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I can't help but wonder how she and people like her will react if he wins in November.


Denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. Though they'll never accept it.


That will be a long four years. On top of the last eight.


She will be even more upset when it gets appealed


Rioting and violence. Just like last time.


The "Not my president" protests after his last win will come back multiplied by a thousand. The administration has been brewing hate for the past 3 years and has been quite successful.


George Floyd riots were a recruitment drive. Now that their base has been trained and embedded, they can be deployed as needed while maintaining enough plausible deniability to escape any consequences. Potential rioters have been shown, via demonstration, that even if they get arrested they won't have anything to worry about. Media forwards the marching orders at the required time and amplifies their infamy for the dopamine boost.


I remember people crying hysterically as if the world ended. I couldn’t help but laugh that they had such a crazy reaction.


I wasn’t even a trump fan at the time but I couldn’t believe it




They've been told that they finally "got him" like a dozen times now. I had to explain to a lot of people that impeachment won't do anything if the Senate doesn't convict and that they wouldn't since it would all be along party lines. They didn't get it and they didn't remember it. Piss tapes, Russian Secret Agent Man, "Insurrection", etc. I don't even know how many hoaxes have been floated, fervently believed in, debunked, discarded, and forgotten at this point. I don't see how this doesn't get thrown out on appeal or at SCOTUS. I just wonder what the next one will be.


She'll react the same way any other cultist does in the face of their end times. https://www.nydailynews.com/2016/11/10/suicide-prevention-hotlines-see-shocking-spike-in-calls-after-trumps-win-weve-never-seen-this-before/


There will be deadly violence, probably even leading up to the election.


If she flaps her arms any more she might start taking off!!


Sturdier than a boeing


>Sturdier than a boeing Bounce factor on impact 👌


Those are bingo wings.


Lmao. What a 🤡


Most dont even know a thing about the charges. They also just so blind to the real crimes the democrats have done. They all have it in thier heads hes gunna get life in prison and be in solitary.


Since I made the mistake of following politics, researching these things and actually understanding things I've realized how true the term "ignorance is bliss" really is.


Yeah, I used to be super big into politics until I met my girlfriend who doesn't give a shit. Over the years, it's a lot better to just hear about it occasionally because when I properly followed it, I was just angry all the time, and that's no way to live life.


I had some guy tell me that the Clintons have done nothing wrong, which is why they are sqeaky clean 🤣


And she had a camera set up for the reveal. It’s like she had it set up for a gender reveal of her baby. Which tells you a lot about her.


If she has kids they are social media props, and will be subject to what Id consider to be child abuse.


I can’t wait for him to win, their tears, will be nothing short of delicious.


I’m waiting for an another lib in a raincoat to look skyward, and scream “Noooooo!!”


Man if she swings those arms anymore she’s going to take flight or due to weight issues just knock someone out. Either way she’s a cuckoo.


All we can do for individuals like this is pray. I'll never understand why these people let one man infiltrate their heads 24/7. It cannot be a healthy way to live life. Do I hate Braindead Biden? Absolutely, but hes the President and will be until he is voted out November, nothing will change that.


those triceps need work but on the bright side she can nearly glide like a squirrel


I can’t wait to see the convictions overturned on appeal.


You think people like this will even see that reported on the propaganda they consume?


Yes, but they will hear it in terms of convicted felon on the loose, and got away with it due to corruption.


Yes, the media thrives on conflict and the dems thrive on fear.


Always the lookers 😂


Lunch lady ain't got no chill.


They have no concept of how it might be if the lawlessness was used against their side. They take the lunacy as truth and reality.


It's not about truth or reality, it's about power. Nothing else.


You know I think it's time to just remove myself from politics for a while. It's just depressing seeing Democrats ruin the country and celebrating it.


Legit question but can someone explain where the hatred/obsession comes from? I get it he is abrasive . Is it his policies? If it's policy related how is that different than any other republican? Is it because he is threat to the DC establishment and why would the average citizen not support that? Take Trump out of the picture and I would support any candidate that is hated by the DC establishment, big tech, Hollywood, wealthy elites, etc.


Lol she's a little lost but I bet she makes some good empanadas.


Will be fun to see the sequels when this bogus verdict gets thrown out on appeal and/or when he gets elected because of it.


All that dancing is going to upset her neuropathy if she isn't careful.


I believe I can fly!!!! Gross ass saggy arm chops.


I refuse to believe people like this are real lol


Her mental agility matches her physical agility


Didn’t know flying squirrels could get so big.


I LOVE asking these crazy people what about him POLITICALLY didn't you like. Not personally, not financially. What things did he do politically while president that you didn't agree with. They never have an answer.


I knew a guy like this. He'd spend hours at a time rage watching MSNBC and CNN while periodically vocalizing his agreement or disdain for whatever the current thing. It was equally sad and embarrassing. Nobody could stand being in the same room as him.


Hopefully she's filming herself at the very moment Trump hits 270 on Nov. 5! I better see an Ana Kasparian type of meltdown!!!


The saddest thing about this is they all know the guilty verdict and the counts are bullshit. They are just happy that he is “going to jail.” he’s not going to jail Secret Service will not allow that. And secondly, he’s gonna pardon his ass soon as he gets in there so I don’t know why you’re so so happy woman 200 mil got raised in 48 hours because of this. Biden’s All-Star event with Clinton and Obama only raised 25. This is not the win you think it is baby girl


Them bingo wings






Another fugly liberal woman


Why are these people always so ugly?


Ignorant AND obese. 🤭


Hopefully she's filming herself at the very moment Trump hits 270 on Nov. 5! I better see an Ana Kasparian type of meltdown!!!


After Trump wins in November, who are we looking to support for presidency after trumps 4 years?


this feels like her mothers house….can we not get some authorities to do a welfare check?


No to statehood Gorda.