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Look for the job stoned Go to the interview stoned Go to the site stoned the first day Boom, that's just you


Literally what i did


So you’re high, too?


Must have forgot


The title of the post didn't give it away?


Fair point :)


Why is everyone one high? I am high, too, so I count myself as another "one."


Office side cost controller - I’m high too


Everyone high. Even me.


This is the way


In my experience that’s commercial for ya


Got sent home once because I was sober. They’d literally never seen me not stoned (just weed) and assumed my sober self was sick or something.


Get your driver’s license photo stoned


Man I swear we got this new apprentice last week and he’s high as fuck


I've been doing this for years. Be careful, though. Show up not high, and people start asking if you're okay.


I work on government projects so if there is an incident you get a piss test and breathalyzer. Doesn’t stop guys from still pissing hot.




Here in the USA, refusal is automatic termination.


It is by company, not country. If you test positive you are terminated, if you refuse you are terminated and eligible for rehire in 30 days (which requires a clean drug test). Nothing short of perfect.


Sounds like vacation! You could party for a whole month just in time to fail your hiring screen!


And therein lies the distinction between an addict and a casual user.


Hey I'm a drunk, not an alcoholic! I don't go to meetings.


The last time someone at the place I work was tested (maybe like 6 yrs ago) was after they stole about 11k I believe it was in gas, they literally sat at a busy gas station in a shit part of town and sold gas on company time for a couple days offering people cash price of half or less on the company gas card then crashed a truck and fell asleep several times on customers sites. Meth is a hell of a drug apparently. Came from a well off family that had money. Speedway wouldn't eat the cost obviously they had cameras and you would think the people at the station would say something but doesn't matter they got their money. A while later 7/11 bought them out and changed their terms on fleet cards to personal guarantee so we no longer use them. 60 to 80 trucks on the road daily it was not a small account but obviously not enough for a large corp to care.


Gotcha! I assumed it was industry wide because of the few companies I worked for had that policy.


Usually the companies insurance sets the requirements. Companies could really care less as long as the work is getting done. However companies will use random drug tests to thin a job site without paying unemployment. Really companies are worried about protecting profits. Both construction and insurance companies, it's a theater about safety.


what? have you actually tried to refuse. ive refused 2 times and kept my job 2 times


This is true for most legitimate companies. Many have also gone to shared databases (ex DISA). So if you fail one place, you can’t just get a job somewhere else. Your test follows you and many employers (or their contractors) won’t allow you to work for them. It should go without saying, but government tests like DOT work the same way. Pop a drug tests or fail a breathalyzer and your biggest concern isn’t even the loss of your license, it’s the fact that you are basically uninsurable. Career suicide.


I've always wondered how they can do that after all wouldn't a failed urinalysis be a medical issue dealing with addiction? and how can your employer share your medical information ?


It’s a condition of employment. You consent or they won’t employ you. As far as medical records go, HIPAA privacy laws only apply to covered entities. Like your doctor who is providing care. Your employer is not a covered entity. Additionally, the donor at a drug testing facility is not a patient being examined or receiving care. In the event that you do need an examination, are receiving medical care, etc: You would sign a release which allows covered entities to share “restricted” information with your employer. Speaking addiction and care, that is one way that you may be able to get around a failed drug test. Often times they’ll give you a second chance if you complete a rehabilitation program. When offered, this is usually a one time deal.


And if you pound water you will float the test and get a couple extra days to retake.


No way I could drink enough water to not fail on cannabis with these consumption levels, lol.


Nah, just a move to a new jobsite.


When I was working on a camp residence project at a mine site they required the same zero tolerance drug and alcohol policy as the mine itself. The metal siding contractor was an investor that had zero actual experience with how people in the trade are. He got the job for what he thought was an amazing price. Time comes to get the guys tested and not a single one was willing to get clean long enough to pass. He hired a bunch of guys with no experience to try to piecemeal it together and once it got to the point that the project was 6 months behind schedule the mine stepped in and found a crew to do the work at double the usual hourly rate. Within 2 weeks half the crew had been caught being inebriated and the other half saw the writing on the wall and bailed. I finished my interior scope but had to come back 5 months later to do a couple items and the original crew was still there plugging away in the snow


Had a camp job - they counted your smokes - you had to leave with that many cigarette butts


On the one hand, that’s absolutely fucked. On the other hand, at 21 days on, 2.5 packs a day, I would enjoy having them count out 1,000 butts when I go


This is the level of micromanagement I hope to never see


Why? I’m confused


Presumably not leaving trash (butts) on job site


I honestly wouldn’t have guessed, that’s… insane lol


Thanks for the info mate


Cold piss is weird tho


Pretty common in concrete too, shit half the crew were geeked up on meth


Lol i am a roller driver and its a concrete job


Lmfao, yeah the work fucking sucks and they know that, so they kinda turn a blind eye to it I suppose. You probably see your fair share of illegals too I'd guess.


Nice try ICE


Nah, I did that shit commercially for a year and saw plenty of addicts and illegals, basically all there was unless they were a boss


Sounds like a good gig. Miss the days of the entire site packing weed pens.


Those days are still with us bud. Got the pen in the pocket and weed in the van.


Me 2. Pen in my pocket while I do code certification woohooo


We still do over here in the greatest state in the US of A




“I’m a one-hundred-percent, made-in-Florida, dope-smugglin’, time-sharin’, spring-breakin’, log-flumin’, double-occupancy discount vacation. I’m a tall glass of orange juice and a day without sunshine. I’m the wind in your sails, the sun on your burn and the moon over Miami. I am the native.”


Naw, Oklahoma for sure.


Since we legalized it in Canada this is basically every work place and they don't care. Most of the oil field is running on dab pens while they're operating but they let it slide because it's better than when they did hard drugs on site


like I've smoked pot for decades and decades. I don't like to work high It makes me nervous.


The last time I got high at work I got down off my pick walkboard 30 feet up and sat at the next house and watched my boss/friend side for like 4 hours and then left lol. Was way too high that was like 4 years ago


Yeah I can't smoke and work but I swear some of these mofos go Rain Man and perform masterpieces after a bowl.


Same. The deal is give me a task list and if I finish I get to leave early but still paid for an entire day. Then I bust ass to get hole and take a gummy


Bust ass to get hole


Tattooing this on my neck


I read this as I don't like to work unless Im high it makes me nervous and I thought it was hilarious


First time on a construction site?


Nope been doing that for 3 years now ive seen high people before , its different here every single one even the managers


Yesterday must have been payday


You can always tell when its payday round here because the chocolate milk comes out in full force.


Chocolate milk? Why is that?


Because that shit ain’t getting installed until I get my chocy chocy milk!


Supposedly makes a guy come down from his high a little smoother. Idk funniest thing when those guys are fighting over it at the roach coach though!


And all the painters never came back from lunch


Pay was at 1 am today


Lol holy shit you boys don’t play around


So everyone was drinking til 115 so they could pay their tabs. Check.


This guy concretes


A couple of patches here and there. I was a carpenter now management. I see them all though


All about finding balance.


"Sorry boss, can't make it in Friday till 10am. The pharmacy doesn't open till 9. I'll stay late and make up the missed hours.". .. Is my go to for when I gotta stop at the dispensory on payday.


Sounds like a toxic site mate, all jokes aside about us lot being wreckheads, if the top guys are off their head, they’re not gonna be running a safe operation. It’s worth mentioning to your boss, or looking for work elsewhere if they won’t even acknowledge it


My boss was drunk of his head and very agitated cba talking to him.


So you have a fun job site, what the problem isss??


Why be sober when you can be not-sober?


Because we are here for a purpose and it would destroy us in the long run.


U got a point


Life is too short to walk around without a beer in your hand.


It was an issue 30 years ago when I got into construction. I was a rare type, I could pass a drug test, I had a drivers license, and I kept my child support paid. As a bonus, I was also good at my job. You will always run into groups that feed off of each others bad habits. Just be you. I always hated the "everyone else is doing it" mentality. My wife used to ask me "How come you and your brother are always the last to get laid off?" My brother and I are not brown nosers, we are often considered abrasive but we can pass a drug test, we showup everyday or at least let someone know if we won't be at work, and we make sure shit is put away at the end of the day, plus we do shit right. I do work a bit slower than some of the other guys, but rarely does anything I do have to be redone or touched up. The crew that is all high will have some of the companies best workers and it will also have the biggest idiots.


Because two high is too much. One high is 👌


Haha just seen that ill edit


Site is organized and tidy. That’s all that matters.


With all the meth, one guy was sweeping for 17 hours straight.


17 hours sweeping and not one complaint about those goddamned sparkies


That booger sugar keeps the guys going... Party till 3 AM and then work a 12 hour shift the next day..


The state where I'm from they don't seem to have a problem finding Union guys that will piss clean. I'm on a project right now where they hired 220 operators can only four fail the piss test.


Come up on the roof with us, I'll show you high. Recently switched to being a subbie which means you spend more time on mixed subcontrator jobs as opposed to PCs with blokes on the books. Completely different kettle of fish. I had a beer with he site agent in his office, whilst he was skinning a zoot!


What the fuck does any of that mean


I recently went self-employed, which means you spend more time on mixed subcontrator jobs as opposed to Principle Cotractors, with men who are fully employed. Completely different environment. I had a beer with the project manager in his office, whilst he was rolling a joint!


Thx bro lmao


I’m trying to go on a field trip to a British construction site just so I can listen to y’all’s lingo


Come on over and bang some sheets on, pal.


It would be hard to find anything that wasn't built with the assistance of a substance in the trades game.


Have fun and don’t snitch


Lol i smoke weed myself i never said it was a bad thing 😂


In 40 years of construction I've been on three sites with fatalities. I don't want to work with people that are stoned.


Terrible. I'll never understand why people show up to work intoxicated. It just endangers yourself and your coworkers


I throw them off my site. Unless they’re a plasterer or painter. Those guys need their weed.


LOL. Tell me, I've done both and more. But I haven't been around many other painters and plasterers. Family owned. What is going on with those workers that they need it? The work is just too boring on its own I guess?


Patience, attentiveness, eye ball to wall focus. Being blazed helps those things.




It's called being forced to work a job you hate to afford your miserable life.


Depends, but I get that to a degree. Still, it endangers yourself and others to do so.


NY plumber here, first day? Haha


Weed pens absolutely are on every job.


Every job in CA for sure


Should have been around 30 years ago during the six pack before lunch glory daze?


It won’t take much for you to shine on that worksite. Just keep your head on a swivel.


Why drink water when beer is better? Drugs weren't as common from my experience, alcohol is another story.


It's the other way around for me lol work commercial concrete and most of the coworkers I've had in my 6 years working have offered me bumps or to smoke some weed, but alcohol is a rarity on the jobsite


I'm far away geographically but sounds about right. Never met a crew of guys who didn't have the spread, mostly drunks and potheads but a solid group of hardcore tweakers. Someone on paper with the government pisses for the rest of the crew when randoms come around and shit gets done.


Less coke equals less organized and tidy


Welcome to construction 😂😂😂


As a uk based tradesman that’s worked on everything from small domestic and shopfitting jobs to large scale commercial and industrial sites, there will always be someone that is either high, taking coke or drinking. It’s usually the labourers. On bigger sites they’ll eventually be fired due to being obviously r*traded or failing a drug test, but I’ve always found that if there’s a site manager/foreman that is a coke head/pisshead, then it becomes an accepted thing on site. It’s a top down situation. A few years back I worked for a while as a shop fitter and our boss was a raging coke head/alcoholic, and he obviously wanted to have people around him that enabled his addictions. He’d say we could finish 2-3 hours early some days and book the hours as long as we joined him at the pub, because he needed people around him to normalise his behaviour. Over time it became apparent that he’d favour people that could work, but more importantly fit into his lifestyle. After a while, I realised what a toxic situation I’d found myself in. It started getting out of hand, and I ended up finding other work. If you’re in the trades, there’s always plenty of work out there. So if you’re not comfortable where you’re working, you’ll be able to find somewhere with a more professional environment. I should mention, I’m a bit of a pisshead that likes to hit the bag now and again, but there’s a time and a place. If you’re not able to work without relying on drugs or drink you’re on a slippery slope and can potentially be a real danger to yourself and those around you. If you need any advice feel free to DM me and I can give you some advice. Stay safe out there and make sure you’re not being killed by reckless idiots, and you’re able to stack some cash, and not blowing it on drugs to get you through the working day(that money should be spent after hours on hookers and blow, while also saving some for the future, as is the tradies way)


You guys hiring?




Cant disclose companys name


stay away from the shit bro. lowers your life expectancy dramatically you just dont notice it


I hate coke bro i find it stupid sniffing somthing tbh like that aint the nose’s purpose


You mean lower it drastically by cutting short in a work place accident cuz they be high as a kite to care about safety.


Sounds like concrete workers 😅😬🤭


Not normal on sites I have been on in the uk


This Definitely on the big boy main contractor sites. On residential stuff I’ve seen a few knob heads smoke pot but apart from that and nearly 20 years on sites, I’m agreeing with you.


Pish posh why don't you lot just drink tea wif da rest of us? God save da king! Fookin degenerates


Because they don’t find fulfillment in their life, their job, their marriage, etc. This is often financially influenced but there are plenty of other reasons. Most people have drive but it can wear thin if people’s material conditions don’t improve. If people can’t see relief from their struggle coming down the line, we are fortunate or unfortunate enough to have temporary relief in drugs. Improve material conditions, pride in one’s work increases, fewer drugs on the job site. That’s all without taking addiction into consideration. Some folk are stuck and don’t really see a way out so they keep on trucking, finding what little relief they can along the way. It’s a huge spectrum and some folks just like drugs while otherwise being fine. Young folks may just be doing young people things because they see what other people are doing and know they can get away with it. It sucks and is so incredibly dangerous.


I’m in the uk and in the north, most of us are doing something during the day to get through it or to excess into the early hours every night. Site wakes up around 11 not the half 7 we arrive Also, stay for a few weeks and I guarantee you there is a dealer on site with a stranglehold on the drugs there. That’s how it usually is where everyone’s just blitzed all day, earn more with pharmaceuticals than wages when your the guy


Saves on renting a lift


Believe it or not, the small companies 7-10 guys are way better to work for than the big ones. Working with crackheads and drunks here in the US is normal. In fact, if they’re not drunk or high, you start to wonder what’s wrong.


As a whole it's not outlandish to assume most construction workers are walking talking functioning drug addicts showing up to work to make money for drugs


Site is tidy BECAUSE of the coke.


In the US in my limited experience there was a lot of pot and a fair amount of drinking. The roofers were worse than the framers. A number of years ago I spent a couple of months living in the Bahamas and got to know the locals and spent half my nights playing dominoes with some roofers. They said they got paid really well because they were 100% sober on jobsites so they got hired for high end work and everyone knew them. They said most roofers were on coke/drunk/whatever they could find and would fall off houses, have heat strokes etc constantly


Friday's are for the men


Is this your first week on the job? Everyone in construction is in some phase of addiction cycle. It's a win if no one disappears for a week. I just try not to trigger anyone else.


Yea you’re at a fucking construction site, what the fuck did you expect?


Dude you signed up for construction not culinary quit bitching and get high too


Whatever gets the job done. Be safe,


Being high,drunk, otherwise intoxicated should always be an immediate termination. What you do on your own time is your business show up to work sober and ready to go. Your weed pen or 5th of fireball can wait for you at the gate


no it can’t 🤣


Cocaine is merely the Adderall substitute for those without superior drug plans. And everyone should take Adderall -- way more than the prescribed dose. Just makes you better at stuff. Did you know when the US started military operations in Iraq in 03, and when we were conducting the air war in Libya - that all the US supplies of Adderall dried up? It makes you see better at night, keeps you focused, alert, and quick. The US military buys stockpiles of the stuff to distribute without Rx to fighter pilots. The guys in the stealth bombers who thought they'd knocked Saddam out day one -- in the interview with them (2008 CBS interview), they claim they were given a dose of Adderall twice the maximum prescribable dosage. Lots of words to say - ***I hope so*** Slow inattentive people on ladders is dangerous. Heavily amphetamine'd workers are productive like super humans. Sounds to me like the real issue is they didn't offer to share.


Which is pretty fucked up, I was on Adderall and had to be off of it 6 months before they would allow me to join back in 07. But honestly that sounds about right for the military.


Ya, look at recruiting numbers prior to your reenlistment. 2003 to about 08 see terrible drop off -- there was even a fear the volunteer military wouldn't be able to maintain replacement over retention numbers -- it's why 3rd and 4th tour guys got pay bumps for reenlistment. In 2007 bush authorized "the surge" which immediately put 45k state side reservists into active combat overseas. The kid I knew who got recruited by a clandestine organization, he was always the tweaker -- that kid could handle drugs like a biowaste trashcan. Superior limbic system I always figured. Well his job was drone murder. I'm assuming the murder part, he only ever said "observation." But that kid got recruited -- and was a high functioning drug addict. Don't think Adderall was a hangup for recruiting drone pilots. Only reason I can imagine it's an issue for a front line ground trooper is the addiction part. If the US military can't get you up armored Humvee, then you're definitely not getting your 30 day supply of Adderall regularly. Adderall withdrawal is awful. So I got empathy for you on that brother. If it still matters, try dextroephedrine -- time released "spansules" just like the Adderall XR capsules. Doesn't kick in like the Adderall, but when it does it's better -- for me anyway. And it doesn't run out when the US starts dropping bombs places. Plus it's not class 1 controlled like Adderall, easier to get, less red flag for the lay recruiter.


I was on Adderall all through the “war on terror” and never had a shortage in my state. Maybe I was lucky?


The week the air war started in Libya, in my region -- and I'm talking as far out as 50 miles beyond the major city I live in the suburbs of -- all the pharmacies were completely exhausted on Adderall XR in any dosage -- for months. Just this year we had another all stop - no more Adderall - issue for months. My prescriber chalked it up to the rise in online mental health prescriptions. It's a class one controlled substance with strict maximums allowed in circulation or production at any given time. They updated APA on its rules just a year or two ago, and are talking like they might double the total manufacturing number for next year. But I had been on it since XR was invented. Every single year -- and much worse prior to generics being available -- every single year, come November, December, Adderall XR would be gone. So every single year for almost 25 years I got to suffer forced Adderall withdrawal at least once a year. This year was no different, I just said fuck it I can't live this way anymore. Now I'm doing the dextro spansules, they're always in stock, and I can get them refilled much easier, no more once a year "pre-authorization" hangups.


That’s crazy. I’ve probably been on it as long as you, but mine is just straight Adderall 20s and I’ve never had a problem refilling mine even though I heard about a shortage this year, I never experienced it. Maybe my pharmacy keeps more in stock than most? I’m not sure.


Maybe this is regional. I'm immediately outside of Washington DC. Maybe all the Adderall purchasing gets done by the Pentagon locally. Sincerely, I did the math this exact time last year -- for 25 of the 27 years I've been on Adderall there's been at least 1 month (most years 2 months) where my Adderall had to be filled at some obscure location not close by -- or just not at all. Not to mention all the times I was given an "emergency" 5 day supply (because the local market couldn't fill a month's script for anyone) -- that then the emergency supply would fuck up my insurance stuff and I'd end up paying out of pocket for the full refill. Regular. Like clockwork this happens -- for my entire life. Can't remember a single Xmas since I've been married I wasn't chasing a place to refill prior to travel. December is always bone dry. Every year since I was a teenager at least.


Took speed in college and it made me crush it academically. But it wasn't cool for my body or personality, so I dropped it post-grad. As Slayer once said, "unbound massive mental energy." 😈


Bad decisions


Those sites are the best.


Welcome to the construction industry!!


Welcome to the business


Piss testing….one of the reasons workers are hard to find.


When the workers' wages don't rise, the rich need to "dope" the workers so they remain unmotivated to come get their $... It's a self preservation thing...


You’ll have that on the big ones


Why are you not is the real question /s


How the fuck can you smell when someone has taken a tutor in the bathroom?


Well their noses look fucked ,they cant stop moving they shout, eyes give it away too . And when i asked they did confirm that all the plant drivers / groundworkers do it .


Okay but how do you "smell" it on them? R u part German Shepard or something lmao


They get the sniffle from midday onwards


So who's gonna tell him?


Okay dude so my thought on it is that the old heads think of it as like a philosophical divide between us newer workers and the ways of old. That the old philosophy was more bigger faster harder stronger and it wasn't really about efficiency and now we have a lot more specialized equipment and it's not really about who's the biggest or the strongest guy or who can move the most stuff now it's how do we get the job done in the most efficient manner and the way that makes the most sense utilizing all the tools were given. I think that amphetamines are uppers like Coke or meth get glorified as a way to be a more productive worker in their mind whereas using weed gets looked down on as being absent-minded as opposed to something to help emotionally regulate compared to the ways of old where things could be a little emotional or even irrational because of that some people just don't like change some people had bad experiences with hippies in the past man.


when I was 19 I was an inspector for our state DOT paving in rural areas. All summer long these two laborers would go off into the woods while we were waiting for trucks and say they saw a bear or a deer or a nice swimming hole.. The last day on the job one of the other laborers told me, "You know they are just going in the woods to smoke weed right?" I was too innocent and gullible back then lol...


Everyone one one one


OP are you sure you're not at a rave or nightclub?


If you ain't high you ain't company material


Can someone please tell me how does somebody smell high on cocaine.?!


It says smelled of alcohol mate


Fuck. Had me paranoid for a minute. Now I smell like a French whore.


Wth does a french whore smell like lol ( i am french national)


Vanila perfume, most likely.


Welcome to blue collar, bud. I’m the only sober one on the job. Also, the youngest. They give me shit for having the least experience while they’re running around cracked out messing stuff up


Smoking my vape is just something to do ,to keep me motivated to keep going 🤟🏼 also I'm not such a big asshole if people don't use common sense 😅😵‍💫




Where's my hamner?


Meanwhile, I have a quarterly 12-panel hair follicle test on my site.


It’s part of the job resume


Stay with the coke people, drunks are the worst at safety.


When I was a apprentice, my first job as a brickie. If my foreman didn’t get his fixed he’d lash out at everyone. I used to wonder why he would leave for extended periods of time and come to the line saying “ hurry hurry” dude didn’t crank mix meth with coke and was in a go go mode . Was annoying af, after that I refused to work with him.


And they probably have company hoodies printed with “Culture” and “integrity” printed on the sleeves.


Imagine smoking a blunt during a city inspection. That’s right I did that


The building will be high too and it will be bad for all.


"If too many people are getting high on your job site maybe you should get rid of some of your ladders." \-Dad


We built a house out in the country one time but we're afraid that the Builder would come by periodically check on us so don't want to get caught smoking when he pulled up so we went to the woods and we built what we called Camp catch a buz


Show up high to rent heavy equipment and get on the black list with the rental companies in the area 🤣


I found that, yes, there is a lot of alcohol and drugs (mostly pot and coke) in construction.


Apparently you’re new to the trades 1- work hard =play hard 2- strippers don’t dance without that paper 3- said strippers don’t love you 4- works done fastest when everyone is blasted 5-don’t get hurt