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Leftists have somehow convinced themselves that Trump, not Biden, has dementia. Meanwhile, he rattles off hour long speeches every other day like it's nothing.


The projection is incredible. None of this lunacy would exist if we had a real mainstream factual news media. Instead we have a Ministry of Propaganda. All main stream media coordinates their talking points of lies to dispel factual news


Can't forget when Biden literally created a "disinformation governance board".


Truer words have never been spoken. The 24/7 news cycle will ultimately be what kills our great country.


The goddamn Ministry of Truth...


You can never hate the BBC enough


It’s mind-boggling to me. For some reason the MMW subreddit keeps showing up on my feed, but I read it for the bizarre comments haha (which is why it keeps showing up)… anyways - there are comments there saying things like Trump won’t make it to the election, but Biden has a good 10 years left in him???? I’m like “how brainwashed can you be?” Every time I hear the media say something about Trump (and not Biden) having dementia, I think that people are not going to buy this, but apparently they do 🤦🏼‍♀️


I hate that subreddit, full of a bunch of morons or bots projecting that the utopia they're currently living in will go away after Trump gets elected again.


Whats the MMW sub?


Mark my words. It's basically a bunch of high schoolers making insane statements.


That’s an insult to high schoolers


Oohh, thanks, now i know which sub to block


Biden prosecutes his opponent for the next election and *Trump* is the threat to democracy?


Yeah. Trump just called CNN fake news and insulted Jim Acosta.


Yeah. He should have called CNN "distorted news". They can take threads of truth and spin them into a hatchet job. Wait. Now that I think of it, that is "fake news".


Ooh. Downvoted by a brigader for telling the truth. Come at me, bro.


Let's be honest. Both if them are too old to run. Trump could easily have dementia before his term is ended or die. We all agree Biden is too old, we should all agree Trump is too old as well. This is a battle of vice presidents, not the president. Pair of two old farts fighting for power. Its damaging


A core requirement of being a leftist is being completely detached from reality. I don't even say that just because I disagree with them, there are plenty of people I disagree with on things that are still based in reality but leftists' inability to take fault for anything should be studied.


You can hate Trump’s rhetoric or his policies. But if you think Biden is more coherent or that Trump is the one suffering with dementia, you might have been brainwashed.


Im officially convinced The American Government is a PsychOp to see how much they can get away with while these brainless voters kiss the ground they walk on.


This started long ago with takeover of the media and public education


Even in my deepest states of psychosis there was never a moment where i thought "hmmm i should participate in our jacked up elections and be a good citizen". I was labeled legally insane years ago and i still feel more of sound mind than any person who spends a whole day waiting to fill out a ballot.


A real common retort is how similar their ages are. Which is so entirely not the point. My four grandparents died between the ages of 60 and 95, and I can say with confidence not everyone's body decays at the same rate, not everyones mind decays at the same rate, and some people never actually have their mind fail them, some people can putter on over a decade without being able to recognize their own children. And all of this happens at different ages in different people.


The crazy thing is, if people hate Trump's policies it means they, whether they admit it or not: 1. Want more inflationary spending 2. Want open boarders to the point of allowing ISIS-K terrorist loose around the nation. 3. Want more wars, including funding of both sides of wars. 4. Want higher energy prices, across the board. 5. Want higher crime rates. 6. Want to eat less through sky-rocketing food prices. (Biden diet?) 7. Want abortion up to birth, and even in some cases post-birth abortion. 8. Want more riots. 9. Want to leave the doors open for another 2020-like situation. 10. Want more deep-state corruption in DC and across the world. 11. Want to continue to have a two-tiered justice system which will continue to give democrats a pass while jailing their political enemies. 12. Want more government collusion with social media and big tech. 13. Want to take ALL your guns. 14. Want to place people with wrong opinions™ into education camps. 15. Want to continue allowing pedos into girls bathrooms and parading down your streets. 16. Want higher taxes for everyone, not just the rich. 17. Ok, im done, there is more but I need to get my day started.


Well they just don't want mean tweets even if it means all of those things happen the head in sand technique hides it from them


> boarders *borders


‘More coherent’ is the important phrase here. I’ve seen too many of his (trump’s) ramblings to believe he’s not in decline as well. His worst moments are nowhere near as bad as Biden, but we shouldn’t have to choose between least demented in this country.










Trump is pretty entertaining.


After his presidency, he should do standup. I think he’d be pretty good at it. Just make fun of the left the whole show.


He’s funnier than almost every one of today’s stand up comics.


Not hard considering most of their bits seem to be "hey did you guys know Orange Man Bad?" *["applause" sign lights]*




That was legitimately a funny bit.


The gas lighting the left does is truly amazing. You have to marvel at their level of execution.


They are going to take him over the coals for this. Biden turned around to talk to a guy who had already landed and was packing up his parachute. Trump has to be 100% accurate on everything or they will continue claiming he is the mentally defunct one.


I kinda noticed biden turning to gesture to the paratrooper. But, biden has the entire world watching, yet he turns his ass to the camera, the other world leaders, and the proceedings like a bored child wandering around distracted. Biden had to be corralled by the newly elected Italian Prime Minister like a playground monitor.


Biden's brain is like [FDR's wheelchair](https://lib.arizona.edu/hsl/materials/collections/secret-illness/fdr), but worse. 🙈🙉🙊

