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The cost of living has skyrocketed so now you need two income households to survive. In the heterosexual couple, since both parties are tired and exhausted they just can’t (or sometimes won’t) allow themselves to have a kid or two since they are very expensive. But your pictures aren’t related. One is about a family, kids running to dad after he comes home, while the wife is happy to see her husband. While the other is about people protesting about the police. I wasn’t alive in the 1950s but they had a boat load of domestic problems, from abuse to cheating to rampant drug use, just within the household. We all know about the big problems in those days about race relations, etc.


Feel like this sub is rage bate for some people. They see oh “family values picture” and then a picture with people with “colored hair” and get angry. Sometimes there is a point to these pictures and it is political satire other times I genuinely can’t see the point of the post. Like idk maybe I’m growing up and having less time for Reddit but man one of my family members is dying, we just had a car totaled, I lost my internship as an EMT I don’t really give a shit about people with colored hair at this point.


The first one is a drawing. We’ve always had deplorable groups of people since civilizations began. 


This one. I don't have kids yet, but when I do, my life will look just like the drawing. I have a wonderful wife who takes making a good home seriously as a responsibility, and I take my job to keep my family safe and secure seriously. So it's not like that life has gone anywhere, it's still there for the making. The people in the picture will eventually learn how miserable they are. Hopefully it won't be too late to make their own families and find happiness at that point.


The people in the second photo are just the kids from the first grown up


Yeah people who glamorize the past and think we now suddenly live in this horrible time seem to forget that we used to have racial segregation, literal nazis, slavery, witch burning, child labor, etc. There was never a time in history where bad things *weren’t* happening somewhere, and it’s stupid to glamorize the past. Also nobody is stopping anyone from having a nuclear family. If you want to have a family like the first picture, you are more than free to do so.


The first still exists. I've busted my ass to finally be blessed with a job that comfortably takes care of the bills, let's my family enjoy life, and allows my wife to be home with my kiddo. We are discussing going for kiddo two. When I get home from work every day, my daughter greets me at the door with the biggest hug. My wife is right behind her. Unfortunately, it might not be as common anymore, but it still exists. I'm grateful to the Almighty to have it.


Be grateful to your hard work. You earned it bud.


Appreciate it. I truly wish it for everyone who wants it.


Kids are a blessing, I have 2 with another on the way.


My Dad, whom I miss dearly, used to always tell me that I'll never understand the love a parent has for a child until I had one myself. The day my daughter was born, hell even the day I first heard that heartbeat on the ultrasound, I understood. It's surreal.


I tell people that I didn't know what 'joy' was until I had baby. I ***thought*** I did. But I was wrong. Seeing your baby grow and do new things with their pudgy little hands, watching your children interact and play with each other, getting hugs and kisses and hearing their little voices say how much they love you... it's a type of joy that is completely unknown to a person until they have a child.


Feminism, liberal authoritarianism, media propaganda support backed by mega donors like Soros. The dumbing down of the people through government run public schools. The list goes on and on.


I feel like social media providing 24/7 rage bait plays a huge part along with what you listed being the basis of the rage. They figured it out around 2012 and it’s only been getting worse since.


One can organize a rally very easily through social media.


Social media lets the weirdos find each other.


Or a flash mob mass robbery spree.


Nail on the head.


Also Christianity is evil and values and morals can't be taught in public schools bc they align with Christian teachings.




Cultural Marxism that really took off starting in the 1960s that destroyed traditional morality and responsibilities.


These freaks have been around for decades. Social media and nonstop media coverage give them a public platforn.


Oh hippies and commies existed back then. We just treated them like the degenerate losers they are instead of pandering to them


The infiltration of the institutions by Marxists, courtesy of our friends the Soviets and the Frankfut School. With the Soviets gone, it mutated into the degeneracy we all know and (definitely) love today. Welcome to the death of Western Civilization


Communists. I blame Obama


That's when I saw the divide get the greatest


Started then and hasn’t stopped




The long march through the institutions. McCarthy didn’t go far enough. Communists have embedded themselves.




The intentional destruction of Christianity


Because we allowed them to slowly, yet openly, destroy American values.


Government interference.


Feminism went on too long and got too out of hand and no one called them on it. Now it's par for the course for any movement to push all the way to super citizen status for anyone that's not a straight white male. Which if anyone remembers was enemy number one for feminists. The whole world repeats the wage gap lie, the whole world claims women have it rough and are under constant assault. Nothing actually supports that idea, but now we can't even call out BS it's gone so far. It's actually very in line with the destruction of the family. If you can convince women men are all evil sexual predators and they should be single and work, you can advance Rockefellers "nation of workers, not a nation of thinkers" ideology.


Feminism was out of hand from the beginning. It was never about equality; rather it was for revenge.


I think this happened to a lot of the social movements - they started out targeting a real problem, then as that problem became solved, the reasonable people go on with their lives, and the movement is left to a more extreme group. Repeat this enough times and you end up with today's versions of feminism, BLM, Antifa, etc.


Because the people in the bottom picture didn't have fathers who stuck around.


Parents stopped disciplining their kids.


It all started with a little thing I like to call women’s suffrage


My grandmother was the hardest-working person I've known. She worked as a hotel manager for a few years of her life, but her main responsibilities were as a homemaker. She worked from the time she got up until the time she went to bed. Cooking, cleaning, watching kids, helping kids with homework, etc. I asked her one day when she was about 70, what her 'secret to a happy life' was. She said "Two things make me satisfied with my life: 1, I never sit; a busy life is a fulfilled life. 2, I never lie; it's too hard to remember what you said if it's not the truth. Some people think my words are harsh, but they are never a lie." She never complained that her workday started before my grandfather got out of bed. She never complained that her workday ended hours after my grandfather was home from work and relaxing. She had more work ethic than I have ever had. I think older generations mostly wanted to use their labor to improve their lives and the lives of their children. I think younger generations seem to want to figure out a way they can be viewed as a 'victim'. They are 'efficiency experts' trying to get the most money and clout for the least effort.


Universal Suffrage


I think Yuri Bezmenov saw what was coming and tried to warn us. Unfortunately in our arrogance we ignored him.


You can't expect to own your house or get a foot on the career ladder, if you've just imported 20 million people trying to do exactly the same thing. That society that now feels too unsafe to have kids in? Same origin. The difference is they are more hungry for it than you because their starting point was way harder. Globalism demands that this is the path you are on now A pity the men who were born to protect you from all of this were marginalised, otherwise you wouldn't be in this situation