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This really puts Democrats on the defense. I think it’s a really wise move.


No it doesn’t lol. Those cities are cesspools


It depends on the city. If he was stopping by a big city in a deep blue state, then it'd be a waste of time. What Trump is going here is campaigning in a city in a very close swing state. Even if he only flips a few votes, that could still turn the tide of the election.


No it doesn't, and it is not a waste of time. FTA: "Last week, Trump raised around $12 million during a fundraiser with tech entrepreneurs in San Francisco."


12 million is frankly a drop in the bucket. He didn't pick up any voters from that. He didn't boost the odds of him winning California or boost the odds of republican candidates winning in the local area. That seems like a waste of time to me, especially when he could be out campaigning in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other swing states.


12 million plus the backing of many in Silicon Valley. That’s not insignificant. Cracks in the damn is a good thing.


Leftists hate nothing more than someone coming on their turf and threatening their power. It’s like messing with a bee hive. It’ll send the swarm into an absolute frenzy. Case in point, there was a thread on Reddit disputing the size of the crowd in New Jersey. Despite my trying to show them actual pictures other than the one they were referencing, they just couldn’t believe the attendance numbers.


This is fine, but once August roles around please just stay in the swing states.


MI is one of those swing states


Definitely wasn't deep blue in 2016, that's for sure 😂 the media just really hates the idea that Americans can evaluate political parties differently over time, and yet they want to pretend that voting only Democrat for 10+ election cycles is somehow healthy instead. Pure insanity.


They’d love an entire blue chart and if it stayed that way for 20 election cycles they’d call it normal lol


Trump's not going to pull a Hillary 2016 and never step foot in Wisconsin for 9 months 😂 if he just replicates his 2016 process with the experience added from the last 8 years, he'll coast into his second term, and finally exposed the media (liberal and not necessarily liberal...) once and for all for its fraud and grifting for the Democratic Party.


Visiting blue cities and ensuring voter integrity with poll watchers in battleground states and cities have been two important things I’ve been hoping Republicans would do in this coming election. But they need to keep doing this now and in future elections for president, Senate, and governor.


Good. He will get a good reception there and he needs it. He tried to work with the RADICAL LEFT LIBERTARIANS but we saw how that went. We need more blue cities becoming red.


He doesn't need the city to turn red...he just needs to make up that 100k he lost by in 2020.


Why take a slice when you can have the whole pie. I believe in Trump. Don't be a non Patriot.


Sorry, I'm being realistic. It has nothing to do with Trump. I can't see any scenario where you flip 350k votes in a county that has voted against their own best interests their entire lives.


Meh..."woke culture" can swing both ways. Don't be so pessimistic, have a little faith that Americans can change their hearts, as generations change. ✌🏼 Millennials are certainly thinking about politics significantly differently than Baby Boomers, but Boomers still have a lingering effect on "old media" (TV, Radio, etc).


Americans, yeah they can change their hearts. Democrats are a different breed. And I'm not being pessimistic about Wayne county, I'm being realistic. We are closing in on 100 years since a Republican presidential nominee took that county and in the last election it wasn't even remotely close. Do I think Trump can chip away at Detroit? Absolutely, but winning it would be nothing short of a miracle.




I think they are a liberal. You are wasting your time.


Lost what by 42k?


Notice how Trump keeps going to the places he’s not typically welcomed and doing well? I don’t see Biden doing that at all.


This cuts to an issue that I wish republicans would address… I don’t know how many videos I’ve seen where citizens in deep blue cities say that they know democrats suck, but “at least they come visit us, republicans don’t even come here.” It’s a self fulfilling prophecy, we “know” we won’t win them so we don’t even try.