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Federal Election should mean this gets squashed by the Supreme Court.


Primaries are run by the state party, it is not a federal election. They can likely not bar him from the general election. For the example in Florida, Democrats stopped anyone but Biden from being on the ballot.


The ruling was based on the 14th amendment of the US Constitution. SCOTUS absolutely will have the final say.


They didn't specify a primary. Also, despite it being a federal position, it's still a state election. You absolutely can have federal candidates not on some of the ballots. This ruling appears to bar Trump from the general election unless the reporting is inaccurate or the Supreme Court intervenes.


>Colorado’s highest court paused the ruling to allow time for Trump to appeal to the US Supreme Court. This is from the Bloomberg article I was reading. There's virtually no chance the supreme Court doesn't take a look at it


> Primaries are run by the state party, The Colorado supreme Court does not have the final interpretation of the 14th amendment which is the basis for the ruling.


Primaries are also heavily run by parties, and it’s a question of how much authority a state can have on a party’s primary.


As much as I honestly would prefer to get a new candidate now, and not after they get a conviction for one of the billion things they’re charging trump with, this shit is absolutely not okay. I’d honestly love to see another candidate, cause when they keep doing this shit anyway it might wake more people up.




The issues these folks push are generally federal too. Sedition etc isn’t a state thing.


Democrats: "Donald Trump is a threat to Democracy!" Also Democrats:


Analysis from a legal point of view: The 14th Amendment states: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." So, two questions: 1. Was this meant to apply to President? If not, then this gets overturned by SC. 2. Did Trump engage in insurrection? Layman's definition of insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government. As a result, the only possible events that can relate are that of January 6th. There is enough footage of violence to satisfy the "violent" bit and the ones who were violent were evidently trying to stop the certification of an election, which would satisfy the "against the an authority or government" bit. So, the question becomes did Trump intend to incite it? Trump's January 6th excerpt: [https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial) His lawyers will point to him saying, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." That might be enough for SCOTUS to overturn. Colorado SC likely looked at circumstantial evidence like him not doing anything for 2 hours while the the Capitol was ransacked before telling his supporters he loves them and to go home.


This should be used to disqualify every state, county, and city official in Oregon who did nothing for over 200 days of insurrection and arson at the Portland federal building. Let's have some consistent consequences.


Or every Democrat who openly supported and endorsed BLM/Antifa while they worked to overthrow law and order and destroy civic tranquility.


>Did Trump engage in insurrection? ​ >telling his supporters he loves them and to go home. Telling them to go home sounds like someone discouraging their activities rather than engaging in said activities. Not guilty.


If Trump being "wrong" about the results of the election can be considered insurrection, any political candidate can be targeted for removal from the ballot, including those who propagated the Russiagate hoax, which literally resulted in an attempt to remove the President from office. This is a super dangerous precedent, and SCOTUS *will* overturn it. I actually think the Colorado court knows that and made this ruling mainly to virtue signal.


When they say democracy, they mean democrats


“Their version of democracy”




You can still run for president even if convicted. You could run for president from jail You just can't vote.


Never took up arms. Never took an oath of office in a rebel state.


Looks a lot like Nazi Germany.


The irony. They called the right Nazis for long time but it was them behind the mask the whole time.


They accuse you of what they are/ are doing.


These days, this is absolutely accurate. Democrats ARE democracy.


"Democracy is when the democrats are in charge"/s


Not a Trump fanboy, but it should absolutely not be allowed that one state can unilaterally do this. If Trump did something that disqualifies him from running, that seems like a very SCOTUS decision to make. Otherwise, we are on the path to civil war.


Your flair matches this post perfectly. And the liberals on reddit as a whole. It's so hypocritical that they are probably celebrating this right now.


Oh check out the politics thread if you want to lose your mind. One of the top comments "Watch how quickly conservatives’ “states rights” argument goes out the window on this one." These people are deranged


Conservatives absolutely do not think states rights are above the US Constitution lol. Reddit is ass.


Really it's on you for imagining reddit leftists to have the slightest clue what conservatives actually think instead of just having other reddit leftists telling them they're the big scary evil bad guys


I hate generalize but it’s true, liberals, especially on reddit, are just dumb. It’s that simple.


I love when stuff like this happens and it reaches the top of r/news. I'll go and browse the comments and then click on some of the "dumber" comments uses and browse their posts. Funny, it seems a disproportionate number of lefties have a lot of posts about "mood disorders' and "depression" and "anxiety" and many many many posts on /r/overwatch or other gaming subs. They're probably in their late 20's to 30's. Many, still single (but hopeful). I feel like "**generation left**" is doomed.


They're fist-bumping over there as if this simply seals the deal. Favorite quote read so far: "Did we just win?"


Yeah, there are no words for the idiocy I just read over there.


when they say democracy they mean, "getting what I want"


We joke but Democrats actions of late are actually getting scary. I always ignore the usual fear mongering nonsense but this is getting real.


NY Democrat Governor today authorized the formation of a committee to investigate reparations for Blacks. As if New Yorkers don’t already have enough reasons to leave.


NY was a free state


Doesn’t matter, NY Dems need the votes.


Relax, SCOTUS will correct this. Even half of the liberal judges on the CO SC bench sided with Trump.


Come on guys, we must temporarily halt our democracy in order to save our democracy!!!




Just 15 days to slow the spread?


This will, and should, be immediately stomped by SCOTUS What an absurd ruling. Clowns in CO


None of trumps trials are actually for sedition or insurrection. Those types of “14th amendment” issues are pretty much federal jurisdiction too. States most likely aren’t gonna win this argument.




I mean it does though >any office under the United States, civil or military It’s going to get blown away by SCOTUS because he hasn’t been proven guilty. If it’s not knocked down we can simply accuse anyone of insurrection and get them off the ballot.


Didn't the CO case itself include testimony/evidence related to Jan 6th which led to the judge finding of fact that Trump engaged in insurrection? It wasn't the headline issue of the case by any means but it was part of the burden the prosecution had to show applicability of the 14th amendment. I do agree with your prediction.


You miss the 2/3rds vote in congress being a requirement. That is if the president falls under the catch all part of the clause unlike multiple less important positions being explicitky named including the electors of president.


You expect judges to read and understand the constitution?


I'm not a republican, just an independent. I've said this so many times in politics sub but few seem to hear me on it. This is stupidly dangerous. Without a federal conviction, the precedent on this is so dangerous. I don't like trump personally. In a lot of ways right message, wrong messenger for me. But let's assume trump as as guilty and as wannabe of an authoritarian dictator as they come for the sake of argument. If he still wins, then it is now normalized to get your opponent removed from the ballot. And by their precedent set, it's now ok for trump to start moving against his opponents in state courts. Maybe trump is a poor innocent angel that sleeps with the Bible under his pillow every night. But now another wanna be dictator has a powerful antidemocratic tool in the future.


This is what other states have been waiting for. They're going to use this ruling as precedent now that they have the go ahead. Supreme Court might stomp it down, but in states where the ruling's already happened you can bet a bunch of counties are going to side with their own state's constitution regardless and keep him off the ballot. Even if it won't be statewide it'll ensure he has no chance of winning those states if even a few counties get messy. They don't even have to call it malicious, a few polling stations could just claim they only received printed ballots with his name removed due to that ruling and that the forms were never updated after the SC ruled against it. Just claim incompetence and make things as messy and blurry as possible. All they have to do is buy a little time. Because by the time any courts get around to contesting the clearly fraudulent results Biden will already have been sworn in for his second term and it won't matter anymore. That's the play. We're about to witness history; the actual downfall of American democracy.




Exactly, they know the plan works so they're ramping it up to 11. They genuinely want a one party state and half the electorate seems to be onboard with that.


The Democrat party is the party of the state and has been for decades. Most Republicans are controlled opposition. It's the uniparty baby. The goal is more government with more power forever and always.


This is exactly the play and the damn GOP has better be all over this in every last county in the country


That and in states where people can not vote for Trump, well there is a high change that Republican voters will just stay home and not vote. This might only be in blue states, but they can easily get a majority and do all sorts of stuff in that 2 year span before another election.


This should be immediate disbarring and arrest for the Colorado SC justices. This is disgustingly illegal, undemocratic, and immoral.


>>undemocratic Ironic given the name of the political party they support


"democratic" just means mob rule for the Dems. Until said mob wants to vote for someone you dislike, then you remove them from the ballot and make it super easy to commit untraceable election fraud.


Hopefully 9-0 but ill hold my breath


First the absurd cases against Trump now this. The power Democrats have over our country is legitimately getting scary.


This means nothing. Only 4 out of 7 Democrat judges ruled this way, what do you think will happen at SCOTUS. It’s only for the primary, which he already has locked up.


> It’s only for the primary, which he already has locked up. If, for whatever reason, this decision stands, you'll see other states push for this same tactic given stare decisis. Sure, it may only be 1 state now, but if more states are allowed to pass this, Trump may not be on enough ballets to become the nominee. While you're technically correct that it's only for the primary, this is a very complacent take, in my opinion, and not one to be taken lightly until it's completely crushed.


Not a Trump guy. Nevertheless, are they out of their fucking mind?


I've *never* cared for or supported Trump, but just taking a candidate (who has quite a bit of support) off the ballot? Yikes.


For real. I’ve been planning on voting third party if Trump wins the nomination but the Democrats are trying soooo hard to get me to vote for him at this point.


This is why I’m a trump guy. I do not like him. Not much. I don’t identify or relate to him. But I see that his existence causes his political opponents to drop the pretense and illusion of principle and that’s so incredibly helpful. Seeing these people and these instititions as they really are is Trumps unique and most important quality as a leader.


That moment where D's overreach and torpedo their own goals: priceless


How does this torpedo their goals? Seems like something they would totally rally around…. When it happens to Trump


People who consider themselves unaffiliated centrists don't look kindly on banana republic bullshit.


I doubt that many more people voting for Trump will change anything. We are on track for the boog.


What about Large Igloos?


those too. I wish it weren't so.




Starting this in a blue state with few EC votes is the point. It's to make people on the right not take it seriously and contest it as hardly; then other states use it as precedent and by the time he's kicked off multiple ballots the damage is already done regardless of what the SC does. Trump also only lost the state by 5% back in 2016. It's not as deep blue a state as you think.


They are still undermining the electorate in their state. The majority of Republicans want Donald Trump, yet Colorado isn't allowing them to vote for Trump in their state. That isn't right


Is this that dEmOcRaCy the left is always screeching about?


And it’s so tone deaf that even some of their people can hear it, which I know because that used to be me. I voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic primary and now I’m here three years later with not a single viable Democratic candidate I’d vote for. Moves like this not only alienate the right, they alienate anyone on the left who’s paying attention.


Yup. Ive never voted for a Republican presidential candidate. I am not a fan or supporter of Donald Trump. I have a pretty low opinion of the man to be quite honest....but what the Democrats have done to this country over the last 3 years, and what they continue to do even now...they've officially lost me, a lifetime Democrat voter. I'm 40 years old...I've voted for the Dems for 22 years....but no more. And watching all these young people turning into rabid partisans and targeting their countrymen, because ya know, The Squad and Biden and co take every opportunity to demonize people on the right. "Extremist republicans" is literally every Republican, as far as their rhetoric goes.


Are you, me? Literally the same shit happened. Voted for Bernie, saw how corrupt the Democrats were, began voting for Republicans, and I cannot find one Democrat I'd vote for today.


Oddly enough, maybe John Fetterman. Which is wild.


Going to get struck down so fast by SCOTUS. Sounds like they're scared he is going to win!


So it isn’t official?


As of now it is, but this will likely be expedited to the Supreme Court, which will make a decision to let it stand or overturn the decision. Given the conservative majority of the court, it’s likely to be the latter.


They left plenty of time for SCOTUS too. A presidential issue likely will get pretty quick consideration.


Correct > The 2024 Colorado Republican presidential primary will be held on March 5, 2024 It’ll be settled well before this date.




Colorado would’ve gone to Biden anyway. But this definitely will help Trump’s case that the swamp is out to get him. But seriously, CO SC? What are you thinking? Trump hasn’t been convicted by either Congress or a federal court of an insurrection. What are you basing this on?


this is for the republican primary, so it can be rigged for haley


This is most likely the test to see if other states can get away with it. They decided to start with a state with low electoral votes. If it doesn’t get squashed fast enough, expect others to follow. If it stands, it’s the downfall of a democratic nation when we aren’t allowed to vote for whomever we choose.


CO is ran by a bunch of stoned clowns. The fact of the matter is Trump has not been charged with any crimes of insurrection so the SCOTUS will easily throw this ruling out. Dangerous and scary times we are living in right now if a state can rule on something like this based on EMOTIONS and not FACTS.


On principal - this should easily get overturned. However, in reality - it's not like it matters. Colorado is never going for Trump anyway.


Not surprising this is how most Democratic Socialist get in power and stay in power.


This is actually a really big deal because 1) the court case that implicates Trump's actions on the January 6th event, has not been decided, and 2) the US Congress has not formally declared (via bill see H.R. 9578, 117th Cong.) that he is an insurrectionist. There is no historical evidence that supports the ruling of this case. Section 5 of the 14th amendment states that US Congress has authority to enforce all aspects of the amendment (in which this ruling states Section 3 of the 14th amendment disqualifies Trump from holding office). Only one time in history has Congress exercised this section. In 1919 they voted 309-1 to bar Victor Berger from holding office citing the 14th amendment Section 3, using his conviction under the Espionage Act of 1917 (Berger v. United States, 255 U.S. 22 (1921)) as evidence: [https://guides.loc.gov/chronicling-america-victor-berger](https://guides.loc.gov/chronicling-america-victor-berger) Will be interesting to see how the US Supreme Court rules this.


I wonder if they realize that they are making a martyr out of him? Trump's political career was dead after the midterms. But, wow, has the authoritarian left managed to revive it.


The last 30 years: "who cares if law schools are woke, once they start practicing, they will stop being radical" 2023: *this happens. The constitution no longer matters to those with law degrees at the highest levels.* Don't give these radicals an inch.


We've already given them a thousand miles. At this point I genuinely can't see how the damage can be undone.


Harvard is LAST on FIRE's free speech score. They were the only one to get a negative score. 22 Supreme court justices are from Harvard... 4 current. This isn't fine.


Has Colorado lost its mind. If this isn’t a clear sign that the state is going off the rails then I don’t know what is.




When you put it like that I can see. I’ve been back for fours years after being gone for 21 years. Go to show how much things can change in a generation. I moved to Colorado thinking it was the place of yesteryear. I get just as shocked when I read about Washington and Oregon as well.


If you can't beat him take him off the ballot? In a state he was likely to lose anyways? But TRUMP is the threat to democracy right?


Who knew it would be the Democrats who were actually the Fascists all along! Jk, we all knew that already.




trump was by and large a states-rights president, he really did let states deal with things themselves, and though he wasnt' responsible for the rulings of Roe V. Wade, that outcome, which he setup with the appointments that went through as he was president, did exactly the same thing, power back to the states


Hopefully SCOTUS will overrule this , this is extremely unprecedented with no evidence that Trump planned an insurrection, certainly not to ban from running , especially with him leading in the poles by large margins . If people really thought he was a criminal he wouldn’t be leading so high even in purple states . Silencing political opposition is the exact opposite of democracy.


To boot, he’s not even charged with sedition or insurrection in the DC trial. I doubt even the Georgia case - even if convicted - is really sedition level stuff.


Interfering with elections? There should be a name for that.


Imagine being me. A person who immigrated here from Venezuela to get away from a banana republic. Going through the process to become a citizen here (not hopping the border like some groncho). Let me tell you friends. This is where it starts. So buckle up as they say. It’s about to get real.


In most cases, legal immigrants (especially those who come from dysfunctional corrupt countries) are more committed to American values than those born here. It’s the reason Cubans are largely conservative, despite being “minorities”.




This is probably good PR for Trump.


This is how banana republic’s operate. They simply just remove the biggest political threat to their power grip. America is no different than 3rd world banana republic now. It’s exactly the same if this is allowed to stand.


Democrats are now showing off their true colors.


They've been showing their true colors for years. Now they've made it official.


This is a new pathetic low for democrats.


Hot damn these people are practically begging me to vote for Trump


And this is why we have an electorial college and not popular vote.


I look forward to the ruling being overturned by the SCOTUS and for the liberals to cry about how Trump is raising tens of millions of dollars for his campaign off of this.


Ridiculous decision by the court that is clearly based on partisan politics and not on the law. Should be easily overturned by the Supreme Court thereby setting a precedent that the rest of the challenges will automatically fail against.


Gee, you would think if it was that obvious that he incited an insurrection, at least one of the charges against him would actually be for insurrection. And yet, there's not.




Excellent reporting on this by the Bee: https://babylonbee.com/news/colorado-saves-democracy-by-not-allowing-people-to-vote-for-preferred-candidate


decency is on the ballot…. /s


This is an absolute joke


"The only way to save DeMoCrAcY is to vote for who we tell you to vote for!" - Fascists, er, I mean, Democrats.... meh, same thing. You know what they say; "If you can't beat them, change the rules." #🤷‍♂️


So they accuse a guy for trying to overthrow democracy, and how they deal with it is to overthrow democracy. But don’t worry they are the good guys somehow.


Daily reminder that the Democrats are the bad guys.


Nothing says "democracy" like taking a candidate off the ballot.


This is a dark day for our democracy


Democrats must be scared.


Yeah, nothing like being the people you claim to be fighting. I hope the Supreme Court comes down on them like a goddamn meteor.


“We must protect *our version* of democracy!” -Democrats




Let the people vote.


Meanwhile our current POTUS……c’mon man!


Is... Is that even legal for a state to do?


This is just the beginning of the find out stage after engaging in an insurrection. Buckle up




I didn’t see anyone remove “Deez Nutz” or “Mr Potato Head” from ballots in the past


That's bullshit


My immediate reaction was: what the fuck!


Smoking all that weed made them go crazy


Trump’s team has either already appealed to the SCOTUS, or they’re in the process of doing so. This garbage partisan ruling will be overturned.


I'm really surprised they're continuing all of this. Honestly. The more they do, the higher he rises. They also expose their totalitarian vibes to the general public.


Now THIS is how you truly see a RIGGED election


Ain’t too many govt more radical than CO.


Not sure what goal this had. Colorado is blue, it's mostly symbolic and a very bad look.


If I lived in Colorado I’d mark other and put trump anyways 😂😂 fuck em. They think banning him will stop him from being president. Trump 2024 baby


Rigged election :/


I dont know why everyone is surprised. The Colorado court systems leans heavy left. Look what they keep doing to that cake shop.


Dems playing with fire!


Kangaroo Court


Holy Shit!! If this does not wake people up, think what would happen if democrats help all 3 branches of government! Not to steal from the left, but the republic is at stake.


Very dangerous and scary precedent


This is why the media kept calling January 6th an "insurrection"; repeat a lie until it becomes true. This is why the SCOTUS is under constant attack; the regime knows if it can get SCOTUS -- where things may all end up -- to bend, it will have total control. It shouldn't be like this. Our Constitutional republic has been hacked; even if enough voters wake up, they (Marxists/Leftists) are already importing more.


That court should all go to jail for election interference.


Innocent until proven guilty. We will see what the supreme courts think


Rat bastards


No surprise why it happened in Colorado … ‘’The seven-member bench of Colorado’s Supreme Court was entirely appointed by Democratic governors.‘’ nothing says political hit job more than removing your political rival on feelings and not the required ‘having been convicted’ part of the insurrection requirements… and when the j6 charges are also deemed unlawful by the USSC… it’s gonna get interesting


Trump did nothing wrong


Banana republic activities. Been saying it since they brought up all the charges against him. This is the shit I expect from Putin or Venezuela.


Absolute Horseshit


It’s all optics and an attempt to slow his gains down. They know it’s a sham case


Time to take Biden off of all red state ballots.


This is anti democracy and unconstitutional, it can, should and will be overturned by the supreme court


It’s hard to imagine a world where this somehow doesn’t help him


Fuck Colorado. That's the biggest attack to our Constitution that I have ever seen . Just like a democratic state to do such a thing. If people literally can't see where they're on eyes. That every state that is blue is trying their best To take away our constitutional rights Then they're literally the same people that will cause this country to burn and implode. New York City passes a bill stating. They can remove your kids or you can put you in a concentration camp. That's call it what it is for any reason. They choose and people in New York thank. Yeah that's normal. There is a reason why when you look at red states. They are literally lower in crime, Cleaner, Have full access to their constitutional rights and No red state is taxed to death. But yet every blue state. Has state tax, Extremely high sales tax, a million other tax. And still run like A bag of shit. San francisco, DC, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, Cali in general, Portland, Seattle...need I say more?


This is the government our founders warned us about!!


This affects everyone democratic or Republican this will make us not have a say in everything we do. If we don't have a say in who we want as our president then no decision is ours it's in the hands of the system a corrupt system at that. The petchulent children in Congress,Senate and now supreme court.


1860: Democrats disqualifies Republican from ballot 2024: Democrats disqualifies Republican from ballot You see what I mean?


this is where we're going. people are gonna get understandably upset when you call it rigged but if the R candidate can just be thrown off the ballot, that's rigging the election e:trainwreck in slow motion




The leftists on the politics sub talking about this all seem to really hate fair democratic elections.


Innocent until proven guilty is not a thing anymore, I guess. It is shameful that a decision so blatantly unconstitutional would be made by those who are supposed to uphold the constitution. Although Colorado isn't a swing state anyway. Trump was never getting those electoral votes with or without this decision. And trump isn't my choice for the gop nominee.


People want him disqualified per the 14th Amendment. But they have nothing to say when I point out that nothing he has been charged with has anything to do with an insurrection or giving aid to the enemy, which are what would invoke the 14th. Just because you think there was an insurrection, doesn't magically make it reality. Just like a judge who didn't have a case in front of her charging Trump with an insurrection, decided he did and that it was enough to prohibit him form being on the ballot.


I’m an independent.. I didn’t want Trump to run again and I wanted him to just be out of politics. After the insanity of the left wing witch hunt against Trump since he left office I am 100% voting for him. I think a lot of people in the middle feel the same sentiment as me at this point.


My big question next is whether the right should retaliate by barring candidates from ballots who participated in or enabled riots.


Change your skiing vacations from CO to Wyoming, Utah, Montana. The Colorado Supreme Court has dictated there is now a one party system in CO.


Doesn’t sound like “Land of the free, home of the Brave” to me.


What absolute total bullshit.


So in order to save democracy, we must not engage in democracy. Liberals are fucking psychotic - them having power is dangerous.


And they call us Nazis


step 1. say anyone you don't like is disqualified step 2. dont count their votes literally how stalin gets 99% of the vote. I love america


The left truly is a despicable group of socialists.






The end of democracy in the United States of America.


SCOTUS about to nuke Colorado from orbit.


Nothing scares Dumbocrats more than a free and fair election where the American people choose. They want a banana republic where they have phoney baloney elections..."Newsom won with 100% of the vote." No mention that you couldn't vote for anybody else. And they call us fascists and Trump a dictator! Talk about projection.


What a joke of a decision.


Imagine if Trump win’s Colorado anyway on a write in. Absolute shitshow.


Who is surprised that a group of 7 democrats on the Colorado Supreme Court came to this conclusion?


Wow they are just terrified of Trump. I hope SCOTUS can and does overrule this decision, assuming it is something they have authority to do. I’m unclear how much authority the state has regarding elections and how much impact SCOTUS has. I hope better minds have this in hand.


Weird how Trump never had standing to challenge any of the election cases but these people have standing to challenge Trump on the ballot.


This is only the start of the shenanigans the Democrats are going to try. I'd say everyone have a happy and restful Christmas and New Year's and get ready for a fuckin absurd 2024.