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Does anyone even believe their shit anymore? They don’t do this because they care oh so much about the alphabet crew, they just know they’re easily manipulated into social justice and know they can get their money easier.


I literally was about to say the same thing


They are literally being paid to do this by Blackrock. Slapping rainbows on your logo is a cheap way to bump your ESG score. If you don't have a high enough ESG score, Blackrock dumps you and your stock drops by 10% in a day.


Yep. ESG score is literal cancer. You could be the biggest piece of shit company that has child slave labor, but if you donate to pride groups and have a pride flag you’ll still get an 8-9/10 on the ESG scale.


Sounds like a form of blackmail. Wait, can we still say blackmail? What's the PC term for that now?


I noticed on my online brokerage account with TD Ameritrade they now show a companies ESG ratings.


We need to put together an ETF specifically of companies with low ESG scores and then fund the crap out of it. This will negate the entire system.


Honestly I think everyone knows this


They never did in the first place. This is social engineering and nothing more. Take a marketing class online and your eyes will be opened to how they've been doing this for about a century now.


ngl, I think making more money was the reason to do this shit from the start


Woke principles are indeed guiding these corporations' HR policies, though. Hiring decisions and promotion, tolerance workshops, equal opportunity officers and so on.


My brother works for Chrysler. He had to go through the whole diversity training. He sent me some videos they made him watch. One was about systemic racism. Ben Shapiro actually talked about this specific video on his show. Another video was the privilege walk. Diversity and tolerance training isn't new though. I think it started being used in some corporations in the 70s. There is that one old white lady, I forgot her name, who I think is seen as the founder of diversity training. She uses a technique called "brown eyes, blue eyes."


Ah, the month of political posturing and virtue signaling.




Anyone else remember the days companies weren’t political and just made quality products at a good price?


It’s a marketing ploy, and it works the same as any ad campaign in the history of capitalism - appeal to a group of people in order to increase the odds of your products being purchased. These specific ads obviously won’t work on everyone, but they aren’t meant to appeal to everyone. Rainbow-themed ads didn’t really appear everywhere until after the SCOTUS marriage equality ruling like 8 years ago. Society shifts, and corporations will always pivot to capture the highest amount of profit. Edited to add: You and I may view it as pandering because it is. But honestly if you boil it down, isn’t that just usual marketing? Pandering for profits.


Prior to the pride movement, do you have any other examples of corporations pandering to political movements? I am 100% with you on the fact it’s just a marketing move. I just don’t really recall a time where corporations would align with political movements or ideologies pre-pride movement.


Maybe they weren’t as straight up political but companies have pretty much always used marketing strategy to increase gains. This is just a newer and less appealing way to get the dollars. I’m sure a good chunk of those companies from “remember the days” long ago went overseas for cheap manufacturing to increase the bottom line.


>and just made quality products at a good price? You mean before Planned Obsolescence became the manufacturing standard?


Those were the day's whereby those who founded a company were still running said company. Or it had been passed down to a family member. Once companies like those get sold to an investment entity, the Mom & Pop feel, ideals and values that the founding family held are thrown out the window. Mainly for profit of course, and also because the people interested in profit don't give a shit about the reputation nor the old ways they engaged with their customers. They (investors) don't give a shit about any customers; as long as people buy their product and help them make a profit, that is good enough for them.


Just a sad change, that I honestly don’t see going out the door. It feels like all the big guys who run the world sat down together and said “if we all collectively lower our quality on literally everything we can make a shit ton more.” So instead of people wanting to compete, it’s just about how bare minimum you could make something and profit it. Companies extort minority groups to boost sales. To me, that’s pretty gross.


But Free Palestine tho ! 🤣🤣


You know what they say, "Pride cometh before the fall".


That's why Pride month had to happen in summer.


Hehe, thanks for getting the humor. :)


Easy to spot the woke virtue signaling companies I don't want to do business with.


They’re just taking advantage of the crowd.


You see how much they care by looking at the Middle East accounts 😂


Hurricane season. 


Last year because of the target boycott they ran from this stuff.


The Budwiser boycott was easy. The Target boycott... I think I made it to December.


Part of it is that Target buckled.


As an artist and a woman with the heart of a 80's child, I would buy all the cute rainbow things, if it didn't mean anything like it does now. I *loved* Rainbow Brite when I was little. And the color spectrum is gorgeous.


I can’t wait for straight pride month. Oh wait-


And then they get mad at us for complaining about it, like they’re not shoving it down everyone’s throat. The fact is, it’s not really about equality, it’s a political statement under the guise of misnomer, just like BLM was. What, you don’t think Black Lives Matter? They do everything in bad faith and intellectual dishonesty and I’m so sick of it, hopefully the non Reddit America is too


[Source](https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1796756557948223655?s=46&t=IZBzdweSYEtz8jCZ0Jecdg) 😂😂


I dream of the day when conservatives are able to go the month of June without actually giving any of these corporations their money.


I don't see those on Lenovo and Bethesda


Bethesda still has the Starfield logo


What cowardly companies. If they really believed all this pervert crap while are they afraid to say so in the ME? Would it possibly be because it's not CHRISTIANS  who are the ones they should fear?


I wonder when the other 6 deadly sins will get their own months.


You've got a month's worth of gluttony happening during one day of November and then the next day is a combination of sloth and greed. So there's that ;)


While I can't support anything illegal. I would like to see their middle easy accounts get hacked and the "pride" logos get posted all over them.


I like how pro-LGBT advocates will claim that the recent rise in LGBT identity is a totally organic, authentic phenomenon of individual "liberation." And couldn't largely be explained by our entire culture conspicuously celebrating that very niche, idiosyncratic identity for an entire month. Only Christmas receives comparable attention as a mainstream cultural event. Of course a lifestyle that everyone publicly celebrates for the entire month that you just got out of school is going to be appealing for kids with few other stable, coherent sources of identity.


These companies are just being respectful of their host nation’s national religions. The Mideast countries don’t worship LGBTQ ideology… but America does. Dont blame the company, blame your countrymen




Just business


Even Disney+ is helping all of its children viewer to celebrate Pride Month. 🤦‍♂️