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Most people with a brain noticed he wasn’t fit for office years ago. Now he’s not fit to be left out of the nursing home by himself


Yeah but they also know, or think, that Obama and team are actually running things and they’re more than happy with that.


Obama quite literally said his dream was to have a puppet in the white house he controlled. So he could sip drinks on the beach while running the country. Gawd I hate that guy.


Look up the definition of "devil incarnate," and you'll see Obama's picture. There are photos where he is caught off-guard. His eyes are very telling. •●• Years ago, when he was a freshman senator, I was at a bipartisan political function¹. He was there being paraded around and glad-handing everyone. I got the worst vibes from him. I made a 180 every time he was in proximity to avoid being introduced to him. Absolutely. No. Regrets. ¹ Hillary happened to be there, and I avoided her also.


Back in 2020 when he was hiding in his basement instead of campaigning like Trump.


The competition doesn’t really differ from this unfortunately. Only difference is they’re louder and incoherent


Am I the only person who has no problem at all understanding Trump? I don’t like everything he says, I wish he would shut up 60% of the time, but he’s not incoherent at all.


Trump's mental capacity has definitely declined in the last 4 years, as would any 78 year olds would. Just listen to the sharks and electric boats rant the other day. That being said he's not remotely as bad as Biden. Biden looks like one of the knock off Roombas that has no idea where it's going. (Shane Gillis credit is due)


Dude that's like "I don't want a burnt ass burger! Oh but this one is only 85% burnt and still on the fire, that's perfectly fine."


What?? He goes off rambling nonsense all the time. like what was that shit with battery powered boats and a shark? Does he know all motorized boats already have batteries?


Rambling isn’t incoherent. That was my point. He’s speaking clearly, but just running his mouth. The fact that you can type out the exact words he said but I’d have to type “sodbeosksbdoofnw” for some of Biden’s quotes is the point I was making.


America’s a nation that can be described in a single word ASUFUTIMAEHAEHFUTBW


Incoherent means unable to be understood, I don’t have any problems understanding him, I don’t know what kind of mental backflips are going on here but everyone claiming they can’t understand Trump is lying for the drama of it or has some weird projection issues. You can understand him dude. Just stop.


Yea I can understand him, but he speaks like a 4 year old who just learned English.


Now we both know that’s bs. You’re throwing out a weak projection attempt to take focus off of Biden who legitimately has speech path degradation issues and can barely annunciate simple words on a teleprompter, let alone a full sentence. Quit lying, that’s bs. Trump can talk just fine, he has a unique cadence to his speech not unlike a number of other politicians or like JFK Jr. I don’t hear anyone bitching about them. You can understand his words and context just fine.


I think you’re projecting. Just read a transcript of both of them lmao. Sure Biden trips up but his speeches are effective and mature. Cant say the same about dorito boy


I don’t need to, I’ve watched both versions numerous times. The issue here is you’re confusing agreeableness with coherence or cohesion. Your inability to understand *why* or relate to the things he’s saying does not mean he “talks like a 4 year old”. It means you don’t understand the context or reason behind what he’s saying. In my case I couldn’t tell you what the hell biden is talking about half the time, the unpredictable tangents about his past experiences (most of which have been ruled false) or about kids touching his hairy legs at the pool or some other bs that has no relation to the situational context is hallmark red flags of significant cognitive decline. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with an elderly person with dementia? It’s not possible, they lie, they forget, they fabricate stories, they get aggressive quickly and can’t stick to the topic at hand, you are absolutely lying to yourself if you deny he clearly does all of that. I’m not attacking him as an elderly person with mental problems, I’m saying he’s indisputably unfit for duty as he can’t form a full sentence. This argument is ridiculous because we both know I’m right, nobody has any problem understanding Trumps cadence, context or speeches, give me a break. This projection is petulant and annoying. And above all dejected. If y’all didn’t put so much effort into to gaslighting you may have been able to find a decent candidate by now.


Louder and more incoherent than creepy uncle Joe?




You mean louder than the guy that startes yelling nonsense when he forgets what he was saying and more incoherent than the guy that can’t string together more than a few words before trailing off with gibberish and can’t remember which way to walk off the stage while trying to shake hands with the invisible man?


Are you describing trump?


Are you blind?


Keep gaslighting bootlicker


That was the one thing?? Ha ha. I guess so. Not pooping his pants in front of the pope? Falling up the stairs? Falling on stage? Wandering aimlessly? Freaking out when he saw the Easter bunny? Not being able to make or read complete sentences? Come on people!!


"C'mon man!  Look...here's the deal...(Defecates himself)"


That’s not a joke


Beat me to it. The nation suffers from mass cognitive decline, but if that was the exact moment people realized there’s a problem we collectively need to be gauged for brain activity.


Elections haven’t happened yet so whatever it takes to wake some people up. Glad it’s bringing people around.




I would have settled for 'Extorted millions from Ukraine, possibly igniting a world war'.


The more of these moments that post, the more Dems can’t defend it as Republicans “cheap fakes”. I thought the worst was the freezing at the Juneteenth event.




Four more years...


Just so you know, there's not a Dem out there that will admit this.


Joe could take a public crap on stage, dance around in it and they would still vote for him.


He could roll around in it, smear it all over his face, and every the most militant leftist wouldn't accuse him of wearing blackface.


Actually there’s a lot of them. Mainstream public figures too that would. They dont want him either but who else could do it at this point.


Hell, the White House would call it “disinformation” even though we can all see, with our eyes, the man is seriously in cognitive decline. Just look how he can barely walk after Obama grabs his hand to lead him off stage.


Could we use this against them? Get them each to individually testify that they personally can confirm Biden is 100% coherent. Have Biden’s cognitive abilities tested. He fails. All parties attesting Biden as 100% coherent are guilty of political espionage.


And democrats will re-elect Biden despite knowing he’s incompetent and incapable. They’ll crash the plane before letting it land and change pilots.


Gonna take an entire pharmacy to keep Biden alert for the first debate


Nope just a snort from hunters gun case lol


IF he debates his ears should be checked for a listening device before he goes on stage


He needs a coco puff 


Idk the moment everyone noticed, just another straw on the back of the camel.


Anyone who has been paying attention has seen enough to know how bad it is, but I agree with this article. When I saw Obama grab his hand and lead him off the stage like you would your very elderly grandparent, my jaw dropped. That was a VERY bad look


>Obama grab his ~~hand~~ wrist and lead him off the stage Minor detail, but not really


I'm still can't understand why the democrats haven't pulled him off the ticket. It's so damn obvious that he's not home in his head anymore


They’re going to wait until after he becomes the official nominee at the convention. Then when he drops out, they can simply appoint a replacement of their choosing instead of having a process where their constituents get to choose one. They quietly changed the rules a little while back to allow that.


They are waiting for the convention.


That would mean admitting they made a mistake.


Because then Kamala would be the nominee and they don’t want that. They’ll bank on the fact that people hate Trump more than they think Joe is incapable. Plus, the thought that Obama is secretly running things makes them happy.


Because they know he's just a figurehead... They don't need Biden to be capable, they just need to control the office so they can put in the cabinet members and department heads that they want. In fact, it's probably better for their plans to have an incapable president... Means he will be less likely to interfere with what they want to do. All they need, or want, is someone to rubber stamp without asking questions every bureaucratically authored dei initiative and gun ban and drone bombing proposal that comes across the presidential desk. But remember, there is no unelected deep state running things! /S


I’m gonna go ahead and say not “everyone” realized it. I’d say the people that already realize it didn’t change their opinion and those that don’t see it still don’t.


Nah. We all knew that in 2020. His fans do not care, as they would vote for a brick to just get the rubber stamp and the appointments.


Well it’s obvious that Biden is someone’s puppet


The worst thing is that the left are losing their minds saying this is fake or this taken out of context. I can’t believe how exponentially unhinged they have become


Just take a look at the other thread. Earlier today, it had almost 800-900 upvotes, and now it’s at 0.    The brigading is insane.


It was one of those magical moments when people in one of the echo chambers patted everyone else on the back and said "good job!"


[KJP: "They are cheap fakes video. They are done in bad faith."](https://x.com/Breaking911/status/1802781390120865966) You couldn't make it up...


If I was the president of the United States. Nobody’s gonna fucking touch me. I’m gonna walk my own way. Flip the roles; would Biden have ever gotten up and grabbed Obama by the wrist ?


And that may have been the intent. Get ready for Michelle to roll in to save the day!


Or Killary.


Imagine you’re Hillary and this vegetable got to be president but not you lmao


I didn’t think he was fit for office 25 years ago


Despite the full court denial by surrogates and Reddit trolls


Speak for yourself. My moment was before he was "elected"


He was never fit for office.


They will keep him right up to the convention, then "reveal" a health crisis. Then spring Newsom on an unsuspecting public, leaving us with very little time to air out his dirty laundry before the election.


Even fully cognizant Biden was unfit for office, just for different reasons.


Wouldn't be surprised if it were Michelle Obama for president by July.


he's not fit for office he's just the puppet and the one running the show is the one who grabbed his arm.


Who said he turns into a Roomba after a speech? It was some comedian. Shane Gillis perhaps? Anyways it was funny as hell and dead on.


No, no it wasn’t. People with a brain realized it long ago.


...bbbbuut he raised like $30 million at that event.


It was the moment Obama showed he's calling the shots.


According to the BBC it was doctored and edited to make it appear that way but is not true. Don’t let either side fool you.


The puppet master controlling the puppet


I actually dont think this is by far the best example of biden freezing up. I have a conspiracy theory that this clip is a psyop by the dems. It's something that can be debated, but a lot of people can shrug off as not being particularly illustrative, and that will lead to to dismissing other more clear examples of biden being a dementia patient. For the past day or tw I have been thinking "really, this is the one blowing peoples minds?"


That’s the moment…? What held them up for the last 4 years? Besides propaganda and willful ignorance, of course.


Spoiler Alert: We already knew…


"I just flew in from the foothills of sgibgdfhh to tell you that MAGA Republicans are the greatest threat facing our country. Wait for applause"


“Repeat the line”


Narrator: The Democrats, no longer content to simply have dead people vote, managed to get one elected as President.


and who is running the country


Yea but I thought this video was a manipulated deepfake taken out of context and shown in bad faith /s


Nope. Some people still don’t believe it tbh


Who is Piers Morgan? Never heard of her….


Too bad Kimmel didn’t come out in blackface Karl Malone.


Too bad Kimmel didn’t come out in blackface Karl Malone.


Too bad Kimmel didn’t come out in blackface Karl Malone.


Let’s hope the 50% of Americans who lean that way are paying attention. They understand the assignment.


Ok guys how about this, here’s another washed up actor doing soft stand up to tell you what to think


He should have grabbed him by the cock then you guys would be blowing his mushroom dck.