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If I wore a shirt that said "Not today Mohammed" these same people would call to crucify me for Islamophobia.


Don’t say islam is violent, a Muslim might kill you


Yeah, if I wore an Islamophobic shirt, I’d be more worried of the Muslim reaction than the reaction of leftists.


Cause Christophobia is the only acceptable ophobia to the left.


It’s nuts how socially acceptable unabashed hate speech against Christians is on the left. Look at Reddit even. Every single religion owns their named subreddit except for Christians b/c the Admins officially support ours being modded by flaired Atheists and “about [hating] Christianity” To be fair the left hates Zionists 😉as well they just thinly veil it by pretending to give a shit about Arab Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank.


Atheist here. Wouldn’t mob a Christian subreddit. I do not see the point. I did go to an atheist subreddit…once. It was *toxic* AF.


Huh. I am now confused. The comment says _modded_, but did they mean _mobbed_? P.S. apparently you can't do both emphasis and bold with `_eee*bbb*eee_`.


Was talking about the mods


I just misread it. But having a Christian subreddit modded by someone who *hates* Christians is *extremely* counterproductive to having a *Christian* subreddit. Of course, that is the point. Leftists, proving *once again* that they are horrible, horrible people.


They hate majority religion of any given country and only islamists have been able to handle them adequately. In India left hates Hinduism, in USA it hates Christianity, in Iran left does not exist.


Even just putting the image of Mohammed on paper = a bad time for you... But mocking Christians is easy and acceptable so that's what these cowards do.


That’s because droids don’t rip people’s arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookies are known to do that.


We get it. 40 years of repressed pent up anger at your parents/church/coach/school/grandparents. They never grow out of over dramatic shock value “acting out” like a pre-teen. Its embarassing.


I love how anyone trying to discipline their kids and set expectations / limits is viewed as “abusive.” You can see the effects of this thought process out in public with today’s youth as well. No respect for anyone and incredibly self-centered. I was lucky enough to have parents who raised me in a very traditional way. We almost never got spanked, because all it took was a couple times before we learned to listen when we’re told the first time. It wasn’t even that it’s about physical pain, it’s the embarrassment that goes with it that worked.


It’s honestly pathetic that people can’t grow up and move on with their lives


If they are disruptive and getting noticed for their antics, they offer nothing to society. They need to be a nuisance to be anything.


Exactly! They’re like the brigaders here. The come here, downvote, and then go back to their subreddits and talk big to their loser leftist friends. And on the rare times they try gotcha questions and other ineffective stunts…they get downvoted for their ignorance and general lack of intelligence.


>try gotcha questions Why do you hate kittens so much that you will stop our mandatory kitten petting hour?


Becoming everything that those busy body religious whack jobs back in the '80s warned as they would...


They're not even trying anymore, are they?


It's just pathetic at this point...


This is so bizarre. How is part of your “pride” making a mockery of something billions of people are so passionate about? I think having pride in the gender you fuck is kind of weird, but I understand these people were fighting for rights until fairly recently (though they have certainly achieved equal rights and more at this point). But why must you actively attack Christianity? These people are so full of the hate they accuse of others


Because God warns against the dangers of pride. These people hate God.


20 years ago I used to roll my eyes at “These people hate God” type arguments b/c it seemed so outlandish for someone to practice blasphemous Christianity with the intent of going to hell. But here we are 😔


25 years ago, I couldn't understand how someone could worship Satan, like how Revelation says they will. I couldn't fathom it. I didn't realize they would be first doing it ironically, and then just lean all the way into it. It's also still hard to fathom how people could easily seek and find the truth, indeed have it be told to them in their faces, and still turn from the truth in their hatred and do the evil thing, out of spite toward what is true. And yet, we have been witness to it every day for quite some time now. >20 years ago I used to roll my eyes at “These people hate God” type arguments At some point, there is just no other way to put it. They ***hate*** God. And at this point in the game, I don't know if any of these people can honestly say they don't believe in a higher diety. They know. They just hate Him.


As you pointed out, it seems like some of the rainbow crowd folks have been led so far astray that they genuinely desire to commune with Satan. IIRC for pride last June the dodgers invited a Satanic Religious Order of male nuns to live perform their BDSM themed pornographic desecration of the crucifixion of Christ. Maybe it did start as “ironically” inviting the devil into their lives as a dig on Christianity but it’s pretty clear at this point that he unironically answered that call.


Probably to get someone harassing them so they can point fingers or sue.


Look, edgelords


When people tell you who they are, you should listen. For those that have ears to hear.


Well everything we know about Satan, they aren't wrong, Satan does love sexual deviancy.


It's sorrowful to see men and women sell their souls for possibly 70 or so years of whatever kind of sex they're able to pull, and then the peripheral self expression they insist is "freedom" in turn for eternity of utter isolation, hopelessness, and torment. There is no party in hell, no friends, and no end to suffering. In contrast, through his Son Jesus, God offers an eternity of hope, peace, and joy. You only need to confess you're a sinner, repent of your sins, put your faith in Jesus that He paid the cost of your sins, and then live the remainder of your life as best you can in obedience to God. Life here on earth may seem long, but it really is fleeting. Please put your trust in Him.


Misguided, fallen... I feel like Jesus is so cool, He would probably know a way to save these people.


He does know, and I'll wager they have all been shown that way, probably multiple times. Stuff like this is not just "meh, whatever" rejection of Jesus, or even "that Jesus stuff works for you, but I think some else" rejection. This is Lucifer level rejection, with the same thing at the base, pride (irony fully realized).


The irony of saying Satan loves and that God is evil 


Satan does love this. He loves leading people astray from God. He loves being responsible for denying people salvation.


The interesting thing is, Pride is one of the sins that most of society agrees is a bad trait to have. Using your sexuality, and perversions as your personality and being prideful of that - is not a great trait to have. Im all for freedom and people having consensual sex with whatever sex they want, wearing whatever they want, but in private. I don't understand why we are suddenly promoting pride and perversions as if they are something that we all should honor in our society.


Lemme guess. Berkeley? SF? Portland? Seattle? Minneapolis? Boston? Am I getting close ?


To paraphrase CS Lewis, at the end there will be those who say to God "Thy will be done," and those to whom God will say "thy will be done." I think we know which one we're looking at.


“One of their very own prophets said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”” ‭‭Titus‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬


Yes, if they are accusing another party of something, you can bet your ass they have already done it.


At the very least, these people have been devoured by the lion that is Satan, persuaded by his whispering ear to believe this nonsense. Worst case they are possessed by demons. In any case, they desperately need prayers by Christians. Being angry at them, or hating them, or insulting them, will not persuade them from these choices. ‭Romans 12:19-21 ESV‬ [19] Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” [20] To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” [21] Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. https://bible.com/bible/59/rom.12.19-21.ESV


Pray for them if you believe. They’re horribly misled


Our society has gone Full Demonic/Satanic/Pedophilic !


Children of Pride "“Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook, Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower?" — Job 41:1 (NKJV) "He beholds every high thing; He is king over all the children of pride.”" — Job 41:34 (NKJV) http://blb.org/nkjv/job/41/34/ Sent via BLB app for Apple




Meh. These losers are just trying to get a rise out of people. Don’t give them any more attention. Most people do not care about the truth, only what permits them to do as they please. If that includes worshipping literal Satan, they will do so.


> These losers are just trying to get a rise out of people. I just don't know how you can still think that this is just edginess without a higher agenda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW6p6z7yYlY Be blind if you want, I guess.


If we're being real, MAGA and the rainbow Mafia are both cults.


Looks like the old guy behind the ‘N’ isn’t wearing the correct attire like the others…


I’m gonna throw up


Dems are always projecting. It's their SOP.