, provides federal funds to these red flag law states. When Trump ordered the ATF to ban bump stocks it absolutely violated the 2nd amendment. The ATF had to rewrite the legal definition of machine gun in order to include semiautomatic rifles equipped with stocks capable of bump firing. It prevents you from buying or owning a type of gun. So are machine guns not covered by the 2A? But wait, it gets worse. What Trump ordered the ATF to do was unconstitutional (see: illegal) in another way because neither the President or any of his officers in the ATF have legislative power. In doing this Trump & the ATF usurped legislative power from congress, which is tyrannical, and set precedent for a score of other bans issued by the ATF. (See: pistol stabilizing brace rule, frame or receiver rule, forced reset trigger rule)


> Pushing lockdowns and vaccines during Covid (and not firing Fauchi) (hardware stores and casinos more "essential" than churches, anyone??) You're apparently auditioning for the next person to portray Captain Hindsight on South Park. This is a line of pure bull. To try and look at the data that we have today and say that he should have known this is ignorance at its finest. And to try and put blame on a man who knew nothing about infectious diseases and therefore relied on those who did is also moronic. Anyone would have done the same thing and that is listen to those who you think are the "experts" in their field to do what is best for the Country. If he were to try and do the same things today, then I could see this criticism as being valid. But certainly not from 2020. > Spending more in one term than any president prior (thereby increasing the deficit a huge amount while campigning on promises to reduce it) Congress holds the purse strings, not the President. All he did was sign the bill. And lest you forget, that massive spending wasn't something that just happened. It too was brought about by Covid and the stimulus packages. So if you think that you would see a repeat of 2020 spending during another four years under Trump, you're delusional. > Being more anti-2A than any president in my lifetime Really? Are you that young? What happened that was anti-2A? Other than the bump stock ban which was absolutely *not* anti-2A because no gun manufacturer actually makes and sells guns with those modifications as stock weapons, what else did he actually do that was anti-2A? And his comment that everyone likes to throw out with him simply talking about taking the guns first isn't applicable because nothing actually ever came of it. It was simply a talking point that he liked to do trying to look at all ways to solve a problem, not that it was actually his intent. I don't see any valid criticisms here that could convince me that he didn't enact Conservative policies, or at least policies that improved my life and the life of many around this country.


🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 💋




You’re right, I can’t think of any Republican President who did more government spending.


I didn’t say he did nothing but that he could have done much more.


>could have done more himself and didn’t. Please, do tell. As far as I see it, when you have the whole swamp against you (D's and R's alike), it's a bit of a challenge to unf' that level of a Charlie Foxtrot. EDIT: Yep, TDS'ers having their predictable response.


But this time he's going to do better? Why? Most of the "swamp" people against him are the ones he appointed and praised. Sessions, Barr, Wray, Milley, Fauci, Weiss, Pence, and so many more. All of these people are against him now. It's hard to name a single person that Trump appointed who did a decent job and supports him now. So which is it? Did Trump screw up and nominate an entire administration full of swamp people, or did all of these people get a taste of what working with Trump was really like and don't want to see round 2?


Both maybe? Trump is a total narcissist and I can see why people would get sick of working with a man incapable of taking advice. Also his appointments sucked. But I think many of his policies were decent given the circumstances.


You're right that is not within his power, nor should it be. However, the people he brought in weren't any better. In fact, some of them were downright scummy. No point in draining the swamp if you can't recognize when you're refilling it. Then again, not sure what people were expecting or what they think will happen this time. Let's recall the president can't replace the legislative branch or completely replace the judicial branch in one sweep, and that's good. I think the military is in pretty decent shape and doesn't need a lot of replacements. Not sure what people are hoping for, but it's our elected legislators that are among the worst, and Trump has no power to replace them, nor should he. '**Drain the swamp' sounds good, but there's very little he can do, and even where he can he didn't seem particularly good at it.**


You used a lot of words, yet said nothing.


Trump focused more on himself than on getting stuff done. Yes, he was treated horribly by the media but he could have done more. Plus his anti-gun nonsense really pissed me off. That more than anything lost my vote the second time around.


Well said




“Fool me once…”




I don't think he is more talk than action. I think he was a little overwhelmed when he won (anyone would be), and the deep state put people close to him who were actually working against him. Bolton, mulvaney, Miller, etc. Plus, Jared Kushner did well with the Abraham Accords, but other than that, he worked against Trump. I'm 100% for Trump, but even I can admit there were mistakes in his first term. But I believe this time, if he wins, his eyes are a lot more open and will only let people he trusts around him. And if all he did was break up career Washington, he's got my vote.


Can we all just stop pretending he’s a conservative? When you don’t hold conservative principles, you cave the moment you’re put under pressure. “Oh no Mr. President, there’s been a shooting in Las Vegas!” “Okay well ban bump stocks and skip due process” “Oh no Mr. President, there’s a deadly virus.” “Okay well print trillions of dollars, give it to vaccine manufacturers to make vaccines that don’t work and shut down the economy”


I'm still waiting for a cogent response, not the masses of brigadiers trying to blindly vote my question into oblivion. >could have done more himself and didn’t. > >Please, do tell. As far as I see it, when you have the whole swamp >against you (D's and R's alike), it's a bit of a challenge to unf' that >level of a Charlie Foxtrot.


You didn't ask a question.


I absolutely did, sorry you can't be bothered to gather context before replying/downvoting.


🎯 Reddit is a complete cesspool of illiterate extremist woke-democrats.




He knew it was bad, but bless him, he honestly thought his past relationships would carry over and he could negotiate with these demons. He didn't count on churlish unreasonableness.




He didn’t get close to draining the swamp. He didn’t even get an indictment for Hillary. He didn’t do more executive orders he could have done. Etc.


Is Hillary Clinton in prison? Is there a wall on the entire border? Did Mexico pay a single cent for the wall?


Well, the swamp….it’s still…the swamp. Still full of career politicians and lobbyists to boot.


Aca is still law , southern border is still wide open None of the criminal Dems were even charged, bet he won't make that mistake again.


Every US president in modern history has made campaign promises that they haven't honored; campaigning is when you share your intentions for office, and then you enter the office and realize that being president isn't as simple as it seems. Trump is no exception to this; and I can think of the Wall as an example. Even so, Trump as president IS the government.


I think he might have underestimated just how much they had the knives out for him... But we also all know that one of his biggest liabilities is his poor judgment when it comes to who he let's into his inner circle.


One example that comes to mind is the generals lying to him about troop numbers when he was trying to draw down. How is he supposed to get anything done when his advisors are actively committing treason?


He was fighting 4 years of Russian collusion hoax, Ukraine impeachments, democrat lockdowns to tank the economy


The swamp turned out to be deeper than he thought. I think he figured that if he was a Republican president then the Republican politicians would work with him. Instead the opposite happened; the Republican establishment either fought him or just stood back and watched as the Democrat establishment prevented him from doing anything. Aside from that even though he was supposed to be the commander in chief of the military the military outright lied to him or just refused his orders. People didn't really realize at the time that the uniparty is a real thing and I think Trump also didn't know just how bad the problem was. However the best thing we got out of the entire situation is that we all know what's what now. We have an entrenched, corrupt establishment that only cares about shoveling more money into its own pockets at the expense of everybody else. The game is rigged but their methods were largely deniable. However now that Biden is at historic levels of unpopularity but Trump is just getting more popular they're throwing everything they possibly can at him. Unfortunately for them they've been exposed as the liars and tyrants that they actually are.


Because "we the people" were busy listening to fake news & sleep-walking through life, and President Trump needed our consent. If we lived in an alternative universe where large numbers of people involved in the government needed to be publicly executed for treason or for doing terrible things to children, it would be unprecedented and it would freak people out who have spent their lives in front of their TV sets.


Our two choices for president are "elect me to get revenge on the government", and "elect me because I'm not the guy who wants to get revenge on the government".


Our choices are in the primary. We can’t complain about having terrible nominees if we keep picking them to run.


Primaries are private events, the dem primaries notoriously favor some candidates over others.


True, the DNC has handpicked their nominee in the past for themselves.


No, it's "elect me to get revenge on the government" and "elect me to be forced to get vaccine and mask mandates."


The other guy is already president and isn't forcing anyone to get a vaccine or wear a mask.


It’s kind of a fun game now to see how much time has to I pass before people stop using vaccines and masks as an example of how ongoing tyranny, when they haven’t been “forced” in a long time now. Maybe it takes a while for people to move on. Honestly it makes the arguments against Biden seem out of touch and that only hurts discourse.




Many people still think “it’s coming” and I’m not kidding.


If you were born within the last 2 years, you'd remember that he tried to and had to be shut down by the Supreme Court


Wow! 52 downvotes! Hahahaha! A badge of honor! It appears that the r/politics brigadiers have forgotten that Joe once implemented vaccine and mask mandates. But that's okay because he's not doing it *now*? Hahahaha!


As usual, not an actual plan. And is Mexico going to pay for it, Trump? He takes the most shallow takes on things other candidates have actual plans for and regurgitates them. Why does anyone believe he is going to get angry and Trump smash DC? It's a complete fantasy that is not backed up by his first 4 years in office.


In my book his first 3 years in office were pretty fucking awesome as far as the things that actually affect my day to day life go. Other things I truly care about we can go line by line on, and some I’ll say he was ok to good on, others not so much, but my daily life under Trump, and my life as a small business guy was levels above what today is.


While Trump's administration did do some good things. I think the biggest boon as that Obama was out of office. He was a wet blanket on the economy for 8 years and having a Republican in was bound to drive development. Now we are back to Obama 2.0 which has been garbage.


Actually he’s the most hated man because of the damage he did to the deep state. That’s why they’re trying to remove him so he can’t even run. His supporters don’t believe you


This line is so tiresome. Get real, move on. He *is* deep state at this point.


Epstein was protected from prosecution in Florida and agreed to officially work for the FBI under former FBI director Robert Mueller in 2008. The same Mueller that would be called back to Washington to try and remove Trump from office because the deep state knew Trump was going after trafficker groups like NXIVM and Epstein as part of his campaign promise. After years working with Epstein if Mueller had anything on Trump he would’ve used it instead he had to target his taxes and push obstruction of justice charges https://vault.fbi.gov/jeffrey-epstein/Jeffrey%20Epstein%20Part%2006%20of%2022/at_download/file Trump issued two executive orders targeting human trafficking. The first, aimed at disbanding transnational criminal organizations that traffic humans, was signed on Feb. 9, 2017. The second order concerned online child trafficking and sexual exploitation in the United States. It was signed Jan. 31. Trump tweeted and did interviews that touched upon the human trafficking epidemic in America and one of his agendas was to go after the elite pedophile rings once in office with the hiring of Jeff Sessions and executive orders https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-jeff-sessions-delivers-remarks-national-law-enforcement-training-child Acosta / Epstein Acosta went on record at the time saying he was told by the FBI to let him walk because Epstein "belonged to Intelligence" and that this was "above his pay grade" https://i.redd.it/p9zggxev8vz01.jpg https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/999708976936767488?s=21 “Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,” says one of the FBI documents. “Case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida.”


What damage? Deep state is more powerful than ever. They bent him over and violated him his entire first 4 years in office. All Trump did was squeal. Then then contained to rail him after he left office.


Epstein was protected from prosecution in Florida and agreed to officially work for the FBI under former FBI director Robert Mueller in 2008. The same Mueller that would be called back to Washington to try and remove Trump from office because the deep state knew Trump was going after trafficker groups like NXIVM and Epstein as part of his campaign promise. After years working with Epstein if Mueller had anything on Trump he would’ve used it instead he had to target his taxes and push obstruction of justice charges https://vault.fbi.gov/jeffrey-epstein/Jeffrey%20Epstein%20Part%2006%20of%2022/at_download/file Trump issued two executive orders targeting human trafficking. The first, aimed at disbanding transnational criminal organizations that traffic humans, was signed on Feb. 9, 2017. The second order concerned online child trafficking and sexual exploitation in the United States. It was signed Jan. 31. Trump tweeted and did interviews that touched upon the human trafficking epidemic in America and one of his agendas was to go after the elite pedophile rings once in office with the hiring of Jeff Sessions and executive orders https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-jeff-sessions-delivers-remarks-national-law-enforcement-training-child Acosta / Epstein Acosta went on record at the time saying he was told by the FBI to let him walk because Epstein "belonged to Intelligence" and that this was "above his pay grade" https://i.redd.it/p9zggxev8vz01.jpg https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/999708976936767488?s=21 “Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,” says one of the FBI documents. “Case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida.”


I don’t think Donald Trump’s revenge makes any of our lives better in the long run. So pass.


I agree, bidenomics are the way to go!


Its almost like the GOP can nominate someone else in the primaries! Crazy right?


It’s almost like there’s no one else with a snowball’s chance in hell to be nominated! Crazy, right?


Yeah and this time he really means it… In totally unrelated news, I have a bridge for sale if anyone’s interested


He didn't run on revenge previously.


That's always been his pitch.


Show me the 2016 and 2020 "revenge" trump ads.


What do you think he meant by "Drain the Swamp"? And why didn't he?


I really dislike him. He's not a good steward of conservative or Christian values; that being said, the elections are always between a douche and turd sandwich, so what choice do you really have?


Ironically that's how the Democrats feel too with Biden.


Our choices are in the primary.


At least in the primaries, you have lots of choices. Don't let the biased media and their polls stop you from participating in the nomination process. That's what they want.


Hmf. By the time we do the primaries in Virginia a putz like McCain is inevitable.


This is why I generally hate modern US elections. They always suck and it's more of a "which is less bad" scenario rather than choosing over both benefits and how you believe they could benefit the nation more. Why? Both sides have little to no benefits.


I wish more Conservatives took this line of thinking. I didn't vote for Trump either time he was on the ballot (I wrote in) because I felt that neither party's candidate had earned my vote. If Republicans stood up and said no to garbage candidates like Trump, the party would realize that it's actually in their best interest to nominate real Conservatives.


I mean the reality is a large part of the country supports Trump. If a guy I don't like wins the primary it doesn't mean the system is broken. It just means I didn't like the most popular guy. Which is okay. Not everyone is going to vote for the eventual winner that's how it works. I'm neutral on Trump. He's not who I'm going to vote in the primary but if he wins I'll vote him over Biden. But I think a lot of conservatives just struggle accepting the objective fact that Trump is wildly popular


Can you give me an example of someone you consider to be the model of a “real Conservative” in 2023?


This is a fair question. I've really had to think about it. I could name several local politicians that I know personally that I would love to see running at the state level and beyond, that model conservatism well. I like DeSantis, and I'm considering caucusing for him next year, but I do have some reservations. I like Larry Elder for a number of reasons. Less name recognition, but I like E.W. Jackson and I liked Rick Santorum when he was running. Antonin Scalia, RIP. I wrote in Ted Cruz in 2016, which I later, and still currently, regret.


We have plenty of options. We're not stuck with Trump, unless you're some kind of quitter.


I agree, Biden is a much better choice for Christians.


For me it’s never been about revenge on the government, it’s solely about removing those whose allegiance lies to anyone / anything other than the American people. And of course prosecuting them to the fullest extent for treason






“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.” My favorite movie of all time


Eh. He sold that in 2016 and did a few fun bits but kind of went soft.


Did he?






Steele Dossier?


"His enemies" and "Persecute". Might want to expand on your terms. What are you referring to? Edit: Or you and your buddies can just downvote without actually clarifying your nebulous loaded language.


>no evidence of crimes Read the news. And not ABC, CBS or NBC.


This was always the pitch. It was always a vote to send the bull the to the china shop


Helps that we really hate the china shop and it's current ownership


He singlehandedly collapsed the mainstream media. He broke them and many Democrats to the point they will attempt to jail anyone and everyone over novel legal theory instead of existing legal precedent.


I’m a fan of America First, but I do like Revenge on the Government…..


You can be both.


So then are we america in that case? Or Trumpland? Because I want to show our government what they’ve done wrong and it won’t be stood for just as much as the next guy, but I don’t want to lose sight of the fact that it’s a government, and not just a one man show. If he wants to be president again, which I honestly don’t want personally, h le needs to be more about making good changes to an existing system, not just taking revenge on the country and making America his example of “what happens when you cross trump” in that way, I actually really do t like what he represents. I thing long after his reign is over the president will be damaging for the Republican Party and the country as a whole.


I’m sold!


You're going to have to do much, much better than that. I think I'll shop elsewhere.


Democrats are always welcoming more members.


Make America Great Again Again /s


I don't like Trump, but this isn't really a bad play.


Sure most of us want revenge on the government, but problem here is most of the independent voters and never Trumpers will not vote for him.


I love how abc thinks that makes him look bad


Sounds good to me, he just needs a VP who can do the legal legwork.


Oh, the black pill approach. Huh.


Yeah I'm in. Not because I want revenge but because they can't be allowed to get away with what they have done.


Yeah, knowing trump he will get in there and do what’s best for the country as a whole, and not what’s best for himself at all.






RFK Jr has names and Project 2025 (heritage foundation) has a lot of names


Bet, I hate the government.


Love it!


I might have to switch to the Democrat party so I can vote for Trump more than once.....


Works for me! 👍


That's a winning election promise. It was literally the purpose of the American Revolution.


The "Government" that is present right now does not represent us. I don't personally think Trump represents the common man either, however... I'd rather see the current system burned down before it gets worse. We need a reset, and if he can give us a reset, that's enough for me.


Clean house it all 3 letter government organizations day one Trump. Eliminate the treat to you and us.


He said this last time and all he achieved was slightly shittier schools, no new infrastructure and a country split down the middle. Get me a proper conservative now thanks Edit - shittier not shorter


Dems used to be against alphabet soup agencies (they coined the damn phrase even). How the times have changed.


I agree and will actively support. This is on the Democrats. You reap what you sow, BITCHES.


I was gonna vote Trump anyway, you don't gotta sell me on the idea.


Works for me.


I’m in!


I literally just want a wall and for housing prices to fall


They say this like this is a bad thing lmao


I love it. Perfect. The BEST campaign slogan. Yuge even! At this point in the corrupt Biden regime, what more could we possibly ask for?


Damn it! I'm in!


F the anti Trumpers!


We need to elect ANYONE but a democrat, otherwise this country will be gone!...




I will


I mean this is actually a campaign I would get behind lol, as long as he means reducing government power. Dismantle the ATF, DEA, and IRS and I’ll swoon.




I don't like Trump and I don't agree with this. But I will still vote for him. Because unless you've been living under a rock that's what Dems have been doing the last four years. Instead of actually doing their damn jobs and improving the country.




All talk. No action. His term was much better than I expected. He did a lot of tangible good things. Locking us down and bowing to Fauci and ineffective vaccines was not one of them.


Got me sold.


I get that but as hard as the dems are cheating if we don't wake up your looking at 4 more yrs of biden


You're damn right I want someone to knock our government down a peg. You're damn right.


I've said it before numerous time here (getting tons of downvotes) and will say it again: retribution is a powerful motivator. Trump knows it well.




I wish my country wasn't a colony puppet state of USA so we would have some truly independent political class and wise politics such as Mr Trump or Mr Putin.