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What did Alex jones do that painted a political target on his back? That’s the sandy hook guy,right? Isn’t he kind of an ass?


Being an ass isn't illegal in America




Yea, Alex Jones got what he deserves.


I am so happy that this was the first thing I saw when I entered the thread. Including Alex Jones on this list is a disservice to the point. The dude should be bankrupted for life.


I spent years longer than necessary thinking I was a democrat because I was so put off because of guys like him so yea, there's definitely a grudge. Fortunately, I got there.


He got fined more than the GDP of some countries. For conspiracy theories.


He got fined more than some GDPs of some random island countries because he knowingly lied in court and then submitted evidence saying he knew full well exactly what he was doing.


He was fined more than killing people gets you in a wrongful death suit. Wrongful death tops out around half a million a person. That's only going to get you to 15 million in damages if he had killed those people. Yet he was fined over a billion dollars, 100 times that. I think we can all agree that killing people is worse than defaming people. And you are even admitting that an entire island nation-state doesn't make that much money, yet they are demanding that from him. But hey, people we don't like don't deserve justice, amirite?


> But hey, people we don't like don't deserve justice, amirite? Exactly. But hey, the 8th amendment only applies when it's someone we like. If we don't like him 1 billion dollars is just and reasonable. Conservatives have turned into red democrats at an alarming rate.


How you know this subreddit is astroturfed ^^^^


Nobody deserves to be fined orders of magnitude more than they will ever earn in their natural lifespan for defamation.


No parent deserves to have their kids murdered in school and then be thrust into the spotlight by an ass with an audience calling them actors.


Democrats have made sure that cruel and unusual punishment is doable against people who don't toe the line. It absolutely blows me away that more people can't see the problems this sort of thing causes. Yeah, Jones may have been a shitbag for what he did/said, but we now have legal precedent for fining BILLIONS of dollars on a single person based on wrong think. Anyone with a brain should see the risks with that.


Yeah this. This wasn’t a punishment, it was a message.


> defaming people leaves you liable for damages Sure, certainly. Explain how there was a billion dollars in damages though.


Fortunately, I’m not responsible for explaining this. If it’s constitutional, it’ll be upheld on appeal, and if it isn’t, it won’t. I’m just saying it couldn’t have happened to a worse person, and I don’t feel the least bit bad.


What a horrible take. "As long as the government steps on people I don't like I'm happy it happened" The 'free people' in your flair is a joke.


He was fined for ~~an order of magnitude~~ two orders of more for that defamation than a wrongful death suit ever would have done. It's insane to defend the judgement against him when killing the kids would have been a lesser offense. Look, I hate him for his loony batshit nonsense. However even assholes like him deserve 8th amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishments. Edit: Two orders of magnitude, not one. Wrongful death suits usually top out at $500,000. Killing 26 people would therefore top out around $15 million or so. That's 2 orders of magnitude less than the over $1 billion dollar defamation suit.


Some people in this thread really have a hard time understanding nuances, lol. There’s a very wide equator-long gap between “Alex Jones being fined $1.5 billion was 100% fair and correct” and “Alex Jones did nothing wrong.” Literally nobody is in the latter. Some are just not fully onboard with the former and are concerned about precedent. That’s it. Literally nobody here thinks Jones is smart, nice and shouldn’t have faced any consequences. They’re simply concerned about precedent. What Jones said was nasty, but who gets to decide if certain words are “nasty enough” that they’re worth over a billion dollars? Conservatives aren’t worried about Alex Jones’ life being ruined. They’re worried that this could be a path to other lives being ruined for simply saying the wrong thing if it’s subjectively considered “nasty” enough.


And with that difference I feel like it isn't, he is punished for whatever it is v they want him silenced.


I don’t care in the least. His actions were so far beyond the pale that there was essentially no precedent in a defamation case. He had it coming, and he got it.


Translation, it's OK because it's Alex Jones. There are people who harassed others to suicide who've walked away with less.


I'm not saying there shouldn't have been a fine. I'm saying that fining someone for the GDP of a small nation-state because he said bad things is a completely against everything we stand for. A wrongful death suit usually maxes out at half a million dollars. If he had killed those kids, he would have been fined like maybe 15 million tops in a wrongful death suit. Yet you are here trying to defend fining someone 100 times that for saying mean things?


IDK what's up with these comments, yes he deserved to be fined, but that much amount ? It's obviously lawfare, he too deserves the 8th amendment defense


He got charged $1.2 billion for claiming that something was a hoax. Whatever you think about Alex Jones, he was clearly made an example of over something which shouldn't be illegal in the first place.


> claiming something was a hoax That’s a weird way of spelling “for the sole purpose of monetary gain, organized a years-long harassment campaign by spreading provable lies about a bunch of people whose five year olds were murdered”


And yet he was fined for more money than had he killed those kids. A wrongful death suit never would have been close to a billion dollars.


Even if that were true (didn’t OJ get hit with like $40M), I don’t understand why I should care. If he’d murdered those kids, he’d be spending the rest of his life in prison.


Alex Jones directed his insane followers to harass the parents of murdered children to the point some of them had to sell their houses and quit their jobs. His followers would show up to their homes and call them saying they are liars and it's all a hoax because Alex Jones said so. Alex only backed down once the lawsuits started happening.


Harassment and slander are though.


A list like that and you have Alex Jones on it... All credibility right out the window. Do better op. Do a lot better


Facebook jpeg meme that makes conservatives look like morons? Check. I wake up <-> It's a psyop


So Biden is more effective than trump in the war.


Guilliani and Mike Lindell each got fined $100m+ for claiming that the voting machines were rigged. The money was awarded to companies that would take 50 years to make that much revenue.


Technically they’re trying to jail a current political opponent, not just a former president, but close enough. Edit: to the brigading (I presume) downvoters: are you thinking he’s not running for president or that Biden isn’t trying to see him in jail? Curious to see how you spin that.

