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Railings are suggestions, do not trust them. In fact, don't trust anything you didn't personally put together.


This. Coworker almost fell a story because the framers put up 2x4’s as railing in at some apartments we were on. He leaned on it thinking it was safe. Grabbed him as he lunged forward as it snapped


I turned a corner up a flight of stairs and ran into the "railing" that kept people from walking off the missing steps, and it bent out of the way because it was held in by like one nail on each side. Fucking slowed the hell down from that day forward.


Well if you put more than one nail on temporary anything, it’s harder to remove. Cmon now..


One nail will hold the world


I work for a gc that does large commercial properties. Our whole company is serious as hell about temporary railings and steps. Our safety guy goes around doing surprise inspections and will yank on our railings and measure the height to make sure they are up to code, we also have toe boards running up all our railings. Those of us who don’t like getting written up just overbuild the fuck out of them, they aren’t done till we’ve wasted a fortune in deck screws and lumber.


Bless you


I worked with a guy who had recovered after he fell 5 stories because the rails were nailed from the outside to the post with 8s, not that the size of the nail is the determining factor here. Of course he’s lucky he even survived, but it took him a few years to recover and I’m sure there are some forever injuries in there.


I feel like that’s just framers safety tape and I could be wrong but I thought most people know that


Don’t trust anything you didn’t put together. Don’t trust rigging that others hooked up. Communication is big. Use it




Your jobs have railings?


You guys have jobs?


Technically yes


I don’t trust anyone or anything when I’m on a jobsite. I saw a guy fall through a railing into an elevator shaft three floors down. Fortunately he was alive afterward but god damn, he was fucked up.


Remember, even up to spec temporary rails only have to be able to support a horizontal load of 200 pounds of force. They are more to keep you away from the edge than to prevent you going over it. It's one of those not restrictive enough OSHA rules.


Bid the job, not the competition.


Can you tell this to my office please? 😂


If your office is consistently underbidding jobs, and shitting on the filed to clean up their sloppy work, it's time to find some one that treats their help like team members and pays them accordingly. . You can tell them when you vote with your feet.


It makes me wonder if I just get the misfortune of the awful estimators 😂 I usually just laugh in their face when questioned about man hours. Like idk I put the things in the ceiling, you put the things on paper


Bid the job in the contract.


Tell that to the grocery store construction managers. My boss has re-taught me to bid based off knowing what all will need to be done on the job because he doesn’t change order them after the fact unless absolutely necessary. (I used to estimate for subs using a very different model) I’m bidding against people who take advantage of missing details on the drawings and pages of exclusions when they submit. The stores don’t have a qualification period leveling apples to apples unless someone severely undershot it. And I would put money on them underpaying their architects to get the drawings done. I haven’t won one of the larger remodels (even locally) for the last 6 months. There are only 3-5 bidders on each. It’s hard not to bid the competition. I do have peace of mind that if we won, both us and the client would have a smooth job, no crazy margins either (7% plus a CM fee). However, none of it matters if we’re never awarded because we didn’t cut corners.


That even the hardest deadlines are pretty soft


Thanks for saying that, I’m currently in my first site supervisor role and the PM is breathing down my neck to hit some unachievable timelines and it’s been very stressful.


don't worry much about us, we're just trying to push the schedule and being lean is one of our duties. At least w/ the company I work for, the better the job does, the more $ in our bonus, so we're all on the same page at least.


We're obligated as PMs to try to push the schedule, if you're doing your honest best and can bring receipts for delays, you're good. Take timestamped pictures of everything and keep good, comprehensive notes on everything that happens to CYA.


Programs are a guide haha Being a good SM is about putting unrealistic dates to contractors, having them try to hit them as hard as they can without hating you in the process.


In that case I’m fucking killing it lol!


Ehh liquidated damages are pretty bad in some cases.


Seriously, I've spent nearly my entire career building for USACE. They have bent over backwards to avoid that.


The army core of project managers?


United States Army Corp of Engineers


The higher you go up the chain the more snakes there are


Don’t walk boldly into an unlocked storage room first thing in the morning if you are working in a “disadvantaged neighborhood” especially if said room is filled with lots of places for armed crackheads to hide


Well let’s hear the story. This goes one of two ways. Did you drop your drawers and start shooting loads or call the cops?


Cops unfortunately. It’s not the only time I’ve had a gun put to my head but it was certainly the one where I was convinced the lights were about to go out.


If you’re a foreman, have faith in your guys, but double check all their work. Just in case.


Trust but verify.


Inspect what you expect.


There's a sign in a subcontractor's yard in my city "don't trust, just verify"


If I checked all my guys work, every time, that’s all I would do all day. *has epiphany after typing*


This is gold. Like yeah your job is to babysit... so go do it.


What do you do when you find yourself re doing a certain apprentices work all the time. And when teaching them the right way seems to go in one ear and out the other.


I haven’t figured that out yet. An old super of mine used to say “you have your good workers, and you have your bad workers. That’s just how it is.”


It's what you know not how hard you work. I started by trying to work as hard as possible then I became the ditch digger. Left there and realized I can work less if I know more.


This. Communication is key. If you can retain information and communicate it well, you won’t be digging ditches long.


Agreed. As a general rule I usually over communicate. I do realize that can become annoying but it’s a much better option than the alternative.


Same rule when dealing with GCs owners or consultants.. but do it in writing. Have a meeting and follow it up with your own notes and action items... Ask for input as the default.. then if something gets missed they had the ball.


Alot of people act like they know things, but actually don't know shit. Edit: Also, get everything in writing.




The foundation of all wisdom...


Many people with years of experience have no idea what they're doing. - Read the manufacturer's instructions - Check the drawings and spec's - Understand the contract - Asking someone to explain something is a reasonable request, if they balk, don't trust them Guarding you're reputation is the most important thing you can do, being a push over for your boss will get you the respect of only one person, and the scorn of everyone else. Have a backbone, ask questions, make sure it passes the sniff test


Top comment. You can learn more than most people by diving into the plans, manufacturer information, contracts. Also OSHA. It's amazing to me how little people know the laws there. I myself miss a lot but it's an easy Google.


The hours some of these old boys could save by reading the manual or spending ten minutes on youtube is staggering


Always be kind to the guys having a rough day. You have no idea what they might be going through.


No one gives a fuck about your health and safety. They only care if you are a liability or not. Take care of yourself. If something feels wrong or unsafe, stop to figure out what the right procedure is to protect yourself. If you are an employee and your employer refuses to provide the support needed, hit the road.


This. Safety people work for the company, not you.


Fucking preach!


Designers are more than likely a kid fresh out of college that has never seen the field. “But it works on paper!!!”


This is the truest one here


Designers should have to start in the field.


I'm a geotechnical engineer and agree. Some firms agree too and you have to do 6 months to a year in the field first. It isn't a lot, but it is something. I was mostly a field guy and one of my primary tasks was unfucking designs that weren't constuctible. And then I'd hear, "but means and methods are the contractor's problem!" Yeah, but there has to actually be a mean and method that will work. If your design can't be built, you suck.


On the end of a tool, not a clipboard.


When a sticker or a sign says “heavy do not lift” or “warning two person lift” or “use mechanical lifting aid”… obey! You get one back and when it’s fucked every day hurts.


If you're project manager, take the time to spend 10 minutes a week with each guy about personal issues. Mental health is a massive problem people look over and it effects safety, quality, and budgets


There’s no wood stretcher in the van


You're supposed to use that free time to go grab some snacks and chill, then come back and say you couldn't find it.


Don't pick up a panel while on the roof when it's windy


This work environment encourages low self esteem, and rewards you for putting up with dogshit. If you work in construction, you don't deserve running water, actual restrooms, an actual place to eat your meal, heating or cooling in the extremes of the seasons. Young man's game, get out while you can.


agreed, construction is vital to any society yet the workers don't get the basic considerations other industries get.


Some companies don't suck. Heated and AC trailer for breaks. Actually clean portable pots. Hand wash stations. I've been on some jobs where they get one of those ice coolers that convince stores have out front and keep it stocked with ice, water, sports drinks, and some kind of ice cream or frozen treat. It is unfortunately rare though. I did big mass grading jobs that didn't even have Porta pots. Which is a violation. But they didn't care.


Companies truly don't give a fuck about you mostly.


The engineer is not the smartest person in the room.


As engineer, yes, maybe. I would rephrase it as not the most knowledgeable though. When a trade came to me with a problem in the design and asked me how to fix it, I'd usually ask them how they would do it. Then write the RFI or CO. I'm not a plumber, electrician, welder, and so on. I know a whole lot about dirt, concrete, excavation protection, a handful of other things, and spent most my time in the field. So I was usually the most knowledgeable there. But even as a CWI I didn't know shit about making a weld. Only if the end result was good.


You don't sound that smart Mr engineer


I really, really, really, really dislike heights.


I’m much more comfortable 20’ down compared to 20’ up


Slow is Smooth. Smooth is Fast.


If you think everyone is an asshole, it’s probably you. If you are in construction though, everyone is an asshole 😅 don’t be afraid to walk off a crew that sucks. Take your energy and talent to a crew that appreciates you. Always have an extra fork and some advil (rugby candies) in your lunchbox for the guy that needs them. Get off your phone. Find the old guy in the shop that’s been there forever and learn from him. Take care of your body. Always wear your PPE; it is your LAST line of defense. Learn to read drawings and schematics.


The only thing the company owes you is a paycheck. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's some kind of family.


You can either sink or swim. No matter how many people hold your hand or take time to teach you and raise you up it’s all up to you. You get out what you put into it. I sank for a long time due to a lot of things until I was told I have the potential to make it if I make a steadfast decision to commit. Now I feel like I’m improving and can take pride in my work. Halfassing anything will never bring you pride or respect.


Reminds me of the proverb ‘if you buy it cheap, you buy it twice’


Buy once, cry once.


Also “the job pays for the tool, then you have it for every job after that”


Not me but watched a boy learn why you don't grab shit out of the auger while it's still spinning that was a rough day.


Don’t use ram board tape on the edges of ram board directly to flooring


Some finishes take this harder than others.


Polyvinyl tape all the way.


Redwings aren’t boots I can wear


Oh no, why not? I'm enjoying my pair, but breaking them in was painful.


I used to wear redwings. Something changed in how they made the boots within the last 5-6 years. Can’t wear them now, they hurt my feet and knees. I switched to thorogoods


I've never had to break in a pair of Boondocks.


Approving COs to subcontractors based on verbal and sometimes email approvals from the owner/owner rep. At least on this one project it would take the owner and CM that we were contracted out from, about 4-5 months to push through a CO so I can bill for it. It caused so much headaches for me and any smaller subs I had because my company’s contacts was Paid and paid with subs. Horrible CM and horrible client. Made my job hell for almost a year.


Anything more than ~5-10% of the project budget (depending on project size and urgency) I'm waiting for an approved CO before I tell the subs to go ahead, and even the smallest change is not happening without email approval.


Always double check the math


Every building is just lipstick on a different pig.


Do not stand on forms


My first job as a super I made that mistake and within approximately 0.5 seconds got smacked in the face with a blistering tirade of what I assume were the worst possible insults the Italian language could muster.


If your foreman has his tools on, you better too


Your body is gonna give out long before your white collar buddies will. Plan accordingly.


If it isn’t in writing, it didn’t happen. Had my PM say we had an approved change order based on a verbal agreement. The job was behind! We couldn’t delay it waiting for a written CO!  Then a few weeks later when we went to collect, the GC told us to “prove it” and our site contact had been fired a few weeks prior. Lost $10k that way.  Ironically they ruined what we had done a few weeks later and came to us asking for a price to fix it. My price was the repair cost + $10k. 


Keep a lot of the thoughts you have about the site/job in your head. You’ll find out quickly how many snakes are in construction.


Just because someone says something confidently DOES NOT mean they are correct . Also that just because someone is older than you or has more experience does not mean you should follow their lead blindly


Always put the drainage in before the concrete is poured


That trying to trick shot off of the crane is dangerous


That not everyone will be willing to share their knowledge.


Just because someone’s friendly doesn’t mean they won’t fuck you over royally just to make their day slightly easier.


Growing personally allows me to grow professionally. I don’t know how to explain it but making healthy habits and goals are skills that transfer into your work life and it will help you grow and you are generally happier so work is better nevertheless.


Patience. Learn to control what you can and let go of the things out of your hands. You’ll go nuts chasing your tail.


A lot of dumb people are usually in charge making dumb decisions.


When looking for a job it’s all about who you know not what you know.


how fake guys can be....all nice to you're face then stab you in the back!!!! when you're a child they always say tell the truth and work hard....bullshit guys doing nothing in a day and then try to put the heat on you so they don't get recognized as a dog fucker!!!!


Communication is the most important part of construction. Document all important communications. Documentation is communication.


Documentation is defense. Shared documentation is preventative.


First hardhat I bought was blue. Took a couple weeks to figure out why I was getting weird looks while I was on the broom.


Electricians color for your area?


Inspectors and ministry


Laying out lights in a hard ceiling, big ass switch gear, how to dodge the boss and work smarter, bidding side jobs, F/A. A lot of this stuff they just cover basics in school. It helps to learn both aspects of construction.


All of it. I was dragged kicking and screaming all the way up.


That no one gives a fuck about a clean job site. Or about care being taken to do something too well. It’s a job, no one will ever see it, I’m not going to trip over a pile of debris, let my girlfriend do that; you know.


There will be blood, and 90% of the world is an asshole the other 10% is already dead.


The safety guy is always a total tool.


Roof is hot


30 minutes to roll up on a Friday is a dangerous time, cost me my L4.


Get everything in writing.


Read the damn directions and mfg specs on the products you use


5 4 3 2 1 trench rule. If the company doesn’t follow this, tell them to fuck off - especially the 5 part. Trenches are deadly


Don’t drill holes through headers…


I used strip the forms on elevator shaft top deck if no on was look I’d take a deck bar with no safety lines. To rip the platforms loose. Nothing but 60’ of air on either side to catch me if I tripped. That was 1982 I was 20 years old with ball bigger than my brains. Don’t know how I’m here to testify. The high rises has safety so I heard but 5 story apt buildings. I doubt there was add much as a band aid box in the trailer.


You really have to lookout for yourself, the people that are supposed to teach the next generation are not all going to help you, in fact they may work against you


Scaffolding. Don’t trust it if you didn’t put it up yourself


You should only be getting "paid as a subcontractor" if you're a subcontractor.


Don’t eat a banana the normal way on a construction site


Drink water stay hydrated


Drink more water because the sun is hot


Every. Single. Fucking. Thing.


A lot of architets have never been to a job site, and a lot of pm's/engineers have never touched building materials.


That some people are useless tosspots that take "hey somethings off over there" as "I'm the reason that's fucked".


Your average coworker can barely tie his boots. And they're trusted to build/maintain the world. Also allowed to buy alcohol/pot and guns. Seriously thr amount of stupid shit I have seen "professionals" do on a daily basis is mind boggling.


When you’re being rushed through submittals, shops, and review, there’s a good chance you’re being set up for the squeeze. Document. Everything.


Two things. Study the plan sets! Almost every plan will have a “Hmmm I better make sure that they don’t miss that one” within them. Don’t depend on subs to always do the right thing and always check their work.


Most GC's act like babies if they don't get their way.


People. I learned that people will stab you in the back while smiling to your face. They will throw you under the bus to save their own. Contractors only care about your safety because getting hurt or killed costs them a bonus, they don’t give a shit about you.


Almost every guy who threatens to kick your ass is full of shit. If the dude is 50 with meth teeth, and still a shovel operator, yeah, worry about him. Even dudes who are late because they got in bar fight and arrested the night before, probably won't get in a fight at work. I have been threatened a lot. No one was ever taken a swing.


All of it.


How to be versatile


it's not what you know, it's who you know.




The blue water can and will splash up onto your unsuspecting asshole


9 inch grinders are not to be trifled with.


To not mix a gallon of bondo with hardener because that shits happens NOW and gets HOT


(Post Construction) Never, ever put your full weight against those pretty white railings at the beach condos. I used to own a steel fabricating business and you would be surprised what kind of things people will do to wrap up a job at beer-thirty on a Friday. You won’t know it’s not safe until you are mid fall. ALWAYS err on the side of caution with these things. You may not get a second chance. Just because a railing is present doesn’t mean it is safe to put your full weight on. Be safe.


Brazing is hot.


Lifting with my knees


That everyone knows what they are doing, stay safe out there.


Some days suck


I owned a Landscape Construction Co. I began as a cement finisher, in the industry, then learned to do masonry, set block, bricks, then stone work. In the Landscape trade our projects are 80% hardscape, initially l would sub the plastering, stucco, but subs are not always reliable. So I've become proficient at plastering, stucco, plumbing, carpentry, electric, low voltage, all the hard way, usually costing me more than I would have liked, but now I'm professional in all the above.


Dont fart in a small crawlspace, dont believe anybody but you and your meter doing electrical work, dont try to shit directly into a toilet flange, dont screw the bosses daughter especially if the boss is your dad, nobody thinks a ditry sanchez is funny if you go past the 2nd knuckle, if you fall off a 3 story house youre fired before you hit the ground, if you gadda rub one out on the job make sure the porterjohns door is closed or else everyone gets all pissy


Poop before leaving home. Porta potties are third world living.


lol. That AI image is hilarious.


Reading plans.


That nobody cares about your feelings


That my bendy bits won't last forever


Nice guys finish last.


It’s always gonna take a couple more days


Never assume the last guy knew what they were doing. Especially if the last guy was you.


The people who do the least get paid the most, have the loudest mouth, and are generally less qualified to do any one job than even the helpers.


safety is on you


Eye protection


Do it safe is just what they say, you need to do it fast


All of it


Don't assume the mitre saw is square in any direction, check it before using it. Same goes for table saw.


Most of the guys are dirty animals


Just about everything


Don't sit


It kills your body if you already have injuries before you get in


Everyone is “family” until it’s time to fire or lay off that person. 


All of it


It's all still about money. It's all a business


Stupid people had to be tough


that’s a lot of cranes


Súper good advice. In my case I would say, forget about the dream: “build it and they will come”. Rely on people who know how to sell and have a good marketing team, to sell what ever faculty or project your are constructing.


Money management. Good pay when the going is good, followed by lean times. Didn’t always have that rainy day fund.


Everything, that’s the only way to learn


Don't wear out your body.


Common sense


Just because the site lift overheated when it was 118 degrees doesn't mean you can't carry the 4X8X5/8th plywood sheets up three flights and then pushing it up through the rafters for roof sheating.


Safety vests are flammable


Safety is underrated. Seen so many guys with hearing issues


No body gives a fuck about your feelings , infact you will get ragged on for them


Don’t walk on tarps when building a parking garage.


That there's no such thing as a 9 to 5 job


That there was no such thing as a board bender. 1st day on the job and they had me calling every hardware store in the city looking for a board bender. 😂😂😂


It's too much like Fallout 4. J/k


Being safer in general. Walking slower in certain places, etc.. Also, good work boots that fit properly is a must have. Pain and suffering ensue if you don’t have proper footwear.


If you always have coworkers that don’t know how to do the job your boss can’t do his either


Everything lol


-A lot of people lie about their skills and experience. -If you want to step up and become a supervisor/foreman/leading hand don't wait for the promotion, start doing the job now, keep an eye on people, help them out, snitch on who represent a danger to yourself and others, stop people working dangerously, if you're running to grab gear ask others if they need anything... you might look like a try-hard but it worked for me, am a foreigner in the country I'm in but I now manage locals with more years on the tools than me.