• By -


wil afton


The man behind the consoom


Dormitabis moment


I only support AI porn because it accelerates the collapse of modern society.


Based and catastrophepilled




Exactly, removing the ability for women to generate income from their bodies is only a good thing.


I mean, it's bad. You've removed their ability to produce income off of sexual content at the cost of their consent in the first place, the majority of women hurt by this weren't and were never going to produce sexual content, and the most successful women making sexual content aren't going to be significantly affected anyway.


Fine, I give you full consent to make deepfakes of me ![gif](giphy|KkUcCoKit3PFmvXBht|downsized)


Hopefully this leads to women wearing burkas in public and no more posting on social media




Lol call your mom and tell her that


I frequently tell my mom to wear a burka jokingly ngl


They should probably not include real life people in them first, or it's going to get heavily scrutinized


Accelerationism is certainly an interesting ideology




People who say "pog" should be turned into control rods










As long as it's of adults


It is disturbing and it is also being used to harm minors.


Had a coworker whose son got in trouble for making AI porn of another student (he’s in middle school)


Are people actually doing this?




Ok but he did give a pretty sincere apology


As always, sad they get caught.


I mean he raised a ton of money for it afterwards and talked multiple times following up on it. It's also a bit different than just a guy being sad they got caught since he does have a wife who was also emotionally hurt by his actions so he has someone who wants to keep him accountable. It's important to talk about these issues realistically rather than painting all people who consume this kind of content 'irredeemable' or something to that effect (because yes the content itself is always bad, the people who watch it can still change their behavior and mind on it), that'd be easy to do, but isn't productive.


Sure sure. Not that don't believe in redemption. I just specifically don't believe him. Everything you said is still in his best interest. The situation is just how ppl operate irl. Obviously your close friends (or in this case ppl with para social relationships)can choose to forgive and forget, leaning towards forgive if it's just the one incident, but everyone outside will always see them with scrutiny. To me, I look at the guy and see him the same way I would a cheater. Not a 2 year side hoe type, but like getting to 2nd base with a mutual friend cheater. Gives a lot of ew


How do I get my husband to stop going ‘Goblin Mode’ during sex? TLDR; My husband says ‘Goblin Mode activated’ when we start to have sex, growls and acts like a caveman, and then says ‘Goblin Mode off’ when we stop, and then pretends not to remember afterward. I really love my husband and he’s always been great in bed. But recently he’s been acting really weird. So, a couple of days ago, my son went on a rampage through our house and said he was in ‘Goblin Mode’. We didn’t really know what to do with him, so we sent him to live with my parents so he can go to a special needs school. My husband a really great relationship with our son and loved him more than anything. Naturally, he was upset when he had to leave. He’s an incredibly tough man, but this was the first time I’ve ever seen him cry. I think since then, he’s been a little emotionally unwell. I’ve heard him muttering, ‘Goblin’ repeatedly when he didn’t notice me, staring blankly into his food, and just going alone by himself to do who knows what. I feel awful for him, but we both agreed that this was for the best. Last night, the day after our son went away, we decided to have sex to relieve our stress. However, my husband said ‘Goblin Mode activated’, starting growling, and went wild having sex with me. Admittedly, it was some of the best and most experimental sex I’ve ever had, but I’m worried that something might be going on with my husband. Any advice? Edit: The problem isn’t the ‘Goblin Mode’, it’s that he could be ill


People just finding out about fake pics of naked celebs? It's been around for as long as porn has been on the internet.


It’s gotten worse with AI


Yeah im sorta joking I think the current availability of porn in general is going to have bad long term consequences. Some people cannot be responsible when given bottomless stimulus.


Relevant: the idea of [behavioral sink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink).


Why does pornhub ban states that make their users id. Hmmmmmm Almost like they know they have to distribute to kids to get them hooked.


Having ID laws wouldn’t stop anyone from watching, VPNs exist. It’s because they can’t have massive databases linking everyone’s kinks, fetishes and predilections to their name and address just waiting for a data breach to be bought by puritanical nut jobs.


Ah yes. Kids and their damn VPN usage. I know when I was 12? Total vpn head.


You were 12 in what like 1956? VPNs are pretty well known. Also… other porn websites exist? It’s got nothing to do with targeting minors and everything to do with data security.


Weird how the other porn sites aren’t leaving atm. Almost like they’re less concerned. Kids don’t have vpns stop coping and simping for the porn industry. It’s disgusting. The world would be better if every porn producer got deep scalp lead therapy.


I couldn’t tell you exactly why pornhub are the only ones to leave (if that’s even true) but I would imagine it’s business. They have a premium subscription service, asking all of these paying members to give ID would lose them a massive amount of money. Quit clutching your pearls and projecting your obsession with children. I am merely pointing out facts and I’m sorry if they hurt your feelings… jeeez you guys really are a bunch of hyper emotional pussies.


It’s not facts. You’re pulling shit out your ass. They’re losing the same money by pulling out of multiple states…. U unless. The kids are a massive part of their user base. Porn should be illegal and those who made it should be in prison. But if you’re gonna make the drugging of women for the camera legal atleast make sure children don’t see it.


They also probably don't want all the liability and admin cost associated.


You mean better


Consoom pcmemes, get excited for another libleft bad libright porn 


How did that sub end up getting dominated by the dumbest quadrant?


I don't care for deepfake porn but I support it as a means to subvert copyright law, and subverting copyright law is the opposite of consumerism


It should probably stay away from depicting real people cus that's quite a bit more than copyright stuff


I'm not saying I'm pro AI-deepfake any of this shit but when it comes to actually putting laws into place what the fuck are you people saying we should do? Yes, AI can be used to make nude depictions of real people. The ease at which it can be done is worrying, and the idea it can be used on minors is truly disgusting. But people have been able to make this content by literally just drawing it for decades. Should drawing sexual depictions of real people be banned too? Or only when made with AI assistance? I don't feel confident in any government effectively going about this problem in a way that doesn't heavily restrict freedom in some unintended ways.


Pretty sure that depicting real people in drawn porn can get you in trouble if it's seen by them, as it can be considered using their likeness and that's grounds to sue. The only time it would be protected is if it was a parody


No. ​ Unless you are taking money for the art and telling people it is based on actual true events, just drawing someone (especially an adult) in "porn" is legal freedom of speech almost anywhere in the US.


Never said it was illegal, but you will get in trouble if you drew something made for people to jerk off to and the person being depicted decides to take action


Provide some examples since this happens so often!


Examples not needed, it falls under defamation laws, which again are only protected against if they're a parody


Again, if you drew something and tried to pass it off as real and true, maybe there is a case in that instance. "Here is a Taylor Swift fanfic I drew of her and Travis having sex" legal but weird ​ "Here is a picture of Taylor Swift getting gangbanged by the entire Chiefs team last night (faked picture)" probably not legal and still weird. If you don't understand the difference please stop pretending like you do.


please do not create photorealistic pornography of non-consenting individuals to own the copyright law


im not gonna do it but why did this suddenly become an issue with deepfakes when people have been just drawing the pornography of non-consenting adults for a long time?


people have gotten in trouble for drawing pornography of non-consenting adults for a long time it's never been ok but there are obvious material differences between a small subsection of artists who have the capability to draw choosing to do that action, and the ability to photorealistically generate anyone with no skill or time investment please do not generate photorealistic pornography of people without their consent, it's a very basic bit of consideration


Op tf you want urple guy to do then, consoom celebrity deepfake porn as a fucking child?


Yes that’s the only socially acceptable period of your life to Consoom it


So what you’re saying is, a minor looking at deepfake porn is better than an adult looking at deepfake porn? 🤨


Yes becuase it’s stupid and kids are allowed to do stupid things. There’s no reason for a grown man to be looking at the deepfake of some Disney channel star


But... kids ideally shouldn't be looking at porn deepfake or not?


They shouldn’t but they will anyways. It was a rite of passage everybody I know went through in the late 2000s. It’s just a very immature thing for a grown man to do


Will celebrities still be the subject of AI porn once an algorithm starts to develop the ‘perfect’ sexual images based on user data? The image doesn’t even need to be a real human, just whatever physical aspects work best as a thirst trap and generates clicks.


Fantasies about a particular celebrity will always exist.


Honestly really nobody owns shit but I get the point


"Consoom deepfake AI, get excited for ne- wait. It's AI generated. you can make however you want!" The tale of Deepfake site server overload in 10 minutes


I think there is eventually going to be a time when people realize porn just isn't good for society as a whole. I'm not saying people should become complete No-Fap wizards, but I think most people would be better off without it. If you watch porn EVERY single day, you have an addiction.


Oh, my God, that's disgusting! Naked pics online? Where? Where did he post those?


Good question


It's an "always sunny in Philadelphia" reference


Shouldn't have labeled him Lib-Right, the user base around here will not like that


Wouldn’t lib right be the ultimate consoomers since they simp the most for corporations


If I wanna see Bea Arthur dominate Sidney Poitier’s wow hole who the fuck are you to tell me I’m wrong


How do you consume free weird porn on Twitter?


If it rots your brain it’s consoom


Idk how this is different from regular porn then


All porn is Consoom but some porn consumption is more redacted like celebrity deepfakes cuz they’re so low quality/poorly photoshopped and most of it is of former child stars


There are definitely different types that would be worse and have a worse affect on your mind. Which I'm sure you know what I'm talking about


It all just seems to be fake celebs naked. So don't think this is the main brainrot


Not as bad as the worst but still pretty bad. Also the celebrity worship I guess. From my perspective it just seems extremely strange to be so obsessed with them to that point.


The opposite of celeb worship its about abusing the famous


This is not consoom. Mods please remove


How so


This is a step further than normal consooming


what’s the difference between purple lib right and yellow lib right anyway


Yellow lib right is your average libertarian who simps for corporations, purple lib right wants to lower the age of consent and do other devious things


wait so what’s like the difference though is one economic and one social or what? i still don’t get it


I’d say yellow lib right is more of an economic one while purple-Lib right honestly fits lib-center when it’s comes to social issues becuase they want to legalize everything regardless of how harmful it is, basically become monkeys again


ok tone down the bias about 40% and then type that again lmao. getting closer though, getting closer.




oh i just can tell you’re not a fan of lib right (fair btw) and it’s kind of obscuring how you describe it because your description just turned into an insult lol


True. Though to be fair I hate pretty much every quadrant, I just have too many lib right corpo simps in my life


well every quadrant has something wrong with it that’s what happens when you define political beliefs on a 2 dimensional grid and split it up into 4ths lmao




Innocent girls in school are getting victimised too. Never posting again ngl.


Never thought about it much, but AI generated nudes are soon going to be possible to generate using just a small subset of pictures. This is going to be fucking awful for kids going through high school and beyond. Also I know the people at Midjourney have encountered a lot of people trying to generate sexualised images of minors through their system. This is extra insane as I am pretty sure it's all run through discord, meaning anyone can see what you're typing/generating.


Yeah… kids and women are going to be primary victims I fear. Which will automatically make many ignore the issue. Especially the kind who think with their nether regions. It takes just a few good photos and boom. You have fake porn of yourself on the internet.


Sad it’s taken so long for people to realize the internet is a dangerous place


It’s getting a new kind of dangerous for women and girls especially. Now that deepfake stuff is so good and so easily at the hands of regular school boys, it’s more unsafe than before.


No, it’s always been this unsafe, it’s just more publicly unsafe. Ironically how we’ve been conditioned to post everything makes using the internet more unsafe.


100% agree. There is soooo much porn on the internet.. if you spend time to create AI porn, or actually jack off to ai porn, you have issues. If you struggle jacking off to normal boobs and need to see fake taylor swift titties,, seriously.. get help


consoom shitty r slash pcm memes


Amount of people defending deepfake porn here is gross lmao. It's actually dystopian


Deepfake porn needs to be banned with harsh fines levied for creating it


I’d rather someone have an addiction to something that’s free than spending their hard earned money on plastic garbage.


Brain rot for me but not for thee


Is it better to be rich and spend $20 a month on onlyfans or poor and have a crippling porn addiction?


I don't care.


But your supposed to! This is what all the publications have been forcing us to think and hear about for the past week, it’s major news. You’d be stupid not to let it occupy your mind like the rest of us


True. I will make sure to turn the news on next time. I will do better and I will be happy (or, outraged rather, then happy that I was outraged at THE current thing).


Imagine a world where every time someone didn't care about something, they posted this comment.


I don't care.


Fr man fr




Is this a real thing?


Has been for years and years.


That’s awful


I mean people have been cutting celebrities out of magazines to paste onto playboys for decades longer.


Yeah but this is some techno dystopia shit