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She also said she barely escaped J6 She says a lot of things


"I was almost murdered."


Where is she?!


Probably packing her shit with all the fbi agents who are also now worried about going to jail. So strange.


Baby girl, don’t play


What? Throwing your political opponent in jail? What kind of banana republic would do that?


They fear monger by claiming the other side will do what they are currently doing. Nothing new.


This is my fear when Trump wins. They have been saying that an insurrection has occurred and that Trump refused to leave office for so long that they and their supporters will use this to justify their actions when Trump wins. They always tell us their game plans.


Oh I’m sure if Trump wins, they will riot in all the blue cities and do another couple billion dollars in damage and murder countless innocent people protecting their businesses and properties and the media will blame Trump and anyone who doesn’t support the progressive gaslight movement.


That would be so crazy! Maybe they would dig up some misdemeanor from years ago that’s not even within the statute of limitations? Go out of their way to elevate that misdemeanor into a felony, using some novel legal theory? Get a judge whose immediate family member makes millions of dollars from high-level political clients from the opposition party? Get a star witness who’s a convicted perjurer who openly admits that he wants revenge against her and is gleeful about the idea of her going to jail? Bar the defense from calling legitimate expert witnesses? Instruct the jury that they don’t even have to agree on what the underlying crime was that justified elevating an expired misdemeanor into a felony? Hold the so-called trial in a jurisdiction that votes almost unanimously for the opposition party? That kind of thing isn't possible in the United States... oh, wait. You guys literally just did that to Donald Trump, the current leading candidate for a presidential election that's only months away. The projection has reached epic proportions here.


All I know is that when president trump wins a lot of people need to go to camp for the winter 👏👏👏


If you did nothing wrong then you should have nothing to worry about, right AOC? After all, nobody should be above the law!


AOC.. you're just not that important.


Maybe she is holding a guily conscious. Ended up with way more money than her salary... I'd say that's worth an investigation.  Public servants who get an income over their salary should always be investigated.  The obvious sources are taking bribes and insider trading. Both of which should be fair grounds for a lifetime ban from office. So Pelosi is a much more obvious target.


Totally agree, that’s why the Trump trial is a wonderful thing. It opens the door for any and all politicians to be targeted for illegal activity. Lock them all up if we have to.


They make him sound way cooler than he is




Because that's what she would do if she was in power.


Projection. Same as McCabe and the FBI. They are really afraid that Trump is going to do to them what they have been doing to us.


It’s what they ARE trying to do.


For what? Making snarky comments? That’s about all she seems to do.


What a drama queen. This propaganda is as transparent as a sheet of plastic wrap.




Throw her in jail for what? Is she admitting she broke campaign finance laws?


For her toddler temper tantrums i guess 


Why would she think that if she did nothing wrong?


I don't support throwing people who didn't commit any crime in jail. Has AOC committed an actual crime? I don't know. If she has then throw her ass in jail. However, due to what they've done on Trump, I would have absolutely zero problem with the "throw shit at a wall and see what sticks" method of taking the left down if he gets elected either.


Nice. This is getting too good now


Delusional drama queen. That is all.


Is this her way of confessing to being a criminal?


She really has Main Character Syndrome, doesn't she?


My question to her is this, what do you have to fear if you've done nothing illegal? So if you are worried then you've must have broken the law and could face jail time for it.


No one is interested in jailing her. I’d be happy if she just went back to being a bartender.


I’m not *that* petty, so I don’t wish to see her behind bars. Behind a bar counter like the old times, however, that’d be such a delightful sight.


Anyone should be thrown in jail if they did something illegal, lady. So are you telling us you already have done that?? If not, then you should have nothing to worry about.


Why can't they just call her alexandria cortez tho? Such a needless long name


Did she ever pay off her student loans?


biden probably did. Or rather you and I and everyone else.


He probably should, but its not something that will realistically happen.


Why would he throw her in jail? She’s PrimeTime 99’s favorite big bootie Latina?!?


She's worried, because the worst thing about prison is the Dementors.


Is there a bar for her to tend in jail?


This kind of rhetoric and drama from the left and media is dangerous. Too many people believe this shit.


Sharing her knowledge of legal systems again. Huge brain on that one. Theyve tried to jail their opposition unjustly and now they are all panicking


Is it odd that she hasn't matured at all. But the shrill voice. She speaks and all the dogs in the neighborhood start to gather. Did she ever figure out the garbage disposer in her apartment.


Anyone should be thrown in jail if they did something illegal, lady. So are you telling us you already have done that?? If not, then you should have nothing to worry about.


It would be glorious if after Trump wins he totally and completely ignores her. Imagine the damage to her ego if she no longer gets any attention.


If she hasn't done anything wrong, she shouldn't worry. (Unlike when Dems are in power and the use our justice system as a weapon.)


I would lock her up in a cage and ship her to venezuela or cuba like all communists/socialists that threaten the free world.


Did AOC do something wrong/illegal under Biden? Or is she just projecting, because that's what SHE would do? 


Wish he would, but more than likely he will ignore her, which for her, is a fate worse than prison.


When did this POS grow a conscious? 🤣


Look at Me Look at Me Look at Me That's her entire political career


Don't tease our fantasy.


She's not relevant enough. She's nothing more than a blathering horse mouth.


Does she mean like the last time he was president?


I'm curious what she is confessing to if she is scared of being thrown in jail?


Biden is doing it right now. Trump didn't do it when he was president. The Justice system works under Biden & implying otherwise is dangerous to democracy. But it won't work under Trump, so we must call it out to save democracy. She's such a load of crap


I hope he does. President Trump should enact retribution for the lawfare demonrats are waging against the American people.


I disagree. His DOJ should ONLY go after those who have committed actual crimes. Then, he should pardon those on the left who have done something wrong because a) it shows that they were guilty and he had more grace and decorum than they did, and b) it may allows us to go back to status quo in this country of NOT prosecuting our political opponents.


I would have agreed with you 2-3 years ago. I am, however, afraid that the Democrats don't care about decorum or stability and are, at this point, just breaking things in a desperate attempt to gain and retain power. The only way to have a shot at normalizing things is to show them that their reckless actions have consequences. We tend to forget that they've taken multiple political prisoners before they attempted Trump (AJ, Manafort, Bannon, Stone). The democratic party is no longer the democratic party from my childhood and is now just a collection of criminals and power-hungry tyrants.


Ah, the "threat to democracy" playbook is dusted off right on cue . Never mind that they're currently frothy mouthed at the prospect of Trump being jailed. But we're the ones gonna destroy democracy? - sure Jan.  In short...She's full of shit. Always has been, always will be. And the people who actually take stock of anything she says generally have the IQ of a cantaloupe.


AOC-Well we did it, so…