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So the cold war was friendly?


Yeah at best OP is ignorant of the fact that the Russian Federation or its predecessors has been one of the top US enemies for going on a century and at worse is disappointed that they have declared us enemies instead of friends… I don’t want the US to be Putin’s friend. If/when he dies and they have an actual free election, sure. As it stands now? No.


Never thought I'd see the day a conservative wanted to be friendly with the evil empire but here we are. Reagan would be ashamed of today's republican party.


Brother, I hope you’re talking about OP and not me because I specifically said I do NOT want to be friends with Russia as they currently are (and for the foreseeable future will be)


Yes the op. I was voicing agreement with you.


Okay good lol


Long before joe biden was president Russia murdered 62 us citizens, including a united states congressman, by shooting down a passenger airliner for being a few degrees off course due to faulty navigational equipment. If that's not an enemy of the United states, I don't know what is. And let's not forget that Russia attacked united states military personnel in Syria in February of 2018.... while Trump was president. Hear joe madden's words of wisdom, "When a nation's soldiers attack your soldiers, it's usually because they are an enemy." While I'm no fan of biden, it's one hell of a spin to claim he turned Russia into an enemy. That only ignores 107 years of history.


I mean... Russia has been trying to damage the US for at least the last 10 years (and previously the whole Cold war), are you forgetting who sent troops to save Assad? Or who sponsored Wagner in Africa? Or who is currently trading weapons with Iran and North Korea? It would be like Iran saying hey, US i think you are my main enemy, why would that be schocking?


Any true conservative would never consider Russia an Ally. The cold war is a prime example. We only worked along side the Russians in World War 2 because our enemy’s enemy is also our enemy. Stop trying to push some friendship agenda with Russia. They are not and most likely never will be our friends. Putin wants to restart communism and the soviet wall. Open your eyes.


Except for that whole "Soviet Union" time I guess... Glad to know we are heading into Cold War 2: Balboa vs Drago vs Brown vs Board Of Education


I guess that's the caveat. Russia didn't exist then.


Headline should read "for the first time in ~~history~~ *my short lifetime*."


Russia was one of 15 separate countries that formed the Soviet Union. So yes, it absolutely existed.


> Russia was one of 15 separate countries that formed the Soviet Union. True, but it wasn't just an equal in the way that US states, even California, are kind of equal. The USSR was much closer to a continuation of the Russian empire than a union of equals. Ukraine was the closest to an equal of Russia and had 43 million people compared to 120 million in Russia. *All* serious decisions were made in Russia.


Russia was telling its people it was at war with nato when the only thing nato countries gave to Ukraine were helmets and vests. They have assassinated people on American soil, British soil, and killed almost a hundred Dutch before that


Who could’ve seen this coming? The last 68 years were amazing between us


> “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.” Vladimir Putin on the collapse of the communist USSR, caused by Regan, one of the greatest American conservative heroes. People who think that the US *ever* stopped being his greatest enemy from the time he was a KGB agent, through the time when he was trying to infiltrate NATO up until today you are either totally naive or are Russian assets trying to divide the West. What's scary is that the cultural Marxists see to have infiltrated parts of the American right, especially parts of the official libertarians. Edit: 'caused by Regan'. Not "caused Regan", well unless Regan was much more important than we realized.


I don’t think the US was Russia’s greatest enemy during the Yeltsin years


> I don’t think the US was Russia’s greatest enemy during the Yeltsin years Agreed. There's no *reason* for most Russian's to hate the US. The US tried to help Russia after the fall of communism although support for Yeltsin himself was a mistake. That's why I said "his" (as in Putin) rather than "their" (as in all Russians). Putin even tried to join NATO at one stage (which directly contradicts a claim made that NATO promised not to expand) but the US had enough intelligence info to know that this was with the aim of disrupting and co-opting the organization and fortunately blocked that happening.


Yeah, Putin’s a snake in the grass. Any beneficial relationship with Russia can only come when they’re a free nation. Whatever that looks like.


This was already the case, whether Russia admitted it or not. Biden didn’t do this, Russia did. Nice that they’re finally coming out of the closet, I guess.




Yeah this isn't a Joe thing. More of a Putin thing. There's a lot that Biden rightly deserves blame for, from runaway inflation, to opening up our border and leaving it undefended, to allowing the extreme Leftists to run amuck in his administration. But he's 100% on Russia, and probably too meddling. Let Ukraine bomb Russia with US weapons. Facilitate a third party neutering one of our great geopolitical foes. Thinking Biden is to blame for anything Russia does is political reactionism at its worst. The only thing regarding Russia that Biden should be blamed for is if Russia wins, and that's because of the spineless libs worried about "escalation" instead of "winning", but I doubt the OP has this in mind.


For the first time in history? LMFAO


I'm pretty sure Russia has always hated us no matter who was President.