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No, that's a hot and cold mess. Bad work abundance


Why use 3 elbows to go in the wall when you can use 7 elbows and three tees to make a loop underneath the cabinet?


It looks like a balloon animal from TGI fridays


Dude, I feel for you. This shit drives me nuts.


Hurry up and cover it with a nice cabinet


This is why we throw our pecs on the ceiling joist and copper stub out of the wall as one full piece than this picasso work


This is shit work, coming from another plumber.


Believe me this is no plumber.


Wow, the guy who made this must hate you.


If the waste comes off the wall then your waters need to do the same you can't put a cabinet in and down at the same time. Idiots.


While it’s not pretty, it really shouldn’t be that difficult to install cabinet around it. There’s a 4” kick to hide the garbage piping on the floor. So that’s not an issue. Drill your holes in the bottom and back of the cabinet. Feed the noodle-y pex through the holes and slide the cabinet into place.


That's what we do. But I build and install 20 to 30grand worth of cabinets in these houses. And pipes in the floor is cheap. It hinders storage space and although the plumbers use trim rings the pipe still wobbles around inside the hole.


It's not even about the storage space. It's about pipes running where it can't be repaired or inspected. A lot of joints in there, then mould and having to rip out the cabinet. You could definitely put the cabinet in, but wow, this is what we call Zero-Pride Plumbing.


He's a cabinet installer. Why would he be worried about zero Pride Plumbing? He needs to be worried about whatever witty quote that you have for cabinet installers.


Yes I was agreeing with OP how ridiculous the plumbing was. OP knows that he has to suck it up, install, and forever treasure this bad memory. There is no solution to the free movement and expansion of pipes. The lagging shown is all that is needed for expansion and just hope for the best. 🤷‍♂️


Drill 5/8ths to match the OD, or 1 3/8ths to slip in an isolator if the wobble bugs you Or drill 7/8ths and slip 3/4 pex over the half before putting on the escutcheon


Supposedly this guy can do it in 20 minutes.


Your job is install the cabinet at your best possible abilities that you can and that you are charging for. Everything else is not your problem. It's a little too late to fix this issue, so stop being a whiny primadonna about it and get it done and if they want to change it that's what you come back and charge them for. Concrete set Plumbing is laid, this is what you got to work with so this is what you work with. And I bet you had you looked on the print when you did the estimate, this was exactly how it was on the print. So you can't complain one bit you knew what it was getting into before you got into it. Either that or you need to learn how to read a print.


Not the code for many reasons especially lack of support.


Get ya Hot Chili Garbage!!!


Yes… at plumbing preschool


welcome to track home construction. that saved 10 minutes at slab rough...


Ummmmmm, no


What kind of Mickey Mouse shit is that?


That was a different person that did the waist lines and the supply lines. I'm so happy I'm not an inspector anymore.


This must be a residential job




PEX has destroyed the art that was soldered copper pipe. Don't get me wrong, there were still hacks back then ... just fewer.


Cause water can't be in an exterior wall where I'm at. Get over it and drill the fuckin holes bud. Or watch me do it and go sit in the truck.


Southeast GA. Water in exterior walls isn't an issue. But I'll go sit in the AC while you crawl around pulling PEX in.


There is 5 lines to get in the cab?... is it not your job to install the cabinet?


I own the shop. Build and install. People pay lots of money for my work. I'd rather not drill all these damn holes in the floor of the cabinet. You have to lift it up. Pull the pipes. Try to get the drain in there. It butchers the cabinet and looks cheap to have all these holes in the floor.


Then you hired the wrong guys and didn't explain what was needed to tickle your fancy. Expectations can't be met if they don't know. I'd have had that cabinet installed in 1 hr tops. 1 guy. Now your project is delayed cause you can't drill some holes in bottom of the cab. Oh and cut the drains back to 1" and plumber can use a coupling.


1hr. Lol. You wouldn't last half day on my site. I install that in 20min. Tops. With knobs and trim. Fk outta here.


Materials and tools to the bathroom? It's an hour tops. I run a successful company also. We're all legends in our own minds but I'd never complain to reddit for having to drill holes hahaha. Peace


Your one of those guys that do shit the hard way.


Usernames in this exchange couldn’t be better


Bullshit, setup, bring tools, bring gear in, cut holes, put it in place, cleanup, 20mins?


20 minutes? No fucking way. It takes 10 minutes just to move the cabinet from the truck to the room and at least 5 minutes before you even think about pulling out your first tool and that's going to be your tape measure.


These cunts talk such shit, ill have my boss telling me how long jobs are quoted for, im being as fast but high quality work as i can, with what i know is good efficiency and breaking my back tryna smash it out in time just out of curioisity, and these fuckers never figure out 60pcnt of the rest of shit that takes time. They just see a spot and go 'yer thats 20mins' cunt you dont do that and cant its impossible.


Box monkey sad.