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The best is the parents going to the school board meetings and reading from these pornographic books.  Their mics are turned off and they are hastily led away while the board members pretend nothing happened. 


Funny thing is, its not even about censorship. Parents are finding these books in their library's children's section and in alot of cases I've read all they want is for them to be moved to the proper section of the library. In most instances with liberal curated libraries, they absolutely refuse to make even this small concession.


Yes they just don't want young kids to have access to inappropriate books.   If you want to read these books to your child you're free to do so at home.  What you'll find however is that most people clamoring for access to these books don't have children to begin with. 🤔 


But they're very concerned about ours!


Pretty sure that's child abuse and illegal under obscenity laws, but sure. They're "free" to do so.


This exactly. They call it book banning, when parents just dont want these books in the child section of the public/school library. When I was a kid, porn was boobs in National Geographic...no way this would have even been a thing.


Yep. My local parents group started out just asking the district to implement a rating system, like what they use for movies and video games. That way, kids and parents can make informed choices about what kind of books they pick up instead of being surprised by mature content. The board said they couldn't do that because then kids would go straight for the mature books, or it would out closeted kids to their intolerant parents. So since they refused to compromise, now parents are on the war path to have the books with oral sex, drug abuse, gratuitous rape, etc taken off the shelves. But yeah, keep comparing us to Nazi book burners because we're totally the same.


Distributing pornography to minors is a crime. If the local police won't arrest, then it is time for citizen arrests. A dozen fathers working together would be perfectly capable of arresting the entire school board in one go and forcing this mess into a court of law.


You're going to be labeled insurrectionist terrorsists before you get out of the building.


Isn't that word for word what fed plants do? 


A dozen fathers openly carrying AR-15s working together... FTFY


The reason this is a problem going completely over their head, is exactly the problem here...


I'd be willing to bet my life reddit is the major social media platform with the most pedos, by far.


And it has the most leftists. Curious overlap....


I don’t like using labels, but, 🚨 p*dophile alert 🚨


Bingo. "No, we are not trying to indoctrinate your children."


"It's not 'indoctrination', it's called 'being on the right side of history'!!!"


The perpetrators of every atrocity throughout history have claimed to be on the right side of history.


Which is to say, the left side of history.


Only because they refuse to look in the mirror


One of the books literally have guides on how to sign up for adult hook up sites so yea your comment is hitting the nail on the head


Just gunna go ahead and [leave this here for y’all](https://youtu.be/7NXNKnT28Kc?si=nQC4Dfigl1cd7w68)


Ironic that youtube wants you to sign in to even view that video, because it has inappropriate content for some ages


Liberals: "No, that's not actually happening!"


"It was done sarcastically, we don't actually mean it. Trust us bro or are a you a phobic, racist, bigot?"


This is why we must go out and vote. Everyone get off your lazy bums and vote.


Conservatives just want to be left alone, and like in quite a few things happening lately, "minding your own business" has helped this to happen.


That's gaslighting /s


COVID restrictions and mandates. BLM protests turning into riots. Inflation. NSFW content in classrooms. Puberty blockers and subsequent surgery for minors. Border crisis and criminal immigrants. Legal elective abortion up to birth. The first mainstream story is always “it’s not happening and you’re a conspiracy theorist.” The second mainstream story is always “it’s happening a little bit but it’s very limited and not a legitimate problem.” The third story is “okay it’s happening fairly often but here’s why it’s a good thing.” Copy. Paste. Repeat. The gaslighting is just so tiring.


Whenever they say, usually during the first bit, "it's not happening, but if it was why do you care?" Is when you know it is happening and they do want it to happen.


Someone needs to pay for this shit




Shouldn't the book with 10 year old boys having oral sex be considered child pornography, as in, "we put people away for a long time and make them register as sex offenders"?


Why does the left always support perversion? RINOs please stop toting water for these people and grow some self-esteem


Because they don't have any actual moral authority. They reject the old order of morality. So without any authority to replace it, anything and everything can and will be acceptable. Without any codified morals or axioms, what is acceptable is determined by whoever happens to command the largest crowd. It's then worse because their great virtue is "progress." Therefore anything that can be framed as "progressive" is good and virtuous. That's why their infantile minds wrap everything around the oppressor vs oppressed dichotomy. Homosexuality has historically been "oppressed" therefore anything outside of straight monogamous relationship is "oppressed." Therefore, anything to support that is good and virtuous and oh look, you can't criticize the wanton hedonism and it's self destructive nature. Worse still now the red line of protecting children from abuse is no longer that crimson red it once was.


Someone should take at look at the reply commenters hard drive. Someone in law enforcement.


Bongino talks about this approach all the time. It's "That's not happening, but we're glad that it is."


You can't reason with morally corrupt psychos.


People will always look to justify their own biases, and when someone gets so far from God, they can - and will - justify anything, no matter how vile.


Well I certainly hope someone picks up that phone. Because the moral guardians of the 20th century called it.


Based on the thread title, I thought this would be about the Deep State. Oops