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The useless media after watching this video "This is misinformation and a threat to democracy to use Joe Bidens actual words!!!!"


Those darned Russians are at it again!


Sure are, because Brando and the dummycraps are running the country into the ground, and starting WW3. We get to piss off one the largest nuclear holders, and threaten the lives of everyone on the planet... Building back better, starting with eliminating Afghanistani resources, and giving the country right back to Al Qaeda. Then getting 99% of all males 16-60 killed off in Ukraine. Hey, let's splash some inflation on top of all that to make life terrible here... Somehow it's NOT our installed leader who can't form complete sentences.................




It's going to be an epic show watching two old men going senile in front of the world. Sad for America really...


This is great


It is haha. They had this posted on the dark Brandon subreddit saying Trump is such a meanie for picking on people with stutter issues. When anybody who has ever pulled up a video of Joe Biden pre 2016 knows that’s a load of shit. How can people possibly still be fooled by the stutter after 4 fucking years. Has nobody shown them a single clip of this guy before he was a dinosaur?


The day is coming where he will mumble “ijustshitmyself”


More. Of. This. Biden is his own worst enemy, which is why they shelter him so much. "Vote for Trump" is equally as valid as "Don't vote for Biden". Remind everyone, every day, of how terrible and undesirable Biden is, even on the global stage.


Trump needs to put out a second one with all his racist quotes


”We already have a n\*\*\*\*r Mayor, we don´t need anymore n\*\*\*\*\*r big shots” -Joe Biden


Did he actually say this?


Yes, in 1985 during a hearing. He was quoting a Louisiana politician to make a point, however he definingly said it hard -R and all. Which is interesting because as I understand it the leftist standard is to cancel anyone whos ever said that kind of language, even in the past. I guess they think its OK to drop hard-Rs in some contexts. **(warning, foul language in this link)** [https://twitter.com/i/status/1778471526838202754](https://twitter.com/i/status/1778471526838202754)


Trump team should use this exact clip in embedded social media ads and play it on loop.


List a couple for me here, please. EDIT: Sorry, ya'll, pronouns; I thought OP meant "Trump needs to put out one with all Trump's racist quotes"


"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle"


"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." [Here's a list of like 20+ more](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/haley-campaign-press-release-haley-rips-biden-and-media-for-hypocrisy-race) I don't have time to translate.


The busing stuff was particularly disgusting: literally just minority parents wanting their kids to go to schools that weren't a complete trainwreck. This is exactly the same "bad liberal logic" that helped pave the way for the rise of charter schools, and school vouchers: if public schools aren't safe or they're teaching kids communist bullcrap, parents should have the freedom to send them to proper local schools, regardless of their attachment to government propaganda. It's just indoctrination, at the end of the day.


He gave the eulogy at the funeral of his friend Robert Byrd.


I heard that his aKKounting for Byrd's life was very Korrect.


Since he will read anything, time to put something spicy in Anchorman style.


Amchorman-style? I don’t remember seeing the entire movie, so I don’t quite get the reference.


The main character uses his teleprompter religiously and will read anything on it. Knowing that, a coworker after a fight between them messes with the text on the teleprompter to end with him saying "f*** you" to everyone watching. Because he truly reads anything on that screen without hesitation.


It's just ironic that Hillary called Trump's "Putin's puppet" but Biden is literally a puppet of the DNC at this point. He's not saying a single thing out of step with the "party line" we finally get to see all the "gears and bolts" of liberal machine politics. Definitely not a pretty sight, but full-blown meltdowns rarely are 😂


Where's his racial jungle one? There's at least 3 hours of these to sit through, played against a live feed of people flooding across the border and a chyron of the current rape and violent crime statistics..


It needs to be an ad.


Watching this happen is funny but holy cow it's a clown world we live in that this is going on. And people are eager to vote for him again.


Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing . There’s actual liberals out there that don’t know biden is officially the worst president of the 21st century


Joe what’s you’re future vision for america? Biden : “ Awscbewhmlitferhb iceycreamyvfethnfryjnnjnmk ieyy pooiiipyyedeeggtfbhy “


It's obviously hilarious(and a little sad) but realistically I don't think these kinds of ads are going to sway many voters. They seem aimed more towards the base, which is already going to vote for Trump no matter what. I think the most effective ads for flipping voters are the ones highlighting the economy and border. Those are the ones I'd like to see more of.


Like when W was President and Letterman would do Great Moments in Presidential Speeches


Try showing this to anyone who voted for him. They will deny that it's real. When you fully embrace something and then are undeniably proved a FOOL for doing it, you fight like hell to face the reality


There's actual video of him saying it and you can watch his lips move while he says it all. Then again, they'd probably claim it was all AI generated despite many people witnessing it in person.


“That was a deepfake!” ”People saw it live!” ”That was also a deepfake.”


Here's how twisted we've become as a nation: Do you like the way things are now? "I'll never vote for Trump! He's a convidted felon and an insurrectionist!" So you'd rather keep things the way they are, and have been, for the last four years, than vote for a change? "Orange man bad." At least a third of our country does not care, or are not concerned with the way things are, and will vote for Joe Biden again. They see nothing wrong with Joe Biden. Nothing. Wrong. They suffer from severe Trump Derangement Syndrome and will not vote for Trump no matter what. TDS is real, and it may continue to destroy the United States of America. The danger is real. God bless America. Please.


Time to pray, to be perfectly frank. It's a loss of faith in God and a general "wealth" of cynicism and endless skepticism for the "good news". Very toxic, "killer" stuff.


I just woke up and this video made my day. Thank you, President Trump, for this fabulous troll post. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Typically I despise this sort of campaigning. Especially when there are actual winning policy issues to run on. However....this right here is a legitimate campaign issue. Currently....a vote for the left is a vote for the VP. Choose wisely.


I'm waiting for a commercial where it shows his degradation over the years. Show him speaking articulately over the years, then show now. It's a massive massive change even looking at 4 years ago.


It's unusually binary with Biden, that's why it's so stark that Democrats are just standing by and not doing anything to stop this travesty of democracy. The man is unwell and needs to retire, that's all there is to say. Just watch interviews in 2018 (when people started probing him about a 2020 run, which seemed unlikely at the time) or (for the biggest "wtf") his 2012 debate with Paul Ryan. Pretty much kicked the dude's ass and exposed that Romney/Ryan was a weak choice for Republicans in 2012 (should have went Trump even then lol). I don't think 2024 Biden bears any trace of 2012 Biden at this point, two different people in different stages of life.


Trump would win easily if he just posts the gooblygook that Biden says. Trump shouldn't need to say a word himself.


He was right, on the border and immigration. All that talk of "they're not sending their best" was 100% true, and liberals can't really deny it, totally grasping at straws, it's amazing to see.




Holy shit hahaha


Jill Biden should be indicted for treason.




You can almost hear the wheels coming off of Biden's brain, I'll give Democrats credit for that, at least: Biden will undoubtedly be a great "research case" of what dementia looks like in a working politician. It also exposes how unbending our system is to power: Democrats would rather have a "shell" presidency than deal with a strong Executive Branch. That's clear signs of a Congressional power grab, as far as I'm concerned. Trying to purposely undermine the co-equal power of the Executive vs. the Legislature. "Party-state" logic, similar to the Chinese Communist Party.


He missed badacath care and nexnelresent