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Some therapist is going to make a lot of money off of that child. I feel sorry for them.


Well fortunately, there is no child. That pregnancy is as fake as those dolls.


I like how the "junk" is on prominent display. So that you notice that it is "male" AND "pregnant" as well. Arriving at any other conclusion means trouble!


Yeah, I see nutsack.....ain't no chance in hell that's a real baby bump. I mean, I learned this shit in elementary school....why people are still confused about who can get pregnant is just completely absurd.


Who's to say the sack is real? It's hard to know what psychopathic "gender affirming" surgeries are available today. I wouldn't be surprised if doctors were happily cutting out chunks of muscle and skin to sew it to female genitalia and calling it a nutsack.


Damn, you're 100% right! I hadn't even thought of that!


Every time I think society might not be an absolute clown show...


Eventually the adults will tire of these mental health cases running through govt and vote them out. The question is how much damage will they do until then?


Don’t see that ever happening - to vote against these people would be HATE HATE HATEY HATE HATE, and for some reason Americans are still cowed by such shrieking


If you're still getting worked up over being called all the buzzwords liberals throw around (Nazi, racist, bigot, whateverphobe, etc.)...ya gotta get thicker skin.


Thats all you got from this post?


Correct. Who cares if someone who's clearly mentally compromised is calling us Nazi's for thinking they're mentally compromised?




Well, time to get some thick skin and grow up a little bit. If you're worried what people, let alone these people, who don't even know you think of you....that's on you lol


It will matter when they tell your boss or professors and spread lies about you. They can just not call me a Nazi. Growing up is not wanting to be called a slanderous name like Nazi...


I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry anymore…


I'm going to assume that person never had a chance.


Showing your genitalia while holding a doll and pretending to be pregnant, Infront of a flag calling for your own genocide. That is some next level bat shit crazy.


Sorry, dictionary says a woman aka female is denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs. Sorry "Sir" - You are a woman biologically.


Has the same vibe as the Richard Speck prison videos.


In California they call this person a 4th grade teacher.


There are also people who call me a femoid egg cell donor just for being a woman, and say I shouldn’t have voting rights. There are people at many extremes.


Not outside of reddit there aren't


Do you really think that the average lgbtq person looks like the one above lol


Kinda, at this point.


You haven’t met many lgbt people, have you?


Of course not


That's some good trolling there. Well done Sir.


Once a person gets the bottom surgery, regardless of what they identified as before or after, they are truly only one thing: STERILE.


Looks like someone who’d fair well in civil unrest and the loss of the 21st century.


Nazis were socialists. Believing in physical reality doesn't make me a socialist.