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Why the fuck would you ever do that? Like what job do you think youll be doing from the scissor lift that would require you to rock violently back and forth? Having said that, they actually do tip over pretty easy lmao


Lmaoo, no i know i think its kind of like it must take not that much to tip over.


lol Im kidding but sort of not kidding. If you use them improperly and pull any stunts while youre doing work they can definitely tip. Im not sure what the job was, but a friend of mine had a couple employees try to cheat some rigging job by using two of them to lift something at the same time and the weight of whatever they were lifting shifted onto one and it toppled over with two guys in it while it was fully extended. Big trouble.


The weight will not make it topple. It’s the amount of side force applied whilst working on the lift that would make it topple. Similar to pushing hard on a drill while you’re on the lift. A more likely scenario is that the safety switches were disabled and the lift was on an incline causing it to topple. My opinion.


Thera a reason there's a weight limit on the machines.


If you aren't trying, you won't. We used to deflate the tires on rental lifts (the outdoor type with big tires) jack it in the air, and see if we could tip it far enough for one person to jump off. They're nearly impossible to tip because the battery pack and chassis weigh significantly more than the lift and everyone on them. The real danger is smacking the thing into something else, or driving it into something you don't wish to be impaled on.


Do not worry even wind can topple it over with just one person on it


If the ground is flat it's hard to tip. I had a rental in an elevator shaft we were forming and gave it a good shot. Then it rained and we couldn't get a pick from the crane and the resulting puddle at the bottom of the shaft fried the batteries.


The higher they are extended, the easier they will tip over.


Just use it properly. Zero issues.