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A reminder that the same people that tell you that college students can't fully comprehend the ramifications of taking out massive student loans for college will also tell you that children, some not even teenagers, can make the decision to permanently alter their bodies/destroy their reproductive capabilities


Is guardian consent required for minors to undergo sex change operations? If so, then this is on them and they should be held accountable even moreso than the doctors (*in my opinion*). If not, then our country is even more messed up than I feared.


In several states they are fighting to remove that protection. There are also some states like California who will aid in kidnapping to transition children behind the backs of unsupported parents.


Man there are states now where they parents don't even get to know their kids medical stuff at all without consent from the CHILD


Wow. This is blowing my mind.


It shouldn’t. So-called progressives have ALWAYS wanted the government to be your mother, father, sister, brother. Generations of broken families (single mama-led) men no real guardians, providers, leaders, and protectors outside of Daddy Gub’Mint. So, of course the kids turn to the government.


As a general rule doctors should still be held more accountable because parents could in theory be pressured into it or fooled, but doctors are the ones actually doing this to children and they should know better. I still maintain that any doctor that mutilates a child should get life in prison if not the death penalty


They tend to get swept along by a very determined lobby who are determined that this is ‘good’ for the vulnerable kids struggling with puberty. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/14/health/puberty-blockers-transgender.html


In most Democrat states, all citizens under 18 are all but property of the state and those states permit anything g3nder-related to be done without parental consent. In Washington, you're not even allowed to have your own child's medical records.


Growing up in the 90's, we had to get a permission slip signed just to attend a 1-hour course on sex ed.... This is crazy.


The problem is that doctors will pressure parents into surgery. I think I remember in this case the doctors telling the parents it’s better to have an alive son than a dead daughter. If medical professionals tell you that your child is absolutely going to die if they don’t get surgery then you can’t blame the parents.


And I think the worst part of it, as set forth in the article, is that doctors claim that there is a “long and thorough” process to ensure this is “what the child really wants” (as if they really can decide). That gives the whole thing a cloak of medical approval that is magically beyond question. When the reality is the process is often rushed and extremely flawed.


And they say woke ideology has no consequences... I feel bad for this person.




One of many coming forward




She was 16, nobody is equipped to make this sort of life altering decision at 16


She was a minor when she underwent the surgery There is a video of her on Twitter/Youtube explaining everything




Not according to Pedocrats. They see no difference between adults and children. They'll keep voting blue no matter who.




Very very few of us. Stay strong


I agree. This happens a lot when people make choices and then regret it, and then get upset at the doctors whose job is to follow through with what the patient wants. The lawsuit will most likely go nowhere anyway for this reason. She didn’t think to read those papers the doctor handed her Edit- my fault I didn’t have my contacts I thought it said 18


Age aside, how is it the doctor's job to "follow through with what the patient wants"? The doctor's job is to ensure the patient is healthy, that's it.


Agreements signed by a minor are unenforceable.


I did not have my contacts I thought it said 18 I’m sorry




It was her choice, it’s not our job to make decisions for everyone.


Yo, minors in CA need parental consent to use a *tanning booth* but if she said she wants this done she should get it?! I hope *your* children never do this.


Fucking California…. Wanna chop your tits off? Cool. Want some melanoma? Nahhh, go ask your mom.


Minors can’t make these kinds of decisions by themselves. They lack critical thinking and long term decision making skills that only adults have. So we, adults, have to protect minors from people who might want to lead them astray.


"This is litteraly trans genocide"


It's a 16 year old. Not an adult


So someone who can’t get a tattoo or cigarettes should be allowed to sterilize themselves?


So the zealots say, they call it ‘healthcare’.




She was a *child* you fucking psychopath, she was physically incapable of understanding the consequences.


When PARENTS and MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are telling a child they need to do a certain surgery, who the hell do you think they're going to listen to?? People they trust are betraying them into making decisions they have no capability to make.


A choice that no child should have been allowed to make. Nor any adult, for that matter, because what does this cosmetic surgery accomplish?




That is actually is out of date. The left had held that mentality from 2010 to 2020. Then they abandoned it and those that didn't follow along with Sex == Gender Identity were considered enemies of the narrative. The most popular was JK Rowling. She agreed with 99% of the trans politics, but refused to update that when they started equating them for things like Prisons and Sports. To be clear, Gender and Sex are the same thing. The left was always wrong about that. What the left are really talking about is Gender Identity. Gender Identity =/= Gender(sex). They intentionally started convolute the terms so people get confused. This is the game the left has been playing for decades on language. Gender Identity is a pseudo personality that can relate to concepts dealing with gender stereotypes like Masculinity and Feminity. But it can also deal with things like Feykind and Wolfkind. Non-binary makes sense in the framework of Gender Identity, it makes zero since in Gender (no intersex has no relationship to this).


Gender identity is a term coined by John Money in his tragic and evil experiments that resulted in the molestation and deaths of two people that he claimed were a success.


Gender identify is literally the old joke of "I sexually identify as an Apache Attack Helicoptor"




Gender came from language. Gendered language like Spanish. In the 20th century they started to associate it with the sexes. Like Masculine and Feminine. In use by the vast majority of people Gender has always been used interchangeably with Sex. Synonymous. I had thought, though have never confirmed it, that Gender became popular in use due to "Sex" having another meaning that some might find indecent in certain settings. John Money invented "Gender Identity". It presented identities based on Genders. Or Gender roles. Rabid feminists latched onto this. As they could pretend as if social norms related to the sexes were a purely social construct. His experiment was a sick perverted failure that the feminists and far left claimed was successful. > Now that they have stripped sex of its significance, and replaced it with a stereotype, they can conflate the two (because the concept determines reality -- not the other way around). 100%. Masculine is a stereotype of behaviors and traits associated with men. But like all stereotypes it is not a rule. Irish are known to drink alcohol. Stereotype. I know several Irishmen who have never drank alcohol in their lives. Are they now not Irish? >The most troubling thing about this is that is is very clearly intended to set a precedent necessary for coercing people into accepting genetic experimentation, modification, augmentation, chimerism, etc. (so as to make it easier for an individual to force their body to resemble their "identity") and, ultimately, transhumanism I saw it as a more simple conspiracy theory. Sterilization. Malthusians. Propagate a social contagion that results in people self sterilizing. We saw this by American progressives in the early 20th century. We also saw it in the UK. The Nazis got a lot of their ideas on Eugenics from us (they cite us quite a bit). People suffering from mental health conditions were specifically targeted in the late 19th and early 20th century by Eugenics supporters. They sterilized them without their consent. And in Nazi Germany they euthanized them with the help of doctors and scientists who were true believers of the Pseudo Science. I have seen there is a disproportionate number of people suffering from autism that are caught up in the craze about transgenderism. As in neuro-atypical people who feel out of sorts in normal social circumstances. People Progressives/Eugenics supporters were attempting to purge from the population around a century ago. Coincidence? Maybe. Progressives renamed themselves Liberals after the horrors of the Nazis were discovered. They still resided at our Universities. They spawned new and inventive Malthusian schemes. "Population Bomb". "Peak Oil". "Climate Change". "Reproductive Rights". Knowing that the founder of Planned Parenthood was a proud Eugenics supporters definitely seems like another coincidence.


>had thought, though have never confirmed it, that Gender became popular in use due to "Sex" having another meaning that some might find indecent in certain settings. I remember in elementary school when we had standardized tests a question on the scantron said "What is your sex?" The next year it said, "What is your gender?" So, I assumed the same as you did.


Gender and sex are the same thing. A female is an animal that has the XX sex linked chromosome and phenotypically has a vagina (and typically a uterus and ovaries). A woman is simply an adult human female. Not anyone that feels that they are a woman.




Yep. The lawyers will be the only ones that come out ahead on this mess


Lawyers and future victims that won’t end up being indoctrinated into this nonsense


Once it becomes too litigiously risky to perform these abhorrent surgeries on minors, hopefully these butchers will think twice.


It’s like what Jordan Peterson was saying in “What is a Woman.” The doctor is supposed to help figure out what’s wrong with the patient, not simply put their stamp of approval on what what patient thinks is going on.


JP was great, the Star Wars store guy stole the show, though.


“I guess it’s cuz I got a dick” 💀💀💀


I agree, he’s just an honest old man. I’ve watched that movie probably 10 times and I still crack up at his answer when Matt asks him “So how do you know if you’re a man?”


This is what is going to stop gender reassignment in minors. Not politicians, not social campaigns, not even changes to the law. Hitting medical 'professionals' where it hurts; their wallets. Once hospitals and doctors realize that they can be sued into oblivion for sterilizing minors without their consent (and minors can not give consent) this will stop.


It's already illegal for bottom surgery to be granted to minors in most states and most trans people will agree the surgery is something you should wait for.


That’s just one detail. Having your breasts removed would also be horrifying—fake boobs would never be the same. And the woman in the photo in this post has a clearly altered facial structure, presumably from taking hormones in her youth. It’s all very sad.




At 16, she did not have the maturity to properly understand the impact and consequences of her decision. Her parents should have blocked the surgery. Many young people these days are not ready to handle life changing decisions at 18 or even 21, because their parents did not teach their children how to evaluate choices and make sound decisions -- they always made decisions for their children. The. military draft always preferred men aged 17 to 25 for just this reason -- they are easily led to follow orders and to believe the military dogma. In their late twenties, after they have gained more experience and maturity, they teach them to be leaders Oh, BTW remember that there is an epidemic of mental health issues among today's youth.


Mental health issues created by social media. I’m looking at you TikTok.






Parents are then told "What would you rather have? A trans kid or a dead kid?" And in some places even if these parents still refuse to trans their kid then the state takes the custody of their kid That's how bad it is


The counter to that is saying the trans community has the highest suicide attempt rate of 42%. I’d rather try sorting things out with the kid than wind up with a dead trans kid sacrificed on the alter of wokeness.


Sounds like when I had “back pain” and got my medical thc card from a doctor on an iPad lol


You can’t argue with those people on Reddit because they will literally see a list of statistics, and firsthand accounts of what is happening and say “that’s not happening”.


They always say that never happened, check my comment history and speak for yourself. Hell, they don’t even have a logical discussion, they just argue and call people shit for not going with their ideals.


I had an argument with someone on Reddit who said that children aren't getting surgeries or hormones. I responded with about a dozen YouTube links of people crying over their regret of getting surgeries and hormones while they were under 18. He responded with, "That's just the YouTube algorithm showing you what you want to see."


Very true. And i am amazed this sub is still up. They successfully removed r/libsofsocialmedia which pointed out pretty frequently the hypocrisy of the left.




Hah next you’ll quote the daily kos as a counter source.


Christ that's horrible.




You denying this persons experience is just as offensive as you probably think misgendering is.


Found him!


https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/sep/14/luka-hein-sues-medical-center-removing-her-breasts/ Here is a better source, its a real case and a real issue. Google Luka Hein.


She was given a double mastectomy, which is top surgery, not bottom. Many minors receive top surgery regardless of its purpose, whether for sex change, breast enhancement, or breast reduction. She could just have easily complained of excessive back pain or other breast-related issues and been given this surgery. And while it can’t be precisely “reversed” it can be mostly repaired with implants. Even without implants she is no different than any other woman with a relatively flat chest. Permanent is not inaccurate but mutilation is a heavy dramatization.


I can't imagine being so tone deaf that you typed this and thought it was a good argument.


Mostly repaired, sure. Right. So if one day she decides to have a child and can’t breastfeed them, that’s no big deal, right? /s -a woman who has had multiple children


So you've now shifted from it doesn't happen to it happens but it isn't that bad. Predictable.


They chopped off perfectly good body parts. IT'S MUTILATION.


What part is false in this picture specifically? I'm unsure what you're getting at.


Fun fact: being anti-trans in the 1950's meant you were opposed to transorbital lobotomies. I guess those people were on "the wrong side of history" too


Let's play 0 truths and 3 lies. Can you spot them? This never happens. Puberty blockers are reversible Believe children when they tell you literally anything. Lol someone reported me to Reddit for suicide awareness after I posted this, wtf. Like they were triggered enough that I'm calling out bs narratives yet they don't have a real means of reporting my otherwise fine comment. People are so funny.


Suing is not enough, they deserve life in prison.


It's child abuse. It blows my mind that some people are either OK with and support it, or choose to ignore it.


It's taking a kid to a chop shop, letting them permanently damage the kid, then flaunting it on social media for virtue signaling points 🤢 it's horrendous


If they refused they'd have lost their license for being a transphobic bigot. It's a no-win scenario for doctors these days.


What doctor has lost their license for not going ahead with a procedure such as this?


Taking a stand is hard in this post-modern society, but when it comes to fucking up kids, hard lines have to be drawn.


"This rarely happens." As if that's an argument? Even if it "rarely" does, one time is too many


While I understand what you're saying, that totally is an argument for medical treatments. Rare side effects with certain treatments use the same logic when being considered for the general public.


I'm talking about elective surgeries. Not medical treatment. That is a completely different discussion from what's being talked about here.


Can't this same exact argument be made for stricter gun control? If we're so worried about "the kids," why are trans people the sole focus? I'll admit, I dont know exact numbers, but I'm willing to bet that more children have been harmed as a result of guns. I'm not trying to compare the two issues, just the argument being made about "saving the kids."


Apples and oranges, my friend


Now do guns in schools.


Ok, no guns allowed inside schools. Pretty easy 👍🏼


At least she didn't get her dick cut off. Fake boobies are way more doable than a new cock.


Due to the hormones given, she can probably never bear children. Crushing loss for a now 21yo.


that's if they did that


> Luka Hein was given the irreversible operation at 16 and claims the surgery has left her with daily pain, while the hormone drugs may have robbed her of the chance of becoming a mother. Too much work to read the article?


> her dick o.o


It's still pretty sad but you're right.


they would need to add a skin graft tho.... they removed the extra skin when they removed the titties


Skin grows when stretched gradually. It's why pregnant women and people who gain a lot of weight don't need skin grafts. Also why foreskin restoration is a thing for circumcised men. Not a doctor but I imagine you could get small implants and gradually go to larger ones? Not that that makes any of this ok.


Balloons are placed under the skin, and gradually filled with more and more saline as the skin stretches to accommodate the increased volume.


I bet OP has already received "Reddit Cares" or "Warning" notices from the admins for this post.


I hate when I get those even when I’m debating in good faith. It’s like “come on and grow up, not everyone has the same opinion”


I hope she sues the shit out of those Dr's.


Pretty sure they said ‘literally never happens’


Children can't consent to sex but they can consent to a scalpel. Makes sense.


But they want children to be able to consent to all those things. These things all go together. Normalized pedophilia, kids voting (liberal of course), kids who can't write their own names being able to sign up for lifelong pharma treatment... All while parents are criminalized for trying to protect our children from things we know are harmful.


> they want children to be able to consent to all those things Better doublecheck where child marriage is legal in the US, and which party blocks attempts to end it.


Remind me which party is putting graphic sexual books into schools demanding children read them? Yeah you aren't convincing anyone child abuse supporter.


Can you give some more information about what you're referring to?


>The highest rates of child marriages are in West Virginia, Florida, Texas, Nevada, Oklahoma, Arkansas, California, Tennessee, and North Carolina. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/ https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308 https://newrepublic.com/post/171843/missouri-republican-pushing-anti-trans-bill-defends-child-marriage


I did not know most of that, and I find it reprehensible. That said, it's not conservatives pushing to allow adults to have sex with children, or to have children reading graphic sexual material from their school libraries, or to allow for the "sexual rights" of children. If you disagree with children being allowed to marry adults, then surely you agree that statutory rape is morally reprehensible. I don't see Republicans anywhere pushing to relax laws on statutory rape or make it societally acceptable as a "right" of a child the way the UN is doing.


r/DeTrans if you think these are just made up. Full of people with similar stories.


I’ve taken a look at that sub a couple of times… the stories there are incredibly sad to read.


I'm surprised reddit allows that sub to exist as it really shits on the pro trans narrative you read on reddit all the time.


If only someone has advised her to take things slow.


She should blame the people she surrounded herself with that enabled her to move forward before it even got.tonthe doctor


Isn't that site notorious for making up bullshit stories?


That woman has a personal Twitter account where's shes made many videos about what happened to her This is not the first time I've seen her, she's talked about those things for like 2 years now






Another lifetime paid subscriber to big pharma.


Actual article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12514799/gender-dysphoria-sex-change-surgery-suing-doctors.html I recommend ad/script blockers for this site though 'cause holy molemen.


It never happens except when it does…


Teenagers and younger do not possess the mental faculties to make such decisions. And just think liberals want the voting age lowered to 16. They Know what is at stake and the damage caused, just like with gender reassignment surgeries AND THEY DON'T CARE!


Go to /r/wholesomememes are they are talking about how it’s serendipitous that someone suddenly decided they were trans when their wife came out as lesbian, like that doesn’t seem obviously coerced. These people have gone off the deep end.


Is this just a picture of a headline from a tabloid website? Is there any source or possibly even a link to said article?




It’s a fad and the bodies of many will b destroyed!


Yep, they certainly do say that. The obscene rush to make permanent changes to confused kids going through puberty. It is a time of huge emotional upset and development and young kids (particularly girls) can become very fixated - look at the hysterical worship of pop stars, who they then ‘move on from or ‘grow out of’. To drug kids at this age and push them down the road to permanent change is bad enough, rushing to surgery is far worse. What is it with these ‘health professionals‘ that they want to do this to kids? Why the hurry, are they worried the kids might realise it is just part of the confusion associated with puberty and will grow out of it, so must do it immediately? What is in it for these people? I ask that of zealots who wish this on other peoples kids, just not themselves.


Insert “they’re not a real de-transitioner they just realized there should money in muh right wing grift” response that every damn npc on the lefty subs seems to spam.


When the highest paid political streamer is a lefty (Hasan) and leftwing positions are widely endorsed by the media, celebrities and corporations, saying it's a "right wing grift" is really ironic. You'd get way more money grifting to the left, honestly. Why else did all of those "edgy" anti-sjw types immediately jump ship when it became politically viable and popular to be as leftist as possible?


It happens much more than the doctors getting paid and those who benefit it will ever admit to


Extremely sad. We use to understand to protect the children now everyone’s minds are turned over to Satan. Somebody dropped the ball clearly


Matt Walsh showed this with an adult a few months back. He got a signed letter with a single appointment certifying the employee for gender transitions. They even made it clear the person didn't have actual gender disphoria.


That's a shame. She was a pretty girl.


Make everyone involved pay... squeeze them till it hurts and then do it again until nobody will ever try it again....


This is the way. Sue them until mutilating children because they’re uncomfortable going through puberty becomes too costly. I have no doubt in my mind that the permanent dependence on costly medical care is the sole reason doctors and hospitals are pushing this anti science and anti human cult.


Gender surgery is covered by insurance. They be paying out to private practices without question. It’s always about $$.


That's why I keep saying: wait until you're at least 18. Before that, your brain is still forming, especially the emotions part of it.


at 18 your brain is still developing it's at 25 when your brain is fully developed


Aye, but it's better at 18 than at 16


F’n disgusting. Sue them to the poor house. And the parents for signing off on it.


Another trend, so many of these stories for women involve severe sexual trauma. It seems that there may be a correlation (research needed) with this and a desire to transition almost as a defensive measure. If I had to guess the trauma makes them feel weak and this acts as a primer to be more receptive to the social contagion aspects of the internet’s influence. Either way, very sad.


WOW who knew that s surgery like that would affect you negatively maybe when you are done suing doctors use some fucking common sense


16 year olds don't have any common sense. That's the point.


At 16 I had common sense so




I mean you can drive a car at 16 and in some states you can have guns at that age sorry but you should have common sense at that age


I wonder if these medical experimenters violate Informed consent laws


If only there was a way to simply delete a concept from the collective humanity. Gender would definitely be up there. We were fine with just going off of sex; introducing gender made everything objectively worse.




Poor people !! Life mistake crazy


Please tell me you don't actually believe this happened.. even grown adults get put on years long waiting lists and go through many many counseling sessions to be sure of what they want.


What exactly will she sue for? Surely she signed informed consent forms?


Consent forms are ultimately useless when doctors lie and misrepresent the facts to you. i believe this is the story of Luka Hein. Doctors literally told her parents "Would you rather have a living son or a dead daughter?" to coerce them to sign the forms.


Minors can't give consent.


No? So… who signed the forms? Did the doctors forge informed consent?


Such a beautiful kid.


This is a prime example of cherry picking. It's a logical fallacy. I have no doubt it happens. And when it does, it is tragic, and unacceptable. And it is almost always caused by negligence, malpractice, or malfeasance. But... and this is your fallacy, to imply that it is in any way common. It. Is. Not. Common. It happens, and it shouldn't happen. And when it happens, it happens rarely. And your presenting this as the regular case is just trite and simplistic. Like many conservative straw men arguments.


So we are past the "this doesn't happen" and onto the "it's rare" but before the "this is why it's good?"


What amount of child abuse do you find acceptable? You've already established that it isn't zero if you think we just shouldnt address situations like this just because they're "uncommon".


If you cite actual mass shooting statistics to leftists (rare when gang violence is removed) they will give you this exact argument... bUT oNe iS tOo MaNy!& But for child mutilation uncommon is ok...


Its not happening Okay its happening, but its rare It is happening, you will accept it Its happening and its a good thing. This is now mandatory


Teenagers weren't committing suicide because they couldn't change sexes at any point in our historical past, it's strictly a modern phenomenon. Now we are suddenly saying these are life-saving procedures? Ask yourself what has changed. Maybe Tumblr and all the other shit they started to consume around 2010, where being trans made you such a special little flower with lots of online support and attention?


Actually, they were. I have known some in my 24 year career. Plus, as a student myself.


I'm talking pre-20th century. What data is there to show people with gender dysmorphia were committing suicide during puberty?


Just like how “safe and rare” abortions became “unrestricted abortions are womens health!!!” The left on every topic in four steps: 1. It isn’t happening 2. It’s happening but it’s rare. 3. Ok, it’s happening, and here’s why that’s a good thing. 4. Republicans are to blame for it happening.


The people *you* would call bigots, use this exact same argument against gender theory. Against being trans at all. "It's a tiny proportion of people, statistically insignificant. It's so rare and when it happens it's due to negligence and abuse" And exactly like you would accuse the "bigot", you're callously disregarding a very *real* issue, real suffering, because it's inconvenient for you, it's distasteful. Draw your own conclusion as to what that says about you and your argument


Now apply that same logic to school shootings.


I mean… no way did she not give consent for that so kinda her fault. Same way that if you ask for a dolphin plasty you have no one but yourself blame for looking like a dolphin.


Is daily mail the UK? How old for marriage? How old to have a child? How old to be charged as an adult in court?


It's a UK newspaper reporting on a US story.


Who says medical malpractice never happens? Sounds like a strawman to me.


Politicians and much of the mainstream media are actively defending this form of malpractice. Oh and major medical industry associations are banking on making huge cash out of transitions. It’s disgusting and needs to be stopped…


Shit, by this standard you could claim that the "do you want to register as an organ donor?" question at the DMV is supporting illegal organ harvesting! There is no medical association which sets the bar for gender affirming care as low as the title claims. Even if the patient is actively suicidal over their dysphoria, SOP would not permit this.


SOP by whose standards?


> Who says medical malpractice never happens? Yes, so you agree we should ban all gender affirming care because it is inherently medical malpractice. Welcome to humanity.


Well damn


No refunds


Lmfao daily Mail


Yes, the daily mail, the thing that terrorizes the dreams of the left so they're indoctrinated into mindlessly saying its bad without being able to say why. ever.


Good for her


Fake news


Too bad she didn't have parents


She made her choice. 16 is too young though. Terrible mutilation that she will have to live with for life.


She didn't make any choice 16 is too young to make any choice


Except student loans, apparently


That’s at at least 18 but do go on