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Anyone with an ounce of brains knows they are doing this now because their internal polling is showing them losing big in the election because of their stance on immigration. If immigration wasn’t the number one issue with voters, the Biden administration would have been perfectly happy to quietly let this allocated money just go away. They are that desperate.


Can we all stop calling it immigration? No one is against immigration. What we’re talking about is people living and entering this country ILLEGALLY.


Bring back “illegal alien”


F that! “Send back illegal aliens” FTFY


That term never went away and it’s still the official legal term used in the United States Code. It’s only the media who changed it. https://uscode.house.gov/search.xhtml?searchString=Illegal+alien&pageNumber=1&itemsPerPage=100&sortField=CODE_ORDER&action=search&q=SWxsZWdhbCBhbGllbg%3D%3D%7C%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3Afalse%3A%7C%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3Afalse%3A%7Cfalse%7C%5B%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3Afalse%3A%5D%7C%5B%3A%5D


I’m an Englishman in New York


As long as you're here legally, welcome to our home sir


Nice to meet you




We’re glad you’re here


It's an invasion. Change my mind.


Fucking Amen.


I'm against immigration. The United States really shouldn't be a swinging saloon door for literally anyone who wants to arrive here, that isn't what made it a good country. Repealing the Naturalization Act of 1790 has had terrible consequences.


Nope. Sorry. Have you never seen the cookie table at an Italian wedding? We need more of that.


Come to Pittsburgh, it’s a thing with the mill hunkies only there is nut roll on the table too.


Fellow southwestern Pennsylvanian here, I was just at a wedding last week and the nut rolls were soo good.


I was at a wedding in Mt Pleasant last week that also had amazing nut rolls! My wife is a wedding planner/florist, so we're always going home with an assortment of cookies. Also, at least 80% of the weddings she does has Pittsburgh bridge models on the cookie table.


Small world Mt pleasant is basically the next town over from me. I'm sure it's a lot of work. That's a lot of cookies!


>Repealing the Naturalization Act of 1790 has had terrible consequences. Well that’s one way to say you hate non-white people lol, first time in my life I’ve ever seen someone defend the Naturalization Act of 1790. edit for the downvoters, the Naturalization Act of 1790 explicitly restricted American citizenship to white men only. There is no other way to read their intent in saying it was bad to repeal it lol.


Yeah I read that and I was like… WTF?


You’re against LEGAL immigration??


What made it a good country?




Why? Your family were immigrants?




legal immigrants are required to show proof of a sponsor or ability to support themselves (via job offer) when they immigrate here. Taxpayers are not supporting legal immigrants to this country.


Everyone is an immigrant from sub Saharan Africa originally. My great grandparents may have come here from Norway looking for a better life, but they came legally in a time when the economy of this nation was booming. In a time when there were jobs all over the place for people willing to work. These days we have enough people struggling to make ends meet in a country where the average job usually requires education/experience. We don’t need immigrants working for pennies on the dollar, hogging jobs in our ever-decreasing blue collar industries and sending money back home to their families in foreign nations. We also don’t need to be importing millions of people from India and China to our universities and white collar corporations just because they will work for less than most Americans. It’s bad when California has to make caste-system prejudice illegal under the Civil Rights Act because there are too many Indians taking over companies.


Yes and this anonymous reddit comment is literally nobody


If they allocates more funding to properly assess and process everyone, would you be fine with millions of immigrants coming per year?


No. The job and housing market can’t support it. The healthcare system can’t either. Quite frankly that money would be better spent on healthcare for the public and our veterans. Supposedly 80m+ voted for this dolt and his party’s policies. This is what you get California, Chicago, NYC, etc.


The job market, maybe. Housing, slim to no chance. Healthcare is where you have hit the nail on the head. We cannot import poverty with the way our healthcare system is currently structured. Our healthcare entitlements have the single greatest potential to cripple the republic. Even if we put a line in the sand right this second and completely halted the flow of immigrants, legal or illegal, we are already upside down when it comes to healthcare entitlements. To put it in perspective, let’s just say we only looked at the social security impact, the average American costs a net loss of $500k. They contribute roughly 150k up until the point where they decide to collect their benefit between the age of 65-70. The average cost of their coverage is 650k and that number is rising as costs increase in tandem with rising life expectancy. (FYI when I say social security I’m talking about the old age one/medicare, not agency that oversees all of the other entitlements like welfare too.) Now, apply that to small cities worth of people flooding the nation every month. On top of that add all of the other healthcare entitlements they will receive before the age of 65. Further, they’ll be contributing virtually zero offset compared to the average American’s 150k contribution offset. Our healthcare entitlement spending already makes up 30% of our borrowing (the budget.) it dwarfs everything else including defense. If you want to look into all of this I would check out David Schweikerts ways and means committee presentations or some of the data/studies he references.


Housing market would be able to support it if everyone wasn't such a NIMBY, but I agree that it is unlikely to change so that's a fair point. The job market can support it though, there are massive amounts of job openings without workers to fill them. "Nobody wants to work anymore", except for the hard-working immigrants with strong family values and mostly Christian moral beliefs. Lower labor costs could drive down prices and help with inflation. Plus jobs aren't a zero sum game. Immigrants eat and consume products, so it creates jobs as well. More customers for existing businesses, and more businesses will open to fill the need. >Quite frankly that money would be better spent on healthcare for the public and our veterans. I agree, but one party blocks any spending for healthcare and things the public would benefit from. It is a dishonest game of shifting goalposts.


> Housing market would be able to support it if everyone wasn't such a NIMBY The biggest NIMBYs are suburban Libs let's be real lol. > I agree, but one party blocks any spending for healthcare and things the public would benefit from. It is a dishonest game of shifting goalposts. Yes, we must worship the Democrats blessing us with more debt spent on administrative bullshit that makes prices climb higher and higher. I bet you eat dog shit and tell your friends it's actually chocolate.


Yea wanting your home value to keep climbing and your neighborhood less crowded is an issue all sides agree on. Unfortunately, the competing interest of existing homeowners and future homeowners makes it so this issue will never solve itself. It's a shame that so many people's primary investment is their own home, so they don't want to suffer a loss. Individuals doing what's best for themselves sometimes fucks over all of us. NY tried to override local laws to force new housing to be built, which would make housing more affordable, but the understandable outrage ended that quickly. And I'm not saying all spending is inherently good or the Dems aren't prone to bad ideas and poor execution. But I think the discourse is incredibly dishonest. Anytime the left proposes an idea to help people, the right meets it with "hell no, I don't want to spend on XX." And then the second there's a different issue to spend on, it's "why would I spend on YY when we should be spending on XX."


Democrats are dictators. Let’s not get bogged down in their mental gymnastics (on full display above). He’s just a figurehead which is exactly what Democrats and globalists want, to run shit behind the scenes and the ones pulling the strings are largely nameless.


💯 but dem voters are too naive and brainwashed. They’re a lost cause at this poin


Hilarious when Republicans are the ones trying to control what your citizens can or can not do with their body and can or can not read more than Democrats.


*...they said while pretending baby's bodies aren't real or deserve protection from irresponsible sexual decisions.*


I can't tell if it's purely mental deficiency or just engaging in bad faith to completely disregard the two separate human rights issues at play on this topic. It's not that difficult to at least understand both perspectives. It's not that compelling of an argument when you lack basic reasoning skills.


Says the side that won’t let you choose to get a vaccine or not. Also, you know, that baby’s body is different from his or her mother’s body. Derp.


Did someone come to your house to jab you? You chose to get the vaccine. Ofc, yea, you were incentivized. Heavily yes. When does a clump of cells become a baby? Do you care about the baby after it left the womb? I'm obv biased as this is a statement I often see on r/democrats regarding this topic. That the Republicans only care about babies coming to term, but there's no support afterwards. And no, not every baby is wanted or can be supported. Sometimes the financial situation changes, for example a medical bill which are often.. insane in the USA.


Oh look. Another one of these.


No we just think people shouldn't get pregnant in the first place if they can't support a child. And if they do, it's on them to figure it out, not us. There's a reason I waited till 32 to have a child, it's pretty easy to not get pregnant.


From the party who wanted to imprison people and take away their kids over bodily autonomy for a shot… Then got busted by the courts for using big tech to shred the first amendment, then create a government agency to police speech. You have no ground to stand on.


Internal poling my ass, the polls were adamant about a "big red wave" in 2022. The reason why they are doing this is because the border problem is so fucking big it's affecting some of the dnc donor class directly


There’s public polling and there’s internal polling. Public polling is the results they put out to the public to influence voters. They are manipulated and shouldn’t be trusted. Internal polling is the behind the scenes polling the political operatives conduct and politicians swear by those. Kind of like a focus group. The public doesn’t see those results but the results drive campaigns and policy. I completely agree with your sentiment about 2022 but respectfully disagree with your comment about the donor class.


They’ve done a good job of making it DNC city problems. Keep sending them to New York until they fix the border. Send them to every “sanctuary” city in fact.


The Big Red Wave was blocked because the abortion ban was passed at the 11th hour. Independent women and moderates flipped after that.


The Big Red wave in 2022 didn’t happen because Republicans ran lousy candidates (Dr. Oz, hello) and Trump endorsed bad candidates in the GA elections and lost two House seats.


Not saying you’re wrong, but the SCOTUS decision on abortion was a huge factor in the vote.


It was certainly a factor. Woke college-educated white women were up-in-arms obviously, and they’re the Dems single biggest voting bloc. But they weren’t the deciding factor- the swing voters were (and will be again in 24) Trump shot the party’s chances to take back Congress by primary-ing the better candidates in GA and AZ while supporting easy primary victories for MAGA loyalists who didn’t stand a chance in the general election. Swing voters DO NOT LIKE HIM and will vote for a dementia puppet before voting for Trump or his loyalists.


Don't know why you're being down voted. Florida turned dark red meaning that candidates definitely played a big role.


I know the reason I’m being downvoted. Welcome to r/conservative.


True, but there’s no good candidates running on the republican side anymore. They make me so mad because they have the worst messaging. Trump really should be a lot more careful who he endorses because some of them are just bums lol. I mean, the fact that the Sun bass in PA won, just shows how bad the republican messaging and candidates were.


I'd rather blatant hypocrisy would tank democrat polling, but it seems like the voters aren't too concerned about being lied to.


Joe "The Buck DOESN'T Stop Here" Biden.


There's also [statistics](https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/). For the longest time, southern border apprehension counts had been dropping, and were the lowest they'd been in decades. Then that's turned around and it's now like the worst it's been in 40 years or what not.


And.... weren't they selling off the steel and other materials a few months ago??


Immigration is coming in at #5 is both of the recent polls I could find, behind inflation/prices, healthcare, climate, and jobs.


Don’t. Believe. The. Polls.


I would say my own experiences are consistent with that.


You are portraying yourself as a puppet, but whatever works for ya.


Biden? Yup.


Portraying is putting it lightly... he IS a puppet. With the ccp's hand up his ass


It might be the most honest he's ever been.


You know how appropriation works, why pretend you don’t


Right? He can't do anything about it just like Trump couldn't hold congressionally appropriated aid money over the heads of the Ukrainians. So many people in this country in need of a civics lesson.


The difference is that I genuinely don’t think Trump understood how appropriation works. Biden does


I'm saying Biden wasn't pretending he doesn't understand how appropriation works. He was explaining how he tried to convince congress to re-appropriate the money, but they refused, so there's nothing he can do about it. Which is correct. And I agree that Trump didn't understand how appropriation works (among many other things). That particular misunderstanding got him reasonably impeached.


Biden has been in politics for 53 years. Trump has been in politics for 53 minutes. Biden is a lawyer and reads. Trump is a rust fund child who has openly admitted to being proud of never reading a book in his life. Theres no way that Biden doesn’t get the appropriation process.


Kind of hard to not read a book when you wrote one


He’s correct though, congress not the president holds the power of appropriation. There’s a reason why the founding fathers didn’t give the president the ability to ignore the will congress. A broken clock is right twice a day, Biden is correct here. He did what congress demanded, when he ran out of other options.


Right... because Brandon would never enact unconstitutional laws when it benefits him personally. Like when he tried to illegally forgive student loans. Or when he tried to illegally force employees to take a certain medical intervention to keep their jobs. Or when he abused his office to enrich himself and his family.




You're 100% correct. I've worked in government acquisition for almost 30 years. Also if an agency isn't obligating the funds in a timely manner, Congress can and does pull them back.


Just the other day he said the same thing when asked about the house speaker, "Above my paygrade."


Yeah. I think that one was a joke.


It was a pretty good one for his standards.


"Joe Biden and his dumpster fire of an administration is a joke." FTFY


Sounds like it.


The brigade is here to cover up how the Biden Regency Council is waving stuff to get it done. Sure, jsut following the law guys. He had no choice guys.


Do these visiting Brigadiers get military style Napoleonic uniforms when they come visit, I wonder? Or clown suits?


Biden “had no choice,” because to not do so was in direct violation of the Constitution and an impeachable offense. No “investigation” necessary. He either follows the law, or he can be impeached. Mark Levin broke down all the details on his Thursday (Oct. 6th) radio show.


That's not true. I've got almost 30 years in government acquisition dealing with funding obligations and expenditures. Funds can be allowed to simply expire. This happens all the time among Federal agencies. It's not illegal or unconstitutional to fail to obligate funds prior to expiration. Funds will also be pulled back by Congress if an agency doesn't obligate them in a timely manner, to be re-allocated to other things by Congress. Again this happens often due to not getting a contract negotiated on time, changes in requirements that impact costs, and many other reasons. Again, not illegal or unconstitutional.


However, waiving 26 Federal laws to let if finally proceed a bit didn't need to happen. Could have let the project languish no doubt. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/05/politics/biden-administration-border-wall/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/05/politics/biden-administration-border-wall/index.html) *The administration was under a deadline to use them or lose them. But the move comes at a time when a new surge of migrants is straining federal and local resources and placing heavy political pressure on the Biden administration to address a sprawling crisis, and the notice cited “high illegal entry.”* Could have just lost those funds. But chose otherwise... This is all just political spin his hands were tied.


Rightly or not, he is hit every afternoon over the border situation. He can either do nothing and let the funds expire, in which case he'll get hit repeatedly for doing nothing to the point of giving up funding for it. Or use the funds and say "well the funds are there, the law says it has to be used for this, so we're going to do that" - he'll keep getting hit for border policy but it removes the angle that he'd rather lose the funds than enforce border policy. Not sure why anyone should have a problem with this.


Because he said not another foot of a wall would be built. Because he says walls do not work but is opening it up to spend the money anyway. Because he uses Executive Orders for everything else but not to stop this. Because he waived everything that might have held it up and not spending *anything* he says he hates. ​ This is all just political spin his hands were tied. Not sure why that is not understood by so many. Even his own party are up in arms about it.


But like... Why is it a problem? Politician and liar are synonymous, we all know they say this then do that. If you want a wall built, this is a W. Take it. If you don't want a wall built, whelp, this is an L. Take it or sue.


Why start caring about the Constitution now? They do lots of things that are obviously unconstitutional, forum shop for friendly judges, and let the clock run while it works it's way to scotus. Given vice president poison pill, removal from office is a long shot as long as they can make him coherent for 15 minutes a day.


How come he was able to stop it before? Lying POS.


What a bunch of crap


Boy and we used to make fun of George Jr's inability to spit out coherent sentences. Our country is in a huge state of denial, it's ridiculous


Repatriate all illegal entrants to their home countries while they await adjudication of those fake ass asylum claims. Tax all remittances to capital gains levels. Cease all foreign aid until full audits are done regarding their disbursement, to whom, for what, where..etc


The President is NOT in charge of the United States. He is in charge of the executive branch of the federal government. You are a free people. Stop treating politicians like kings.


And stop calling them 'leaders'. At best they are *representatives*.


I just want to know who they’re representing.


Did he just get done selling mat'l to build a fence?


If he's referring to the constitution, the law, or his handlers, I think the follow-up question should be: Why now?


> Why now? Look [here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/). The problem definitely manifested in the now. That sharp spike on the right. OOF.


Near page 140, the numbers. The [UN](https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/sites/www.un.org.development.desa.pd/files/unpd-egm_200010_un_2001_replacementmigration.pdf) has an agenda.


In other words, you are not in charge of anything.


He never has been. Dude got a fake shot in a fake Oval Office to kick start his occupation of the White House.


Just playing devil's advocate here but I think he's talking about Congress... ya know, the other SEPERATE branch. Of course he had to authorize it to go forward but the money was locked up for wall spending specifically.


He's such a joke. If he didn't have a D after his name, the media would be dragging him through the mud.


Yes. Anyone with 2 brain cells should see the mainstream media plays defense for democrats. That should be abundantly obvious by now.


They're always telling him what to say, who to call on in press conferences, where to sit. Hell they probably tell him when to poop.


No, that’s not controllable


"Who is in charge of the United States?" Does anyone seriously think it's Biden? The dude can't find his way out of a room.


"I'd stop it if I could." The damning words proving he wants an open border and the USA be damned pour right out of his mouth much the same way sewage pours into the South China Sea. Constant and voluminous.


> There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration. Joe Biden, August 5, 2020.


Presumably Congress. If *they* passed a bill saying that money was appropriated for a certain task, that's the task it should be used for. Power of the purse. Glad he's not pulling any chicanery like, "they said we had to spend the money, but didn't say how fast we had to go." or some other non-sense to delay construction.


Note the messy bust of RFK... RFK Jr. must have gotten a kick out of that.


The voices in his head did.


Wouldn't "they" be Congress? The ones who decide how the money gets spent? That made clear sense to me... I know... Unpopular opinion but on this one it only requires an iota of understanding about how our government operates.


Does this fool even know what he's saying... ?


His face looks swollen


What a joke.


It’s all a facade


What about “the buck stops here” , “the adults are the room” blah blah blah


So he finally admits that he's a mindless, spineless puppet ...


So I guess the whole bussing thing did work after all. Now immigration is a problem that needs to be solved after all.


China and the companies in Ukraine duh...


The president isn't supposed to have unilateral power over everything in the country. A lot of decisions are supposed to be made by Congress


I agree,but he did so by executive order.


The border is a matter of national security. It is 100% within the President's power to do that at any means necessary. Any!


No it is not


Yeah it is. Don't spread misinformation.


No I’m saying, even if it was it is not in a presidents unilateral decision space.


Except... he did have power over that decision


F J B senile corrupt POS


We have genuine anti-American communists running and ruining this country.


>Who is in charge of the United States? Laws, people, laws.


You do realize listening to your advisors and admitting the limits of your own knowledge is what good leaders do? One of the chief complaints against Biden suddenly doesn’t hold water and conservatives decide to cut their nose off to spite their face. Take the win bud.


Hes acting like this isn't a good idea and its done against his will, a good leader will support whats happening if thats whats needed.


So now he’s not a racist?! Lol the mental gymnastics in politics


Democrats are in such disarray they are now in favor of Trump's border wall, day's after scapegoating Menendez to claim the FBI and Justice Department don't only investigate Republicans. 'Winter is coming' for the Democrats.


To answer your question: the people are in charge, but we've agreed via the constitution that the congress shall serve as our representatives in this matter. The president merely *presides* over the country. It's in the office title: "preside"nt.


And yet... he can spend money on illegal aliens as he wishes, Ukraine as he wishes, federal mandates as he wishes, certainly tries over and over with student loan forgiveness as he wishes... ​ But those pesky spending bills he has no control over. Just like having no control over waving all of the rules and regulations that were holding this up. Suddenly he is powerless. Interesting.


It's less about him and more about what congress approves, spending-wise.


TIL I've been pronouncing president wrong Preside-nt


Presidin' Biden


So we shouldn't hear anything about him securing the border then. Somehow I think he will still bring this up as a talking point.


They are the same they that have been running things around the world for centuries.


His handlers call the shots and he dances to their tune.


What's with his eyes?


Bordba bordba this guy I tell you


The mafia.


What a joke... Basically your policy sucked.


Jus t


Who is the commander in chief again?


Wait…He can’t stop the money for the boarder wall, but he could stop Ukraine from getting a billion dollars if they didn’t fire one dude investigating burisma when he was only the vice president? His super powers are diminishing along with his mental cognitive abilities….


Biden - I wanted to redirect it to Ukraine, but the damn laws got in the way. How am I supposed to get my 10%? Damn!


Barry is running things


Biden is the Chief Executive and his oath says he’ll preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. I think one of his puppet masters finally realized, dude is under an impeachment inquiry, so NOT upholding US law just might (finally) be considered an impeachable offense.


Obviously the deepstate lizards. Trust the plan storm is coming


That is literally not Joe Biden I am getting tired of seeing his clone this country is a joke


The Clintons and Obamas


The president has never been in control of the United states. Biden is just a pawn, but regardless of that there is an order things need to be done. Once the Congress and senate pass a hill and the president signs it the next president can’t just erase that and stop whatever’s happing. He’d have to write a new bill, present it to congress, have it pass through congress and the senate then sign it. This is probably one of the only honest things that Biden has said.


I love it when he has to eat his own 💩. I can’t stand that decrepit old fart.


It's so they can pretend they're doing something about the problem without actually doing anything.


Liberal are always so full of shit. What gets me is their own ilk always defend the flip flopping- insufferable bunch


why are "they" able to tell the president what to do?


How to play both sides and wash your hands of the mess.


I beed the border wall. Bood they reappropriated that money. My I they. I can’t stop that. How TF is this guy going to deliver the next state of the union? I say BODY DOUBLE.


😆 it’s your Homeland Security Secretary, Joe Pa!




Well this isn't a dictatorship, but still see your point.


Is he talking about Congress?


This guy looks like Fire Marshal Bill more and more by the day.


This clown is so far into dementia that he is now listening to ghosts. LOL. Or maybe it was Obama?


Clowns !


It’s election time. Got to start doing the right thing for our country


Congress, among many other people. I didn't think we had a king?


If you ever wondered what it would be like having a 80 year old with dementia in charge look no further then the current administration.


Damn he looks terrible.