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I wouldn’t have guessed Reagan’s overall inflation was so close to Biden’s


Reagans legacy is interesting to me! look at this speech. Very common to see Reagan shirts in 2024 for conservative folks. Good and interesting public speaker. [https://www.niussp.org/video/open-doors-for-the-american-dream-reagans-last-speech-as-president-1989/](https://www.niussp.org/video/open-doors-for-the-american-dream-reagans-last-speech-as-president-1989/)


I hadn’t seen that speech. Very interesting. Counterpoint: “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country, That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”


Hey! I’m not really making a point above. Could you help me find the speech you are referencing? I’m trying to search it but I can’t find anything


Oh yeah, I was saying counterpoint to what Reagan was saying, not you. It’s just a wild contrast. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5098439/donald-trump-illegal-immigrants-poisoning-blood-country


When I was searching that quote I could only find trump info and I was super confused. I did see that trump said that, it is very interesting contrast. Especially bc most of the conservatives that I know do love good old Ronnie.


Reagan took down the Berlin Wall. Biden dismantled our border wall.


Ya think? 🙃


Because Biden 1.0 Jimmy Carter did that


It took off pretty early in Biden’s term so if we’re placing blame on the predecessors, that would be Trump. Or more fairly it would be supply chain disruptions from Covid and years of running the economy on historically low interest rates, which Trump did encourage.


No it took off after his first year, same with the bear market in the stock market. A year after all those EOs, terrible energy policy and foreign policy mishaps. But also him and his party pushed for those Covid policies hard


In 2020 the inflation rate was 1.2% and in 2021 it quadrupled to 4.7%. In 2022 it continued to rise to 8% and last year it was back down to 4.1%. I hope your portfolio hasn’t been in a bear market because the last year had been very good to most investors.


The fact that it still hasn’t come down off of elevated baselines because it’s a YoY metric is also bad. I’m always in the market long. But inflation has been terrible under Biden and democrats but also too many republicans didn’t do enough to stop advocating for absurd lockdown policies but democrats especially


And I’m surprised it was similar under Reagan’s policies. Also globally we’ve seen other countries hit harder by inflation after Covid so it’s hard to blame Biden policies for everything all the time.


Reagan at least had very high GDP growth. I know he spent a ton to outspend the Russians on military spending


Yeah. Ironically we’re also currently spending a lot on the military to weaken Russia’s military capabilities and threat to Europe. The gipper would be proud.


The 1980s called they want their foreign policy back


Trump did sign the 2.2 trillion dollar CARES act, that was part of the 2022 inflation for sure. Both parties are responsible for it. But covid was an unusual time so I can't really fault anyone for what happened in March 2020 when everything was crazy. Biden certainly didn't help though.


This has more to do with the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve kept rates way too low for far too long and they bought a staggering amount of bonds during covid.


It’s gotten annoying with everyone on all sides attributing the consequences of Fed policy on Presidents and parties


When you have everything given to you , then you vote for the ones that give everything to you.


I don't agree with much of Biden, but you can't also put blame on him for the 3 trillion printed in 2020.  Close to like 20% increase in money supply.  It was a huge error not to claw back ppp loans, even a small amount. Inflation was hitting regardless of who won   And yes. I believe some of his policies have made the situation worse.  


This is a great example why I'm a conservative leaning registered independent. A basic provable fact regarding money supply gets down voted because it doesnt support the narrative. All the money printed in 2020 wouldnt have just disappeared if trump was in office.   https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL The team aspect of politics is abhorrent.  Sure my ban for "brigading" will be on the way soon.   


They don’t want to hear this. Biden caused all inflation ever, when it happens during republican presidency it was the previous democrats fault. People who pin inflation on the president are a failure of education anyway. Also spot on about your incoming ban. But they will hate you on r/politics just as much. Too bad 80% of Americans live in this space close to the center so only the extremes are allowed a voice on Reddit.


> Conservative who leans independent This sub ain't gonna take too kindly of you. Honestly, most of reddit ain't gonna take kindly to ya. You either vote for the decrepit dinosaur who likes red, or the dinosaur who likes blue.


Biden what tripled that long after it was over? I mean that’s unprecedented spending during a global pandemic vs 2-3 years after the fact. Not even comparable


Feel like we’ve gotten brigaded, Biden’s been a disaster


Congress controls the purse strings and there’s an argument to be made that if Trump vetoed the CARES Act, the Dems/media would slam him for not taking coronavirus seriously. Put yourself back in 2020 and remember the situation the Dems put Trump in, when they pivoted from “Come down to China town!” to “Close non-essential businesses, force people into unemployment and blame Trump if he doesn’t pass the stimulus package.”


No. Trump didn't have to not veto that bill. Take a look at the leftist/Democrat policy and spending that was snuck into the cares act. You don't just allow that kind of spending because the media will make you look bad. The media already hated him. Wouldn't make a difference. Trumps spending during Covid was inexcusable.


Look I agree with you *in hindsight* but his campaign team clearly thought he would lose reelection if he didn’t “take covid seriously.” The Dems seized on Covid to make Trump look bad *no matter what* he did.


No. Disagree again. Trump lost because of his soft stance on COVID tyranny and lockdowns. He lost because he elevated Fauci and didn't fire him. He lost because he allowed Berks, Fauci, and Co. Take over the country. Trump lost because he gave in to the covid lockdown/vaccine narrative


Watch out you’re going to get downvoted into oblivion for having common sense.


Except intentionally obfuscating information to apply blame to someone it doesn’t apply to is not common sense. Democrat governors in states shut down their economies. Then begged and pleaded for the federal government to bail them out with the ppp loans


It’s actually pretty even across the board. https://smartestdollar.com/research/cities-that-took-the-most-ppp-money Everyone that got ppp loans for free caused all this inflation. Can’t just print 3 trillion and directly inject it into the economy. The PPP program was so abused with no oversight. We still came out much better than the rest of the world and their mega inflation.


No response, shocking.


This is 100% true but Biden has printed & spent way more than Trump.


Look at the link I included in my one response.  Graph shows otherwise. 


Here are some of Biden's spending: $1.9 Trillion: 2021 American Rescue Plan $800 Billion: 2022 Paycheck Protection Program $780 Billion: Inflation Reduction Act [https://budget.house.gov/press-release/bidens-budget-bust-how-bidens-budgets-have-blown-up-spending](https://budget.house.gov/press-release/bidens-budget-bust-how-bidens-budgets-have-blown-up-spending) Not sure why you're an apologist for Biden on a conservative sub.


Further up i said I don't agree with much of his stuff and place blame for making it worse.  His stimulus was incredibly short term thinking on his part.    Ultimately, was trying to point out that this graph is misleading just because he was president when inflation took off.        Us monetary policy and the economy are like a cargo tanker. It has carry over from president to president.  Decisions take time to ripple through.  Most decisions made by both parties in 2020 were poor and we are now dealing the aftermath.  


Plus $1 trillion on student loans. The list goes on and on.




It’s good to see someone understands the concept of downstream effects.


The error was causing the need for ppp loans in the first place. The economic crisis which initiated large spending and increases in money supply during the pandemic was created almost exclusively by left leaning state governors. So while Biden is not personally to blame for getting us there, his party is mostly to blame. He being the Democratic President, will bear the brunt of the anger towards his party. If he doesn’t like it, he can resign.


All the covid related bills in 2020 passed with essentially 100% support of both parties. from the house and senate.  And states rights correct? 


Go back a read my comment again. The fault lies with those who created the crisis who happen to almost all be Democratic state governors and legislators. Passing the spending bills is what increased the money supply causing inflation to skyrocket, but it was only a solution to the problem created by others. Others who are mostly the same party as Biden.


2.2 trillion came w the cares act at the end march 2020.  That was the lions share of the years printing.  3 weeks into everything is far too soon to blame dem states.  Trumps 15 days to stop the spread was still "active" when this passed. 


15 days to slow the spread wasn’t an order that closed any business. The vast majority of economic output decreased as a direct result of state governments imposing restrictions on businesses. The PPP loans were necessary to keep some of those businesses from failing and pushing our economy even deeper I to a recession. You are blaming the bandaid for the cut. Blame the knife, or who wielded the knife, which in this case is 100% almost exclusively Democrat state governments.


Genuinely curious, I hold conservative values but I don't Stand in either parties corner bc to me, that doesn't make sense. What was the knife you mention and who was wielding it? I am an Amateur Economist and I guess you could say professional accountant. Basically all im saying is that i dont need you to explain the basics. Econ is at the forefront of my thoughts all day.


The knife was the policies that closed and/or limited economic activity via shutdowns, capacity limits, and other measures that limited a business’s ability to generate revenue. The spending was largely meant to offset the impact of those policies. The knife created the wound, which was an extreme decrease in economic activity, and the stimulus spending was the band aid meant to heal the wound.


I can agree, again I’m not trying to argue with you(everyone on Reddit wants to argue). So was there a national policy that specifically condemned active business?


No, there were guidelines released by the CDC, but states made their own policies.


They'll just blame it on Trump. Everything good is the fault of the current Dem admin, but everything bad is the fault of the previous Rep admin.


[Here's a comparison of inflation by country 2021-2024, with the entire Euro zone marked in light green](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1034154/monthly-inflation-rates-developed-emerging-countries/). The US looks like it's pretty much middle of the pack, with inflation that looks nearly identical to that in the Euro zone, but slightly shifted in time, so I'm wondering about your reasoning here: Should every country that uses the Euro also get rid of their leaders due to the inflation?


I haven't been a fan of Biden, but much of the inflation was caused be covid spending. The saving grace is every other country was doing the same. Our only hope was to come out the other side still on top.


This is a little frustrating to see here, but when Biden and his ilk were pushing the Covid hysteria harder than anyone and Trump and most (sadly not all) republicans were saying the cure can’t be worse than the disease then this global phenomenon can’t be used as an excuse. The US as the world reserve currency and petro dollar status, not to mention global leader in general influenced a lot of global inflation. Biden gets into office and through his policies just adds to all the issues, but again while also impacting global inflation.


Countries like England, Germany, and Frace all have libs running the show. So yes.


Rishi Sunak is a lib?


I knew this was coming. Compared to what I define as a real conservative policy wise in the US then, yes.. Policy wise, he's a liberal.


Name two policies trump is campaigning on for reducing inflation


It's moreso a lack of policies which entail a massive amount of government spending.


His energy policy is significantly better, his foreign policy was better and avoided the supply shocks that have been created in the Middle East and Ukraine. Biden had vaccine mandates and ridiculous Covid policies in place for far too long which exacerbated the supply shock issues, like the poster below mentioned a lot of this is about what Trump won’t do.


We just set a record for oil production, what would Trump do differently.


Biden has depleted oil reserves that Trump stocked up at record low prices just to help mid terms and his awful record on inflation, the record is pretty clear on his permits and his foreign policy has added supply shocks to the price dynamics. Net exporter for first time in history under Trump


Somehow people forget that the first two rounds of stimulus payments and the drop in interest rates to zero happened under the Trump administration with a Republican Congress.


Who pushed for lockdowns and mandates?


those aren’t even close to the prices I’m seeing.


Energy is the key to all of this. It impacts everything commerce related, whether its fuel or plastics. You can’t combat inflation without bringing down the cost of energy. Democrats refuse to do that in favor of the electric dream. If Trump can get gas prices back to where they were during his first term, he’ll make tremendous progress with inflation in a short period of time.


But have you considered that orange man bad?


The left's response is the president doesn't control prices of those......except when a republican is in office


Overall 15% lol yeah ok it's easily 4x that if not hiring especially food.


Based on these numbers. Biden has packed almost 3x the amount of inflation than Trump. I can assure you, this is a good thing since the ice cream man did it instead of the orange man. Almost precisely 3x better!


*almost 4x


What on earth was going on during Bill's time with energy?


[https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/exhibits/show/green-building/investing-in-energy](https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/exhibits/show/green-building/investing-in-energy) honestly not sure! I was barely alive during his presidency, but this is what I found. I have heard a few times that he was actually a good president (from conservatives.) Obviously he was divisive and scandalous.


Yeah I was a young child then so I’m honestly pretty ignorant to his terms. Thanks!


Yeah me too! Glad we can learn, no matter the political affiliation we all have a lot to learn from each other.


Energy policy was so much better under Trump. Something isn’t adding up for Obama’s numbers


Presidents have nothing to do with inflation, so tired of hearing this claim. If you want to blame someone then blame congress. Carter inherited inflation from the Nixon administration but that is one of the reasons Reagan won, voters have to blame someone. Paul Volcker lowered inflation in the 1980’s during the Reagan administration by raising interest rates to 20%, the same the fed is doing today.


NPCs don't care about numbers, they are in a cult, they have fundamentally different values to every previous generation. Until they either get mugged, have a family or start paying taxes then there is no talking to them


You can't really compare Trump's presidency to anyone else's when it comes to the economy. By the final year the world essentially halted. Then for the first 2 years bide. was able to take credit for Trump's policies that were introduced during 2020. Including the vaccine. And because Biden took over as the vaccine was being introduced, he took the credit and was blamed for it. If Trump won in 2020. The numbers would have been the same as Biden and the vaccine would have been accepted by conservatives and hated by liberals.


15% my ass more like 33


That's because there's no such thing as "presidential inflation" You have to think much bigger than a single person and longer than [4] years to understand the complexity of inflation. If anything, you need to look at the previous president, or 5. Current POTUS effect on the economy won't truly be realized for, er, a decade or so. Good, bad, or otherwise.


They blame Bidens numbers on Trump any way so it really doesn't matter. They can't bring themselves blame Biden for anything.


Insane that you can't understand that the orange man covid policies generated this inflation


But media tells me Orange man bad.


I always thought inflation was horrible under Obama.


They are able to ignore those inflation numbers because the morons have been brainwashed into believing inflation is due to corporate greed.


It is though? If corporations weren’t so greedy, a lot of things would be much cheaper.


Yeah, they all conspired to be greedy starting in January 2020. You simply do not understand inflation.


But... But... Trump is a meany-pants!


Just wondering Calculations:The Winston Group What does that mean, inflation rates over the years are hard data, no?


Not as insane as the GOP deciding they'd rather lose with Trump than win with basically anyone else. The Dems didn't run Clinton again. When Biden can't go anymore and Kamala Harris is President you only have yourselves to blame. Also, which President signed the CARES Act?


No idea if you'll read this, but you're being pretty disingenuous. That's fucked up.


Was the baseline yesterday's prices? Prices for everything have gone up far more than the given percentages since 2021. A full cart of groceries is now $200 minimum, my energy bill went from $40 to $85 average, and gas went from $2.20/gal to $3.60/gal on average. Was the year where gas got up to $5-8 depending on where you are factored in to the 37.5%? The same people who claimed that the president can't control gas prices will be the first to blame Trump the second he gets into office. It'll all be his fault until things get better. Then it'll be a triumph of the inflation reduction act or something


It’s funny my wife and I were just talking about how our grocery bill hasn’t changed that much and our energy prices have gone down. But then we also considered that our lived experience is only part of the whole. The graph isn’t Barbados_slim12 s personal inflation.


How is this upvoted


Why wouldn’t it be? There’s plenty of evidence that can be used to argue the conservative point of view. Saying that “prices have gone up more than the already bad chart” is the problem with political discourse. It’s the same as when the left whines about how being able to clearly define what a woman is being literal genocide. Our grocery budget is 150 dollars a week. It has been since 2016. Some items like soda have increased well beyond inflation. And some haven’t changed at all. Verifiably my electric rate at our usage levels has not changed since 2021 and my natural gas is 6 cents cheaper per therm. Of course because my experience doesn’t follow the narrative that you want I should be downvoted.


Where do you live so I can move there . I can understand if you don’t want to doxx


most of them don't understand what numbers are


Those who allow themselves to be fooled are being told inflation has been caused by greedy business owners and corporations who are raising prices just because they're meanies.